10 months in HRT, in my last check-up my doctor said E won't make my face any more feminine, I already knew that I would probably never find anyone because of my shit personality by itself, but now it's genuinely impossible for any girl to end up with me as I continue transitioningI'm probably gonna just die alone hating my own reflection anyway, just like I always would
>>38584035You'll prob be fine with FFS but yea no passing til then. I would manmode.On the PLUS side I disagree with>I already knew that I would probably never find anyone because of my shit personality by itself, but now it's genuinely impossible for any girl to end up with me as I continue transitioningNot true, foids LOVE manmoders and that's you. If you passed they wouldn't be into you. Enjoy swimming in chicks til you get your FFS
it’s not over at all anon. try getting a nice deep conditioner for your hair and try to take better care of your curls. laser will take care of the rest. what’s wrong with your personality?
>>38584046I really hope you're right on your first point, and thanks for the encouragement on the second one>>38584050funnily enough this pic was a bit after I had hydrated it, an for personality a lot to count, from total lack of confidence and ambition to being generally annoying to keep as even a friend
>>38584035cgm + laser would do wonders (ik expensiv but stil)big eyes too ..fluffy hair can help with skul until ffsnever over
>>38584110>and thanks for the encouragement on the second oneIt's true. They love it. For how to manmode I think what you're doing now is good. You should be sort of a fem but masc guy. Lean into alt subculture looks for guys and be based. Keep your hair long, etc. Do makeup and dress somewhat fem too.Then if you want a gf hang around the subculture of your choice, chicks will be all over you. Just be ready for your gf to leave you after FFS. But FFS will be good for you.
>>38584118what’s cgm?>>38584110have you tried the curly hair method? i feel like a good leave in smoothie would do wonders. when it comes to personality, i don’t think lack of confidence or ambition makes someone unlovable. you’re worthy of love anon. why do you think you’re annoying?
>>38584160i just realized what cgm is… sorry
>>38584172what is cgm
>>38584035Get laser you dumb fucking idiot.
>>38584180curly girl method. It's literally the worse thing trannies can do because it makes our ginormous manskulls look even bigger.
>>38584035nah, you'll be fine.you need to practice makeup and resculpt your eye brows and get some laser and try some new hair styles.you have really nice eyelashes. i wish my lower eyelashes grew that much also less than a year is nothing. just start small. if you push your eyebrow hairs up and down, just trim the excess to start. and pluck a little from the lower part so it makes your eyebrow go up a tiny bit more.also you have very comfy lips for smooching.you are actually pretty attractive, you just need to crush at finding new styles imo.
>>38584035shave your beard jesus christ
>>38584195it’s the other way around. flat hair makes your head look bigger because it brings attention to the shape of your skull
>>38584199>you are actually pretty attractive, you just need to crush at finding new styles imo.I think you're hugboxxing OP saying just laser will be enough. OP has very attractive but very masc features. Imo it will be difficult to impossible to pass. OP is more or less a chad. Maybe I'm wrong but Idk if I've seen examples of people that masc passing without FFS. That said the eyes are very good and that'll be helpful long term
>>38584199get a lash serum anon>>38584219no way you think that’s a chad. they just need some minor tweaks and they’ll pass. especially if their voice passes too
>>38584118hadn't really thought about cgm, was just eating a bunch to compensate being very underweight for the rest of my life>>38584138I might try it, although it's kinda hard where I live without any kind of "meetibg spots" or such, even more with me barely leaving my house, and what do you mean by "be based"?>>38584160I dunno, I constantly hear about those treaits being very undesirable for just about everyone, annoying mostly as I have quite a bit of ansiety and am almost unable to message anyone if I'm not messaged first, and what would be the curly hair method?
>>38584236>and what do you mean by "be based"?Lots of manmoders sort of wither in despair. Don't be a sad manmoder. Be an altmanmoder and lean into the aesthetic using it as a plausibly deniable excuse to have cool hair styles and makeup, etc. Look cool and have some fun with it. It's the difference between boymoding(meh) and femboymoding(based).
