>be me efem gay boy>try to make friends with popular kids>realize after a few days I don't really have anything in common with them other than that I pride myself on my good social skills>start to notice where they are fake or saying things they don't mean>they notice I don't really like them>they wait a few weeks, plan behind my back>oh anon remember when you said x and y weeks ago that was wrong we can't be friends anymore>kicked down to the nerd caste, they are the only ones who will speak to me then on>resentful at this arrangement, unable to hide that, alienate everyone even further by acting outdid this happen to any other gays here, every social circle I tried as a kid, kinda the same thing, few exceptions but like never that I really felt CLOSE genuinely to my peers it was always like they were on a different wavelength, and they were never ever openly gay let alone flamboyant like meanyone else know this feel?
sorry that didn't work out