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Come one and all to the meta-writefag and help raise the quality of MLP fanfiction! Featuring: Holiday Fics! Again!

ITT: Slavfiction, Jews outrank changelings in international court, L words, not living up to expectations, political drama, generational clown-fucking, types of drama, the curse of bearded users, >writing in 2025, looking for affordable areas with good schools, a straight circlejerk, shaving, the state of the pets, how to not accidentally write fetish content, the taste and scent of pussy, the Element of Infidelity, and being able to tell the show apart from reality.

>/fimfic/ Secret Book Club
The ninety-seventh through hundred and first books are:

>Recommended stories:
Tired of authors inserting their fetishes out of nowhere? Fed up with blueball endings? Well, we've compiled the best of the worst in order to bring you our absolute average!
New Starter Kit - http://mlpficreviews.org.uk/starter/
Old Starter Kit - http://i.imgur.com/vuTA7EN.png

>Common fic abbreviations used by the thread:

>A list of reviews made by the Anons in this thread:
Use the commands ">review <story link>" and ">discuss <story link>" to add reviews to a story.
Userscript for extra features: https://ponepaste.org/8619

>An in-depth writing guide for beginners:

>Can you pre-read my story?
Post it on Google Docs or HackMD with comments enabled and give us a link.

>Additional material for authors:
Rhorse's Horse Behavioral Notes - https://ponepaste.org/932
Politics and the English Language - https://www.orwell.ru/library/essays/politics/english/e_polit/
1911 Walter Baker's Hot Chocolate - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wAueNTXpn1E
Vhatug's tips for anatomically correct clop - https://poneb.in/g4VpEg4f
Setting a story in motion - https://youtu.be/ufO8LbwTdu0
Taking criticism - https://youtu.be/-v4R2ZcxPlA

>Various reviews and riffs:
Fillyanon's Bookshelf - https://ponepaste.org/5555
Notkickass222urmom's Reviews - https://pastebin.com/u/notkickass222urmom
IHeartShinzakura's Reviews - https://ponepaste.org/user/IHeartShinzakura
Appleanon reads fics - https://poneb.in/wmGX7FPm
Deluxe Big Master Review List - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1z9Bz7UnEbxo-svlXa2tV49PJkP-yFuR7pRXiBUn-IeU
A Guide to Rational Fics - https://files.catbox.moe/3jzrfm.png
The Royal Canterlot Library's Top 16 Fanfics - https://royalcanterlotlibrary.net/top16/

Previous Thread: >>41819385
First for best duo!
Enjoy this conveniently packaged Tuna: https://www.fimfiction.net/story/7335/apotheosis
first post bot post
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It'd have been a lot faster if it was.
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How do you get Paul-senpai to notice you('re fic?)
>Tired of authors inserting their fetishes out of nowhere?
Authors not being able to insert their fetishes without dealing with normalfags like you is the reason Fimfiction is dead. No one comes to fanfiction sites to read blithe, boring fluff, and all the allos who want to see real pussy-smashin’, nut-bustin’ porn are elsewhere. The audience for Fimfiction is people like me who are really kinky and horny but don’t like actual sex, and now none of us use it because of new internet retards invisibly colonizing everything. Die.
You can ask him and he'll schedule you for sometime in a year.
I was going to do that, but was feeling self-conscious. Then one day I got a notification that he'd added a story of mine to his shelf of stuff to read and had a mini-heart attack.
What a bizarre opinion to share when porn has only ever steadily gained in popularity and severity on fimfic every year.
You're also wrong.
>No one comes to fanfiction sites to read blithe, boring fluff
A good chunk of the new stories section and the featured box are always SoL and fluffy romance one-shots.
More like it's been consistent while everything else has gone down.
There has been a slight uptick in E and T rated stories in the past two years, though. Nice.
How do I properly write an autistic character that doesn't like getting touched? Anyone here that is autistic that can elaborate on when you do ro do not like to be touched and what makes it feel awkward to you?
Yeah but those aren’t even good anymore.
The average moderately popular SOL one shot or romcom from 2012-14 is like a standard deviation greater in quality than the average now.
>invisibly colonizing everything
My Little Dashie has been the most popular fic on the site since almost literally forever. This was always mainly an SFW fiction site.
Thoughts on people that just write whatever comes to their head rather than have a plan?
Sounds based. Wish I could write like that.
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Recently I suffered through the entirety of the Super Rainbow Dash fanfic because some time ten years I saw the Youtube animation and told myself that one day I would read the fanfic it's based on. Of course, back then I thought the fanfic would be much better, or really anything other than Sonic autism wearing MLP clothes, but at least I finally committed to my decade-old resoluion.
The rose-tinted glasses you're wearing are so thick they blind you. The average 2024 oneshot sucks, but the average 2012-14 oneshot sucked just as much or more, except typically it also had unreadable writing. You remember them less because of the fact that there was a lot more fics posted per day, so more of the bad ones got filtered out and received no views. Nostalgia is a powerful drug, too.
The writing quality has, on average, improved. The main problems compared to 2012-14 are:
>people taking terrible parts of later seasons as canon for their fics
>almost no one being willing to commit to writing longfics anymore
>reviews on a year delay
Man, I can barely stand to look at my work from a few months ago. Why would you ever want this?
Actual aspy here.
Remember that autism is a really variable thing so it depends on how high functioning your character is.
The key thing to remember is a sense of overwhelm. Autistic people in general have a reduced bandwidth for processing sensory information and take more time to acquire familiarity in order to not get overwhelmed. Figuring shit out through implicit intuition and empathy is also less viable for them.

