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/gmad/ - Gay Monsters, Aliens and Demons Thread #569
"Going to hell for the dating opportunities" Edition

A /gayy/ & /doom/ Company tm et. all of xenophilia and teratophilia on trash for degenerates who like weird dicks and other overlooked assortments.
Things we like
>Monsters, aliens, and demons. (Copyrighted or otherwise)
>Fantasy/mythical creatures. (Dragons, werewolves, etc.)
>Unconventional furry species.
Things we don’t like
>Sparkledogs (MLP)
>Conventional furry species (Lions, tigers, and bears (oh my))
>Humans by themselves
General consensus is to just post what you like; if less than two people complain about it, it should be okay. We’re all chill here, so let’s keep it that way.

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Tarantula BF story in the bin. Love the idea of having a big spider bf and fulfilling his every wish so he's super flustered and like putty in my hands. Not sure why spiders specifically, maybe because I want multiple arms in real life as well? Either way love that story.
Young Anon's Groom, which I am still very mad that the creator decided to leave it unfinished over taking commissions
I'd marry this man. Love and cherish him. <3
The bat story in the pastebin doesn't even have sex but it was kino.
>tfw no obsessive ESL bat husbando
>no incredibly sweaty Krogan asshole to come home to, to rim excessively for hours
why even go on...

also, for the love of GOD someone leak this peak already

A thread for horny anons to worship girls that make them go PLAP PLAP PLAP and shoot lots of nutslop.

Meat edition

Rules: NO SHOTA OR LOLI, no weird fetishes and don't be a dramafaggot.

Gooning is obligatory while posting ITT.
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ty for making a new thread anon, I was so desperate to read through a new thread full of horny plapstuds drooling and pumping for perfect porn mommies. Please, please, please let's not let PLAP die, I love it so much and I know many other studs do as well it's the most fun thread on /trash/. About to melt to overstimulating hmv/pmvs
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Plapping my slimy hand like an animal to thick goon mommies, sweating and huffing~
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There is nothing I enjoy doing more than edging my big cock and drowning in pleasure for plapbait whores who are created solely for the purpose of making gooners whine and moan in ecstasy, in awe of how fucking superior they are to 3dpd women.

Esper's Ass Edition.
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/Femdom/ - general
Requiem edition

A thread to discuss worshipping women as the superior sex and giving them the royal treatment they deserve (only biological women allowed).

Previous Thread:

TQ: Dommes, How would you enforce chastity on your sub? Subs, would you go with whatever your domme chooses for chastity?
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>Muscle women
Not just muscle women! Strongfat women!
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Even better, mix of my two favorite body types for women, muscular and chubby
If you want to be punched and kicked look for one that does Muay Thai.
if you want to be held in a painfull headlock go for a jiu-jitsu one
It also increases her strength as well. It’s an all in one!

Featured character: Little Bits from Wander Over Yonder
>What counts as obscure/underrated?
Any character is welcome if you feel it's underrated or relatively unknown by itself, even if it comes from something popular. We are not trying to have some sort of anti-popularity contest. However, it's best if it's a character we don't already know.

Important rules:
-When posting a character, It is required to MENTION the NAME of the characters and their SOURCE or origin.
-Male characters are welcome!
-Humans and humanlike creatures are also welcome!
-Young cubs are welcome too!
-OCs and Fursonas are not allowed here, they have their own threads.
-Even it's not a If you're an artist (or drawfriend if you must), original art (lewd or not) of said characters is appreciated!
-Be careful when overspamming reposts of the same character; don't flood the thread with them.
-Remember to maintain balance between hand-drawn and AI-generated when it comes to posting art.

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The sitter from Litterbox
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Anybody remember these guys? The mechanimals? Looked em up on e6 and got 4 results, I think all of them could make for good material
>I think all of them could make for good material
I think the opposite
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Kani from sushi pack. Very cute designs the main characters have. I don't know why they bothered with calling them sushi or forcing them into superhero roles though.

