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>Good Morning Everyone
>kek trash baggies

Previous Dumpster: >>69183206
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kek picture recycling baggies
I really liked Fushigi Yuugi. Rewatched it too recently to do another rewatch.
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>Should have been another 29
I didn't think anyone else around here watched it. I was debating linking other versions because spoilery.


>they shopped our bepis
>I was debating linking other versions because spoilery
I don't mind it. It's funny because every ending had clips from the episode it aired in. That kind of thing used to be a lot more common for some reason.
>I didn't think anyone else around here watched it.
Have you ever watched 12 kingdoms/ juuni kokuki? Less romance but it really had the historical fantasy political drama down.

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By Apocobat
>Asgore Angst

By mannewil_
>Пaцaн cкaзaл - пaцaн cдeлaл.

By mannewil_
>Tail Sensation

By mannewil_

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it's veth after Noelle drags her on a "Girls day out" and she just lets a professional makeup lady do her
>Make up
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You know, I kinda wish there more just, regular Vessel art

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Princess edition

>AI sloppa improving
>meetup soon
>blessed OC drops

Previous thread: >>68995674
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I don’t want to play that game, Glimmy. Why don’t I tickle you and you try not to wet yourself?

/sug/ - Steven Universe General
Cooking with Gems Edition

Last Thread: >>69199808

>Steven Universe: End of an Era
>Original Television Score S1-S5 + Future OST + Movie OST
>Steven Universe 4 x 10” Vinyl Set

Crew blog: http://stevencrewniverse.tumblr.com

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nice spits (spinel tits)
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she got carried away with the size but people seem to love it...

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you know the drill, post em
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I want to live with pawfags so fucking bad
Been thinking the same, huge paw and sock fag (male)
Unhealthily attracted to smelly feet, i can't get over it, thankfully i have a BF who is open to this but not that attracted to it
lovely Krystal beans

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/HMOMA/: Human Males on Male Anthros #410: Fuzz Edition

<Recent Stories
By Anonymous
>Breakroom Conversation
>Temple Adonis

By HomeTome
>Charmed by Shadows

By Witryso

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this is good
continue this please!
Even average size human me can make any anthro guy cum buckets
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/gmad/ - Gay Monsters, Aliens and Demons Thread #569
"Going to hell for the dating opportunities" Edition

A /gayy/ & /doom/ Company tm et. all of xenophilia and teratophilia on trash for degenerates who like weird dicks and other overlooked assortments.
Things we like
>Monsters, aliens, and demons. (Copyrighted or otherwise)
>Fantasy/mythical creatures. (Dragons, werewolves, etc.)
>Unconventional furry species.
Things we don’t like
>Sparkledogs (MLP)
>Conventional furry species (Lions, tigers, and bears (oh my))
>Humans by themselves
General consensus is to just post what you like; if less than two people complain about it, it should be okay. We’re all chill here, so let’s keep it that way.

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I think that's how it is for a lot of monsterfuckers
"Cool" slowly turns to "Marriage candidate"
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these buttcheek shots are too ecchi
god i hope they start shipping out soon
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what material is it made of? Looks like 3d printed dong won't match the style
What are these from?

god I wish I was her
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(sorry for doing this but something came up and I got to go for now. It was fun thinking about getting fat with you)
/ It's quite alright. I was about to be busy soon myself. Thanks for the good talks, anon! Hope to see you again soon!
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>even if she was real, I'd never have a chance
It... h...u...r...t...s...

/scaly/ - Scaly General #1436

Post lewd reptiles and discuss scaly stuff, male or female is fine. Dragons, wyverns, dinosaurs, lizards, snakes, and reptile-folk such as kobolds and Argonians are welcome, on top of other things with scales like sharks as well. Anthros, ferals and human/scaly are allowed, but please, no monstergirls. As some may take a few creative liberties on their creations, do inquire if there's a particular edge case you're unsure about.


>Lurking or just reading the FAQ before posting is encouraged.
>Anatomy arguments never go anywhere, don't bother instigating one.
>Before asking for a source, consider looking into the tips under resources to help find what you're looking for.
>Please avoid reposting images from the last few threads to keep the latest more fresh.
>There is no Discord server, don't ask.


