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scuffed edition

Post dem buns. Draw dem buns.
Talk about dem buns. Don't argue about dem buns.

We love bunnies from video games but every bunny is welcome, cute or lewd.
We aren't Bunday but we respect those threads.


Previous thread - https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/66858981/

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sex with Chip
Sex with Chaco
No sex with Jenny
jenny is literally me..
11/10, made me laugh my ass off

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kill the elden beast edition

/beta/ is a thread for betas, losers, findoms, sissies, paypigs, raging fucks and coomers to talk about BDSM, findom, and beta culture.

Learn to love being a beta with like minded betas, or Gods and Goddesses to goad you further into your depravity.

previous : https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/67064227/
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$ned pige
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i was being serious
NEVER be vulnerable. FLUSH your medication down the toilet. LIE when people ask how you’re doing. SUPPRESS your feelings. ALWAYS be irritable and abrasive. MAKE SURE you push away anyone who’s close to you. CANCEL your therapy appointment.
Trisha is so cute

>Foreign edition

In this thread we monkey around with fellow apes that want to see and do like other primates.

It's that simple, don't go bananas over it.

Masterbin: https://rentry.org/O_O_K

Previous threads: https://desuarchive.org/trash/search/text/ook/type/op/
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>Ape males had evolved to have tiny dicks
>Because only the tiny dick males escaped having their dicks ripped off when two males fought.
>Meaning that a human male would totally destroy a ape female.
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imagine being an ape girl having her first time with a human and expecting a < 3 inch dong but then he pulls out something that looks the same size and shape as your favorite food
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OOKdependence day

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Cold one with the boys edition
Last thread: https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/66874942/

Episodes: magnet:?xt=urn:btih:8ec614aed062146757e25a4479eadb7e52619cc2&dn=Bluey%20S01-03C%201080p%20v3%20%28uncensored%29&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Ftracker.opentrackr.org%3A1337%2Fannounce
Episodes in HEVC: magnet:?xt=urn:btih:768071281849411d4ed30817bef62a3d7217c7a3&dn=Bluey%20S01-03C%201080p%20x265%20v3%20%28uncensored%29&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Ftracker.opentrackr.org%3A1337%2Fannounce
Direct Link: https://mega.nz/folder/AdYSWRLZ#-CAJjPb72l24FZrIk39cOg

Chatroom: #Bluey on Rizon.net
IRC Quickstart Guide: https://ghostbin.me/6482565e4b257
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She's going to get weird on her teens.
But I don't want Mackenzie to kill himself
I wish I could get a gf who's okay with me crossdressing.
I wish I could get a gf

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"Goobes": Edition
Previous Thread: https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/67026755/
For discussion of TGWeaver's and Pokemaniacal's Five Nights at Freddy's AU fic
Roommates A03: https://archiveofourown.org/works/11250126

Old MEGA Art Collection: https://mega.nz/folder/kMwX0YLK#BR3vN7OCIYYk7Qu9jbPKfw

{Full Art arcives}

New NewFanfic Archive Stev Edition: https://mega.nz/folder/tzsymTyA#l0jmXuUtV3HELQ8wYuXOpQ
Roommates The comic adaptation: http://roommatesaucomics.thecomicseries.com/archive
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Goose needs a lot more love, I adore this pretty birdy.
>She approaches you by offering one pill on each paw
>Beanie, this is the third time you asked me to swallow any of those pills whenever I get an existential crisis. And I know for a fact those are Bonnibel's meds!
>You know Mike, for a weird looking monkey, you chimp out so easily whenever you get outplayed in every game night I host.
>for a weird looking monkey, you chimp out so easily
Jesus Christ, Beanie, is it the 40's again?
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She's been hanging with Mike a lot, despite being a bad influence on her
I wanna drag my teeth across her buckteeth.

/lolg/ - League Of Lewds General

Discuss, RP, share new pics and make an argument for why your favorite League Lass is Best Girl. New faces to RPing or helping others jerk off are welcome.