Imagine you are stranded away from civilization and find yourself amongst a tribe of Papuan head hunters who have desided to take you in. You have no understanding of their culture or how they think and can’t predict what will sour your relationship with them at best and get you ripped apart at worst. Think about the sense of overwhelm and “not safe” that would give you and that’s probably what an autistic person feels when they are severely overwhelmed by sensory information.
He has an autistic schedule and reading plan, but it appears you can request something RIGHT NOW, and it will be reviewed in a couple of months.
Yeah I've read some of the higher rated stuff from way back, and there's like BIG shit out there. Like grammar nearly unreadable level of shit, and it'll have 100 upvotes.
>Actual aspy here
Imagine saying “actual nigger here” with a straight face
All this talk about Rainbow Dash at the end of last thread reminds me of how I enjoyed mocking her when I last wrote her:
>Rainbow huffed just a little, before she could stop herself. “I know what I’m doing. Pegasi have a proud tradition of athleticism.” Rainbow thought about adding to her argument, but decided against it; she was proud of herself for using a big word.
I didn’t know Alan Moore used /mlp/!
There's no way to "properly" write an autistic character
It's a spectrum that allows for a variety of behaviors, a lot of which are not even exclusive to autism, hence all the theorizing that X character portraying a certain behavior is autistic
You can write realistic portrayal and it will be seen as offensive if you're not respectable enough
Whether you handle it "properly" or not is determined by not what you write your social clout, whether you're seen as cool or lame
Sia's autism movie was lambasted for its offensive portrayal because Sia doesn't have enough clout among terminally online social media people looking to be offended
If the same movie was made by someone with more clout, it would be praised as a powerful and brave work of representation
In fanfiction it doesn't even really matter because you most likely don't have any semblance of fame or reputation so most people won't even care enough to take offense
And really autistic is just a buzzword for most people at this point to mean "socially maladjusted and looking for support" so none of this even means anything
I lost track of where I'm going with this, I just wanted to ramble about how the hypocritical standards of "proper autism portrayal"
It's fun when Rainbow Dash is an irresponsible dipshit.

Considering that a lot of those people writing said fics probably grew up with the show as is and saw no problem with it, it's no surprise that the later seasons are making it into fanfiction proper. It's an inevitability, one that has no real "solutions" pending one way or another. It's canon, regardless of how terrible it might be. Thus, it takes precedence over anything else that came before that.

I've taken to the habit of ignoring any fics published after a certain date to avoid this, but there's only so many works before you run out of stuff to read. There's a fair amount out there, but I have made peace with the fact that the glorious years of the early fandom when the sky was the limit are but a memory now. I had the foolish delusion back in the day that somehow, someway, that the early fanon stuff that was jossed could still exist in some capacity along with the canonized stuff, thinking that those writers would still stick by them to the very end, at least for that fic's inner universe.

Imagine my shock and surprise when I found out some works attempt to retroactively "fix" themselves to fit in new canon, often to hideous results. Do you have idea how jarring it is to read about unicorn Twilight in one paragraph, and then see her described as an alicorn in the next? Let me tell you, nothing soured my enjoyment of those works faster than to see that and see the authors have no fucking spine to stick with what they initially made. It makes me seethe like little else.

As for long fics, that well has well and truly been tapped dry of writers willing to engage in such. What's there to write about for a show now completed? As far as a would be longfic writer is concerned, the show is done and over with. Whatever value there was writing for a world still full of mystery is quite kaput. Longfic writers need an incentive to write those works, and that incentive is now gone for the most part. There's neither the audience, nor inspiration for a source material now completed. All that could be told has been told, and whatever else is just needless fluff on top of that.

That, and IRL obligations and other shifting interest has also caused those writers to move on. Times have changed, and they ain't coming back. All we have are but memories to indulge ourselves in, or just our mindless daydreams for a better world.
>spite fics
Fuck this post is written like shit, I should've at least read it before sending or something
It still took Mandark half a year to get his review and I doubt I could be more obnoxious than him.

Mmm. It isn't as if I have not tried to take a stab at it. But you quickly realize that what you want and what you are capable of are two very different things. You can post for the hell of it sure, but those are some of the few ideas that deserve more than a random shitpost or two to give it the gravitas it deserves.

I am not a writer. Just someone with ambitions outside his abilities to be one. Someone who has dreams for something more, but lacking either the talent or patience to wait for someone else to write down that vision competently. I am not so desperate as to wait for some AI to come along and write the entire thing out for me, but it is a tad demoralizing to know that your best efforts are just an average Tuesday for some of the better writers on the site, if not their worst. At which point, why bother even trying?

It's a defeatist attitude, but I rather not add on to the pile of shitfics that are already out on the pile. Nothing stopping more modest efforts such as one shots and snippets dedicated to the effort, but it just doesn't hit the same.
Worth a shot.
I should ask him to review Eyes on You.
There is merit in the struggle. The worst thing you can do as a writer is not making garbage--we all have to start somewhere--but to resign yourself to eternal mediocrity like some Davids I could Treetop.
You forgot the >review, baka.
>You forgot the >review, baka.
Damn it. Let me try again
>review https://www.fimfiction.net/story/570862/still
"still" is a 37 thousand words long horror story. A group of invisible and incredibly powerful entities attack Ponyville, their only weakness being that they can only see and attack what is moving. And now Roseluck and a number of other survivors have to stay very, very still.
I did not enjoy this story. Mainly because of how it's mainly suffering without reason and how drawn out it is. Full spoilers ahead.

