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god i wish i was her
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>Can you even feel that? Your ass is so big I thought it was a beanbag chair!
Need the cyberpunk future where you can eat and order cheap food.
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Just eating until the bed frame gives out
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>Cyberpunk future
>Kidnapped by a rival gang or something
>Brought to some laboratory
>Given a new body and implants that leave you stuck as a humongous, fast food addicted slob
>Also a new identity to go along with it
>And you're in debt on top of that
>Have to find some way to pay them back even though you're not really all that capable anymore
>Foods cheap to the point where the government just pays for it for the people, not really paying attention to the contents so its all super calorie and fat laden.
>Occasional 'unique' drugs get mixed in through production 'issues.
>No real work due to massive population and increased automation means people are bored and just try to kill time or eat.
>Even just eating what would have been a 'normal' meal will result in some pounds gained.
>not to mention that the medicine means that people can reach astounding sizes with little issue.
>Have to deal with not just finding things to do aside from eating but an increasing waistline and titsize because bovine hormones got mix in the food slurry again.

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Gay musclegut thread. For all strongfat men of various levels of fat and muscle, that don't quite fit /bara/ or /gchub/.
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I don't consume much of Marvel or DC offerings, so what's with all the heart bumps and salivating tongues on King Shark? Is he that hot, manly...? He usually shows up on my blue bird timeline.

>somber lightning
>somewhat grinning smirk
>superfluous foreskin
>small colored darker tints across body
Can't blame you. Freakin' freaky aaaah hot zesty monster. Could've had some bigger tusks though.
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My ideal daddy bf... could also at the very least shave off all his hair since I love most bald men, ideally shave off his mustache too, and he would be 11/10 man for me.
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This general is for the discussion of official, fan-made, or look-alike TLH productions as well as original content created by Chris Savino.

https://loudbooru.com/ (Currently under reconstruction)

DM _the_sl0th_ for invite.

>Episodes and other official and fan content:

>New Halloween Special coming
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new art 2! :p
new art 3! :p
And last new art 4! :p

Bad job!
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/feed/ - Fat, Expansion & Edit Drawthread
Erm…Achually Edition
Previous Threads: https://desuarchive.org/trash/search/text/%2Ffeed%2F%20-%20Fat%2C%20Expansion%20%26%20Edit%20Drawthread/
ALL fat/weight gain/inflation/other expansion themed requests, of any size, whether human, monster girl, anthropomorphic animals and fictional creatures of Male and Female are welcomed here.

Our Booru:
(make sure to archive the deliveries)
>How do I request?
- Post your request on the request anchor .
- Start your post with "requesting" or "/r/".
- Provide names and image references in a single post.
- Don't spam or bump your requests.
- Check the delivery post and/or the booru to see if your request was done.

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Erm…these characters actually have a VERY important history with the thread actually
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Requesting this posh liepard turned sbbw
Requesting this anthro mudkip fat
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Requesting an American bald eagle and the Statue of Liberty, fattened up into blobs!

Requesting the fat bitch nerd,literally clutching pearls,filled to the brim with cakes and over bloated getting shoved into a cartoonishly wide locker while refusing to give up the yapathon

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How late did you stay up playing ZZZ...?
ho ho ho
he he he
4am as per usual

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4th of July Edition
Previous thread >>66996250
Thread Question: Which bimbos would you celebrate the 4th of July with?

Stories so far:
Bimbo Effect, an Atompunk setting
>Summary of the Bimbo Effect (Edited and updated)
>Anon's guide to marrying a bimbo (edited and updated)
>Collared Rookie
>Interview with a Doberman bimbo

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Yuck... I agree, not great.

Personally, I know that the majority of my bimbs are either associated with old 70's department store music (since they spend their days mostly shopping), or they are jamming out to hardstyle/rave club music (since they spend their nights mostly stripping & partying).

Welcome fellow drawfriend! That's a good sketch you got there. Hope to see more from you :).
>Me and my bimbo like to shop a lot
>The prices are insane when it's lacey
>But at least she's happy and looks hot.
>Also with very forgiving return policy
I would be happy with chochi simply drawing more of her.
Should you tell her?

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First edition, post tendy girls that you wanna be.
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Nearly everyone wants to be kidnapped by femBowser, but i keep thinking that kidnapping her would be a lot more fun.
I want to massage and worship her scaly body
i want to make her squirt. I want to milk her tits
I wonder what her pussy tastes like
>become a goddess, start your own religion
>accept followers, turn the most devoted ones into beautiful angels
>regularly bless your followers with things like big tits, soft skin and wet pussies

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/ftt/ - Fapping Together Thread
Post lewds and talk about fappin' and schlickin'

Breeding Protocol Edition!

Previous: >>67103534
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I'm sure it would but sadly I can't have my face right next to your hard cock so you will just have to do it yourself while imagining it~ I'm sure you can do just fine
hung furry femboys...
So good..~ What about you nonny, what would you love to do, and how are you feeling?~
Left right at the edge for squids it's not fair


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this thread aint surviving edition
smut of pokemon in a mystery dungeon setting
art, writing, discussion, whatever
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It doesn't just not cause genetic disorders, it actually makes them stronger.

Breeding for IVs is all about taking the offspring with the best IVs and pairing them together until you get the perfect ones.
I imagine you wouldn't really 'battle' much in a city?... Then again, explorers in a dungeon are probably free game for the wilds
A Pokemon's family tree would make those old royalty family trees look normal
Imagine creating a harem of various beauties and adding the prettiest of your daughters to it.

Of course, the sons are good for dick worshipping and eating you out while you fuck their sisters.
there is literally nothing bad about this. The sons that dislike the family dynamic can then just go make their own harem

/kemog/ - Kemono.mimi General #03
"Fuzzy Friends, Forever Fun!"™

Humanoid with animal ears, tail or behavior
Humanoid with claws or fur
>Not kemo but encouraged:
Human cosplaying as animal (e.g petplay)
Monstergirls or monsterboys
Traditional furries
Fantasy beings with no animal traits (angels, fairies, ogres, slimes, etc.)

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do not bite shark tails
>girls with animal ears general
Faggot, go have a fried brain elsewhere

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Edición Chicas Conalep
Posteen todo el fanart de linduras con temática del meme que tengan señores

Hilo anterior: https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/66713078

Booru: https://elbasurero.booru.org

Tema del hilo
El peor problema de tu país actualmente
Eso basuras, que creen que sea lo peor que les este pasando en su nación?
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Bumpo de media noche
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Buenas basuras, no mueran

remember this?
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yeah man
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still got Sonia one anon requested
yes the acronym is still in my filters. please use it ya fuckin stunad
I never understood what it was about.
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Fuck yeah
Cumming again to save the motherfucking day, yeah!

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I love how useless Nami is post-TS
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Wake up
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Fapping to Oda's wife and Mommy Robin
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Like any real One Piece should do.
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Mommy Butt.

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what's your type
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Need BBC
this looks like my girlfriend
you should post more
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I like cute and feminine.

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