>>38584236cgm is the same as the curly hair method. you get a curl cream, gel and some oil. it makes your curls look really defined and hydrated. based just means cool. you seem like a sweet person anon, i’d be your friend
>>38584035I think you look really hopeless in a kinda cute way just fix your hair up and schrodingers twink/girlmode
>>38584249dear god just don’t listen to this and be the woman that you are
>>38584035trans endocrinology is a nascent field and doctors lie constantly. do not give their words undue weight. trust only yourself and others like you
>>38584261>>38584234OP they're hugboxing you because you're a chadhon and they want to fuck you. They also want to keep you like that and prevent you from becoming too fem. Do not trust them. Women and other trannies will attempt to sabotage you because chads are rare in these spaces and most are attracted to them.
>>38584212The shape of my skull isn't the problem the size of it is. There's a reason this hairstyle is called trannybangs.
>>38584035bruh that hair is insane doesn't fit you at all
>>38584035the hair is fkn ass but keep it my guy
>>38584138that pic reminds me of muff/muffin for some reason
>>38584208I did shave, yesterday, just need to save for laser, may take a while>>38584199thank you for the tips, will absolutely them>>38584219my voice absolutely does not pass lol, need more voice training>>38584251thanks, I try my best>>38584279wait, seriously? that's definitely not something I expected making this thread
>>38584035have you considered feminine grooming??no makeup, beard, dead unstyled hair, mens shirt, fucking eyebrows. also voice train it minimizes adams apple or can hide it completely
>>38584378>adams apple or can hide it completelynta but is this from keeping the larynx up when speaking?
>>38584035Apply some makeup. You can probably hide your facial stub. Trim your eyebrows. Condition your hair and brush it regularly. I have to brush my hair 5 or 6 times a day. Lastly and I know this sounds stupid but try smiling. It radiates positivity which is naturally attractive.
>>38584375>wait, seriously? that's definitely not something I expected making this threadIt's a thing. For some reason hsts trannies (and I think theyfab foids) are drawn to chadhons and can't resist them. I think it's something about the fem styling stresses the masculine features. They lose their shit over it. It makes it somewhat annoying to go to irl tranny stuff because like on here manmoders are treated as garbage but irl they're basically worshipped. And sabotaging transition is absolutely a thing that happens. That said >>38584378 is right and I might be too harsh. Try feminine grooming and girlmoding at least in private. Try really hard and make a thread here next week or so where you've implemented all that advice. Then we can tell you if it's really that essential you get FFS.thread eyebrows, shave, makeup, hair care, etc. Repost.
>>38584311>>38584367yeah, I've seen very mixed feeling from strangers, still trying to see where I'll go with it desu>>38584378never heard about that actually >>38584429wow, 5-6 a day seems kinda insane, still unskilled af on makeup with no clue on eyebrows, I do some light makeup on rare occasions only, and I do tend to smile a lot, just for the picture I was feeling utterly hopeless
>>38584035its so over and your ugly and so too masc youll never pass even with ffs if you dont kys just be a dude and get on with it
>>38584035How tall are you?
laser your beard nigga, home IPL just werks
>>38584566what ipl would you recommend
>>38584572not him but tria 4x or bust
>>38584301i feel bad when i see tranners pics reposted like this, afaik she pretty much ran out of options besides porn
>>38584413yes, it just sort of stays halfway up for me and i can on command pull it up further pretty easy now
>>38584459that's... actually kinda fascinating in a weird way>make a thread next week implementing all that adviceguess I have to now lol, was really expecting this to be a one and done, post, get insulted reaffirming my insecurities and leave, but you all have been very kind to me, thank you so so much, I haven't felt this good about myself since I was a kidthat being said I should probably be focusing on my work now, see you all next week ^-^
>>38584604nta but i had a decently masc build pretrans and other trannies 100% tried to sabotage me, nontrannies are also just completely unaware about how much HRT and grooming can doalso 10mo is not very long you cant doom until you meet the following>2y on proper levels>at *least* 3 styled normie cis girl outfits (no alt, no overly slutty/modest, just standard blend in to the background casual clothes)>passing voice (anyone can do this just tank the pain)>normie makeup skils (being able to do goth is great but make sure you can do cleangirl)>proper hair/skin care (dye it if you want but no roots allowed)>laserif you meet all of these, you may not pass but people will 100% categorize you as a woman in their head. i pass now and the jump from "trans identified male" to "trans woman" was way more impactful than passing
>>38584035youll need laser but you have the hair type for it to work well, i had to get electro due to gingeralso, shave bare against the grain every morning and use color corrector to hide the shadow, QoL increase will be massive
>>38584633What was the sabotage like?
