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Like /b/, but pony. Post whatever you want or comes to your mind about ponies.
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all hail nyx
go back to >>>/trash/
Are you blind or just retarded? That's not even close to anthro.
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a hearty kek was had
But OP, /p/ is for photography!
Spike now owns this thread
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shut up you little-

by the holy quads, he must be posted
Spike! The powerful and mighty!
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totally not a faggot (he is cool and chill)
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The last two digits changed on my calendar and the normies are making a big deal out of it.
you don't get it, the last 2 digits change everything! a full year just passed in a few hours! yippeeee!
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actually only the last digit changed, even less important
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kind of got inspired by >>41788151 to consider what a Rocket to Insanity VN would be like
>in control of rainbow dash
>make choices during her fall into mind-brokenness
>choices determine the outcome of her and pinkie's meeting
>second half of VN only unlocked if certain qualifications met
>"Can you save her?"
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Ok Niel Tyson
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pinkie pie is READY
>tag: invisible stallion
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fuck fimfiction writers for making me feel things, the absolute scoundrels. I fucking love reading
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This sign can't stop me because I cannot read.
This thread has the energy of the old days bak on /co/ and /b/. Start one on /b/ and make it regular please - it'll make it fun
What advantage do we actually get from that? We don't need porn, or traffic from /b/ regulars.
Femboy Spike thread
Ponies are banned on /b/, too cool I guess
I just want to see Apogee with her dad
You won't get that; it'll just make /b/ more fun - i post ponies on /b/ and don't get banned

Anyway I thought we were supposed to be the true spiritual successors to /b/ and Anon of old what with Mare Fair and our general edgy autism?
and try to keep it alive? when life gets going, I can barely keep track of a semi-active thread on THIS board, much less one as fast as /b/. no, I am happy to be here.
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there was a pone thread up on b a couple weeks ago with a ponk pic as the op
was an alright thread for the couple hours it was up too from what i remember
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glad someone made another p thread cuz i was sad when i saw the last one fall off the board
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fuck you
Why don't more ponies wear crotch bras?
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Most ponies don't have tits big enough.
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it is crazy man
I have never felt such deep emotion from reading a book... visceral doesn't even begin to describe it.
I never felt this reading any other books I've ever had ever. yet this stupid pony book does it to me, this author of my little pony friendship is magic fanfiction has done it to me.
this is impossible. my feelings are impossible, it's all impossible.
I don't even know what to say. it's just...
and there's still another whole chapter. SOMEHOW there's still more.
I don't know whether I should take a breather to relax and digest it all somehow, or just devour it.
well that's not true, it was always the second option.

I just cannot believe this, it is beyond absolutely insane
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What fanfiction?
My envy is rising.
Not even gonna mention the name ?
Shill it to us anon
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get linky'd faggots
Is getting linky'd like getting blacked? (I am not the blackedfag, just traumatized)
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big tits small tits, milk is milk all the same
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you know, I genuinely think that grabbing a bunch of pony fiction books at a couple conventions was one of the best things I've ever done. all of them have been fantastic in their own special way, and reading even one of these stories has been beyond worth it.
this author's stories in particular has made me feel such a broad range of emotions I can't even describe, and not all of them positive. but that's fine, because the experience was still more than worth all of it. book's called Songs of the Sisters

https://www.fimfiction.net/story/357977/1/time-enough-for-love/1-the-challenge the pic was a clue
sorry for taking so long to get back by the way, my graphics card shat itself as it is wont to do, and turns out there were actually THREE chapters left, not just one, so it took a while to get through them.
also sorry if you guys don't have the same kinds of emotions and feelings that I do when reading it, or feel free to call me an idiot for feeling them, or that the whole thing is shit.
and you know what, it's probably better to go into it with expectations of me being wrong and not feeling anything so it doesn't feel like a letdown. but honestly I wouldn't trade them for anything, cuz wow, you can't put a price on something like that

