I think all this life re evaluation has got me to decide finally stop repping and start T. I got nothing to lose and more to gain.
>>38583581loss and gain is the same
I'm in the same boat.I'm tired of hating myself.
>>38583581do it loser!!!!
>>38583587I got no bitches and never will, so nothing to lose. Maybe job opportunities
>>38583669draiinnnn ganggg
>>38583581so many ftms I meet use that character as pfp who is that?
>>38583678It's Kyomoto from Look back
>>38583684what makes him so alluring/relatable to ftms?
>>38583731It's a cis girl Kyomoto, but I think it's because most ftms got trouble with socialization and are in most cases loners.
>>38583581You have literally nothing to gain by LARPing as your misinformed idea of a man
>>38584478I don't mind the hair in the ass and being fat, that's actually pretty based