ITT: Interesting and unusual stuff that's happening on the boards you visit.Non-happenings, haqqenings, small GETs, complaints about shit boards being shit, known spergs sperging out, personal report buttons and blogposting/avatarfagging et al. belong HERE!Past happenings: how active 4chan boards are in real time: https://4stats.ioSearch 4chan: & ban archives: (4bans) & (IPv6 only)Self-serve ads: your 4chan Experience (no 4chanX): your 4chan Archive Experience: media browsers: (Images) & (Webms / [wsg])How to access IRC and contact the mods: >>>/qa/1690512 # #Previous thread: >>72493357
ugh nobeing a serial killer is fucking lameI'm gonna write my own nightmare scape instead
unless its like some human automated slaughterhousefactorio inspiredh.h. holmes inspiredsaw inspred
>>72593698could perhaps even like do a quake and killing floor inspired thing where I recycle people into cyborgs for my hivemind army, and also recycle dead people for food for my army
watching wendigoon waco documentary
>>72594852wow I think joseph sneed was HIGHLY inspired by the davidians
waco was an extermination
for a while i had been looking for this purported depraved serial killer who was so brutal in his killings and blah blah, it was a wendigo videoi had a sneaking suspicious it was "luis garavito" and so I watched that segment and I thought it was him but was uncertain so I read the wikipediathe wikipedia details everything in horrifying detail. he could not reach climax until he was dealing the maximum pain to the victim. reading everything in sickening detail scarred me.and then I noticed a connection, he was always drunk when he did these thingsso really, alcohol is mostly to blame for this.also he was kept away from general population in prison because they knew he'd be killed instantly which is dumb, just throw him in with them so they can torture the piece of shit to death.but he died in 2023 of natural causes
>>72594933and after watching the entire video I have bored of le cultists and think nothing big will arise from them anywaythe only le cults that gain power are the ones created by the elite, and they only create cults that benefit the elite
>>72595786i must add i was overwhelmingly disgusted by this individual and it was after reading about this sicko is when I said I'd prefer to imagine up some nightmare scapes instead idk... infinite grimey abandoned hospitali may download some survival horror games
>>72595995i think HATRED is boring and lamei'm thinking about playing "total chaos", a DOOM total conversion mod, because it looks like stalker minus the boring stalker settingalso I may play stalker, crank up the bullet power factor and turn down the player protection to play strictly as a glass cannon
>>72596052video games too tediousi'll write my own adventure
>>72596190like i really wanna go wild and write stuff in detailerino
ugh yawn
yawn ugh tired bedtime
>>72600999Good night submarine bro
>ban evading fujoshit finally got banned for near a hundred posts>currently ban evading starting here and posts exactly like were deleted
>>72604226>image dump generaland nothing of value was lost
>>72604261Woah there didn't insult dumping grounds a pretend oldfag will get mad at you and post clips from television while pretending that he isn't posting clips from television
>>72604261It's a small group literally doing pic related and they bemoan the state of the general despite knowing, if not being responsible for, the cause.
Pajeet bump and dump
funny thread about slimes >>>/v/701261337
b4k is down
Wow Somebody got mad over at /r9k/Why isn't he being mass reported? Didn't they move for more report options? Why aren't their report options doing anything?
>>72608485You're part of the problem, fatass
>>72609105Eh he's not really a friend. I'd like to argue about a topic or something consistent. Posting random reddit posts about Donald Trump and Elon musk isn't funny it's just spam. Reported a few of them as such and lo and behold he's gone.If people want to they'll filter you. You're just going to have to accept that. Personally speaking spamming says more about you than it does about the thread you're spamming. Plus he didn't even spam gore with his posts. 0/10 would not spam again. Also speaking of the /r9k/ thread did anyone notice that the OP image is flipped backwards?
>>72608485It's hard to mass report spam because different anons will pick different posts to report, and the mod queue gives priority to single posts that get reported a lot. This is one of many reasons that announcing a report/sage being a bannable offense is stupid.
The spammer is openly admitting to ban evading: >>>/r9k/80176201
AI slop
>>>/r9k/80176472Chat is this real? Have I really been paying along with such an evil person this whole time? Maybe I am a monster. (Fuck off doge if you read into this line you're a tranny(actually fuck it you're a tranny anyways(so says I Bruce)))It seems somewhat legit. He did downplay an obviously awful discord server. Maybe their opsec really is that bad. Hmm...
