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Eggnant edition

Post boys so horny they get themselves knocked up
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Gremile is a cute mum.
>pretending their bump is a beer gut
>adding their moob milk to coffee/tea because they ran out of the bottled stuff
>dropping endless Dad jokes no matter the occasion
>trying not to pass out from embarrassment while looking through maternity clothes
Just to name a few
Oh, and as for all the previous talk about the exact moment the wires got crossed, i initially was more of a vorefag at first, but i definitely feel that it was just more latent at first, and soon took over the forefront. It first started off with regular preg content, and then blossomed into enjoying boymoms as i do now.
TL,DR: I was blessed with a good fetish

>Man i really hope i could be in this situation....

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Drunk Twinks Edition

Previous thread: https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/66983579

Spillover of horny, blogposting, tea parties, and AH refugees from /omog/

https://picrew.me/image_maker/1689727 (RW)
https://picrew.me/image_maker/1203187 (DW)

https://rentry.org/homogtemplate22 (Thread Template)
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i mean that's fair but people have already seen me naked anyway
if you want to, sure.
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do you have any of your butt

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Raining stoats and weasels edition.

Writebin (experimental/non-permanent):

Previous: https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/66867891/
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Happy 4th of July
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catbox doesn't work, do you still have it anon?
>he still has me blocked on twitter
bruh moment

/Femdom/ - A Step in the Right Direction Edition

A thread to discuss worshiping women as the superior sex and giving them the royal treatment they deserve (only biological women allowed).

Doms: For things you need to train your sub for or changing their minds about something, how would you do it?
Subs: If your dom was evil or trying to train you for something you find disagreeable, how would you plead your case?

>Thread Assignment
Facilitate kindness and understanding for one another!

Previous Thread: https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/67033425/
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Based. Young doms should have their expensive lifestyles paid for by her older subs.
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>ctrl F "bump"
>0 results
This general is dead holy shit
Doesn't help that most of the people who do regularly talk are busy with irl shit, live in yuro hours or play gachashit (footboy and Doll)

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/ZTG/ - Zootopia General: Walkies Edition

Pastebin: https://rentry.org/ztg
Booru: zoo.booru.org (if you can't access, use a different browser!)
ZTG Creator List: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/19heSY9BvV3t0qPa2XJa6q2n7ywyl1Yhckzc1Db-aGF4/

Anon's Honest Zootopia Fan Fiction Reviews: https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/31830969/#31831031

Archives: www.ztarchive.com / desuarchive.org
Previous thread: http://www.ztarchive.com/trash/thread/66912980/66912980.html
Previous thread: https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/66912980/

Current TT Theme: Add your theme! https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/14sf_QBuL4E6S11se28Xl9Sp3ohgnrhGYE4SchwSUQjY
Previous TT Theme: Mobility (Late submissions welcome!)

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I know that he's kind of an easy target but goddamn Siroc is just cutting straight to the chase in this one
Oh boy time to pretend the dialog isn't there and just enjoy Mrs ottertons huge tits
Chonky boi
>It ends up being a completely above-board and respectable photoshoot and nothing untowards happens
>calling Al a hecking thiccums chonker and watching him try and figure out what that means, and if he needs to hit you over it.

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Beautiful View Edition

OCs, fusions and fakemons (true fakemons, like clovermons) are welcome too.
Palworld requests are to be in their own dedicated thread or the general drawthread instead of here.

>How do I request?
•Start your post with "requesting" or "/r/".
•Provide descriptions, links and image references in a single post.
•Don't spam or bump your requests.
•Check the booru to see if your request was done.
•Request edits in the thread for edits and colorings:

>What if I want to start drawing?
•Check these resources for beginners: https://pastebin.com/4CpXsY7a (embed)

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EXTREMELY fucking based! Thanks a million for this!
NTA (actually the rhino anon from a while back) but dang this is amazing, would love to see it fully finished.
Artist name?
Look at bottom left

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Parade Blimp Extravaganza Edition

Previous Thread: https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/66895908/

Bring your fat and inflated Pokemon and Pokegirl content. Art, stories, greentexts, edits, all are welcome!
Drawfriends and writefriends are always welcome here as well. We love seeing all sorts of requests and oc!
And let's take a cue from our fellow threads, yeah? Don't start arguments, don't shitpost, don't imagedump, and don't bring drama with you.

Story/Greentext library: TBD

TotT: How do you feel about mass expansion/WG events in art/literature? Do you enjoy seeing multiple subjects grow from an unknown source, or is it sweeter to have a more limited scope?
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Ignore the previous thread fuck up. You think I'd learn by now after making these so many times
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For the Americans out there, enjoy the holiday. For everyone else, hope today treats you well!

We're so back

Post pictures, stories, and discussion of the boys and men of Deltarune and Undertale.

QotT: would you still love your fave if they were human?


>>Drawfags MEGA


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Ralsei is better when he's more of a weird wizard goat thing and less of a fag enabler
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he can do both
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Got a full?

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Emblem sex edition

Discuss, RP as, or fuck your favorite Fire Emblem Women(or men)!