>>38584035Shave beard and get rid of the fuck-ass hair (blonde looks bad on you), get some lip filler to balance out your top and bottom lip. Fix the brows. Also, disregard retard doctor saying face changes are done by 10 months. Facial fat distribution can take a long time to change, just like the rest of your body. Speed it up by weight cycling, if you want to.
>>38584602I can do the same, but I can't sustain it for long, so my voice kind of turns into a teen boy after a few minutes, do you do anything specific exercises to train and keep it that way?
>>38584035You looked like an even more cooked version of me. Neither of us will ever pass, I’m aiming for cute twinkhon personally We should probably both just rope Also it's not impossible to find a girl, I've started dating since transitioning and I love my gf a lot
>>38584714>What was the sabotage like?simple question, complicated answer, none of them put nair in my shampoo or anything, and i don't think most of them really were trying to tear me down but they said/did things that slowed my transitionfor some it was just hugboxing, like delusion-level hugboxing others tried to get me into their polyculesa few tried to convince me my cis gf (now wife) could never love a tranny longterm and to leave herwhen i started passing, they would be overly harsh and try to get me into clockier styles like alt, scene, etc. no hate towards those but they are objectively clocky on most tranniessome would give obviously bad advice for haircare/styling but i don't attribute that to malicealso beware gay men that try to make you a "doll". they often mean well but watching drag race and using fagcent is not the path to passing fulltime.TLDR: When you're in a place where you want to start passing, avoid the LGBT community. It's like AI training off of AI you will not have the mannerisms/social connections/etc. unless you associate with cis women that did not know you pre/early trans
>>38584572doesn't matter, just buy some chink epilator from aliexpress they all work the same
>>38584763hate to say it but producing the voice is the hardest part and the rest comes with fulltime use. you cannot have stamina with the femvoice unless you use it fulltime. one day, you will have to just decide to sound like a teen boy/tranny mix for a month and then you have a girlvoice. whether you do it tomorrow or in 2 years is up to you but there's no getting around it.if it makes you feel better, having tranny/teen boy voice is immediately a better experience than a man voice. people will immediately treat you better as a hon with tranny voice than they would a hon with manvoice
>>38584767not passing but if you had longer hair with no frizz and makeup on you'd probably pass at a glance to most people and like drive through service workers. sounds goofy but passing is unironically a spectrum
>>38584035you need to stop thinking about being trans and find joy in your life. move to the beach, start going to church or something. do lsd. stop telling people you are trans and let them figure out whats going on with you themselves. many trans people are caught up in politics and superficial stuff, you dont have to be
>>38584767Weird post
>>38584880probably the best advice ITTare you trans anon?
>>38584880extremely good advicepersonally i started hitting "Not interested" on political/lgbt content across all platforms and just pretending to be a cis woman unless my trannydom is addressed directly
Yes. This isn’t working and you will never look like a woman.
>>38584813is this real? i can hit pretty high pitch and talk but same problem as anon u were responding too i always drop off into teen/faggy voice and can’t hold in fem. i don’t have anyone irl to practice talking to tho rly so idk what to do to build stam besides just play hella games and fag voice
>>38585014>i don’t have anyone irl to practice talking to tho rly so idk what to do to build stam besides just play hella games and fag voicestart fulltiming the fagvoice around friends, family, and coworkers over the next month. promise you'll get better stamina/control over time.>pitchresonance is way more important, make sure you focus there
>>38584600She is 10x hotter than me and her life is 1000x better than mine.My seethe is justified.