Where were you when b4k was kill?
>>72612339I didnt even know he was sick.
Vgh I'm tired and not just sleepy.It's the kind of tired that sleep won't fix. I need to change something. I'm spinning my wheels (metaphorically).I'm getting bored of my routine. I'll do it. I'll do that thing. I've been putting it off and I never really did it.But I'll do it now.Feel free to draw whatever conclusions you may from this post doge, I know you will anyways.
>>72589276Thanks for the well wishes. I am in fact that guy and I was amused to be mistaken for beeschizo. I don't know why I even pretend - I'm far too self-involved to ever kill myself. I'm mildly disappointed but not at all surprised by the lack of happenings. It sucks that my childhood has literally burned to the ground, but, I feel that I deserve it.
4chan is a poor substitute for human interaction
>>72627809And yet here you are on /trash/
>>72625806>I don't know why I even pretendDude sameExcept I pretend that I'm leaving this thread then come back the next day. (Yes I'm making this about me deal with it)VghI just couldn't todayTo many distractions. And I kept beating myself up (metaphorically) over nothing because I feel so insignificant Maybe soon Bruce will gain the confidence to do what he wants. Maybe today (now that's a good joke)
>>72628995I'll just start next monthJanuary was a failure in every way other then I didn't gain weight, but I didn't really lose any either. Maintaining isn't the goal when you're as fat as I am. Again with my incredible autism I scared away all the other avatarfriends. As usual. Wouldn't have it any other way. The doge hasn't been that friendly lately. He's just been focused on his LARP/glowops. Doom has moments of spam I've only managed to beat when I was literally dumping bunny gore in anger. But then again he has months at a time where he doesn't even say a single wordBeeschizo posts whenever he's sober (the joke is that the doctors keep him medicated so he's rarely ever sober)It's sad and lonely at the top. Or the bottom depending on how you look at it. I'm making decent progress there I guess. I'll do it soon. YeahI'll just start it nowTruly begin it in February.
>>72627809There isn't even human interaction hereIt's 3 schizos blogposting next to each other and sometimes there's an argument.It's a fucking ghost town and unless you want to talk to ghosts there's nobody hereI'm a ghost however. Feel free to talk to me.
>>72630317You should report that post
>>72630372You should also report those posts
>>72630641You should report the first two, the latter two not so sure
Bald being down possibly for good seems like a nuclear level happening, how are there not more threads about this?There's no contemporary /v/ archives left, how do we keep up with /v/ furry threads or trigger happy nigger jannies, like when legitimate threads like the drawfag threads get nuked?
>>72633509Archived Moe?Personally I liked showing it to prove posting habits especially when they got deleted. Other than that it's a return to tradition of not having an archive by default.
>>72633626Whoa, they still work. I thought Moe died too.
I'm gonna shit my britches the day goes down
>>72634053>people used to warn you about how anything you put on the internet will be there forever>turns out that the exact opposite is true to the point that it's a serious problemIronic
>>72634142Just because something is not true doesn't mean its inverse is true. If you are uploading something to the internet, it behooves you to know it may be there forever. Simultaneously, if you are accessing something on the internet, it behooves you to know it may not be there forever.These facts are not contradictory. In fact, the shrewd reader will recognize they illustrate the same fundamental principle of the internet: whatever is on the internet is beyond your control.
>>>/r9k/80175809>>>/r9k/80185535The doge had his images deleted but not his posts so he probably wasn't banned maybe warned at best for his avatar usage.At least when I avatar in the /r9k/ thread I try to use different Pokemon with every post. I know hazbin and helluva have a couple dozen characters between them, maybe not the 1000 plus that Pokemon has, but you can at least post a new character every post unless you make an incredible amount of posts, and even then you can always fall back to your pseudo avatars of Isabelle from animal crossing neco arc hollo from spice and wolf and occasionally a Pokemon or twoVgh.You're lucky that a mod didn't put you into the grinder. If I had to guess you got a warning. I've seen avatar usage punished with a warning before. It seems like you're still in the /r9k/ thread just trying you best to post no images because further rule breaking would definitely result in a ban.Anyways I feel like I vomited in my mouth and it never fully got out. It happened when I woke up. It sucks.
