How does i transition to look lik this?t. FtM
>>38585843>tell me you're underage without telling me your underage
>>38585852Im an adultI even have an old lady deadname
>>38585843why would you wanna look like that doe
>>38586750Peak male form
>>38585843This is how you look when you are carrying my child in your boywomb
>>38585843you literally just take testosterone and that mutagenic poison will do the work for you That's just how you'll automatically end up if you don't put in any effort to take care of your body.
>>38586832If thats all it takes then im in
>>38586833Perfect thanks
>>38586883You are the best boy
>>38585843pls tell me this isn't called elonmoding
>>38586917Aww shucks anon you make me blush
>>38588676more poons should elonmode, its what the world needs
>>38588872white amerikkkan lard covered hands typed this