>>38584600Also that was a REALLY good vid. I watched it with my girlfriend back when I was pretending to be straight and we both agreed it was vid of the year.
>>38585027anon if you put in effort on your transition you too will know how it feels to be sexualized in a context where you want to be treated like a person or ignored.
>>38585024>resonanceyeah i didn’t rly know how to practice that till this month but im using that acousticgender website to work on resonance now but before i couldn’t rly get up past androgynous pitch at all. >start full timing around friends familyim uhhh a shutin maxing pale tranny. i don’t live w my family and the only time i leave my apartment is to go to college classes or get food. i just transferred from a branch to main campus so ik like nobody here
>>38585060getting late but here's how i learned to identify the muscle:start panting like a dog without using your actual voice. you can tell if you're doing this right by putting your hand against your larynx and feeling for vibrations. if there are any, you're using your voice, stop that. once you're panting, pant higher. you'll feel your larynx move up. keep panting at that higher state and practicing moving the larynx up by progressively panting higher. then, try talking through it.if it still sounds off, try minimizing the amount of air in your mouth while you talk. this is less important than the larynx stuff so do that first tho
>>38585060>shutin maxing pale trannytalk to yourself like a schizo then while recording using voice memo app
>>38585102i think i can control the muscle like how ur describing already but i will try it anyway appreciate the help <33
>>38584035You should know that estrogen cannot change the skull
>>38584035What is your appearance goal?
what are your levels, weird how now one asked you that yet.
>>38584767u look hot in a dyke way i like it i think you'd pass to a lot of ppl if u were dressed a certain way
>>38585042I can't wait.I'm not ashamed of my sexuality. I repressed it for more than 20 years. For the last 10 I was touched by another human being maybe 5 times. I'll take the love and adoration of thousands of horny men over that any day. Female privilege is never having to beg for intimacy.
>>38585265>female privilege is never having to beg for intimacyykw emily go on believing that, enjoy the last third of your life as a neverpassing hon
>>38585280Half, bitch. That's what MIDDLE aged means. It means I'm in the middle of my life. You'll get there too, trannies age slower but we still age. And then you'll know what it feels like to not be able to just pick up some cute twink with ten minutes of cooing and a video games reference. That's not to say you won't be able to get dick. You'll still have female privilege, even I get that. But then you're going to find out how much pain men are enduring that you can't see because your privilege blinds you. 70 year old reppers going on their first date in 10 years who desperately want to be topped but I can't do it.50 year old confirmed bachelors regretting they never had children. 35 year old virgins who can't figure out why girls don't like them. The amount of pain in this world is more than I can bear. But you just keep complaining about how guys don't want to listen to you babble on about who-gives-a-shit for an hour when their brains are fried from work and they just want someone to love them for 20 minutes.
>>38585326>halflol, lmao even. you're 40 and have a bmi of 30+ i stand by what i said. when was the last time you saw a fat 80year old?>you'll know what it feels like to not be able to just pick up some cute twinkim happily married, no picking up twinks for me tysm>guys don't want to listen to you babble on about who-gives-a-shit for an hour when their brains are fried from work and they just want someone to love them for 20 minutes.so basically a relationship where he doesn't want to connect on an emotional level and just wants to fuck me for a sad 20 minutes, pass
>>38585381>i stand by what i said. when was the last time you saw a fat 80year old?Every time I go to the supermarket. They're all fat. >im happily marriedGood for you, I hope in ten years he cheats on you with a younger cisgirl and gets her pregnant. >so basically a relationship where he doesn't want to connect on an emotional levelThe only emotional level you care about is your own. Either you're getting the affirmation you need or no one is.
>>38584943>are you trans anon?yes ive been transitioning for over ten years>>38584958>personally i started hitting "Not interested" on political/lgbt content across all platforms and just pretending to be a cis woman unless my trannydom is addressed directlyyeah same even though i know im a bit clocky i pretend im stealth. when people misgender me i dont correct them but it rarely happens and almost always someone else will correct them.