>>72634873more like doge just got torn a new ass
>wait Bruce are you saying that you reported my avatar usage on /r9k/I'm just saying that people report rule breaking behavior whenever they feel like it which isn't all the time but it's sometimes. It's on you for breaking the rule don't get mad at whoever reported it. Maybe being an annoying Avatar user makes people want to report technically rule breaking posts more often than they typically would.>>72635070But the posts are still up? Idk. Maybe 2 is the warn limit 3 is where they go for the ban. It seems more like a light spanking than asshole tearing.
>>>/r9k/80187221Public ban on /r9k/hap/
>>>/r9k/80187802 What the fuck are you talking aboutI'm obsessively in this threadThere's no underage people hereAnd no I'm not underage either.
doge got r9hap killed
>autosage/permasage/whatever the fuck you want to call itSo this is how the /r9k/ experiment ends
>>72637089That was weirdMade the next these pretty quickly after I saw it archive though. Made the unique text for the thread related to the current happeningDidn't flip the image this time
/rok/ thread autosaged into catalog. There were like 70+ deleted posts, a public ban, and just an all around tempest>>72637089I did no such thing, and it is foolish of you to lay the entirety.of the blame on one singular poster. I'll take the part that is proportional to my part, which is a tiny piece of pie. What killed the thread was bad actors who were running their own little thing that collapsed when it was pushed on slightly >>72637160You're a mensch sometimes Nat
>>72637189Yay! It makes me happy to get positive messages from you!
>>72638455Well, I'm actually trying to better figure out which one is you and which one is Bruce/Imposter. If I'm understanding correctly, Imposter was the I was arguing with and the one who got publicly banned and the one who reported my posts for avatar fagging. So Im trying to be nicer to you, since it's genuinely not your fault you've an imposter. I suppose we will know the truth of the matter in the near future; tha lt being said, there's no longer any doubt, there's a discord group in the wing.
Are all the happenings threads honeypots? The internet is truly dead.
>>72638578...?But I am Bruce/imposter Natalie I just responded nicely because you responded nicely. I don't feel like revealing which posts were mine but I wasn't wiped in that thread. But I was kinda mean towards you in places I feel.I feel kinda bad about it. I'm going to stop antagonizing you. I also kinda did it just to continue derailing the thread which I should also stop doing.I should stop. Doubly do because despite being part of the cause you're still so nice to me. Sorry. Well can I really be sorry if I'm withholding information?I made the posts talking about your linking of Wikipedia articles. Sorry.
>>72639814Ah I see. So you're probably the person who was calling me manipulative and two faced then, because Ive regularly manipulated you in the past for various reasons, whether because I was curious about you, or because I felt like practicing. You know, it just occurred to me, I never really apologized for using you as my personal lab rat and I didn't really care about your feelings or mental health in that. Hmm. That was pretty fucked to do, even if you aren't a good person. I'm sorry for mistreating you in the past, it was wrong of me, and it came from a place of genuine unempatheticness. While it did benefit me, and train me, I forgot that you were a human being in the process and dehumanized you for the sake of training. This apology probably doesn't fix the mental or emotional damage I've inflicted on you, but I kind of hope it can be a step to actual recovery. I actually do mean that sincerely.
>>72640167The narcissist cries as he hits you
>>72640318It's selfish to take away someone's else's healing for your own personal viewpoint friend.The apology was not directed at you, but rather the person that I admitted to psychologically fucking with for various reasons.Kindly take your personal pick me ass elsewhere and go be a miserable cunt elsewhere. I'm trying to have a genuine moment of remorse for someone who I've done wrong by
>>72640624You are making a show of it like the kid should be thanking you deigned to apologize.Seriously, I am not kidding. You are a textbook NPD. Go see a shrink before you rape someone.