alright I'll shut up now, thanks for indulging me
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Which type are you
Can a post on /mlp/ really be considered random if it's still about a poner?
You have a point. I'll post something that has absolutely nothing to do with ponies.
>i post ponies on /b/ and don't get banned
Where do you post, it's like all nohooves porn?
where is my wife's wings?
ziggers ate them
We should also make a meme like KINO but instead it's PHOTO.
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sunbeam spotted
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another sunbeam spotted
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and a twibeam spotted
Sweet Biscuits snoot is looking dangerously boopable. Her eyes are closed, she'd never see it coming.
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The mares are beaming!
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slightly to pretty drunk the first kind, super drunk the get sad kind
wow it's like mlpg but exponentially gayer and more autistic
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>taking a shit
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Cheers nonny, we all deserve a pint every now and then
my wingless wife looks so wonderful!
I've always hated that OC. Also shit thread, but perhaps not as shitty as some other threads??? But definitely as smelly as this post~ UwU
I've always hated that OC
unironically same
whats the lore anyway
Why hate her? She's cute AF, especially lewd.
She's a bastard child.
You answered your own question. Most people don't like filly porn. Shocking, I know.
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get linky'd get linky'd get linky'd get linky'd get linky'd get linky'd get linky'd get linky'd
Not the impression I get at foalcon florida
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what if I don't even use my mind, can I do this thread?
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wew lad
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i want to shitpost, not feel
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A new competitor has shown up.
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>the pic was meant to be a clue
>cagey and hesitant to actually post the fic you're gushing about
>autistically excusing yourself before anyone's even said anything other than encouragement
kek, you hang out in /fimfic/, don't you?
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some days i wish i wasnt here for fucking ever
the moment i leave this ride, i will have no reason to continue
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not possible.
Fuck you

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I'm laughing but inside I'm crying
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>I'm laughing but inside I'm crying
made me think of this album and song
i could imagine an animatic with it between anon and his waifu now that im listening to it right now
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Repent, horsefuckers
Our lord forgives all sins
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If women aren't considered animals, then ponies sure as fuck aren't either.
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thanks australian satan
gonna go fuck all the horses now
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It's not actually bestiality because ponies aren't beasts, they're persons with the capacity for morality and reason; they've eaten the forbidden fruit already
retards like >>41799003 need to act like fucking adults and tell their parents "no" when they push too far
>parents monitor dicksword and social media
Is this guy a fucking retard or underaged?
You're in a thread too stupid to be allowed on /b/, what do you think.
Religious extremist's I think, the dude was around 20 iirc
Who the fuck names their kid Lecker?
Sure is a good thing that I don't follow that religion then, huh?
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We don't even practice half the shit in the Old Testament since Jesus Christ retcon it.
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I need this
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nah not at all, you can rip me for it. it just felt bothersome to post all of that unspoilered, but I probably drew more attention to it BY spoilering it.
I also said it was fine if you hated it or said it was bad or whatever, I just wanted to give my thoughts on it. I know I'm rather easy to please on some fronts too, so it's whatever.