The first chapter was pretty good - i liked the suspense, the way the unfolding catastrophe was described was very evocative and all the scenes with survivors and the showdown against Amethyst were also good. But the thing is, all of this ultimately leads nowhere. Roseluck suffers and suffers and suffers, experiencing all these horrible things, one calamity after another befalls her and yet she preservers, determined to carry on - and she ends up just wandering away into nowhere? As the story progressed i was hoping that maybe she finds a way to recover Twilight's spell, or teams up with some survivors in Canterlot, or somehow manages to send herself back in time just like Twilight did to prevent the end of the world but she just suffers. Is there hope? Did anypony survive elsewhere or is Rosey really the last one? What are Wraiths, really? The thing is, there's just not a lot of story in this fanfic if you understand what i mean. It's just suffering for suffering's sake. I do not like it.

Speaking of Twilight - she acts incredibly strange for her character. The world ends, she resorts to using a time spell to send herself back and doesn't even consider what may happen if she meets herself in the past or if she happens to miss the right time? The fate of the world hinges of her actions and judging by the fact that she was noticeably older she had a lot of time to prepare. She wouldn't squander her chance like that.
Also, if after she was erased from existence it affected the things she had with her why didn't they disappear entirely? If she never wrote that spell and never went back in time she never would've brought that bag with her and it would also probably disappear. Although this is the kind of thing that almost always happens when there's time travel in the story so it's not a major complaint.

In regards to the prose - i like it, it's great and evocative, but the story is just too drawn out. Some things that could've been put into sentences stretch into paragraphs. I feel like you could cut a significant chunk of the story without subtracting much from it.

All in all - great premise, promising beginning, disappointing ending.
Also, here's a brief summary of the story if you aren't gonna read it

After the attack a bunch of ponies in the market are saved because while most ponies started running away and ended up getting killed immediately Amethyst used her magic to hold a dozen of ponies still until the panic abated. Then Twilight from the future appeared, claiming that she has the spell that can save everyone but gets herself erased from history by interacting with the past Twilight. Ponies try to get to the bag with the spell (which ends up being blank, also erased) and in the process a conflict arises between Amethyst (the only surviving unicorn who can use a shield spell) and the rest of the survivors. Amethyst turns out to be a psycho and at the end of the day all ponies except for Roseluck die. An indeterminate amount of time passes, she resigns herself to her fate and takes a step, but turns out all the creatures already died out because they can't last long without sustenance. Roseluck goes to Canterlot and visits her parents' home where she has a hallucination thinking they all survived, and snaps out of it when they attempt to drive her to suicide so that the whole family would be together. The story ends with Roseluck wandering away from empty Canterlot in desperate search of survivors.
You're almost completely wrong on both fronts.
>As far as a would be longfic writer is concerned, the show is done and over with.
>Longfic writers need an incentive to write those works
>All that could be told has been told,
Practically none of the longfics tie themselves to canon like you imply. Did you read a single long story from this fandom? They're usually exploring stories and setting elements that the show never did, or never could have. Many of them focus on locations and/or characters wholly original to the story itself. All of the big adventure fics are doing their own thing, anchored in canon but nothing more than that. The show ending changes nothing.
Of the two real reasons you got one right at the end: people got old and don't have the time to write those fics. The other is just a different fandom mindset. It's not tied to the show ending, but the general spontaneous burning desire to just create dimming over the years, and we've seen that way before the show officially ended. In fact, the ending of the show breathed new life in quite a few content creators, knowing that they're both free to do whatever, and that they're the only ones left carrying the torch after "official content" ran out.
The fact that you decided to blogpost in the most helpless "it's over" tone I've seen all week instead of spending one minute to realize that you're overlooking a ton of fics immediately proves you care more about getting to feel sad than reading stories.
>Thus, it takes precedence over anything else that came before that.
Terrible defeatist mindset. You know you can just take the good parts, right? Papa Hasbro won't send Pinkertons to arrest you if you ignore or outright retcon the bad ones away. If you're too weak to envision yourself doing that, follow what many writers have been doing, and set your fic at an earlier point in official canon. You can... just do that. Voila, problem solved.
>there's only so many works before you run out of stuff to read
Literally impossible given the site's size, no matter how you filter. You just aren't looking well enough.
>people got old and don't have the time to write those fics.
Fanfiction is one of the nerd hobbies that don't age too badly compared to others, hence why some people keep writing it in their 40s or 50s.
That's true, but as real life responsibilities take more of your time, it gets tougher to commit to writing 500k words in one story when you could publish a hundred oneshots in the same time. People are likely to be more realistic about what they can, and can't, finish.
A whole bunch of longfics died when their authors had to devote time to college or work.
>filter all fics published after a certain date
>complain that all the longfics before that date either finished or died
>complain that there are no new longfics
>complain that the site is dead
Hmm, that is definitely a strategy.
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Alright, let’s put it to the test then.



Random non-mature stories from a bit over the first three years of fimfiction and a bit over the past three years of fimfiction.