>>72640936I wasn't aware narcissists were capable of admitting fault in the first, let alone apologizing. >See a shrink before you rape someoneYeah, no. Despite your poor outlook of me, I'm someone who genuinely cares about consent in regards to physical relationships. Please do not project your fantasies and degeneracies onto me. >You're making a show of the apology.I'm apologizing in general, sorry it's not simple, if it was simple, wouldn't seem sincereAgain, you're making this about you, and your narrative/viewpoint instead of letting someone else heal, while projecting your own viewpoints. And you call me the narcissist? Sit down and be quiet, and know that this isn't about you, nor does it involve you, you hisitronic drama whore. Go sip your deamafag juice over at /r/drama or /r/ cattygays or something you prissy ass queen
>>72641165>I wasn't aware narcissists were capable of admitting fault in the first, let alone apologizing. They are if they deem it convenient.>you're making this about youSorry Jimmy I'm exclusively talking about you here.
>>72641593>They do when convenient No no. You're thinking of sociopathy, and I don't deny that armchair diagnosis at all. I can be very sociopathic at times. >I'm not making this about me, but here's my viewpoint anyway that is super duper personalized and taking shots because I want attention.Mhmmm. Go on, continue proving my point by continuing your hisitronic s and how you're right. I can admit I have sociopathic tendencies, can you admit that you have any negative qualities? The spotlight is on you Anon. Go ahead, speak up. Tell us how you're a perfect little person on the Internet and why you're the shining knight in armor who is here to speak your truth yasa queen slay.
Ladies please you're all beautiful. There's no need to fight. I accept your apology. And don't worry. Despite how it may look most of the bad words never really get to me personally. My sadness and mental illness for the most part has little to do with this thread. This thread mostly just serves as a distraction, one of many I employ. I don't take it that seriously so these words never really reached me in the first place even if they were rude.
>>72641868I am still genuinely sorry about being a massive dick to you; regardless of my reasons, it wasn't okay of me to have done what I've done to you, or impede your own progress. That is to say, I haven't really been a good person to you, and I actually didn't realize how it much it affected you. Those experiments werent justified in the slightest, and I shouldve shown some empathy and restraint in that for you as a person, and not just as target practice. In a weird way, I actually do care about you Nat, and I really don't want you to end up down a bad road like Beeschizo or the Anticatposter. And I know there are bad people here who would take full advantage of your situation and use you for their own reasons. I guess I ended up being one of those people without really realizing it, and I'm sorry for that.
>>72641811>No no. A narcissistic apology is a fake apology that lacks ownership and specifics, and often shifts blame to the other person. Narcissists may also use apologies to deflect attention or to receive more attention.
>>72642174>It's a fake apology because I say it is because it didn't tick all my very specific boxes, and I refuse to let go of my own perspective because I'm incapable of being incorrect! Mhmmm. Cool. Now go ahead and name one negative trait about yourself.Yes, I am being a dick to you, because you're being extremely hypocritical to the point of being comedic
>>72642174Narcissists swing from extreme self-aggrandization to immense self-loathing depending on how well their internal conception of themselves is currently gelling with their surroundings. The cornerstone of narcissism isn't thinking you're better than everyone, but rather that you are fundamentally unique and different from others. A narcissist who's in the "I am a reprehensible monster and I hate myself so much it hurts" phase of the cycle will very genuinely apologize for anything because their guilt for existing in general is near-infinite. A narcissist who's on the "I am an angel sent from heaven" peak probably won't apologize at all, or will do so patronizingly, as they realize that your puny mind simply cannot conceptualize the plans their heavenly self has put into motion. t. narcissist
>>72642823>Narcissists are people with strong senses of individual self to the point of egregious shifts that ultimately are alienize themselves from the rest of society. Guess that explains the majority of Identity politics then doesn't it? If the sin of being an individual is narcissism, then are t we all guilty of that? Aren't we all a little different than one another? I mean, at the end of the day, we're all the same. We dream, we sleep, we hope, we all have things we strive for. That's the collective human struggle.We're all unique and individual, that's what makes us all similar; is being aware of that a bad thing? Is it wrong to have a strong sense of identity that wishes not to be impeded upon by others? If so, then Im guilty as charged.I am like other people as I'm a unique person with an individual self, that wishes not to have that be impeded on.
