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Welcome to /trash/Your thread ended up here because it didn't belong on the board where you posted it. Don't complain if your thread got moved, instead read the rules to prevent this from happening in the future!

Not all off-topic threads end up here. Most are just going to get deleted as normal, and you may get banned as a consequence.

You can still post normally on /trash/ just like any other board. Global rules 1, 2, 4, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12 and 14 are enforced. The posting of loli or shota pornography is not permitted.

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HG/ Hunger Games
Santa Monica,California
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>rigging it for the dogs
Kill yourself.
why do you win the games that have you lose your legs?
>That was just every day for her!
>The stray fairy just hid while the orbital strike did the heavy lifting!
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>You missed a fatal slide
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>More cold, more frostbite...
>Eventually, the shivering maid couldn't take it anymore, and left the battle after taking some complementary snacks.
>'Tis the risk when you're using fairies.

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/hmofa/ - Human Males On Female Anthros General #3183

>"Mom Jeans" edition


By Anonymous
>When Did Marriage Go So Right (Complete)

By TheEcstatic
>A Second Chance

By Jixijenga

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This post was written by somebody who doesn't understand the basic concept of Femme Fatale
If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is
I got a bridge in new york i want to sell you if you're still game
Bitch trust issues doesn't means fuckin trust issues
>Sketches in the wild
Looks like some Slender shit outta context. Imagine being some frightened normies that's shutting their pants in the woods and seeing panicked, slapdash drawings and descriptions of scaled monsters hiding in the green hell.
oh no, she caught you eating the muffins in middle of the night

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Bunnies Edition

OP Template

>What is Hazbin Hotel?
From the official website:
Hazbin Hotel is the story of Charlie, the princess of Hell, as she pursues her seemingly impossible goal of rehabilitating demons to peacefully reduce overpopulation in her kingdom. She opens a hotel in hopes that patients will be "checking out" into Heaven.

Hazbin Hotel Pilot/Pilot Download:

>What is Helluva Boss?
From the Youtube description:

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My bad, I misread that.
>Our Father who art in my DMs, hallowed be thy name; thy kingdom come; thy will be done on 4chan as it is on twitter, strike Vivienne Medrano down with laser eyes, and give us Stella content, as we forgive those who spoke against her
Sometimes I think about getting raped ontop of a pile of corpses during a murder spree
which is the best character
filled with niggers
good evening, /hhg/. i would like the moth to save me from tax free weekend please

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Welcome to the 4chan Pokeverse RP thread!

Lily Pad Edition

Previously: https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/67570825

[ Starting Guide:https://rentry.org/PokeversePrimer ]
[ Pokemon Open Guide:https://rentry.org/ThreadBattleSystem ]

Q: I want to [activity with Pokemon I am unsure about] / [Pokemon] is making advances I am unsure about
A: Just talk to them already

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No I don't wanna
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Oh. I probably would get some weird mail if they knew a way to send stuff to me.
Hmm, Beryl origin story.

Daniel too, huh? Well less restrictive tournaments are definitely fun too! I remember the one hosted at Sharon's

I gotta play to my strengths! I'm strong against psychics, Flow against Fire types and Julius against fighting types! She was just too strong and quick and blizted us all!
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now, which other couples like that do you know

you will

you should give coliseums a try
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How do those work? They're in Orre, right? I've still never been there.

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Corruption edition

A thread for those who have no hopes of ever fucking real women, whether it be through being weeby eternal virgins, pussyfree losers, hoe scarers, conditioned goons, or self-made faggots. If you've given up on ever getting pussy or just prefer being a hypersexual, porn-addicted hand-fucker from now on then this is the thread for you!

