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>Shivers Edition

>New to VR? Start here:

>18+ Avatar Resources:
https://booth.pm/en/items?tags%5B%5D=VRChat&adult=only (Anime models)
https://boothplorer.com/items/adult (Use to find assets related to your base)
https://gumroad.com/discover (Use to find tech, furry thread is down the block)
https://files.catbox.moe/mvgt8p.zip (Bag o' dicks)

>Guide to Avatars utilizing the VCC:

>OpenVR Advanced Settings (contains playspace mover):

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who the fuck is WADAN0HARA
a retarded nigger, kos
haven't crossed paths in years, does he still use that witch avatar?
a cute and nice person
are they 4chan?

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/adhg/ - Anthro Females Dominating Human Males General #1066

>"Pumping" Edition

This is a general dedicated to non-human female anthros (furries) dominating human men.
Keep the discussion on-topic, and follow the theme of the general. (dominant women, subby males, etc.)
>NO Cuckold/NTR
>HIDE and IGNORE trolls

To have your story listed in the OP, include STORYxUPDATE in your post.

My Life, Now the Anthrostate's Ch. 17

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Happy to hear it btw. Next bit should be tomorrow.
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spotted hyenas have larger hearts than most other animals their size which gives them greater stamina, but imagine how much louder their heartbeat would be when laying on them
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>that buldge
>this thread
How much do you charge an hour for being used as a mixed signal generator?
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They also give birth through a fake penis, so imagine seeing your child pass through that.

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Trashy /aspies/ #72

>What is /asp/?
/asp/ is a thread for vtubers to give and receive advice related to vtubing.

>Don't you have a vtuber containment board?
/vt/ asp is a strange place sometimes.

>Should I stream on Twitch or YouTube?
Most people would recommend against streaming on YouTube if you don't have an established subscriber base from making videos.
If you make videos on YouTube, don't expect that same audience to follow you to Twitch, and vice-versa.

>Is there an audience for X?
Would you watch someone do X?

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Same but also her massive regular skin toned chocolate ass.
I've considered getting her toys, but I don't know if she'd like them
>gobb humming giant woman
How am I supposed to not imagine a giant gobb?
I don’t know why but I feel like some nagging part in my soul is telling me I have no one I can call a friend
Anon fucked me up by being loving and caring. Be careful guys

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>1. Love RWBY, hate RWBY, just don't tell us it's good
>2. Read the Pastebin: http://rwbyg.com/
>3. Arguing about the thread, ships, porn, E-Celebs or IRL politics is not discussion
>4. Report and ignore any spam or troll posts
>5. Don't believe their lies
>6. Patch will rise again

All RWBY & RT content can now be found at https://rtarchive.org/
RWBY has been bought by Viz Media: https://x.com/officialrwby/status/1809301772608872576?s=46
Burnie Burns burns money to get Rooster Teeth Back: https://roosterteeth.com/press-release

Previous Thread: >>73522505

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also Anairis Quinones isnt the author
I just noticed, there doesn't seem to be an untied bikini underneath Pyrrha there. She's just completely topless. Are they on like one of those European beaches where women are sometimes topless?
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Who's to say?
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>Arkos didn’t get to be the obnoxiously in love ship that everyone else gets fed up with after two days

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Romantic Edition

Previous thread(s):

Pokecuck dex tool - https://yeetskeetthrowaway.itch.io/nsfw-pokecuck-image-generator
Pokecuck dex - https://imgchest.com/p/pg73pmozyrn
Pokecuck caps - https://imgchest.com/p/na7kr9kky8d

>Who’s your star pokemon?
>Why is she betraying you?
>Admit you love it
>Post pics and videos of your favorites for others to save and steal

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>date Jolteon or Sylveon (m)
>"Oh no master, we'd never cheat on you <3"
>gets railed nightly by nigger dicks
The pokemon
Just feels like a rare pick.

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>Good Morning Everyone
>kek trash baggies

Previous Dumpster: >>73264115
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>I've seen an abundance of fanart for it.
I wouldn't expect otherwise.
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Doing her part to fund LC2, I'm sure.
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Not that they're having trouble with that I'm sure. If they wanted to be funny they could have an LC2 and an LC2. Or LC, LC, and a third LC.

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Porcine Princesses Presenting Prodigious Posteriors Edition

Post any expansion-related material (breast or butt expansion, weight gain, inflation to name a few) containing human or humanoid characters. Cartoon and vidya characters are permitted)
All expansion must be focused on related material (characters from cartoons, games, comics, or anime). Have some fun, above all else.

Any original content is appreciated! Edits, fics, and other pictures are all great.

Previous Threads: https://desuarchive.org/trash/search/text/cartoon%20expansion/type/op/
Pastebin: https://pastebin.com/BGiyCmC2
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It makes sense: bigger body with a smaller head has been artistic shorthand for "this character is really REALLY muscular" for decades. Not that I wouldn't enjoy a bunch of fat on top of it...