>>72643159Here's a thought, narcissism isn't a binary thing, but rather a spectrum, and the presence of self confidence and esteem, while a form of narcissism isn't considered destructive or harmful, in fact, a perfectly healthy thing. Where it gets harmful is when it becomes grandiose, unempathetic, overly attention seeking, or becomes a point of unwilling to self reflect. Thinking you're so different that not else matters. And yes, there are times I've acted like that, and it's perfectly valid to state it presents itself as such; I can concede in that. Although, you really shouldn't demonize others for what you yourself do unapologetically to the point of stereotypical comedica.That's like a murderer chiding another murderer for murdering. Pot and kettle There's nothing wrong with a healthy bit of narcissism, there's nothing wrong with being an unique individual, because we all are the same in that. There is a problem when your particular flavor of uniqueness interferes with others or gets to the point of being classically definitive. So yes, I can be at times, but that isnt a cause of total dismissal, especially when youre guilty of the same thing, to the point of egregious stereotype where you can't even name one bad thing or reflect on something that makes you in the wrong.
Hey nah did you know the stock market is down 1 Trillion dollars in 1 day
>>726448431 day being today
>>72644843the stock market will bounce backbuy the chips and dip>inb4 L-shaped "recovery">>72650077take off his rags
>>>/co/147275726AI-generated thread?
>> was owned by Bakugo, a TF2 pedo who used to play on the party /v/an. He rarely listened to takedown requests and had a massive ego.It's no wonder the site went down but alternatives exist like
>>72633509>>72652279Nevermind, seems doesn't have search enabled anymore.Welp, any alternatives or was half of 4chan's remaining archives just wiped out?
>>72652279Yeah, the owner's the faggot. When the Sweet Baby threads started getting moved last year, he edited the thread moved mod message to be about trannies or something.
>>72652279So the archive was taken down on the ground of violating jurisdictions about personal information?
>>72652729People are saying it's because of the recent dipshit on /v/ who entered random threads to post CP accompanied by nonsensical retard text. b4k didn't delete the pics, so apparently someone reported the site because of it. inb4 the site comes back but every single image on the whole thing is deleted "just to be safe".
>>72652279>archived.moeBig dumpster fire in its own right. It archives the most posts, but search is fucked and it links to other archives for most images.
Please give us mods on /a/ that actually do their job and remove the rampant shipping spam in every thread, most notably Madoka threads
tabbender in the trash?
>>72652114The filenames are odd...
>>72652279Is currently on the bibanon chat spacesFuck that transphobic shithead
>>72609537i refuse to accept thatfilters are for pussiesalso im not into grotesque horrors since im a pussy for that
>>72609656king shit
>>>/v/701011271>some anon made claims about BMAF in the adult industry>no proofs or any direct evidence>anons gobble it all up as if it a factual truthTHE ABSOLUTE STATE OF 4KEK.ORG
>>72659525you know what this actually pisses me offits not about the topic its about the anons who genuinely accept these mis(dis)informative posts without any consideration or skepticismis this what the future of the web in general just a bunch naive or ignorant yesmen and a powerful few
How do you guys feel about yournamehere, the mod, being a 100% legit mentally ill freak who wants to fuck horses?Do you think it's crazy an actual mentally ill person is a mod of 4chan?
>someone on /v/ is spamming cp in the political GPU threadThere's some top shelf butthurt in that thread.
>>72659561All the mods are mentally ill i feel.Reminder that being a regular discord user is required to be a janny.
>>72659561i mean i wish to get fuck by zebrasalso this 4chan so what did you expect really>>72659594arr you not mentally insane too you hypocrite
>>72659673If i was mentally insane i would have no problem with our moderation being regular users of an app that can ban you for calling mentally insane people mentally insane.
>>72659577>it's about to hit 700 postsLETS FUCKING GOOOO.
>>72659709As if team 4chan supports ableismYour post reeks of projection
>>72659895Supports what now
>>>/v/701481517/v/ thread of a screencap of a xitter post of a /g/ post of a screencap of a xitter post of a headline
>>72659673>also this 4chan so what did you expect reallyMods that will actually improve the quality of the site and not be so mentally ill they want to fuck horses.>i mean i wish to get fuck by zebrasYou should kill yourself.
VIDEO GAMES?>>>/v/701488212
>>72660173you do not belong here
>>72660546No, he's right.We have /d/ and shit like this for a reason. All degen shit like zoophilia, faggotry, trannyism ETC belongs in such boards, it has no business being on every board let alone part of the moderation.
>>72660546>projection from a pedo discord faggot
>>72660546It's actually sad as fuck how you think being 4chan means any of your deranged mental illness should be accepted.
>stop using brain>brain gets weakwow