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Female muscle growth edition

Thread to share our love for strong females of all kind, human and anthros.

Fit, strong, muscular, hyper are all welcome.
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name the character so you can claim her
Miruko for sure.
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Forgot to attach the pic.
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>Can grow to galaxy size at will.
>Habit of snacking on planets.
>'Normal' size is hourglass lizard
>'Monster' size is muscle mommy
They totally had furries on staff.
That they had an episode centered around a 'human'-con pretty much seals the deal.
Cheating a bit because Cosma has two forms - but what the hell.
Noelle Holiday
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do you guys got some cuddling pics with massive beefy girls
Buff wuff wants to play!
>"strong" anime girl
>drawn absolutely normal with no muscles

I fucking wish it was more common for artists to correct this. You see it sometimes, but it's not often enough.

Pic related. Forever disappointed Square didn't even try with the remakes.
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New from Agon
Request for the non-AI art creators: Rule 63 on the original male Power Rangers (Jason, Billy, Zack, Tommy, Rocky and Adam)

Request for the AI art creators: LORAs of the abovementioned
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Yeah happens a lot
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she just stole a cooking Gas Tank
i actually saw a comment regardin this on /d/ i wanted to make her insanely muscular i just forgot to do it
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Now's the time to get around to it!
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Sounds hot! Hope you do it

Now shes even hotter
unfortunally can't i'm dealing with college shit atm

Yeah, the Chinese probably are using steroids at the Olympics.
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I love this entire sequence from Atariboy but this moment in specific is the best part for me. There's something amazing despite her not growing to excessive levels later on. I can't describe how fucking sexy Giselle looks here
*until later on
Any of that stuff in the show? For.....reasons
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All of it's true. See for yourself.

Do you guys know any furry muscle growth writes out there? I wanna comm something
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>character is canonically a muscle mommy
>NOBODY draws her muscular other than this one new sketch from SB and a single sketch from a non-muscle artist

*pets the kitty*
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I remember making these edits hoping she would grow bigger and causing the dark blue parts of her body to burst off
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I have more. May post after work

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What a view, huh?
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more bun = more fun
That's just basic math. And they are, of course, good at multiplying.
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Thanks for posting it, I was unable to do so earlier on.

Of course.
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mayor upgrade
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I know I said after work but fuck it, I have to sleep

Sleep is even more necessary than work, so I completely understand.
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She's so sexy~
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Got to love job changes haha.
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hell yeah
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Reposting this request a kind anon did some threads ago

Wish i could write something with these involving FMG and hypnosis but idk how to start lol
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What's funny is out of all the villains from the show she was apparently popular enough to net two Loras, one for both of her forms.
Not bad for a one episode wonder.

Also, according to word of God, she has the unseen 'Ability to fire almost anyone'
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I always remember furry Twitter having mild freak outs whenever something like this happened, yeah there was the 'humancon' (We've Got Fleas, for those curious), Cosma, and the buff purple werewolf Bernard that if memory serves is Enid's dad.
Actually, it was just the giant form that was a one-shot. She was a semi-recurring character as one of the setting’s A-list villains.
Hot damn, did you just make it?
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No, I made it like a month ago back when I found the Lora.
Her monster form Lora seems to be more geared towards being 'show accurate' than the other one.
Mostly been messing around with angry purple Mech piloting snake recently while I wait for her to be added to the sequel.
They probably need to find out a way to let you play snake on an arcade machine in 3D before they release her.
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We need the boys, which means we need LORAs for the boys.
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We need more in the show's style. What I'd give for sequence of her bursting off the dark blue color parts of her suit
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Favorite Muscle Artist trope or quirk?

I know i'm know from them big hands.
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Last before I go

Gonna be posting the floofiest stuff of yours I have.
Sure, and this his the sequel to that one.

Plot twist: All the Gold Medals were hoarded by dragons
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I love how you draw hands man. Big, meaty, powerful hands that could pick you, and anything else really, up like a feather just really does it for me.
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Thanks heh, glad you enjoy that, I do aim for what you just said to be conveyed correctly.

Also MonsterJam is a beast, love that comic, Wish he posted more.
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important to note, i think, how they didn't hold back on making her act all seductive in her huge form
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Three hours and still alive? Slow day.
Since those new anti-spam measures took place the chan seems to be slower
Got any more Ikara art? Looks like she deleted her twitter and most of her Ikara art on FA
I still love this pic
Wish more artist draw hulking like this
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Good character but I think she is muscular enough already, no need to make her more buff.
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You call that muscular enough?
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>wronged by Karen

Not all people named Karen are Karens

Besides, I don't call them Karens. I call them Vickies after the original "Karen", Vickie Guerrero.
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Color wheel but with wheyfus
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i wish the end result of this existed
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Would you have a bathe with her?
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Muscle girls would be perfect maids

We need more in maid outfits
DuckTales 2017 made a lot of mistakes but this wasn't one of them.
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I wanted to correct the typo with the second post but posted without comment instead. So I had to delete both of them and do over.
I did a dragon one last year.
Very much the opposite of a mistake.
Hey, guys, did you know that in terms of Pokemon, Vaporeon is considered to be nearly perfect for being bred by humans?
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Allow me to disagree
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lol i sometimes take this into consideration when seeing furry porn, o r art in general, like the amount of fur the bed where these furry characters sleep must be enough to make a pillow with their own fur
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Dino (generic dinosaur) or Deino (Pokemon)? The e621 description says dino, but her hair covering her eyes is more resemblant of the Pokemon Deino.
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Extra sad in the case of Saber since she was originally meant to have some muscle.
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Anons, how much weight is she actually lifting?
Are you asking us to do addition or physics calculations?
Calculations, if i'm correct shes lifting 900 ton
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Is this heaven?
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