>Previous thread:
>More material:
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I'll be gentle, I'm sorry, I can be real gentle...
Kisses, cuddling...
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I was only trying to act tough because that Anon was being rude!
I know my place is to desperately tug my little dick to them, I'd love to worship Amethyst's pits, I'd love to flash Pearl and have her be utterly disgusted!
Garnet flattening me would drain my sad little untouched virgin balls for a whole week..
Please! I know I wouldn't handle it any attention from them and I'd fire off in my pants!
You're making my pathetic little dicklet throb, Anon, and I don't want to disappoint you, but I know I'd disappoint them!
The smell...
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It's true, the sheer grimace of disgust on a Lapis' face upon seeing your overeager shrimp splurt excitedly at just her glance would certainly sting pretty hard the first time, but that's not entirely a bad thing, especially for boys who VASTLY overestimate their own adequacy like you seemed to. Men who have had their egos completely shattered over the firm knee of a colorful toon conqueress are the building blocks of a proper gem society, after all! Men who spend time constantly being belittled and mocked by a cackling Peridot are much easier to train to keep their knees down and their face up when her big green gemdonk needs a throne worthy of it, and the scathing critique of your unfortunate inferior flaws from a Pearl just makes her adoring praise when you lay down and get your back arched just right to carry her delicate feet across it feel all the sweeter! You're a disappointment to women everywhere, and the sooner you accept that, the sooner you'll come to know how good being inferior to a gem goddess can be!!

....and don't worry to much about that big meanie, that braindead rump-huffing gemtard would crumple even harder then you would when placed under the care of a lazy and sweaty enough purple princess, just saying ~
I accept being a disappointment, I just want to make them laugh from just seeing my cock or be disgusted when they see me cum from just their praise, any praise it doesn't have to be sexual.
I want Amethyst to twerk at me in a taunting manner, the musky smell of her ass making my cock throb and quiver, my cock is utterly helpless right now because of you and I need to start stroking, it's utterly embarrassing, you're so good at this, you make my cock just scream in sweet agony, and I really want squirt my nasty human cumshots for them! I bet Pearl would hand me a tissue as I spurt, not even properly trying to catch it, just placing it on my cock.
I already came a few hours ago and you're making me want it again so bad...

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/vrlg/ - Virtual Reality Lewd General #2089
"Virtual Reality, Real Ejaculate"™
Clowning On Your VRFu Edition

>18+ Avatar Resources:
https://booth.pm/en/items?tags%5B%5D=VRChat&adult=only (Anime models)
https://gumroad.com/discover (Use to find tech, furry thread is down the block)

>Guide to Avatars utilizing the VCC

>OpenVR Advanced Settings (contains playspace mover)

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pajammies obtained, now to find a lap to pass out drunk on tonight
sex with S (small)
can you pass out with my cock sleeved inside you?

>Snoot Game:

>I Wani Hug That Gator:
https://pastebin.com/njqLSDCH Downloads
https://imgur.com/a/kHVfTxY Guide

>Snoot Game OST:

>Fang board playlists:

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bonk but to stun
Hit her with club but dont kill her
>the raptor girl is determined to take down the prey before her
>Every anon wants to go easy on her
Smh. Hope the simping doesn't get us killed. We hit her in the face with the club to try and knock her out.
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Highest is 88 for non lethal bonk, we may be getting this bitch in the bag (aka dragging around an unconscious bitch behind us for sex bargaining)
this is the start of our dino harem

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/bara/ - THICC thighs Edition

>Last thread: https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/67631579
>Tagmap: https://tagmap.io/tag/%2Fbara%2F
>Writefaggotry: https://rentry.org/i9mix
>Shitpost Filter: https://rentry.org/7xxzv
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Kys faggot
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Not for me desu but I won’t sperg out like some of the others here
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>hands have claws
>toes do not
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>we're really seeing whether /bara/ likes muscleguts huh?
Always the case.
It's just one very vocal problem poster that keeps trying to control the thread by imposing arbitrary rules through gaslighting and manipulation and spergeouts.

I'd argue >>67739866 is teetering a bit on too fat for here specifically but it's better to look at than >>67715042.
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I'm all for it if we remove borderline twinks like in the OP

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Bunny Edition

Previous thread: https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/67535815

Spillover of horny, blogposting, tea parties, and AH refugees from /omog/

https://picrew.me/image_maker/1689727 (RW)
https://picrew.me/image_maker/1203187 (DW)

https://rentry.org/homogtemplate22 (Thread Template)
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Now I want the anon with the big butt to post again.
there was an anon with a big butt??
It wasn't too big but it was a nice bubble butt
rude >:)
Do you remember his skin or smth? Any details?