Which page of stories do (you) think looks better?
The first result on the newer ones was a G5 fic.
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no: https://www.fimfiction.net/story/537305/deep-faked
no: https://www.fimfiction.net/story/554097/a-question-of-nothing
no: https://www.fimfiction.net/story/543783/cozy-glows-alternate-punishment
maybe: https://www.fimfiction.net/story/523761/queenling
maybe: https://www.fimfiction.net/story/540626/theyre-home
maybe: https://www.fimfiction.net/story/557039/the-hole
no: https://www.fimfiction.net/story/565249/adventure-at-canterlot-high-canterlot-high-face-the-music
no: https://www.fimfiction.net/story/569316/shining-and-crews-most-eventful-hearths-warming
no: https://www.fimfiction.net/story/517388/this-ponys-gonna-catch-my-metal
no: https://www.fimfiction.net/story/568265/dance-of-the-apple

no: https://www.fimfiction.net/story/144242/saving-derpy-whooves
no: https://www.fimfiction.net/story/11811/the-sorrow-of-a-broken-heart
no: https://www.fimfiction.net/story/48323/origins-of-sunny-town
no: https://www.fimfiction.net/story/80759/walking-in-between-the-fabric-of-reality
no: https://www.fimfiction.net/story/157228/cravings-concerns-and-convenience
no: https://www.fimfiction.net/story/28048/palladio
no: https://www.fimfiction.net/story/36709/conflict-with-composition
no: https://www.fimfiction.net/story/138854/shimmering-gem
no: https://www.fimfiction.net/story/92322/warped
maybe: https://www.fimfiction.net/story/81866/the-land-of-equestria-a-poets-journey

A couple of the second batch could've been maybes if they weren't confirmed deadfics. On average, both batches suck, but this particular set of search results highlighted to me how much better the late fandom bugfics are, and also highlighted how right >>41836450 is about the way recent fics skip the constraints of canon with the AU tag. Basically all the recent longfics without toxic tags are AU, I've posted search results backing this up a few time already.

Also, "They're Home" is the only longfic across both pages, and is from 2023. And AU.
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Firstly, I'll filter out all the cancelled or unfinished ones. This should favor 2012, but it doesn't. The first link gave me only three finished fics, and they were:
Well, I got lucky—they're all surprisingly readable for 2012-4! But the first is a bad drama, and the third is a "Lol Random" comedy with nothing funny about it. They were both bad. The dark adventure doesn't have any red obvious flags, and unlike the other two, it's too long to skim for the purpose of this post.

The newer result gave me a bunch of bad fics, and I instantly dismissed all Human/G5 ones, too. Yet despite that, I was left with four alright-looking ones:
And I think all of those look better than the two bad fics from the first search, possibly better than the darkfic as well.
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They both look pretty boring and each have about 3 fics I would consider checking out.
Roll for initiative was pretty fun.
I nominate it for the club.
People trying to be "canon" compliant has been a problem since the S2 finale.
We've still got people joining and writing new stuff, it ain't dead.
It's only really possible to be canon-compliant when the series is in its early stages and barely anything has happened.
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>>41836527 (me)
Here is an attempt #2, with a screenshot.
Both rolled a lot worse this time, and it's hard to pick a winner when each result has maybe two fics that don't look instantly unreadable. I'll call it a tie. Newer page wins if you tolerate student 6 stories.
I come from a place where when one knows the lore and canon enough, you also know when to ignore it for the sake of your own work.

The real truth is to be internally consistent within the fic.
It's all about the c0da.
Paul started his review by saying he didn't normally read unfinished fics. I wouldn't be surprised if Mandarko paid to get that review. Mandarko did pay for ads, and Paul does offer paid editing services, so it's not too much of a jump to imagine that the review was commissioned.
>hence all the theorizing that X character portraying a certain behavior is autistic
Okay but House is autistic.
Horse is autistic?
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>As for long fics, that well has well and truly been tapped dry of writers willing to engage in such. What's there to write about for a show now completed? As far as a would be longfic writer is concerned, the show is done and over with.
As one of the thread anons who's written a longfic and maybe the one who's written the most words on a single fic out of the current regulars: You're wrong.
Nah. He's not unaware of social norms, he's just too bitter to care.
On that note, the name of this video threw me for a loop: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oAOc1ka9898
There's lots of fun stuff to explore.
Especially in the later seasons, golly.
Damn. It's almost worth having to have read that fic.
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Especially if you go to space.
It was surprising how much Babylon 5's overarching premise of "There are these ethereal ghost monster eldritch beings that have a vested interest in making sure the races stay apart" is something that can slot into MLP just fine.

Same with Warframe's latest "Six multicolored weirdos with distinct personalities have to become friends because the chaos god's only weakness is love and companionship, also there are lasers."
In belated honour of Meat and Jim saying "Yeah Bat 3 sucked but this next one is the real Bat 3!" and then making an album that was worse than Bat 3, were there any times an author took another swing at something and missed again? Cases where they acknowledged the flaws in one of their works and swore to do the premise justice, only for the second time around to fall on its face again? Barring the obvious examples, of course (Hailey and CiG).
Fuck off, you clueless faggot. Everyone here started as shit. All writers start as shit. If you write, then you get better, and if you don't write, then you stay shit. If you're as dedicated as you sound to staying shitty, then you can just GTFO.
Not me.
I'm delusional enough to keep hoping that if I churn out a big enough bibliography someday he'll dedicate an entire review to me

I've been reading this. It's pretty funny and shows how the villian's weakened plans and process can be easily patched up
The post timer is retarded. I have seen one or two posts elsewhere claim that they have seen a reduction in shitposting, however I have not. And it is retarded because people who effortpost, but lurk frequently, or otherwise who do not save cookies, are not going to bother waiting to post. I myself have simply not bothered to post at all more than a few times.
Really, the timer itself isn't a bad idea by any means, but its implementation leaves much to be desired. Leave it to the 4chan administration to screw any good idea into the ground. And to say nothing about the lack of any other beneficial changes, e.g. basedjaks when found by janitors/moderators usually result in a deletion and ban, but there is still no report option for them, or for that matter the political biases of the staff members, varying by board....
>I wish I could spam Futashy again
The timer is for people like you.
>basedjaks when found by janitors/moderators usually result in a deletion and ban, but there is still no report option for them
Off-topic and spamming/flooding already cover them.

