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ITT: Interesting and unusual stuff that's happening on the boards you visit.

Non-happenings, small GETs, complaints about shit boards being shit, known spergs sperging out, personal report buttons and blogposting/avatarfagging belong on >>66842224. ( https://boards.4chan.org/trash/#s=nah )

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Previous thread: >>66951357
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DT won
Damn, you're right.
go start some shit somewhere damn this placei s dead
very goldsoncoded behavior
I wish schizos were like that more often

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Furry JOI/JOE/Caption Thread #393
(Jerk Off Instructions, Encouragement, and Captions)
>Its good to be King Edition

This thread is for furry JOI/JOE posts only, along with requests. Please take anime and other such JOI/JOE posts to the other thread:

Closed Boorus:
(Could always use some more tagging!)

All boorus were automatically closed due to spambot shenanigans, so if someone could contact the owner of the previously open one to fix it that'd be great.

That said, those already with an account can still add images provided they're not more than 5k pixels.

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PA's fan art archives:
SFW: https://cat box. moe/c/0huh9k
NSFW: https://cat box. moe/c/xgpzxp
Kazen-related (some NSFW): https://cat box. moe/c/eefxaj
Suule-related (some NSFW): https://cat box. moe/c/a7ltsc
CA-related (some NSFW):https://cat box. moe/c/gq5v84

CA's fan art archives:

Endtown papercrafts here: https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/34074979/#34259883

Previous thread(s):
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So... any 4th of July images?
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Aaron goes through Jarlidium, so I doubt he was dropped. It's not impossible to edit it to fit and add some color insert pages, but it would cost a bit more.
It would be neat to see, like the Wizard of Oz turning to technicolor. I wish it was at least interesting and had less Marx.
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Do you count beaches/ swimsuits as 4th of July?
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(Your) slippery pocket pussy edition

A thread for horny anons to worship girls that make them go PLAP PLAP PLAP and bust out lots of steaming boy batter.

Rules: NO SHOTA OR LOLI, no weird fetishes or drama!
Go to /dft/ to share tags!

Gooning is obligatory while posting ITT

Last thread: >>67067053
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I got busy with other stuff that took me away from fapping for a bit, but I'm correcting that now!
Good anon, you really shouldn't neglect draining your nuts like that.
Work on getting a nice rhythm going in your hand and stroke it~
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I know, I gotta make up for it by spending as much time as I can pumping~ Those amazing 2D girls deserve as much cum as I can give them! Stroking my stick up and down in a nice rhythm to their perfect bodies~
Yes anon, you'd better be churning up a huge, satisfying load for them~!
Squeeze that goopy pre-cum out and drizzle it all between your soft fingers~
Just like letting it slide down between these tits designed for you to plap plap plap your throbbing gonner meat until it's sore~
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Plappies for futas!

It's hot out there.
I want to go into the cool tummy now...

>Do post inside body heavy content of a wide range of nature, doesn't need to even be vore related just be on the inside (fetish anatomy diagrams for instance)
>Internals, that is the name of the game
>Safe vore is in the scope of the thread!
>Any image posted here has the prey automatically given the /endo/ seal of protection

Tag Search Terms
>Internal View
>Full Tour (some risks)

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>late at night
>crawl back up her gullet while she's asleep
>slowly pull yourself halfway out her maw
>she stirs, opens one eye, then slurps you back down like a noodle
>tells you to go back to bed, silly
There are a few vore/endo artists that draw vacuum seal bulges but it does feel more common lately
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/Chic-Fil-A/ General #73
"Hey you! Wanna fuck my ass?" edition.
/Chic-Fil-A/ is a thread dedicated to posting fox women, bible study, and personal chicken sandwich reviews.
/hmofa/ fox women are preferred, but solo fox women are more than appreciated.
>No furbois.
>No NTR/cuckshit.
>If you can't post anything nice don't post at all.

Please post green texts and stories as well. /hmofa/ stories that feature vixens are welcome.

By somethingaboutsharks
>Where Kitsune Wait (Ch. 19)

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san francisco?
idk where else there would be trolleys in the us
actually is that even a thing anymore or is it just for tourists
why do you guys have no public transport
like what is there besides the metro in nyc or trains sometimes maybe
Foxtism https://files.catbox.moe/svzq1j.mp4
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official pony thread
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/hfur/ general
Post and discuss your favorite furry dickgirls, herms, shemales and futas.

