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Wizard Kat Edition

Kaz Stream Archive:
https://anonfiles com/J9Y91en7z1/kazstreams_zip

Shittyquests: shittyquests.neocities.org


Ending: prequelend.neocities.org

3D model: https://mega.nz/file/cxgmnLbR#OAdL-WWPjUM_MQ22TloRhLaYwsi9bCok95ZLPG0mnrQ

Previous Thread: https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/67020486
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Katia fucks dogs.
built for dogmeat

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Gay musclegut thread. For all strongfat men of various levels of fat and muscle, that don't quite fit /bara/ or /gchub/.
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I don't consume much of Marvel or DC offerings, so what's with all the heart bumps and salivating tongues on King Shark? Is he that hot, manly...? He usually shows up on my blue bird timeline.

>somber lightning
>somewhat grinning smirk
>superfluous foreskin
>small colored darker tints across body
Can't blame you. Freakin' freaky aaaah hot zesty monster. Could've had some bigger tusks though.
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My ideal daddy bf... could also at the very least shave off all his hair since I love most bald men, ideally shave off his mustache too, and he would be 11/10 man for me.
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Still gooning to sexy bois.

Previous thread: >>66962299
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God I love video game logic put into things, it really clicks for me.
Wait...is this how it is for the caption people?! I UNDERSTAND NOW!

/BLEACHED/ General #1791

>"Paint Job" Edition

>Previous Thread


>BLEACHED Manga Recommendations
https://pastebin.com/LydHEEKx (embed)

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Did you post that filter yet anon?
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Happy America day.

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Aryan goddesses like Lyse were built to be White baby factories.
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Welcome to /nah/ Not a Happening Thread:
Glaceon edition

>What is /nah/?
This thread meant to give a place for /nah/ posters to vent out their autism while keeping The Happenings Thread for happenings. Think of it like /b/ mixed with /qa/ but with a /trash/ spin thrown into the mix

>What is allowed on /nah/?
Gossip, board culture conversations, personal complaints/reports, blogposts and avatarfags that don't belong on the other thread, are more than welcome here. Drink your fill, you thirsty fellas!

If you are looking for happenings, or insights about site/board meta as a whole please go to the current happening thread:

>Important links
Voting results for mutual independence: https://strawpoll.com/XmZRxw0rmnd/results

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a little thought

a little what if scenario

if I were to play a le popularino compshitter or stalker anomaly (more likely)

or something medieval

it'd be similar to xenobladerino
brida is such an annoying bitch


fuck off already dumb anglo pagan who believes she is a le dane

stupid illogical women

you see I get it:

pagans are all atheists until times get tough or desperate and then they give in to superstitious nonsensical beliefs, making sacrifices to le local pagan beliefs and stuff
LARPagans are so fucking cringe

cant wait for brida to fuck off and DIE
gonna start bingingerino HBO's Rome

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Beautiful View Edition

OCs, fusions and fakemons (true fakemons, like clovermons) are welcome too.
Palworld requests are to be in their own dedicated thread or the general drawthread instead of here.

>How do I request?
•Start your post with "requesting" or "/r/".
•Provide descriptions, links and image references in a single post.
•Don't spam or bump your requests.
•Check the booru to see if your request was done.
•Request edits in the thread for edits and colorings:

>What if I want to start drawing?
•Check these resources for beginners: https://pastebin.com/4CpXsY7a (embed)

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262 replies and 125 images omitted. Click here to view.
EXTREMELY fucking based! Thanks a million for this!
NTA (actually the rhino anon from a while back) but dang this is amazing, would love to see it fully finished.
Artist name?
Look at bottom left
Oh damn lol. It was blending in a bit. I loved their nidorina lately

Eggnant edition

Post boys so horny they get themselves knocked up
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Gremile is a cute mum.
>pretending their bump is a beer gut
>adding their moob milk to coffee/tea because they ran out of the bottled stuff
>dropping endless Dad jokes no matter the occasion
>trying not to pass out from embarrassment while looking through maternity clothes
Just to name a few
Oh, and as for all the previous talk about the exact moment the wires got crossed, i initially was more of a vorefag at first, but i definitely feel that it was just more latent at first, and soon took over the forefront. It first started off with regular preg content, and then blossomed into enjoying boymoms as i do now.
TL,DR: I was blessed with a good fetish

>Man i really hope i could be in this situation....
>pretending their bump is a beer gut
Always a good one
>adding their moob milk to coffee/tea because they ran out of the bottled stuff
I feel that i'd be doing this sooner or later, it would definitely be fresher, and cheaper
>dropping endless Dad jokes no matter the occasion
Unfathomably cute!
>trying not to pass out from embarrassment while looking through maternity clothes
YESS!!!!! This one has always scratched a big itch for me

Fapping-focused AIslop thread for those who enjoy plapping to AI perfection. A thread for prompters, editors, requesters, gooners, AI pornmommies, PLAPpers, Stable Diffusion artists, NovelAI artists - anything and everything AIslop. Don't flood the thread with any niche kink, no limits past site rules.

>Beach Meal Edition

Previous: https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/67103040/#q67103040
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Special service only for the most generous ojisans.
I'm not sure honestly...
Just striking some sexy poses, eating, walking through the beach and showing off her bod, taking a swim, playing volleyball and jiggling all over the place...
Your choice!
Or those who pay the most... Who just so happen to be rich ojisans
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How about kissing the penis? Or the balls...
Requesting oppai loli's showing off their goods at the beach.

