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/bara/ - No Guts No Glory Edition

>Last thread: https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/67001239
>Tagmap: https://tagmap.io/tag/%2Fbara%2F
>Writefaggotry: https://rentry.org/i9mix
>Shitpost Filter: https://rentry.org/7xxzv
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>rainy and thunderstorms
>won't be able to see the fireworks
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mmm yes, old men looking at a young adult
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>Final season - part 1
I hate that shit
Wish i was a burger sometimes, so i would have fireworks on my b day
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just pretend it's season 3 and 4

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/dft/ - Discord Fappy Talky

Post tags, talk about your fetishes, and jerk off.

Dragon Edition

Previous: >>67111099
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Can we get a real thread please?
You're free to stay here eurofag
I'm American though?
>she thinks it's not because that thread is dogshit
Then you've already been free my child...

Front Row Seat Edition

Welcome to /FurNTR/, the place to come talk about your Waifurs cucking you! Or alternatively, talk about cucking anons by fucking their waifurs!

Previous thread: >>66960723
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Anon, be quiet while I knock up your wife.
You actually raise an interesting point.
I guess most furries are so autistic that they never actually hook up with anyone. They're quite content just sitting at home masturbating to diapers or what ever the flavour of the month furry bait is at that time.
Favorite bull archetype(s)?
Smug shemale/dickgirl bull but wants to do risky sex games and lots of teasing, never touches my waifu but instead cucks her~

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America! Fuck Yeah! Edition
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/sjg/ - Shonen Jump General #188

Mega Thread for WSJ and WSJ-adjacent series and more.
Included sub-generals: /mha/, /opg/ (Coom Piece/Goon Piece), /jojo/ (/fujojo/), /ysg/ (Yu-Gi-Oh! Slutposting General), /jjk/, /csm/, /kgb/, /dbs/ - "Dragon Ball Super"

Previous Thread: >>67015137

>What is Shonen Jump?
Shonen Jump is known worldwide as home of the world’s greatest manga. It and its related magazines are known for hits like One Piece, My Hero Academia, Jujutsu Kaisen, Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba, Chainsaw Man, Dragon Ball Super, Boruto, Naruto, Bleach, Death Note, Kaiju No. 8, Spy x Family, and more. It is a weekly shonen manga anthology published in Japan by Shueisha under the Jump line of magazines. The manga series within the magazine consist of many action scenes and a fair amount of comedy. Chapters of the series that run in Weekly Shonen Jump are collected and published in tankobon volumes under the Jump Comics imprint every two to three months. It is one of the longest-running manga magazines, with the first issue being released with a cover date of August 1, 1968.

What series would YOU like to discuss? Make your voice heard IN THE POLL: https://poal.me/17wlh7
Current top 3:
1. Naruto
2. Bleach

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So do I
*cumes in your mouthhole*

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/tfg/ - Transformation General
Defunct Animation Studio Edition

Things turning into other things, sometimes in a sexual manner but always in a hot one.

QoTT : What's your opinion on MtM transformations? Do you like to self-insert as them or do you prefer it happening to someone else?

Prompt: TF gym, whose equipment and programs transforms you

Previous thread: https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/66987986
>Anon works
>Story Archive
>SHRIMP Agency stories

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Definitely want to end up in the scenario myself
Hot and cute. Sure it would be a big jump for you
Not really, though I do have artists that I often think "Wouldn't it be neat if they did TF". I think Naylor would do some good stuff. His wolves already feel very werewolf-like
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Same. I don't enjoy stuff with unestablished characters nearly as much. It's more fun the more I know about them, and how I can imagine their life after the transformation.

Have any more one piece stuff? Only this year read the manga, so I have nothing saved.

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Messy edition

Previous thread:


>Rules no one cares about:
- Post your request references and links in one post.
- You should provide the highest quality images available.
- Be patient. Don't bump, second or spam requests. It'll just annoy the editors and other anons.
-Avoid useless bitching, it just disrupts the thread. Just hide the posts you don't like.
-Giving constructive criticism to a request itself and a delivery is fine.

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Requesting his ass be edited to be a bit bigger, please and thanks!
Original Post: https://x.com/acstlu/status/1808624449249570976?s=46
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Requesting clean-up and coloring for the sketches on the right.
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requesting removal of the text please
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requesting removing her bikini
Green is sexy

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/hmofa/ - Human Males On Female Anthros General #3131

>"IKEA Summer Collection" edition


By Jixijenga
>Broken Sanctuary (Ch. 6)

By SouthwesternCrunchwrap
>A New Herd (Ch. 3)

By YolkedWithChrist

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I wanna pound that sweet ass, NGL DESU SENPAI
No. Because there's too many insane animals in that universe. You'd actually have to go out & kill a few of them if you wanted to be happy.
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There are modded installers that cut out a lot of crap but the tweaks they make can be easily ruined by poking the wrong settings or running installers for software with lots of dependencies. Linux is probably the better answer but I want my games to work without any fucking around.
I am going to pee on Petunia.
same but the way things are going I'm probably going to force myself to move to some relatively retard-proof linux version after they fully axe support for 10 (because there's no way in fuck I'm moving to 11)

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Same Sex Edition

Previous Thread: https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/67055876
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Breed like rats.