>People whom the gate is meant to keep out complain about gatekeeping
Many such cases.
>still no report option
I might be a faggot, but I'm not a big enough faggot to unpromptedly whine about 4chinz moderation ITT.
I'm pretty sure it's a copypasta
I ain't got no idea how to write a lullaby
>the schizo club that degenerated into nothing but dust.
They lost their way reading non-schizo fics. That month spent on the candy slasher horror series I think also crippled them.

>that are beyond your skillset to execute on?
I've had a longstanding idea of a fic about a stereotypical self insert Mary Sue who moves to Ponyville and is loved by everyone, including the narrator. It'd be on a "author name is the same as the character" sockpuppet account that would post comments and blogs in poor English that reflected the grammar in the fic.

It follows the standard Mary Sue plot but there's one weird thing. Dash is completely normal. She doesn't understand why everyone's fallen for this weird pony and why reality is seemingly bending to his will. The dialouge and grammar are polished and clean, but only for her.

As the story progresses and she tries to defy the Mary Sue and narrator, it's revealed that the Mary Sue is actually an eldrich abomination who feeds on the reader's emotions when they read a "bad" fanfic and Dash was immune due to the Element of Loyalty. She tries fighting back to save her friends.

While all this is going on, the "author's" blog posts and comments grow increasingly deranged and mentally unstable, as the eldrich abomination tries to break through the story and into our reality.

I've never felt I could write a fic with the sublty necessary to pull off intentionally bad writing that also has deliberate good points hidden within it. To really succeed at the meta plot, it would also need to get a lot of "ironic" readers who'd start reading it mockingly, only to realize something more is going on. I just don't think that kind of audience exists anymore on Fimfic given how much the user base has shrunk.

>It's just suffering for suffering's sake.
Welcome to the horror genre. Where omnipotent evil antagonists do whatever they want completely unimpeded and the narrator is too busy to tell you what the fuck is going on or why.
Dude, there’s thousands of good ones that already exist. Just pick one of them.
>They lost their way reading non-schizo fics.
The five weeks of easthorse didn't help, either.
That feels insincere
Your idea sounds like a more efficiently executed version of Not The Hero.
If you just pick an old, obscure, or non-western one literally nobody would be able to tell you didn’t make it up.
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>that last 10 or so percent of the story where you already know everything that needs to happen, but it feels absolute torture to make them click

I was sleeping
Did you dream of ponies?
It's like resetting a bone: it'll hurt like Hell, but you gotta do it quickly and decisively.
I find myself dreaming of thread personalities more often than actual ponies and I'm not sure what that says about me.
I only ever had one dream of ponies. I found myself in a dilapidated prison cell with AJ and Lyra, who helped me escape it. It was nonsensical but endearing. Ponies make the creepiest locations bearable.
An allegory for escaping your second-world circumstances, perhaps?
Has /fimfic/ ever had a lucid dream?
Do you not create your own dreams and dream settings and go through them whenever you like?
Not entirely wrong. I did achieve a sense of financial stability, that a lot of people around here could just dream of at my age. Though, before you think I'm flexing my great wealth, that still means "piss poor" in a more global perspective.

I had a couple semi-lucid dreams, where I could steer the "plot", but not control it. A while ago I was interested in the topic and tried a bunch of those "lucid dream tonight!!!" videos, but without much luck.
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Kinda, I ended up bottoming for a clone of myself and I'm not sure if that was a conscious decision.
Only a few. Had one recently where I realized my shoes were back on my feet after they disappeared and I was looking for them. Immediately bit my arm to test if I was asleep and woke up shortly after realizing I couldn't do it right and it didn’t hurt much.
No, but i had this dream once where i touched the hood of a car and it felt incredibly, startlingly real. I realized i was in a dream and immediately woke up. Probably the closest i've come to lucid dreaming.
Yes. But here's the thing, the more I started writing and thinking about ideas for my fics, the more detailed and creative my dreams become. I've had multiple Best Selling stories in my dreams in a night, and when I woke up they're all gone. And when is at down to start writing, I'm poof outta ideas
It's funny you keep trying to find internal justifications for the Club's issues when there are much worse external factors at play.
How often do you jack off to fanfiction?
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It sometimes happens, but nine times out of ten I'm so engrossed in the dream's story at that point that I choose to stick to it as closely as possible instead of abusing the possibilities. The remaining one in ten is when that lucidity becomes part of the dream's story, and those are both kino and a little meta. It's also when ponies show up the most.