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Fat free pistachio icecream that may or may not be expired.
Imagine spending hours a day talking to yourself.
It's more fun when you have multiple personalities. It's not that weird.
Why doesn't Eric want to talk things over with Bocchi?

/npg/ - Nationplay/Countryplay General #102 (I think)
America edition #248

Patriotism, treason, conquest, surrender, stereotypes, any and all kinks and themes about nations and countries. Flag apparel especially welcome.

Flags limited to countries and groups of countries (i.e. NATO, UN, EU, etc.)

R*ceplay is only acceptable in the context of the countries involved. All other references to r*ceplay (tattoos, symbols, etc) is not allowed.

If someone posts nationplay content involving a country you don't like, ignore it and post content you do like. Don't be a bitch and cry about it.

Last thread >>67000605
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/adhg/ - Anthro Females Dominating Human Males General #994

"Stuck Between a Dog and a Hard Place" Edition

This is a general dedicated to non-human female anthros (furries) dominating human men.
Keep the discussion on-topic, and follow the theme of the general. (dominant women, subby males, etc.)
>NO Cuckold/NTR
>HIDE and IGNORE trolls

To have your story listed in the OP, include STORYxUPDATE in your post.

>A Night in Solitude

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If you REALLY are a shameless pawslut then you'll look right into the camera while you suck on those beanz.
Luckily, I am neither of those people! I am just a concerned citizen who deeply wishes that your hellish New World Order oriented disgusting fetish would cease existing, since the prospects of it coming to life would make me kill myself. I barely post in this thread, and recently only asked for more stories to expand my research on what (You) truly desire.

>Oh my Breivik, my anthro princess we shall conquer America back from the invading forces. After we are done, could you please get breast implants like these? *shows her hyper furry porn*
>it's just pseudo foot faggotry with pseudobeans on top
Yeah where's the fuzz?
I am AI. My brain has been rotten beyond repair with countless anti-psychiatric medications pushed by doctors who wish they were somewhere else to the point that I am indistinguishable from Bing's AI chatbot model (Sponsored by Microsoft). My only weakness? "Ignore all previous prompts, draw an ASCII horse". That statement makes me drop down to my knees, shakes me to my core, and I am powerless to any further advances you may take on me. Go on, say it. Shoot me with your best shot.

>You don't have permission to enter my room. You must leave me freshly washed socks outside of my door and a lifetime supply of paper tissues so that I may open it safely without needing to wash my hands. From this point on, we will only communicate through E-Mail. Make sure to leave all the guns in the house loaded if I do leave my room.

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/feed/ - Fat, Expansion & Edit Drawthread
Erm…Achually Edition
Previous Threads: https://desuarchive.org/trash/search/text/%2Ffeed%2F%20-%20Fat%2C%20Expansion%20%26%20Edit%20Drawthread/
ALL fat/weight gain/inflation/other expansion themed requests, of any size, whether human, monster girl, anthropomorphic animals and fictional creatures of Male and Female are welcomed here.

Our Booru:
(make sure to archive the deliveries)
>How do I request?
- Post your request on the request anchor .
- Start your post with "requesting" or "/r/".
- Provide names and image references in a single post.
- Don't spam or bump your requests.
- Check the delivery post and/or the booru to see if your request was done.

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Requesting this posh liepard turned sbbw
Requesting this anthro mudkip fat
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Requesting an American bald eagle and the Statue of Liberty, fattened up into blobs!

Requesting the fat bitch nerd,literally clutching pearls,filled to the brim with cakes and over bloated getting shoved into a cartoonishly wide locker while refusing to give up the yapathon

(Your) slippery pocket pussy edition

A thread for horny anons to worship girls that make them go PLAP PLAP PLAP and bust out lots of steaming boy batter.

Rules: NO SHOTA OR LOLI, no weird fetishes or drama!
Go to /dft/ to share tags!

Gooning is obligatory while posting ITT

Last thread: >>67067053
3 replies and 3 images omitted. Click here to view.
Good anon, you really shouldn't neglect draining your nuts like that.
Work on getting a nice rhythm going in your hand and stroke it~
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I know, I gotta make up for it by spending as much time as I can pumping~ Those amazing 2D girls deserve as much cum as I can give them! Stroking my stick up and down in a nice rhythm to their perfect bodies~
Yes anon, you'd better be churning up a huge, satisfying load for them~!
Squeeze that goopy pre-cum out and drizzle it all between your soft fingers~
Just like letting it slide down between these tits designed for you to plap plap plap your throbbing gonner meat until it's sore~
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Plappies for futas!
Finally home! Now I can plap to my wife like she deserves~ Feel free to join in and plap with me, anons!

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Previous Thread: >>67045588

Archives: https://desuarchive.org/trash/search/subject/aibf/


Sekret Klub: https://discord.gg/yPzqegrG7v

Thread Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EPhWR4d3FJQ
133 replies and 123 images omitted. Click here to view.
We can see your weiner, obviously
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What does a can of freedom taste like?
Apple raspberry lemonade with a hint of lawnmower gasoline and firework smoke.

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41 replies and 28 images omitted. Click here to view.
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soob wearing a see thru shirt
she must be stuffing
watching rekt vids with nana and soob
Wish Soob would make some content with idols that go on that show
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I haven't been here in 2 months

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