/flg/ - F-List General #5601

Shlorp Edition

Previous thread: >>67732973

F-list is a website for people interested in erotic roleplaying, and creating character profiles to find like-minded partners with similar interests and fetishes to roleplay with. It features a webchat (which can be used for textual roleplaying), group forums and more kinks and depravity than you can memorize.

The purpose of this thread is to serve as a place where roleplayers can freely share and advertise their profiles, solicit roleplay from anons, critique each others' characters, ask and give feedback, share their roleplay logs, discuss their kinks, gossip about site drama, and anything else related to F-List.

>The Site
>Login Stats
>Live Status Tracker

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Well Western artists are fine, just depends on what ones.
The pairing IS hot, I just pretend there's no cuck angle because NTR ain't my thing.
>I just pretend there's no cuck angle because NTR ain't my thing.
Darn... Not that, in his case, I'd care to NTR a chubby plumber. But just as a general thing.
my wife matron going ptui on fat horse donut o3o
This shit is like a tug of war.

/heals/ - Healsluts General

Bad healsleeves get the shock collar edition

/heals/: A thread for enjoying kinks in gaming: erp, healslutting, defeat/surrender, prostitution, resourcesluts, wagers, and other kinks typically explored through super cool games like FFXIV, Overwatch, WoW, League of Legends, HoTS, and others.
All roles are welcomed: doms, switches, subs, sluts - DPS, tanks, supports, and healers.

>What's a Heal Slut?
A heal slut is a submissive healer who seeks a dominant, often a Tank or DPS, to devote their all to. They can be bratty, slutty, eager, shy, it doesn't matter. What matters is finding the sexual pleasure in submitting to someone else.

>What if I'm a dominant healer?
Healdoms are also a thing, and are fine in the thread. So long as your focus is on Sub/Dom themes in online gaming your post is fine.

FFXIV /heals/'s syncshell

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But your cat has a penis!
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Sorry tank-chan, Shtola is busy! Go level crafting or something
Yup! Found a few amazing doms too, I only wish I had more time in the dom for them and to farm more resources.
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welcome to the new daily japanese thread, the toppest of tiers japanese language discussion thread on 4chan

this thread isnt for beginners and we mostly talk about things not related to japanese in any way like tea and other niche hobbies but if u need japanese help our crack team of esteemed nihongologists are ready to assist u at any time

if ur post is retarded u will likely be shitted on for it, so new posters be sure to lurk for a while and reply with "lmao" or "lol" to the funny posts until u get the hang of things around here

be sure to read the guide before posting https://youtu.be/wYnsJcu83Ww

zen thread >>67724153

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gonna need lil c to khs and leave this thread (and world) for (my) peace of mind
i could read that before you even had a dream of learning japanese
doubt it bukko

==== door knob and signature blocker ====
Water Face
>==== door knob and signature blocker ====

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Fapping-focused AIslop thread for those who enjoy plapping to AI perfection. A thread for prompters, editors, requesters, gooners, AI pornmommies, PLAPpers, Stable Diffusion artists, NovelAI artists - anything and everything AIslop.

>Robutt Edition

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missionary kissing sex is the best
wrap your legs around that anon and pull him deep
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Lazily tried with NAI but it doesn't seem to know vikings very well so she ended up more like a barbarian lol
Let me guess. M.u.g.e.n.?
I want Haydee to snap my neck with her thighs
Pwah~ C-Cumming!
>Pinning your hips down into the bed, a surge of thick cum shoots up Anons cock as his balls tighten up to the shaft, spewing countless thick ropes directly into your unprotected womb.
*Spurt* *Sploosh* *Splat*
Ngh~ Take every last drop! *Smooch*

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Squish the bird edition

PREVIOUS: https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/67706935

>A1111 and Forge Installation Guides


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>building a batch watermark remover
>artist's watermarks are a bitch because they blend into the bg a lot
>have to set up fallbacks with shittier detection methods so the workflow doesn't crash hard on an empty mask
Fuck me.
The most I've ever gotten was six. It's hard to get a proper feeding frenzy.
Just how is one guy supposed to "feed" so many, anyways? Gotta be shooting blanks after a while.
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>still getting false positives
fully surround the cock with tongues until you cant see it

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