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>Good Morning Everyone
>kek trash baggies

Previous Dumpster: >>72569335
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Stay comfy, comfy /GME/ frens!
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Mumei nooooooo. Caturday spirit though, happy Caturday.
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> >100% orange juice stream
> >Gigi going crazy
I like how they all immediately turn and gang up on Kronii.
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Sometimes Kronii mentions something concerning.
>Gura genuinely concerned
Kronii... your kidneys
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>>72600477 Checked
Friendly reminder to stay hydrated.
We all need water to live, I try to drink it often. Sometimes that may take the form of hot chocolate or coffee though. Good night friend.
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>>72600922 Checked
G'night fren.
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>>72606656 10
>1:50 cute Mio-sha
>2:00 Shion teasing Chloe
She never ended up getting Shion huh, sad. Good morning.
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>Limbus Company
Have you read this by any chance? If you like korean webnovels this is kind of the same SCP-type genre. I'd recommend it if you like those.
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>Have you read this by any chance?
I have not.

>I'd recommend it if you like those.
I'll give it a go when I find the time, since you recommended it. I rarely read fiction. My interest in Limbus Company mainly stems from my experience with PM's other works. Their ability to tell a story trough game mechanics is a specialty.
Hope you like it, GN friend.
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>Monster Hunter Wilds meming open world while spiking system requirements for not much gain visually if any.
>DOOM: The Dark Ages meming open world while spiking system requirements for not much gain visually if any.

>PS5 has no gaems because Sony dumped all their money and dev hours in 17 games as a service projects. Many of which are not or will never be playable.
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AI will save them though, right?
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>arch.b4k.co has been down for a really long time.

There's a lot of money going around to make it seem like the only option for sure.

That actually got an "HD Edition" recently because the devs found the original had problems on Steam Deck.
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>There's a lot of money going around to make it seem like the only option for sure
Best of luck to them.

>got an "HD Edition" recently because the devs found the original had problems on Steam Deck
Capitalism. ho!
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>>72632100 Checked
Wish vidya capitalism was always lighthearted.
My pokemon ROMs never go out of style.
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Good morning.

Spoiled for choice with all the ROMhacks. I usually end up going back to Kenshi or X3 (or 4) while I wait for something good to come along.


>My pokemon ROMs never go out of style.
Arguably they kind of did else you would be playing vanilla ones instead of modded ones.
>Arguably they kind of did else you would be playing vanilla ones instead of modded ones.
The truth... it cuts deep. But yeah, ROMhacks are subtly different enough that it's never not fun.
Good morning! I think it's good to have staple games to fall back to.
>"you want s-ranks? play our game again :^)"
>"you finished it 3 times already? uhhh, it doesnt count, you have to use the replay mission menu :^)"
i hate japs so much, 2 nukes werent enough
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At least none of those require multiplayer.
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True i guess, im still mad about ace combat 7 having those. I cant really complain tho, i didnt get all the singleplayer achievements there anyway.
Maid Momiji Monday.
>Yo, buddy.jpg
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When's AC8 and ACVII?
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Fumo Tuesday?
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I wouldnt be surprised if we would get a trailer this year.
either never ever or soonTM
Tengu Tuesday
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>>72659133 Checked
AC will be perpetually behind AC then.

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