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/bzzt/ - Bugs & Insects General
Sanguine Spider Edition

Post bugs and arthropods of all varieties.

Previous thread:

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Caught by spiders
Would you let a mosquito anthro suck your blood?

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edizione pizzasona

PT v1.1.063 https://mega.nz/file/adASkYRB#kZlG--8MuJvWjQ7r1sqqECzfWczaFvkNH8Ls9pwVtdM
SS P-Rank Build 1.01 https://mega.nz/file/WNQxkKaC#0YqkodmV0cJqciQ2lrQW0K6ge4aiq1cWOnNJIqWUf4s
BYOC Pre 2.0 https://allfearthesentinel.com/zandronum/wads.php?user=5704&order=id_desc
Dynamite Demo https://store.steampowered.com/app/1887400/ANTONBLAST

>Old Builds

Demo 1 Engine https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ThGUiwttZ63h11UpfrdP8B7KaoqnnjVg/view
GMS 2022 https://drive.google.com/file/d/1CW_LN07NEd3ISn8DDNwEEKjso8-0e7g7/view

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Why does he have a big nigger fro?
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I’m not that person
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Why are you so obsessed with niggers?

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4th of July edition
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For all content relating to filth or bodily fluids including but not limited to scat, smegma, farts, vomit, cellulite, pus, urine, etc.

"Got any more snacks?" edition

Archive: https://desuarchive.org/trash/search/text/%22%2FFilth%20Generall%2F%20%23%22

Previous Thread: >>66954045

>No vanilla fetish content (bodily fluids are a must)
>Furry/Hentai allowed
>As long as it has bodily fluids, it's allowed to be posted.
>NO GORE (blood is disallowed)
>Low quality art is discouraged (art made without use of art fundamentals or has incredibly poor anatomy/study put into it)

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fucking someone's ass while being covered and blasted with logs of shit, torrents of piss and other filth
Wolf slob forcing me to suck his smegma covered red rocket clean.
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TwoKinds General #2024-29

The Only Use for Trace is to Satiate Flora’s Hunger
Flora’s Pregnancy Cravings Are A Bit Bizarre - Edition

Newest Page: https://twokinds.keenspot.com/

Comic: https://twokinds.keenspot.com/?p=archive

TwoKinds Content Masterpaste: https://pastebin.com/HNYVbauJ

Sketch Archive: https://2karchive.xyz/extras

Thread Archive: https://desuarchive.org/trash/search/text/TwoKinds%20General%20Newest%20Page/type/op/

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Almost certainly a case of misunderstanding, the stone dragon maids are here to clean up the mess.
There is something innately sexual about stone-faced (in this case, literally). indistinguishably similar in appearance maids bound to their master's will.
If thier comms are open just ask niggy

there was an hour and half between posts at the fast time of day, that ain't bumpfag

guy in the discord made a loRa for the stone things so if you want they aare totaly possible now

/ERP/ - Erotic Roleplay Thread

4th of July Edition

Previous: >>67107952
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Pray the long covid doesn't fuck you up after you recover.
Anon, how can you know if I'm cute if you can't see me?
(I've wanted to dick someone as a Luxray and give light electric shocks to make them spasm and ensure they can never get used to how they're being laid into.)

(Understand if that's not your cup of tea, though.)
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Buttfucking the fattest babe at the BBQ like a proper ‘merican
Huh, I think I recognize one of those
NTA, but definitely cute

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Toon Thread: Foxy Lady edition

Welcome to the thread for posting rule 34 of the zaniest cartoon characters. Disney, Warner Bros, MGM, Fleischer, stuff from them and that ballpark.
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I thought Fifi was French and/or Canadian
The French did give us some help in the revolution.

What's so great about dumb ol' Texas?
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I just want the burger
A Texan burger?
shut up Fred

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nice shot edition
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this is true
i get a rush when people see my art even if it isn't the best
That's exactly what I'm talking about, art is supposed to be fun
If you're having fun drawing, that's all that matters
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Sunday Bunday - Anime Rabbit edition.

Feel free to post any kind of bun you like.
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c( uu)

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>Shower edition

A place to discuss anything Shezow related or established and up-and-coming cute shows and cartoons that feature cute, young male protagonists.

>MEGAS (to be expanded):


>Regular Show

>Miraculous Ladybug

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Actually there's another by mr.smiles on baraag but, it'd be dangerous to post...
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So what really happened with Robot Jones?
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He got his back blown out appearantly

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The home of Doerot.

Back From The Dead Edition

>Relive The Doerot:

>The Doebrary Mega :

>Alternatively The Doebrary GDrive :

>The Doe Gallery:

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death ray
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stunningly beautiful
By just saying the words "Dragon Blazers Secret Door" she'll carry the whole conversation for the rest of the date

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ManaHub Edition

Previous thread: >>67061098

Booru Backup:

Carmillanon’s NTR captions:

DarkNation's NTR captions:

Succubus dating guide:

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I'm guessing you're upset because one of them was your girlfriend
I think he meant the larper spam posts.
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I started it purely for all the netorare art that is inevitably going to follow. The designs are all really good, but I'm way too deep in my main gacha to probably stick with it long term.
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Onahole sex isn't that bad. Sure it's nothing at all like the real thing, but it's the best some of us can ever hope for.
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/Awoo/ - Wednesday

Weekly Gay Werewolf General.

Last Week Thread: https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/66927103

Old Pastebin: (Stories absent from the main paste may be found here) ~ https://archive.is/1vGX1

NEW! Main, Library Link (Updated as of 11/05/2023): https://rentry.org/aw00 - Speak up if your story is missing


Reminder, this is a gay thread so keep it to males only
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Mommy Felicia edition
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You just know Laura's head game goes crazy
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"i bet you get sucked by a lot of girls, now watch this"

like drive you crazy for her head game
Yeah, letting her work her magic, while you grab a nice handful of her bunda and can tease her holes and make her a very happy Brazilian beauty

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