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Mommy Felicia edition
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You just know Laura's head game goes crazy
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"i bet you get sucked by a lot of girls, now watch this"

like drive you crazy for her head game
Yeah, letting her work her magic, while you grab a nice handful of her bunda and can tease her holes and make her a very happy Brazilian beauty

>Male only
>No females, cuntboys, futa, trans

Previous thread: https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/67064597

Furry artist tags (community spreadsheet): https://cryptpad.fr/sheet/#/2/sheet/edit/JzqLNo3G+B+YXzPeBrkje-sU/
Real artist tags: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1SRqJ7F_6yHVSOeCi3U82aA448TqEGrUlRrLLZ51abLg/edit#gid=2005893444


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Freshly baked
same, but I do like claws
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I want to gen but it's too hot and I won't have any running water until tomorrow morning because they're working on it. I hate summer. /blog
Happy America day!
Sex, please?
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4chan's collective RWBY AU! You're welcome to share your own OCs, lore, and AI generated images with us!

>1. Worship Scarlet
>2. Read the Pastebin: https://pastebin.com/8MjgAFYQ
>3. Beware trolls, falseflaggers, and edgelords
>4. No bitching about other ships
>5. Regular RWBY discussion goes to RWBY/RT General
>6. Have fun!

General Greentexts: https://www.mediafire.com/folder/923xfr3g94zeq/SV_Greens
GreentextAnon’s Greentexts: https://www.mediafire.com/folder/na0b5f695k3og/Greens
Tiermakers: https://tiermaker.com/user/16270573

Active Scarletverse Fics:

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Ah, must’ve missed that then, apologies.
Looking forwards to whatever you’re cooking up boss.
https://x.com/iamlindsayjones/status/1808893687960666613?s=46 Lindsay will be back too
You know this makes me think, Which fauners would make their respective animal noises
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I don't want V10
>RWBY was raped to death by MKEK
>it is now being resurrected so that EK can rape it to death again
Sometimes, dead is better.

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CYOA Refuge Thread - A thread for posting any and all CYOAs unpostable in /tg/'s /cyoag/ (and occasionally ones that aren't).

>Previous thread:
>Alternative link:
>Other threads:

>/cyoag/'s CYOA archives and related resources:
Includes - but is not limited to - a F.A.Q. section and the personal archives of a number of authors.
https://cyoaarchive.com/main (Alt domain: https://cyoa.allsync.com/s/owWor64yLTngDk3)
An extensive Allsync archive that has both SFW and NSFW CYOAs.
If you're looking for a specific CYOA, it's suggested that you check those first.

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>used goods
they're a demon. i just want to be their bro and help torment amber.
If I was a hero my time would be better spent, yes. But I'm a vengeful sadistic bastard and making a heartless coward scream and wish that demon army had killed her instead of throwing away the bond of trust and friendship she had forged like it was yesterday's trash seems like a far more enjoyable time to me.

So much for having faith in dear friends, right? It's clear that, while the heroes thought of her as a friend, they were nothing but tools to her. And the moment they looked like there was a chance (a chance!) that they couldn't do the job she was using them for, she burned them AND her subjects, just to live another day. Now as I said, I'm no hero, but if you can't stand by your convictions, or those who have done right by you, then I'm more than happy to show what I think of those who have faith in nothing and nobody.
She just did what she had to do bro
And I'm doing what I have to do. I'd say there are no hard feelings, but there definitely are.
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>People defending Eloisa
I bet they are retards like her and not cute retards

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/ZTG/ - Zootopia General: Walkies Edition

Pastebin: https://rentry.org/ztg
Booru: zoo.booru.org (if you can't access, use a different browser!)
ZTG Creator List: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/19heSY9BvV3t0qPa2XJa6q2n7ywyl1Yhckzc1Db-aGF4/

Anon's Honest Zootopia Fan Fiction Reviews: https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/31830969/#31831031

Archives: www.ztarchive.com / desuarchive.org
Previous thread: http://www.ztarchive.com/trash/thread/66912980/66912980.html
Previous thread: https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/66912980/

Current TT Theme: Add your theme! https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/14sf_QBuL4E6S11se28Xl9Sp3ohgnrhGYE4SchwSUQjY
Previous TT Theme: Mobility (Late submissions welcome!)

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And just as thick, God DAMN
I know that he's kind of an easy target but goddamn Siroc is just cutting straight to the chase in this one
Oh boy time to pretend the dialog isn't there and just enjoy Mrs ottertons huge tits
Chonky boi
>It ends up being a completely above-board and respectable photoshoot and nothing untowards happens

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I'm glad I'm not you.
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Eh?! Eh.....ettoooo.....suggoku chisai desyo?
would let you fuck my mom
Too tiny
My thought is that this thread is less shit than the other threads today but I'd still ask you to shave your fupa before I make out with it

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/sug/ - Steven Universe General
Hot Bixbite Summer Edition!

Last Thread: >>66973572

>Unleash the Light now available on Steam & console
>Steven Universe: End of an Era
>Original Television Score S1-S5 + Future OST + Movie OST

Crew blog: http://stevencrewniverse.tumblr.com

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Finally got a wok so making beef stir fry B^)

Nice tits, anon
That's looking delicious anon! Hope it turns out all great at the end!
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Thanks! It's alright, the sauce kinda gets lost amongst everything else but it's good enough
nice that looks pretty good!