>>38585442>Every time I go to the supermarket. They're all fat.i just do not believe you. >cheats on you with a younger cisgirl and gets her pregnantmarried a widower father, try again>only emotional level you care about is your ownwe care for eachother deeply and make sure to do something intentional together every day. we have a regular and fulfilling sex life built on that strong emotional base
>>38584035Thanks god I went off puberty blockers so I don’t end up like a tranny
>>38585493>i just do not believe you.Why would I care? >married a widower father, try againNo I hope he cheats on you with a girl that makes him feel good about himself, who then gets pregnant. >we care for eachother deeply and make sure to do something intentional together every day. we have a regular and fulfilling sex life built on that strong emotional baseSee that's sounds a lot more like you rewarding him for being a good boyfriend with sex. That's actually stressful for men. You're stressing him out to get affirmation for yourself. You'll know I'm right when he starts wanting alone time.
>>38585512Phew, yeah. We all dodged a bullet with that one I think.
The trannies have been gaslighting you for 70 posts but I gotta hit you with the truth. You literally look like a dude. You look like Luigi fucking Mangione. You are a textbook example of a hon. You will never look remotely anything like a woman. Cut your hair, hit the gym and forget about this tranny nonsense.
>>38585526i'm glad someone else said it. bro is literally handsome as fuck. enviable good looks and strong features>>38584035OP said of his personality issues>an for personality a lot to count, from total lack of confidence and ambition to being generally annoying to keep as even a friendmy guy dont mistake a lack of assertiveness and being annoying for being a woman. you're just a shy annoying man. you might just have autism, many trooners do.
oh wow, this post is still up somehow, let me try and answer some stuff while I'm still up>385845635'7>38584639will do, thanks for the tip>38584880probably the best comment here really, I don't really make a big deal of it or anything, if no one asks me directly I don't even mention being in transition, finding joy in life is a bit complicated tho, I'm at a pretty good spot in life atm, playing vidya and talking to friends doesn't let me think too deeply on life, but if I stop for a couple minutes I go back to thinking how I'm not doing much with my life and how "no one will ever love me", but that hasn't been happening much this last year>38585124I'm well aware, I was just hopeful that fat redistribution would make me at least not look hideous to myself>38585134I'm not good at describing what I envision myself as in my head, but I'd be happy to just look in the mirror and not instantly ruining whatever mood I'm in>38585152not sure how to answer this, I'm taking E 2mg/day if that's what you mean, if you mean the ones you get on the exams the latest ones came at Testosterone:203 and Estradiol:72>38585573I'm not mistaking my personal flaws as being a woman, I just said those are some personality issues, regardless of gender those are still badalso thanks to the people saying I'm handsome, but in the end I am transitiong myself and I would rather be a unattractive woman than an attractive man really, even if I do disagree with being the latter
>>38584195you’re so retarded it hurts to witness
>this threadActual ropefuel. Is sodium nitrate actually painless/peaceful, or is that just a meme? Where should I go if I don't want to inconvenience anybody?
>>38586633Not entirely painless. Exit bag method is 100% painless however. Good luck anon and godspeed
>>38586701I'll look into it. Do you all think the woods would be a good place to do it? I'd rather not be found.
>>38584046I don't know. There is something repulsive about mans body with tits and shrinked cock + ballsHope OP is t4t
>>38586722I mean that just shows face > all because yea those manmoders slay
>>38586392>not sure how to answer this, I'm taking E 2mg/day if that's what you mean, if you mean the ones you get on the exams the latest ones came at Testosterone:203 and Estradiol:72Oh wow anon was right you’re being hondosed
OP your doctor is retarded. Get a new doctor
>>38588433Could try increasing dose from 2mg to 4mg it’d help a bit.Also post in hrtgen to get more helpful info on dosing
>>38586392>Testosterone:203 and Estradiol:7250mg spiro and 2mg sissy pills? are american trannies really that hondosed…grim