Another thing I find interesting is the combination of hypermasculine and hyperfeminine traits. Huge muscles, thick core, large hands/feet, but with colossal breasts, enormous thighs, wiiiiide hips, and a pretty and feminine face. Love it. (But a lot of the same logic goes into futa and I hate that, so I dunno.)
https://x.com/kennylauderdal3/status/1897714685241172305?s=46 found out that there was a weight loss commerical made about Cutie Honey where they made the heroine obese
>attractive skinny Japanese women taking drugs because they still think they're too fat
Well that part's a bit sad. Semi-official fat Cutie Honey is nice though.
women's sumo rules.
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/dft/ - Discord Fappy Talky

Post tags, talk about your fetishes, and jerk off.

When I think about you I touch myself edition

Previous >>73546188
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mopoly. now!
calm down clitlali
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Are you going to win?
Correct. You're better than me because you're sexually active while I've never had sex. The fact you are able to demonstrates you are well adjusted and genetically fit in some way or another. You are able to tap into a realm of expression, intimacy and experience I will never have for my crime of being a dysgenic freak.

You're tired of winning.

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Male only
>No females, cuntboys, futa, trans

Previous Thread: https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/73505814

Real artist tags: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1SRqJ7F_6yHVSOeCi3U82aA448TqEGrUlRrLLZ51abLg/edit#gid=2005893444


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nta but I think that's novelai. It also still has metadata in the image
You look like you fuck human boys
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not really the intimate company of my preference
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For Twinks, Traps, Femboys, Cross-Dressers, Cuteboys and Gays

pro op - idk :3 edition~

Previous thread: https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/73489598/

>/cbg/ tagmap
original: tagmap.io/tag/cbg
new: tagmap.io/tag/cuteboy

>Pastebin with weight loss/workout help (check /fit/ too)
>Use it as a first step, but remember that it's always best to do your own research!
>A guide for femboys for other stuff. Includes a few good tips :3

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If you actually interacted with other gay people regularly you'd understand. It's fine, best not to delude ourselves is all.
i know its definetely a huge plus for me considering i want kids but im also gay. adopting is okay but there is something special about combining both parts of yourself and your soul mate and creating a little person together.
I notice when people smell bad but I'm assuming that's not what you mean. Honestly I think I'm probably too retarded to actually notice something like that, I mean hell I can barely smell myself even if I use a brand new body wash or shampoo so it's not like I'm used to it or anything. But to be fair I barely am around people 1 on 1
ceebies having sex in 2025? this isnt right something must be wrong with the timeline
the femboy bubble is due to burst, be prepared to off load your assets

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/sug/ - Steven Universe General
Comfy Gems Edition

Last Thread: >>73506437

>Steven Universe: The Light Trilogy Games Delisted

>Michaela Dietz Signing (Amethyst's VA | March 14th, 2025 at 6:17 PM CDT)
>Jennifer Paz Signing (Lapis's VA | May 26th, 2025 at 12:00 PM CDT)

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you think moonel would make a great rack of ribs?
More like she’s got a great rack on her ribs
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oh anon!
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On The Hunt Edition

This is a place where more blatant and sustained lewd discussion of indie vtubers can be held without interfering with other threads.

Explicit discussion, fan art, fanfiction, relevant tributes, and audios that pertains to western indie vtubers are all welcome. Chuubas themselves are also free to join in.

>Last thread
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Can someone make some sloppa of Bao in this scenario
Play her fuck machine vod in the background at a low volume so you can barely hear it until she stays quiet for a bit ;)
I'm supposed to be jerking off to her but the ASMR just makes me want to sleep with her tails wrapped around me
A slight tear comes to my eye when I hear and see her model with this VOD. That bloody Matara my scared boner stands strong
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Now she just needs to be bred by Selen

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/beta/ brat edition
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not a valid tag
All liars have their part in the lake of fire.
dolly is entirely harmless and only wants whats best for people
yeah like giving all their money to him

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Teatime Edition

ATLYSS is a ORPG (Online RPG) that features fluid controls & combat as well as cute playable shortstack characters. With 5 races and 3 classes to choose from, you have stat points to allocate, skills to learn and scrolls to earn inside this charming realm inspired by gen 6 console graphics (think Dreamcast)

>Free Demo
>Buy on Steam
>/trash/ server info
SN: /trash/ fugbox 18+

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this is the second fat ass Bird I came across

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"I Just Like The Contrast" Edition

Previous: https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/73544867

>What is Whiteboy Denial Week?
Every month, save up your cum from the 1st to the 8th and release your tension with everyone! Post about your progress, how hard or easy you're finding it, and share your edge count with the other anons!


>BNWO Dictionary

>What's the AI everyone is using?
NovelAI V.4 ($25/month for unlimited gens)

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She was eager to become a woman, and the Black City locals were more than happy to oblige. She didn't stay for very long, but she got more than her fair share of girthy, veiny, greasy black dick.
No way her holes wasn't spread wide by BBC
White bois owe me access to their pale balls so I may fondle them and plap them with my BBC.
need to stretch out a fag like that
god i love how small she would look next to them

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