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/mmog/ - Warhammer painting party edition

This is a general for furry content based in Warcraft/WoW, EQ, GW2, FFXlV, Dofus/Wakfu, TESO and any other mumorpegger whose porn belongs in the /trash/. We know you play them all. Unless you don't. Please refrain from posting AI generated imagery.

Old: >>66862732
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Cute pantsu.
artist finally confirmed it'll never be finished
well, I'm sure people can finish to it anyway
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I have received permission from my artist to post this piece. He's called Mako. He's a White Scarf with the Shado-Pan. That means he's not a full-fledged Watcher on the Wall yet, but he has passed the Trial of the Red Blossoms with just a little bit of nepotistic help.
how much?

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Welcome to /nah/ Not a Happening Thread:
Glaceon edition

>What is /nah/?
This thread meant to give a place for /nah/ posters to vent out their autism while keeping The Happenings Thread for happenings. Think of it like /b/ mixed with /qa/ but with a /trash/ spin thrown into the mix

>What is allowed on /nah/?
Gossip, board culture conversations, personal complaints/reports, blogposts and avatarfags that don't belong on the other thread, are more than welcome here. Drink your fill, you thirsty fellas!

If you are looking for happenings, or insights about site/board meta as a whole please go to the current happening thread:

>Important links
Voting results for mutual independence: https://strawpoll.com/XmZRxw0rmnd/results

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only a little idea I was entertaining
a little thought

a little what if scenario

if I were to play a le popularino compshitter or stalker anomaly (more likely)

or something medieval

it'd be similar to xenobladerino
brida is such an annoying bitch


fuck off already dumb anglo pagan who believes she is a le dane

stupid illogical women

you see I get it:

pagans are all atheists until times get tough or desperate and then they give in to superstitious nonsensical beliefs, making sacrifices to le local pagan beliefs and stuff
LARPagans are so fucking cringe

cant wait for brida to fuck off and DIE

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General rules
- Posts that are made with the sole intent of bumping the thread are discouraged.
- PLEASE DELETE YOUR BUMPS. If you don't know how then please look at the FAQ on 4chan.
- No arguing about the state of the thread, there's a time and place for everything but not right now, please take it somewhere else.
- No seconding. This isn't a popularity contest of who has the best requests.
- Don't respond to the spam. Just report, hide it and move on.
- Don't enable trolls with their 'counter' requests
- Don't ask for a break or to wait "weeks/months/years".
- Feel free to post anything that gets done to the booru for others to find later (like that's going to happen).
- New thread should be made after reaching the bump limit or bumped off/deleted.
- A revision of (or addition to) the rules need a general consensus. Start your discussion around a moment this thread reaches the bump limit.

The Booru:

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Requesting a embrace missionary sex with a larger and chubby Hdoom mancubus.
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Requesting a shortstack Ankha slapping her huge ass while cosplaying as Mileena.
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Requesting a futa minotaur Maude eyeing Ned.
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Requesting Isabelle trying to beat the summer heat by cooling off in front of a electric fan with her breasts exposed, while in her New Horizons attire.
Happy 4th!
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Requesting a redraw of the left image with the Lamb and cat being more anthro like.

Hyper dicks and Hyper balls 106.5
Big, Huge, Planet size, Whatever
Fucked that one up, lets try again
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Gay Hyper Muscle Thread!
Question of the whatever: What's the hardest to work muscle?
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This is what I'm really looking forward to this 4th of July!
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recent beastars news got me pumped

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/uh/ - Unfiction Horror general #109
Bridge Edition
Previous Thread: >>66988613

>What is Unfiction
Unfiction is a form of storytelling that utilizes varying measures of interaction, immersion, or multimedia asserting in some way that it is not fiction and thus is presented in ways not typically used for storytelling.
This includes ARGs, Analog / Digital Horror, Chaotic Fiction, Pseudofiction, "This Game I Found", Immersive Narratives and other types of online storytelling.

Talk and discuss about new clues and videos from any projects you found or are following. Post art and lust after characters and their monsters. Discuss and brainstorm any unfiction ideas you have.
OP Feature: firelaz0rs319
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Now do a male version
If you can somehow find the room go ahead.
I forgot, what’s that site that anon found that lets you view unlisted videos?
freestyle acupuncture
the doctor gave her a lollipop so she’s fine now :D
Did we ever find out who the live action guy in the suit is?

/ftt/ - Fapping Together Thread
Post lewds and talk about fappin' and schlickin'

China dress edition

Previous: >>67109281
Damm V anons forced me to take a trip here
I wonder which one is her favourite.
Luckily it's the same cock so she doesn't have choose
the 13cm one is cute!

3rd times the charm edition

QOTT: what assets do you prefer on your new body, ass, boobs, etc

Previous thread: >>66859489
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Cool, glad the older girls are getting some appreciation.

What's her personality like?
Typical granny archetype?
Last image of the dump.

There's this one GILF image I've been trying to find but I'm not having any luck: It's a pale purple/gray cat with white accents (Purugly from Pokemon, perhaps?) holding a cigarette saying "You know I'm older than your mother, right?" with a second panel below of a nondescript gray character saying "That's what makes it better!"

If someone can post it, I'd greatly appreciate it.

I've never played any of the Monster Hunter games, so I have no idea, but I'm gonna assume typical granny.

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