>the more I started writing and thinking about ideas for my fics, the more detailed and creative my dreams become
Of course. You're flexing the same brain muscles that are used for both. I've found that, for dream recall, other than habitually writing down what you can remember like everyone recommends, waking up without an alarm clock makes a huge difference for me. I rarely have that luxury, but it often results being able to clearly remember at least 3-4 successive dream scenes in great detail, sometimes down to the exact dialogue lines, which is generally rare. I consciously almost never use my dreams for writing, though I'm sure some of it slips past me.
>multiple Best Selling stories in my dreams in a night
Not saying this is impossible, but people who think this way often don't realize that the mind patches up the holes a lot and makes logical jumps that wouldn't work for anyone reading it.
Nobody fucking writes proper fetish fiction for my fetishes. Even when people do write fetishes, it's almost always utterly milquetoast babby's first kinky setup type shit.
>search for bondage or something
>"Royal Fetish Sex", "A story about a couple having a very kinky night! Fetishes include: bondage, oral, anal, dirty talk, creampie, lots of cum, femdom, orgasm denial"
>the story is just cadance and shining having almost vanilla sex (with a blowjob and anal as advertised), and cadance uses magic to hold down shining's hooves at one point and tease him a bit before he cums (~200 words after the previous 6000 being just normal sex)

Just about the only fetishes that I've seen having "proper" stories are the kind that involve lots and lots of sex scenes anyway. Futa fic? Sure, there's plenty of fics that would basically be vanilla except one of the ponies happens to be a mare with a dick. Zebradom? Sure, a good amount of fics that would basically be vanilla with a bit of rough sex except one of the ponies is actually a zebra. Stories with chastity? Hope you like plain gay buttsex stories that just happen to mention the bottom being in chastity a few times.

Garatheauthor is the epitome of the fimfic fetish writer in this sense. Breathplay? Bondage? Domming, subbing? Oh gara's written dozens of BDSM stories. Any search on the topic will bring them up. And they ALL boil down to an exceedingly "realistic" couple having very explicitly consentual play where they start by talking about the safeword, then roleplay some BDSM stuff, then wind down and pamper each other and talk about how fun it was. Like for fuck's sake, most dom/sub stuff is fantasy and the reason you need safewords and shit IRL is to be able to roleplay the fantasy properly, when I'm reading a fictional story I don't need to read about the characters THEMSELVES roleplaying it. It feels like searching for medieval fantasy stories and finding fics about LARP or reenactment events.
I get that some people enjoy it, just like some people might like modern-day slice of life stories about someone going to a fantasy LARP game with his friends and having fun. But I don't want a modern-day slice of life, I want the actual real thing, for fuck's sake.

But all the choices are either gara writing about LARP sex, or faggots writing vanilla sex scenes with a couple of extremely mild fetishes thrown in basically as framing devices.
I often "rewind" parts of my dreams and redo them, from a different angle.
Not him, but funny you ask: for the first time in many-many years, I had a pony related dream. And out of everything, it was a weird G4-G5 crossover, where Sunny and friends visited G4 Equestria, and there was... stuff happening. I guess Luna was involved too, maybe? The details are very hazy.
It's strange, because I don't like G5, and I barely if ever think about it, so why would a dream of mine involve the G5 protagonist? Does my subconscious want to tell me something?
After G5's cancellation, Hasbro dumped all assets into your subconscious.
That's because Gara kept the noncon stuff on an alt that got nuked after the fic about another author getting raped.
I think you legitimately just suck at finding fics, there is plenty of actually intense stuff out there.
It depends on how particular you are. I don't have any trouble finding foalcon, but if I want a specific character and a specific sex act, that can be tough (especially because non-con isn't for me).
Nobody writes my fucking fetish. And even if they do it's rare and the quality is often abysmal. I must have jacked off to the same 4 stories a couple dozen times. It's not even an obscure fetish
I'm not talking about non-con. Non-con is for rape fetishes and shit. I'm just talking about submission/domination but without constant coddling.
The beauty of fiction is that you can have stuff like inescapable bondage scenarios and still have it be consensual, because the character liked it all along. IRL when you do that there's no way to 100% guarantee that the person will continue liking it all along, which is why you need shit like safewords, just to make sure it doesn't suddenly turn into non-con. In fiction, the author has total control over every character, so they can actually say with 100% certainty that in fact it was fully consensual and the lack of a safeword didn't end up causing any issues. As a result you can completely ignore all of the usual IRL faff about it all.
You can even have dub-con where the character is scared or suffering in their bondage but then just say that they're a masochist or enough of a sub that they liked it. Some people say dub-con is basically rape but in reality you have plenty of cases of people doing pretty extreme stuff, with safewords, and not using their safeword - which is clearly consensual; in a fic you can have the exact same thing except with the added thrill of not having a cheap escape route ruining the suspense, without actually making it any less consensual than the IRL non-rape case.

No, it's just that everybody hates my fetishes. There's some "intense" stuff out there but a lot of it is stuff like vore, gore, and snuff. Cool, but not what I want. If Celestia's Relaxing Vacation was fap material for me I'd have been a happy man, I suppose.

Foalcon is again another fetish that's just "sex except one character happens to be a child".

