Twilyphilia Edition.Discuss and debate your favorite dyke ships or just post mares lezzing out.Previous thread:>>41815964Recommended place to go for older greens Stories:By Sadnon:Upper Crust and Country Flour by MagicSDashmuraiQuest by Anon game by Anonymous Sadnon:Automatons and Dreams and Marble PieMain: Arc: and Marble Pie - Sassy Saddles and Coco Pommel Series Midnight Monster Fall, then the Crash D's Pie Anon:Twilight Velvet Tries Nude Yoga x Spoiled Rich Hatefuck or Dare Special Poker Special Trash and Harshwhinny (Dark Lewds) Visitation (Flurry Heart x Cozy Glow) Lewds: Cadance x Trixie x Chrysalis Bloom x Diamond Tiara by Jorge for me by Sadnon Cool Girl Has Chill Day green x Rara green x Celestia Days of Dykeshit!Sunstone Getting Bullied
that artstyle is ass. artist should look ata fucking pony before trtying to draw one.
>>41833614oh cool another thread to hide neat
>>41833621Thanks for bumping!
>>41833659he can't see it lil brohe hid it
>>41833614Sunset has three holes, three Twilights can gangbang her with their magical marecocks
>>41835854*grinding noises*
>>41835854That's how balloons get popped.
>>41836134the seductive power of books is too strong
Fetishy but still counts.
>>41837610No it's because that bitch is a hot library nerd chick with a fat nerd ass
>>41839853can't be too fat if she can still lift her fat nerdass off the ground
>>41841003Pegasus flight is based off magic, not actual lift science