Im a cis repper repressing my cisness:>avoidant 30yo mef>did NOTHING NIL 0 with my life (no relationships, no jobs, no degree, nothing)>no woman will like me, nothing to do, nowhere to go>life is over pretty much>take estrogen to at least look younger/more cute, which also goes with my MEF horny self image of being a teenage female>at NIGHTs suffer from night terror, know the transition is fake as fuck and I hate my breasts, struggle staying asleep
>>38585780ur life sucks bad enough. get on klonopin and just ride out the rest of the misery
>>38585783u really be just sitting there pressing refresh every sec lol
>>38585788im bored and too high to read my books and im banned on twitter so yeah. 3:22 am activities
nutriderm: nutriderm
>>38585780lmao i had night terrors as well when i tried to transition, horrible dreams about having sex as a man but not being able to because my body was female. being mef fucking sucks