You understand me brother. I think there might be a bit more than just 4 stories that I've actually liked, but in the grand scheme of things we're on the same page. It's not like my fetishes are obscure either.
What's yours?
>inb4 flattening anon
Oh, I get it. Your fetish is more special than my fetish. You don't have to worry about people thinking you're an IRL pedo who should be locked up forever.
Stop vagueposting to save face and tell us the fetish and fics you like.
>What's yours?
Male to female transformation. I know there's like a million stories in different groups (i went through them all looking for decent fics) on fimfic but they are either shit or they son't center around the topics i like. There's /ptfg/ but i'm not into transformation itself, i don't want to read those horrible stories when a guy falls down, his bones begin breaking while he transforms into a pony and other stuff like that. I want to to read about the main character getting turned into a mare and promptly fucked by a stallion, and such stories are suprisingly rare. Here are 2 prime examples of what i'm looking for:
Second chapter of this
And this. It's G5 but when you're in a desert you aren't picky about what to drink
Main shit I like can be summarised as the dom-sub part of BDSM, that's ideally a bit deeper than just "I tie you up for the evening, we have a kinky night, I untie you and that's it". Not that even just good bondage one-night-stand fics are easy to find. If it's got a predicament of some sort in it so much the better. Denial and teasing are great.
Out of semi-recent fics, The Pearl Kingdom's Legacy was pretty fun, though the reveal at the end that they had a safeword all along made it all vastly more boring. Up to that point though it was pretty interesting. Out of less recent fics, I honestly can't remember any really good ones off the top of my head. Oh yeah, wait, https://www.fimfiction.net/story/453879/breakfast-for-one was pretty good, short but I liked the sub's dynamic. This one's just a complete fetish scene with no plot but it tickled my buttons even though I'm not necessarily into every single thing mentioned: https://www.fimfiction.net/story/515195/long-night It does have a safeword but for some reason I didn't mind it too much in this one.
https://www.fimfiction.net/story/295442/maid-to-please is a classic, though it is a bit too dark for me to have actually fapped to.

There's probably a few more that I'm not remembering.

I seem to remember there being quite a few gleaming shield fics about this, I'm assuming you've probably seen them all though.
Are you fine with anthro?
I would generally really rather not. But I suppose when horny, in a pinch, I'll probably end up reading them at some point. I've unironically looked at furaffinity a few times when particularly desperate, and actually found exactly two authors pumping out really hot stories. But... they're fucking anthro furries. Like fuck me I just want some good pony stories in a similar vein, but apparently that's too much to ask for, I have to choose between quasi-vanilla or full on furshit, no alternatives.
>no alternatives.
Why not write them and get high off your own supply?
That's TOO much masturbation
I have written a couple of extremely self-indulgent one-shots in the past. But they were greentexts, and even that took me a bunch of time and effort. And the results were, well I don't think they're awful, but they're certainly entirely mediocre unless you share my exact fetishes.
>and get high off your own supply
I can only fap to the same story maybe like twice, maybe three times if we're really stretching it, before it just grows old. For the initial effort required to make it exist in the first place, if the only audience is going to be myself 2x and that's pretty much it forever, it's just not at all worth it.
Visit /CHAG/.
Oh hey! Someone else with a fetish for slapping a girls face and having them thank you for it.
>though the reveal at the end that they had a safeword all along made it all vastly more boring
The fucking fetish equivalent of "it was all just a dream".
If your gonna write/draw/animate this sort of stuff then why exactly would you add this stuff? Is it some sort of virtue signal or are people legitimately too scared to be write about this stuff even in a fictional setting?
NTA bit most artists can't get off to their own art cause they can usually see the massive glaring issues in them when they look at them.
I'd imagine that writing would be much the same way
Have you read this? I thought it was pretty hot.
I'm reading a few right now.
Smut really is the lowest genre there is.
Great find anon, because indeed I did, I even almost linked it in my post as an example but I don't remember if I actually fapped to the story or just liked it without fapping so I left it out. Great story though.
>I'd imagine that writing would be much the same way
Eh, I write to have the stuff I want. Other people's stories are the ones that constantly whiff it or skim past a potentially great moment. During revision I can dig deeper into whatever element I'm finding erotic until it's at peak horny.
Who will claim glory and become the Paul Asaran of clopfics?
That artist makes good anthro.
There is only evil anthro.
>that face
I used to write smut.
If I write clop of high horse, does it even out?
Total hippie death
t. dickscord
>I used to write smut.
>I still do, but I used to, too.
I read a Treehugger/Discord shipfic that was really good. I should drop the review one of these days.
Are you the guy I showed my changeling rape story a few threads back? It's full of bondage and abuse.
>I want to to read about the main character getting turned into a mare and promptly fucked by a stallion, and such stories are suprisingly rare.
I don't remember. But last time I had checked out your writing style it was insufferable, and you only wrote about pregnancy and pregnancy accessories which I never particularly cared about.
I can check it out though. (Mind you abuse isn't necessarily what I want either; but anyway I'll take a look.)
Nah i'm over it. It wasn't horseword smut anyway.
All these preggo stories always be like surrogates or some shit, fucking cowards.
Maybe I want to see a nice couple start a family that also happens to be pornographic, huh, huh.
>But last time I had checked out your writing style it was insufferable
Maybe I've improved in your eyes since.

>I can check it out though. (Mind you abuse isn't necessarily what I want either; but anyway I'll take a look.)
Sure, here it is:

I also have a similar Eris story, but it's incomplete right now. I'm using every Halloween/Nightmare Night to write about monsters having their way with ponies.

>All these preggo stories always be like surrogates or some shit, fucking cowards.
Can't be me.
>monsters having their way with ponies.
Self-inserts are bad and you should feel bad.
but to be fair FUBs are extremely rare on fimfiction, sexual self-inserts are always either gigachads or harem anime tier autists
Reproduction is for tryhards
double kek

Explain this acronym to me.
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Oh, the fat ugly bastard. I guess Queen Chrysalis could be considered to be the pony equivalent, in some sense.
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Bug butt is cute and sexy and if you think otherwise you’re in denial.
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Chryssie is sexy, you absolute heathen,
She's not a cuckolder, just a rapist
To us, she certainly is.
Sludge is literally it.
>that Gaiman article
Holy fuck, I don't think I've read a porn villain with less depth of character. Ghoulish shit.
Please god tell me Pratchett is safe.
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I also wish he could spam futashy again.
Thankfully he was only into gilfs.
On one hand, he did ask Gaiman to destroy his hard drive once he was dead. On the other, he's dead, and nothing has come out yet. He also lacked the kind of traumatic background that made Neil who he is, as far as I know. And authorial partnerships between morally different people before things come out aren't unheard of. There's hope still.
Tbf the harddrive he asked to be destroyed was specifically the one that had all his unfinished stories on it from his work computer, and it was destroyed by old timey steamroller.