Mila's Turnwheel: https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/66862836/

Image Downloading Tools For Aspiring Sluts:

AI Art Generators if real artists have failed you:
(Popular but paid)https://novelai.net/

AI Chatbots if you've given up on real women:

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Armcross Edition
Previously: https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/67000440
Note: There is not, and there will never be, an official /dig/ discord server.

Post what you're working on, ask questions, discuss general art-related things.
Make your unforgivable fetishes come to life.
Welcome: New and seasoned artists looking for advice, critique and support.
When giving criticism, please, give actual criticism not just "LOL LOOMIS". Let's not become another /ic/
NOT welcome: /ic/ crabs, /trash/ crabs, bad faith critique

Other Drawthreads:
Search "draw" on a board's catalog

Tyler Edlin - https://www.youtube.com/user/TylerE2284

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is he a good model to draw masculine body? I have a hard time to "puff" up my character's body and exaggerate them artistically. when I draw it, the muscles looks exactly like the photo/3D model that I referenced to. Even when I tried to omit out details from the ref, I'd subconsciously render the same silhouette as the ref.
Yes he has a great musculature without being bubbly or obscenely built
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Trying to paint some skin, any tips?
thanks a lot man, I am checking it right now, I have never used stabilizer for lineart and it feels weird as fuck

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/scaly/ - Scaly General #1404

Post lewd reptiles and discuss scaly stuff, male or female is fine. Dragons, wyverns, dinosaurs, lizards, snakes, and reptile-folk such as kobolds and Argonians are welcome, on top of other things with scales like sharks as well. Anthros, ferals and human/scaly are allowed, but please, no monstergirls. As some may take a few creative liberties on their creations, do inquire if there's a particular edge case you're unsure about.


>Lurking or just reading the FAQ before posting is encouraged.
>Anatomy arguments never go anywhere, don't bother instigating one.
>Before asking for a source, consider looking into the tips under resources to help find what you're looking for.
>Please avoid reposting images from the last few threads to keep the latest more fresh.
>There is no Discord server, don't ask.


Scaly Smut - Many lewd lizard writings

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Blessed anon. Tries to introduce new and interesting discussions into a thread that has been non stop bitching.

Too good for this sinful thread.

Reposting some webcomics that I posted about a while back. I'm not sure if the anon who is maintaining the rentry still frequents the threads.

Throne of the Fire King

Accidental Elemental

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aw crap I've been exposed as a phoneposter with slippery fingers!
Now I must repent for the grave offense to the noodles by offering them my deference and tribute
based, silky smooth cetacean peen for the win
i imagine sucking on them must feel like eating an oyster, not that i ever imagine sucking a dragon off or anything, you understand.
I forgot that game existed. Was it actually any good?
I WILL kill every wyvern & go through every new game to find a way to SMOOCH & MARRY Florissax!

> She's undeniably cute
Agreed! Like >>67099581 said she has a quest. I am trying to avoid spoilers relating to said quest. Already I have a few ideas in how her quest may diverge. Were it not for my friends rushing me to a certain Ending, I think I would have found one of it's routes.

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>Digital Faggots Edition
>This is a general dedicated to masculine human male tops on bottom femboy anthros. Keep stories, images and discussions on-topic and follow the dynamic of the general. Let's keep it relatively vanilla.

>(no name)

>Devilish Deals
>Devilish Desires

>Caltrop & Cannelure
Full Story: https://rentry.org/calandcan

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what's the source for this one?
derpx1, but it doesn't seem to have made its way to e6 yet
Yeah, and I haven't seen that pic on his sties nor patreon, which is kinda sus
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Wolfished pt 38
>you were unpacking boxes
>fairly easy too
>a lot of your other belongings could afford to be spread across this house so your bedroom wasn't as cluttered
>if anything your were dragging your feet to do it
>but it was getting done regardless
>next you dealt with the decor
>the floor length mirror was there when you got the place
>it was mounted to the wall
>not necessarily your style but it was affixed to the wall
>the issue came up when you moved your dresser over to that wall near the mirror
>you noticed a gap in the wall and mirror
>at about hip height you noticed something strange
>you inspected it and then kept quiet

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The Old Generation Edition.
Previous: >>66912937
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>Good Morning Everyone
>kek trash baggies

Previous Dumpster: >>66728109
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Fun fact!

Did you know cows enjoy fireworks? It might seem odd, but they enjoy the various lights and sounds they see in the sky! Some farmers have even seen them stomp their feet in excitement on 4th of July!
gm bump
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gm frens :3

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/vrlg/ - Virtual Reality Lewd General #2037
"Virtual Reality, Real Ejaculate"™
Asshayo Gozaimasu Edition

>18+ Avatar Resources:
https://booth.pm/en/items?tags%5B%5D=VRChat&adult=only (Anime models)
https://gumroad.com/discover (Use to find tech, furry thread is down the block)

>Guide to Avatars utilizing the VCC

>OpenVR Advanced Settings (contains playspace mover)

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I will if you're russian. I will rape you at gunpoint
>I've only had sex with one A but the posting style doesn't match
you know he tried to disguise the posting style given the original post didn't want people to figure them out
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does H still sex? I want to fuck that dog

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