woops wrong pic
>dead kike worship
Mmmm God I love to smell under my fingernails.
the taste is all the sweeter
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She's done with your shit
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filly luna's expression does it for me
Would she kick me in the chest if I asked her nicely?
Probably, but raping her would likely net the same effect
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How much semen would I need to feed Rainbow Dash daily to ensure she's meeting her minimum caloric and hydration needs?
src plz
About 1700 servings per 24hrs (based on 6 cal per serving)
1700 nuts in a day for my Dashie? Yeah I can do it.
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>me on the bottom right
Her proximity to the cliff is making me nervous, I could never put a pony that close to the edge.
She won't fall, her boobs give her a low center of gravity
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i dont remember what this picture was when i selected it a couple minutes ago and i wanna see what it was i picked
oh fuck i remember that one was fun to go through kek
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make sure you're not encumbered and you can just light roll away from fillies their attacks aren't worth shit
I want them all over me, I want their damp pussies against my flesh, I want my face pressed between their asscheeks.
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though their attacks aint shit the hitboxes on their grapple attacks are fucked, and that shit stacks
>trudging through ponyville with a dozen fillies grabbing onto your legs
>all the other ponies are just laughing and acting like it's a silly game
>it is not a silly game
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>nah dude i would be RUNNING
>i would treat them like the miniature sprinting zombies that they are
>every time i go outside would be like a left4dead mission
>trying to get from one location with a lockable door to another trying not to get knocked down and killed
>have to swat em way with a rake if they get too close
>luckily their legs arent developed enough to do jumping attacks like hunters
>swamp fever (specifically) playing in my head 24/7 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZYNGymXoArw
Agreed, hopefully we see group attacks and chain grabs nerfed. As well as a rework for the swarming passive, sorry but getting a stamina, speed and power boost just by having numbers isn’t really fair game design.
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>be me
>got out of the fandom around 2020
>see random pony pic on Twitter feed a few days ago
>"heh, that's cute"
>log back into my old Derpibooru account to see what's new
>clop for the first time in years
>clop again the next day
>end up back here
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got a hyper to your blog too?
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welcome back, fantastic pic too. who's your favorite ponypony?
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ty Anon. And I could never pick a single fav, but Pinkie, AJ, Rarity, Luna and Derpy are all top tier for me.
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I know where I'm moving
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>be wind mare
>want to blow anon
>can't because fucking sunbutt comes and steals him with her sunass
celly supremacy
>they're all naked
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haha brohoof amirite guiz???
I actually agree with this
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>/p/ony (not to be mistaken with /p/hotography) is the best thread on the /mlp/. It has given several slide threads a place to call home. Here, any autist can post whatever crosses their minds without fear of judgement. The board is overall healthier, as generals are being bumped off less and less. Yes, /p/ is single-handedly saving /mlp/. Buy my book and read all about the wonders of /p/ony and its consequences.
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Last week one of my normie friends killed himself. The dude had problems with money, drugs, and depression but we always did everything we could for him. Aside from the normal grieving and such, I can't help but think about how hard it would be to live without ponies. I know it only seems that way because I'm so autistic and there are plenty of other things for people to be passionate about, but I swear there is something really special here. I don't know what my life would look like without pony, but I suspect I would never have developed such a positive outlook on life or have gotten into art which helps me see the beauty in this world everywhere around me. Ponies lifted me out of depression a decade ago in highschool when I really felt like life was pointless suffering and they helped me keep my shit together later when college was grinding my ass. Since then, I have experienced a lot in life, but few things come close to the warm hearted feelings that come from ponies and our autistic love for them. Thank you anons for making this ride what it is. I love you guys, even the faggots.
reads like pasta but I love retarded horsefuckers too
It's not a pasta, I just talk like a fag and my shits all retarded. I wouldn't mind if it became a pasta though. I think we all need to remember to cherish what we have sometimes. It's rare to have a community this special and my dead friend definitely would have thought this shits kinda funny.
I'm sorry to hear dude. Hope you'll be okay.
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that's awful man, I'm sorry to hear that. I think I can get what you're saying, and while it is autistic as fuck, you can see how pones helped to improve your life in many, many ways, and really, all you wish is for the same thing to have happened to him, which is honestly really sweet. you have your heart in the right place, and you sound like a great friend.
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Thanks anons
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you guys ever wonder what it would be like to watch the show if you were totally colorblind?
do you think that (you) would enjoy it as much?
just a thought that came to mind when thinking of a youtube guy getting criticism for his videos looking too dull and flat to which he revealed that he was stone cold monochrome colorblind
i guess if (you) yourself are one of the unfortunates that are colorblind to any extent, how does it effect your enjoyment of teh poni show?
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I like this art style or at least it's presentation in this image. It gives me such specific vibes of early g4, everyone being less serious all the time, and people doing shit just because.
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When you can't see color, silhouette is king. Since ponies have more or less the same shape, much of the appeal is gone.
t. not colorblind anon
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What if I told you the concept of /p/ was created by a newfag
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>newfag having a good idea
it's rare but it can happen
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you may not like it, but this is what peak trixie performance looks like
She needs a truck license to haul that ass
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checked hitler dubs
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posts like this getting numbers like those make me think hitler might have been wrong...
long pone is looooong
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i really need to add a couple more mid sections to her
at least two mayyyyybe three more
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>pictured literally me but im hairy as fuck instead
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that was one of the good ones
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never forget to spit on jannie
She's so cute, but I'm a Jewish. Do I have a chance with her?
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Way to go, Apple Bloom! Hard work's paying off
Oh, uhm...
I'll buy her apple for a hundred bits.
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Cheerilee and I do naughty things together.
do the naughty things involve caramelldansen too?
imagine the (great and powerful) smell
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Pinkie > Applejack = Rainbow Dash > Fluttershy > Twilight = Rarity
Not that rarity or twilight aren't lovely in every way, I have an appreciation and understand of everypony. I just like the others better personally.
I'm choosing to read your ranking as a list of ships instead.
>Dash, Flutters and Twi throuple
>Rarity forever alone
>random thread
>nobody want to cum inside rainbow dash
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PP > R > TS > RD > FS > AJ
But they're all very close.
It's all about sucking stallion cock or even mare cock now, Anon.
Nah, that still gets it's own thread every now and then, far too important to post on here.
Definitely doable considering this board's speed
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>*SNOOFA* Woah! Bonnie! *SNOOFA* Bonnie! Check this out! *SNOOOFA* I think Anon's got some treats in his pocket! *SNOOOOFA*
Christ is king
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With just a tiny fix, this would look waaay better.
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>mfw fillies https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TmD8I7Wd6LA
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Y'know there's a specific thread for filly foolishness. They'd really love to see your silly filly posts.
do not the fillies
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first thing that came to mind when i saw the original was
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Post the full pic coward!
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This thread gives me hope
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not in the mood for a vaycay
>worst pony
not a chance
Okaaaay. Thanks for the catbox.
You're no coward, just smart!
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