Contribute to the thread with pics, stories and banter.

Story Mega:
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>> POST MICE AND RATS! Your favourites, new stuff you found, even just cute IRL rodent pics. Feel free to help out by just bumping with theme pics, too <<


All characters welcome, but OCs especially so (tell us all about them!)

All genders and orientations are fine.

Bumps to keep us above page seven are appreciated, but feel free to post at ANY time (and anything you like).

Theme for this thread:

>> Small boobs and flat chests! Because they deserve love too... <<

Maus timetable:

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Mice are noisy. Rats are the silent ones.

Why does "silent as a mouse" exist?
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Wish I was that bunny.

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/bara/ - No Guts No Glory Edition

>Last thread: https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/67001239
>Tagmap: https://tagmap.io/tag/%2Fbara%2F
>Writefaggotry: https://rentry.org/i9mix
>Shitpost Filter: https://rentry.org/7xxzv
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>rainy and thunderstorms
>won't be able to see the fireworks
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mmm yes, old men looking at a young adult
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>Final season - part 1
I hate that shit
Wish i was a burger sometimes, so i would have fireworks on my b day
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just pretend it's season 3 and 4

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/dft/ - Discord Fappy Talky

Post tags, talk about your fetishes, and jerk off.

Dragon Edition

Previous: >>67111099
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Can we get a real thread please?
You're free to stay here eurofag
I'm American though?
>she thinks it's not because that thread is dogshit
Then you've already been free my child...

Front Row Seat Edition

Welcome to /FurNTR/, the place to come talk about your Waifurs cucking you! Or alternatively, talk about cucking anons by fucking their waifurs!

Previous thread: >>66960723
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Anon, be quiet while I knock up your wife.
You actually raise an interesting point.
I guess most furries are so autistic that they never actually hook up with anyone. They're quite content just sitting at home masturbating to diapers or what ever the flavour of the month furry bait is at that time.
Favorite bull archetype(s)?
Smug shemale/dickgirl bull but wants to do risky sex games and lots of teasing, never touches my waifu but instead cucks her~

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America! Fuck Yeah! Edition
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/sjg/ - Shonen Jump General #188

Mega Thread for WSJ and WSJ-adjacent series and more.
Included sub-generals: /mha/, /opg/ (Coom Piece/Goon Piece), /jojo/ (/fujojo/), /ysg/ (Yu-Gi-Oh! Slutposting General), /jjk/, /csm/, /kgb/, /dbs/ - "Dragon Ball Super"

Previous Thread: >>67015137

>What is Shonen Jump?
Shonen Jump is known worldwide as home of the world’s greatest manga. It and its related magazines are known for hits like One Piece, My Hero Academia, Jujutsu Kaisen, Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba, Chainsaw Man, Dragon Ball Super, Boruto, Naruto, Bleach, Death Note, Kaiju No. 8, Spy x Family, and more. It is a weekly shonen manga anthology published in Japan by Shueisha under the Jump line of magazines. The manga series within the magazine consist of many action scenes and a fair amount of comedy. Chapters of the series that run in Weekly Shonen Jump are collected and published in tankobon volumes under the Jump Comics imprint every two to three months. It is one of the longest-running manga magazines, with the first issue being released with a cover date of August 1, 1968.

What series would YOU like to discuss? Make your voice heard IN THE POLL: https://poal.me/17wlh7
Current top 3:
1. Naruto
2. Bleach

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So do I
*cumes in your mouthhole*

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/tfg/ - Transformation General
Defunct Animation Studio Edition

Things turning into other things, sometimes in a sexual manner but always in a hot one.

QoTT : What's your opinion on MtM transformations? Do you like to self-insert as them or do you prefer it happening to someone else?

Prompt: TF gym, whose equipment and programs transforms you

Previous thread: https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/66987986
>Anon works
>Story Archive
>SHRIMP Agency stories

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Definitely want to end up in the scenario myself
Hot and cute. Sure it would be a big jump for you
Not really, though I do have artists that I often think "Wouldn't it be neat if they did TF". I think Naylor would do some good stuff. His wolves already feel very werewolf-like
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Same. I don't enjoy stuff with unestablished characters nearly as much. It's more fun the more I know about them, and how I can imagine their life after the transformation.

Have any more one piece stuff? Only this year read the manga, so I have nothing saved.

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