Scaly Smut - Many lewd lizard writings

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Movie* my life is forfeit
It might be able to recognize argonians, but it's only like 5 seconds so you won't be able to do much that isn't already on e6 with 500 updoots
oh n-
Is this supposed to be an adaptation of the ring given the name? Did they genderswap Sigurd?
I'm starting to hate women

Webm/gif thread
Because it's good to have one every once in a while
Post your smutty. cute, or funny clips here
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That is well animated!

Post e-girls, streamers, cosplay gals and celebs! If she's an internet girl, come in and simp for her! Fap friends and AGP sluts welcome!

Prev: >>69191356

Two big reasons to simp edition
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Ill coat it good anon~ bye!
Great job pathetic anon! Was belle the lucky girl?
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Pic rel was it. It's one of my favourite porn pics. Her expression makes me doing the deed a lot better.
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I can see why you like her so much! She has such a sexy tongue and big breasts! Must have felt soo good spurting your load on her~
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It did! But I know I can blow bigger loads, so I plan on cumming to pic rel some time during the weekend and maybe take a pic of it.
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I love striderscribe~ her body just looks so soft! Would feel amazing to hump into her pussy in missionary, squeezing her tits and tummy. You should totally tribute her!

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"Angry Bnny": Edition
Previous Thread: https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/69172992/#69172992
For discussion of TGWeaver's and Pokemaniacal's Five Nights at Freddy's AU fic
Roommates A03: https://archiveofourown.org/works/11250126

Full Roommates Art Collection: https://gofile.io/d/Xg5SY8

Old MEGA : https://mega.nz/folder/kMwX0YLK#BR3vN7OCIYYk7Qu9jbPKfw

New NewFanfic Archive Stev Edition: https://mega.nz/folder/tzsymTyA#l0jmXuUtV3HELQ8wYuXOpQ
Roommates The comic adaptation: http://roommatesaucomics.thecomicseries.com/archive
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Bonbon dressed like sonic
Molly a cuck?
More hugs
Depend which one but they are mostly losers with some like soul's having cuck vibes

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/gchub/ - made one because no one else would edition
Last thread:
Tagmap: https://tagmap.io/tag/gchub
>This thread is dedicated to gay chubby furs.
>Blobby and hyperfat characters belong on /fatfur/.
>Avoid super fetishy images.
>IRL images are welcomed and encouraged, but keep them to links so those who don't want to see them do
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I'm back from vacation so now the thread won't die as much.
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Featured character: Little Bits from Wander Over Yonder
>What counts as obscure/underrated?
Any character is welcome if you feel it's underrated or relatively unknown by itself, even if it comes from something popular. We are not trying to have some sort of anti-popularity contest. However, it's best if it's a character we don't already know.

Important rules:
-When posting a character, It is required to MENTION the NAME of the characters and their SOURCE or origin.
-Male characters are welcome!
-Humans and humanlike creatures are also welcome!
-Young cubs are welcome too!
-OCs and Fursonas are not allowed here, they have their own threads.
-Even it's not a If you're an artist (or drawfriend if you must), original art (lewd or not) of said characters is appreciated!
-Be careful when overspamming reposts of the same character; don't flood the thread with them.
-Remember to maintain balance between hand-drawn and AI-generated when it comes to posting art.

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Finally finished my Kelly Korgi comic page, this one took forever. I love drawing the bodily fluids and glistening holes though
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How we feelin bout Modigliana from The Ferals? The guy who performed her also uploaded some Ferals and Feral TV eps onto Youtube some time ago, along with a few blooper reels.

Amazing design and puppetry there
>"Come, dog, COME!"
Made me chuckle. Good work, man, Kelly Korgi needs more love.

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A thread for posting and discussing furry games. NSFW preferred but optional.

Corruption Adventure


Cruel Serenade + Guttertrash

Small On Top

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>But he can just fuck anything unconscious with a secret input
Mortal men were not meant to wield such power.
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It's sad just how little interaction a lot of these games have when you really get down to it.

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