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She a cute
What a pretty face

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Average Delicious and Religious Discussion

Previous: https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/66703274

>Request, write, or share stories and provide feedback/critique when appropriate. All writers are welcome, SFW and NSFW.

>Instead of asking for interest or worrying about a fetish, just post your damn writing/request and see what happens. You might get lucky.

>Complaining about fetishes is dumb and stupid in /trash/. Use that negative energy for requesting, reading and writing instead.

>Please tag stories so readers know what they're getting into. Nobody can force you to tag stories you share or make. However, people are MUCH likelier to skip a work if there are no tags present.

>Try to bump the thread if it gets to page 9, but feedback is always appreciated for posted stories, for author or reader! Those are the best kind of bumps.

/d/'s Master List: contains old stories, writing guides, and more

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those sequels weren't good because they didn't have a strong concept like this
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Unrelated, but I've been thinking of getting into gamedev and most indie devs I've spoken to are like this too. So many people just want to make "a game."
Yeah I kinda like the dynamic the two have here. The Flare Gun being a tool not meant for killing, like her claws, is a humor I was surprised she caught on with.
Now that I think about it, the Pyro from TF2 and Caleb's Flare Gun are pretty dangerous 'tools' all things considered

/mfat/ Male Fatfur Thread: Fat Hot American Summer

Previous Thread: https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/66914456

Writefag Pastebin: https://controlc.com/2375e5ea

Thread Template: https://rentry.org/mfattemplate

Thread Theme: https://youtu.be/yNSZfEiwvcI?feature=shared

>Try to keep a good balance of related fetishes and sub-fetishes.
>No 3D please, there are other places better suited for that.
>Avoid reposting images from the past few threads. Keep it fresh!
>Try to keep a slow pace of images and embrace discussion! Talk about your favorite things about fatfurs!
>Please keep it civil and on topic.

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Mordecai should of ended up as a gay chubby chaser.
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He's the type of bro that finds out your a chubby chaser and gladly lets you worship and fuck his belly while he binge eats or plays games.
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Snek edition

This is a place where more blatant and sustained lewd discussion of indie vtubers can be held without interfering with other threads.

Explicit discussion, fan art, fanfiction, relevant tributes, and audios that pertains to western indie vtubers are all welcome. Chuubas themselves are also free to join in.

>Last thread
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>sfw streams
The first one that comes to mind is that Finana asmr one where she started grinding a pillow
I wanna goon to green cats
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Same bro, same
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It's a real shame she's such a fucking prude when it comes to smut because it puts a lot of artists off making stuff of her

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Hitler Edition

OP Template
>What is Hazbin Hotel?

From the official website:
Hazbin Hotel is the story of Charlie, the princess of Hell, as she pursues her seemingly impossible goal of rehabilitating demons to peacefully reduce overpopulation in her kingdom. She opens a hotel in hopes that patients will be "checking out" into Heaven.

Hazbin Hotel Pilot/Pilot Download:
>What is Helluva Boss?

From the Youtube description:

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And he will rape millions more with my help!
How can you be so in love with a man like that?! this guy is a degenerate monster!
I've seen you! We were actually pretty close in line at one point.
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I love being American so much bros. Foreigners will never understand how good it feels just to wake up every morning and remember that you had the privilege of being born in the US of A.
It feels like winning the lottery every time you wake up.
It feels like being a celebrity everything you walk outside.
It feels like being a champion of the world every time you go to work.

I clutch my birth certificate as I type this post. It feels orgasmic to think about how I had the privilege of being born on US soil. I could've been part of the tired, poor, huddled masses who live in the other 194 dystopian hellholes on this earth, but here I am. I am eternally grateful to GOD ALMIGHTY, for he made me an American with an American soul.

Foreign plebs will never know this feeling. Being an American citizen is the greatest worldly honor that can ever be bestowed upon a Human being. To be American is to be king.
America! Fuck yeah!
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Independence day is just a reminder that I will never escape the lower class and my car is the closest thing to permanent housing I'll ever have. Land of the fee and home of the enslaved should have died 80 years ago. BuT aT lEaSt We ArEn'T sPeAkInG gErMaN, rIgHt?
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Comin' again to save the motherfuckin' day, yeah!
I can't think of a time America saved the day in a full century. What is this "again?"

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