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Relationship dynamics Edition

Luz's diary: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1sRP2-bu0Kk&ab_channel=Nobody
Lilith's letter: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZUzjJUAOCsw&ab_channel=Nobody
Hunter's Palisman observations: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zB2weXswe6M&ab_channel=Nobody

Disney Channel Youtube links:

Disney+: https://www.disneyplus.com/series/disney-the-owl-house/4cOTrEy0YyaX
S1 MEGA: https://mega.nz/folder/3IYw3YDC#FjiRKOsXoFhEQ9iwR7Ed4Q
S2 MEGA: https://mega.nz/folder/FgEUTCCZ#JjmqdMo-fLdN5YcehlwzXQ
S3 MEGA: https://mega.nz/folder/R4sgGLzD#S_PSz5CmWIbTN3cxU4T7sA

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Someone draw Luz eating King and Ghost while Amity gives the viewer a tearful thumbs up and saying "Diversity is our strength."
It's because she's ugly.

And he gets pegged by her.
But she's Dominican, not haitian.
very poignant
Same shithole island

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Previous Thread: https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/68712496/

Thread Pastes:

CYOA Sandbox Game: https://yttreia.itch.io/aec-sandbox

Art MEGA: https://mega.nz/#F!lFwDSB6Q!VaLKlZzYyQPSQgj-k6D9PA

Art Requests: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1514LmXbsekCqs1lLGm5l8wShFre7yBN5VMLIl877dPA/edit?usp=sharing
Write requests: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1qr40Lv4Sclkwn72dzru2VHtDRaP458UEpUjWQPHJZ1U/edit?usp=sharing

Pokeflation Quest Archive: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1dXnu86iAU3Z6ZcTLOuAhO3ZOwh7ldzOF0CtMMgu64JY/edit?usp=sharing
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Mohkami and Blackfox handsdown. Difetra and Spiderbox too if they did more anthro females.
i have no idea how people still have inflation fetishes in today's economy

>Schweddy Dix Edition

In this thread we monkey around with fellow apes that want to see and do like other primates.

It's that simple, don't go bananas over it.

Masterbin: https://rentry.org/O_O_K

Previous threads: https://desuarchive.org/trash/search/text/ook/type/op/
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>wife looks like Carol
Then... who is Beth?
Old. Where's BTD6 Rosalia?
The godmother
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/tdm/ bumshaker edition
post chibi characters and play with each other!!!!!!!!!!!! hosts every wednesday or so

(please do not spam ai)

previous thread: https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/68447815/#68447815

QOTT: I dunno I got nothing
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TDM threads are on life support!
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We can live
yiss new thread.. i like the vibe op gives off...

i wanna get back to anonchan doodles but im soooooooo tired and i got soooo many things on my plate aaaawawaaw
Do what you need to do bud
The malinos, give em

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What exactly would a "remake" that would actually exist not some fantasy bring to the table that wouldn't be done better in the original that isn't gameplay nitpicks of a short cinematic rpg
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My first instinct would be to say graphics.
I mean that's the reason people have been chasing after the dragon that was an FFVII remake since VIII.
Given that it's modern square though, I have zero faith they'll do right on it and not add some shitty action/Kingdom Hearts control system.
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they would not understand the aesthetic and look like mobile slop
This comic is kino.

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xinyu says on fromm she's had short hair since she debuted and it's always been hair extensions, idk if she's joking or not
taking all 24 members of tripleS to a baseball game and losing half of them in the parking lot
clog i'm really bored
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Landmark Edition

Previous: https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/69045292/
Note: There is not, and there will never be, an official /dig/ discord server.