Need to Breed Edition

Previous: >>67007680

QotT: What's the best way to celebrate summer holidays for you and your favorite girl?
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Where do I find Lux players like this?
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/psg/ - persona slutposting general

Post persona sluts
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fucking her stinky feet
what it like?
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pleasurable for you and demeaning for her, since you're making babies with her dirty feet
sounds hot
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/holy/ - Christian Themed Media General #130
>"Francis' Day Job" Edition


>Angel Hare playlist
>Start Here
>Review of the tie-in game
>EP's Website


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Playable character I believe
Items are being made
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Isaac thinks Gabriel hates him
Why's the lil Francis dead!?!
He's just sleepy

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Why do Zoomers keep lumping Y2K futurism with Fruitnigger Aero? Y2K translucent electronics were 1998-2001 while Fruitnigger was 2005-2010.
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There's definitely some overlap and similarity between the two. But also, most zoomers just lump all late 90s and 2000s aesthetics together into "y2k." As a zoomer who was autistically obsessed with the 2000s well before it was cool, it actually infuriates me.
You are part of the problem
I don't even care about what zoomers think
what with who

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/HMOMA/: Human Males on Male Anthros #402: eepy Edition

<Recent Stories>
By Drewanon
>Hero's Weakness

By anonymous
>Big Monster Boyfriend
>Space Cooking

By lupine-silence

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>Sign up to work as the sole human overseer on a remote terraforming project being run by 'experimental new synthetic AI constructs'
>You were expecting faceless, brutalist Boston-Scientific-esque machines
>Not fully anthopomorphic robots complete with synthetic skin and unique personality modules
>And you certainly weren't expecting that they'd be this clingy and needy towards you, "the only creator left on our planet now"
>Stand and deliver, human!
>Drop your reins, your coinpurse...
>... and your pants!
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It's 4th of July post ALL AMERICAN ANTHROS

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>Dance edition

A place to discuss anything related to established or up-and-coming DTVA shows and other Western cartoons that feature cute n' funny female protagonists.

>MEGAS (to be expanded):

>The Ghost And Molly McGee

>Hailey's On It!

>The Owl House

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Exactly. I come home with a leash and collar thinking I'm going to call her a good girl, teach her to sit, put her in her place. Instead she sits on my face and puts the collar on me.
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>Instead she sits on my face and puts the collar on me.
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>Doubling down on the role reversal
It's downright upsetting how much sense men wanting to get collared by women makes now
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/gmad/ - Gay Monsters, Aliens and Demons Thread #555
"TRIPS" Edition

A /gayy/ & /doom/ Company tm et. all of xenophilia and teratophilia on trash for degenerates who like weird dicks and other overlooked assortments.
Things we like
>Monsters, aliens, and demons. (Copyrighted or otherwise)
>Fantasy/mythical creatures. (Dragons, werewolves, etc.)
>Unconventional furry species.
Things we don’t like
>Sparkledogs (MLP)
>Conventional furry species (Lions, tigers, and bears (oh my))
>Humans by themselves
General consensus is to just post what you like; if less than two people complain about it, it should be okay. We’re all chill here, so let’s keep it that way.

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Bit of a late reply, but I like delving more into the nuance of religious beings/beliefs. And how things ain’t really as black and white, that others may state. I’m mainly catholic by birth, but pagan otherwise in belief. And although the household isn’t religiously active since 2013; I’ve been put off with how people (parents) act in regards to their beliefs, towards other. It’s wild how being friends with similar pagan peeps, along with wendigoons sunday studies/bible related videos, made me want to learn more of abrahamic faiths. Honestly wants me to delve the aspect into writings.

Still been cooking up the Hazbin/helluva boss project. Especially fleshing out what I want to say with the story/project. I still want to keep it silly fun in some arcs/moments, and not act like I’m above the source material, like remake writers. Same flip note, I want to include the religious, and moral aspects more. Especially with the original shows concepts about redemption and what not. —
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-- Got a brief synopsis so far here. Along with summary write ups like the ones I posted a few threads ago. But been writing down more ideas to implement, along with plot progression. Not gonna be posting much updates. Just gonna keep on working on it. And hoping to deliver some visuals as well.