Post what you're working on, ask questions, discuss general art-related things.
Make your unforgivable fetishes come to life.
Welcome: New and seasoned artists looking for advice, critique and support.
When giving criticism, please, give actual criticism not just "LOL LOOMIS". Let's not become another /ic/
NOT welcome: /ic/ crabs, /trash/ crabs, bad faith critique

Other Drawthreads:
Search "draw" on a board's catalog


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What do you guys think of this tutorial?
He's a great artists, but not a good teacher, in my opinion.
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I was already working on this one
I really enjoy your wips mate
>how did this 13 year old draw this?
Cause it looks like shit but distracts you with bright colors and textures
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I finally have something to post
What do you guys think?

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You should be eating right now.
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My Fupa
He’s adorable in the bottom left
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I want a boyfriend to dress in tight suits so he can burst out of them as punishment for eating too much at parties

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/psg/ - Persona Slutposting General

QoT: Which persona girl(s) drive you wild?
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Of course of course, care to tell us how "physical" he gets when showing you how to move, or gives you "massages"?
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Goddammit, if I were a teacher at Shujin Kamoshida would be treated as a saint compared to me. Blondie model troath pussy before classes (unless she wants Shiho to take her place) and juicy honor student ass during breaks. In the weekends foursome with both of them plus that salty whore Kawakami, and she'll better call me "master" if she wants money
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>Anne sets up a playful and innocent modeling gig for Makoto... however an innocent mix-up at the casting call lands naive and virginal Makoto Niijima on set for a hardcore gangbang porno! The director loves her look, especially that tight little pussy of hers...and decides to use it right away. She's tossed around like a cheap slut by his massive cock-army while several cameras capture every humiliating moment for the eager audience back home.
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I imagine FemJoker as being bottom heavy or skinny in general honestly.

A thread for RP in the world of Harahel, a world of fantasy, magic, and adventure. Drawing on tropes from RPGs both east and west, fantasy literature, and anime, the setting is constantly in flux, decided in large part by the players themselves.
To join, download the CYOA through the link and create a character. When making a build, try to include some information about your character if you plan to RP besides just the build. Optional of course, but it encourages others to ask questions and talk with you. The only expansion pack we use is the Imouto Expansion.

>Current Version of CYOA

>Places of Interest (Full Size)
>link to dedicated IRC

>Do not attempt to force others into a scene.
>It's okay to say no if a scene becomes uncomfortable.

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>Selene doesn't manage any words within the slew of half-started and aborted curses and negativity pouring from her lips. Suffice it to say, she far less amused about the predicament than the mystery tormentor.

O-oh! I thought I smelled hair spray, cheap perfume, and sloppy seconds! What do YOU want-?!
>And of course, I'm willing to pay quite the sum if you help deliver her to my, let us say, guest quarters
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...now why are there random succubi strolling in!? I thought I was done with dealing with your types! No, I'm not giving you Selene for weird sex things.

>Amu picks up the vampire by the ropes and throws her over his shoulder. He picks up the two guards over his other shoulder as well.

Quit yelling you fucking dumbass! That's it I'm taking you with me! Just gonna kidnap you instead! I'll gladly take the hit to my rep at this point because fuck it, why not?
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>the songstress is putting all her considerable volume and range into broadcasting her distress from her undead lungs to anyone in the area, and potentially the next county over!
>nearby glass is already starting to splinter and a glass of war simply bursts as Selene takes another deep breath...
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The sultry voice seems to echo through the succubus's ears, "I'm in this for the love of the game, girlie. Catch and release only, and I don't think you're the sort to let a plaything go."

"You know," the voice begins, "I could let you go. There's a catch, but that's what negotiations are all about." A hot, heavy warmth passes over her horns, shifting a strand of hair about just so, the mild scent of blossoming amaryllis drifting over her. "Are you interested, Selene?~"

"Are you sure you want to do that," the voice crawls up his shoulder and across his nape, heated before suddenly glacially cold as ot closes in on his left ear, "and squander all my planning?"
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>Amu lets out a sigh and shoves the ball gag into Selene's mouth while setting down the two guards into some chairs safely.

>He blinks before trying to pat where the voice is.

...alright I'm actually curious what you have planned so sure. Unless you are a slaver, then I'll step in obviously.

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