Also side note; but I will be adding more gmad aspect/gay relations with the new characters. And while I respect the design of the original HB&HH characters, I will change up the body type variations. Or at least recontextualize them, with the style I want to bring.
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Freedom edition

Welcome to /birb/ (aka /feather/), the least popular general on /trash/

>Post birds and other feathered friends, lewd or otherwise.
>Male or female, anthro or feral, mammal style separate bits or cloaca are all ok. External balls are incredibly gay, but still ok.
>Hybrids and mythologicals like Gryphons and Hippogriffs, and ancient birds such as the Archaeopteryx are allowed. Make sure the bird attributes are the most notable though (No, cats with only a beak are not allowed).
>Weird fetishes go to their respective threads.
>Ambient avians and monster girls don't count.
>Don't reply to obvious shitters.

/birb/ Masterbin:

Previous: https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/66582357

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Pocket freedom bird
So far it feels like the only right I have is the right to live in my car if my family situation worsens again. I don't have the right to choose my job, the employers have the right to wipe their ass with my application and I just have to take whatever chiclets I'm given so I don't have my few remaining possessions seized by the bank. I don't have the right to speak my mind, lest our government give me the Alex Jones treatment. I don't have the right to keep and bear arms because I can't afford them - so unless I steal the unregistered CZ my druggie stepdad keeps under his pillow I'm defenseless when I sleep in my car at the oceanside harbor parking lot.
Please, tell me, what rights do I have as an American that come even close to justifying taxation? Much less taxation to fund our next big fucking reparations push. Because I can't even find a meager living, but Tyrone can shuffle his 8 kids and 3 baby mommas into a three story house on the gubmint dime.
A flock of crows is called a murder, hence why the fourth panel. It's a double pun.

It's a.. ugly gryphon, so yea it kinda is?

Deploying more freedom birbs!

That looks like an bird-insect hybrid. Looks cute.

Important to have a pocket baldy to take your freedom everywhere.
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Sex with eagle
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Fatsona Thread Number 279: Sun's Out, Guts Out Edition

Post and talk about all the lovely ladies (or guys if that is your thing) of Persona putting on the pounds. SMT and the very rare Mirage Sessions welcomed as well.

Original Fatsona Stories: http://www.mediafire.com/folder/jfb55nqj58ksz/Fatsona_Original_Stories

Original Thread Artwork by Anon: http://www.mediafire.com/folder/boo3ewilwa26y/Fatsona_Original_Artwork

Official Unofficial Idol Thread Endorsement: https://vocaroo.com/3qp2WeP1Ec9

Previous Thread:
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>"Lady Mitsuru, I had no idea you were interested in camping."
>"That... is a dress."
>"But... it covers the bed."
>"y-yes, I've been meaning to get a larger size..."
Imagine your first day on the job, seeing a certifiable banquet being carted to the dining room and thinking "oh, there must be a large party going on."
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Warm jacket Edition

Luz's diary: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1sRP2-bu0Kk&ab_channel=Nobody
Lilith's letter: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZUzjJUAOCsw&ab_channel=Nobody
Hunter's Palisman observations: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zB2weXswe6M&ab_channel=Nobody

Disney+: https://www.disneyplus.com/series/disney-the-owl-house/4cOTrEy0YyaX
S1 MEGA: https://mega.nz/folder/3IYw3YDC#FjiRKOsXoFhEQ9iwR7Ed4Q
S2 MEGA: https://mega.nz/folder/FgEUTCCZ#JjmqdMo-fLdN5YcehlwzXQ
S3 MEGA: https://mega.nz/folder/R4sgGLzD#S_PSz5CmWIbTN3cxU4T7sA
Shorts: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4AeOCBycFbc&ab_channel=DisneyChanne
Dana's Twitter: https://twitter.com/DanaTerrace?s=09
Dana's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/danaterrace/
Dana's Tumblr: https://danaterrace.tumblr.com

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I like how you think.
I like how top left amity looks.
Owlbros and owlsisters, I am unhappy to announce you that my dad is suffering in the hospital. My question is how to show proper emotions to finding out since I have hardcore ADHD? I can't stop thinking i can't just say the default:
>I feel sorry for you.
I dont want to get looked at like I don't care which happened once. Help.
I really wish I could be the one to say something better but I also have ADHD and have issues saying things that don't sound like I'm in a cartoon or something. Just tell him you love him and have faith in the lord that he'll make it through what he's going though

I'm sorry to hear that about your situation, anon.

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