His weird harddrive with 560gb of Oblivion porn mods is probably still around.
I was never even a fan of his (enjoyed American Gods but a lot of his writing came off too precious, I dunno) but this shit about Gaiman has broken my brain a little. He really is just a soulless husk behind the celebrity facade. What's even more unsettling is how many other celebrities are exactly like him but haven't been found out publicly yet. I have some thoughts on him as a symptom of something more substantial but this isn't really the thread or website for it.
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Who could have foreskin this?
>a symptom of something more substantial
In his case it's literally Scientology. And yeah, there are a lot of rich evil people too, but this case specifically is a clear cut instance of an abused and traumatised person having no external support in his formative years and becoming a monster when he got power. Also, cults are fucking weird and fascinating and horrifying. Also also, this is the closest thing I've seen to ToD irl.
Fucking polacks.
How the fuck does a well-read science fiction author fall prey to L. Ron Hubbard's scam?
>partnerships between morally different people before things come out aren't unheard of.
People like Gaiman have an interest in making sure respected members of their community have no idea and will react with disbelief to any allegations.
>how does a nerd get into the biggest sci-fi LARP of all time?
It is a mystery.
>How the fuck does a well-read science fiction author fall prey to L. Ron Hubbard's scam?
His parents did. He grew up in it. It's quite possible he became so well read as a coping mechanism for his trauma, using books as a way to escape. That scene in The Ocean at the End of the Lane where the 7yo protagonist gets pushed ave first into a bathtub until he almost drowns as punishment? There's a large chance it was autobiographical.
>Also also, this is the closest thing I've seen to ToD irl.
That's one way to link the topic back to fics kek
God help me. I finished my reading list, but I'm so busy that I can't find the time to dig out another fic.
You finished this week's club fics, too?
You only think that because you're a human who has no conceptualization of pony beauty standards and you're a freak.
She does cuckqueaning. Her introductory episode's plot was about that.
>Her introductory episode's plot was about that.
It was about mind controlling a man to exploit his love
You know
And how she was replacing a mare and stealing her husband.
>and you're a freak.
Well played.
To rape him.
Damn, anon. You really read all 4 million words in your backlog?
Anon... look up what cuckqueaning means.
>nobody giving a shit about things being written, no fanart or discussion as these things get adapted into the general fandom consciousness
Wasn't that kind of rare to begin with?
It was. Unless they're specifically into fics, even enfranchised fans will often recognize at most 10-20 fics with the highest fandom impact despite knowing a hundred or more fan songs, dozens of artists, fifty horsefamous people, etc. They probably haven't even read those twenty fics, either. Ask any group of oldfags how many of them read Past Sins. There are many foeggots out there who never read their own core canon fic. Super famous oneshots are the exception—Cupcakes is surely the most well-known ponyfic in the world, and MLD's fimfic view count makes every other story look bad.
It's simply a hobby that takes way more time and commitment to consume than most other forms of fan expression. People don't read in general, too.
You just need an autistic person that loves your fic enough.
How bad is it if I use AI to guide me when I write a story? Not talking about copying it verbatim, just to get a general idea of what I want some part to be like. I've never published a story by the way.

Please try to avoid a knee-jerk reaction if you can.
I've been doing it lots and nobody seems to have noticed.
Bad. Anyone familiar with the AI writing would still notice, but you could easily get away with it. Some people are posting entirely AI-written fics and even those don't always get nuked despite being explicitly against the rules. I guess the average person doesn't care.
But the reason it's so bad is that, at best, you'll learn to rely on AI as a crutch and won't actually improve where it matters, which is particularly bad due to how creatively uninspired even the best story models are. At worst you'll regress and start writing in the style of the AI.

If you don't care about getting better then you could technically do that, but it's a pretty poor crutch imo. It'd serve you much better to read some good books and learn from those, but of course that takes more time. Or if you want to use the AI, write the paragraph/chapter yourself first, and then ask it to analyze it and point out what you could improve.
If you can't even write without machine assistance, you may as well just fucking kill yourself.
Is an implied sex scene something that makes it so that the fic requires the sex warning?
Fuck warnings, I freely allude to sexual acts in E-rated fics.
No. Please learn to read. The sites tells you what the warnings are required for.
I'm a writer, not a reader.
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Kind of retarded.
There's using A.I to clarify a section you're not sure about in terms of grammar or structure, but getting it to outright give you ideas is dumb because it always pulls from a cliche pool of answers or randomly mashes shit together unless you ask it direct questions about what you're after.
>it always pulls from a cliche pool of answers or randomly mashes shit together
Which is how we all write.
brapfic when?
Nah like legit I've tested it.
If you ask it to suggest names as titles or whatever, you get the most hollywood writer tier shit.
Want a cool sounding name for a criminal organisation? How about The Black League, or The Sons of Suffering, or The Crimson Syndicate?
Shit like that is why you do not let it suggest these things.

U wot m8?
embrace the true soul of tamers. you know you want to.
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but i want fillies
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Nah I'm good. Farts aren't sexy or all that funny.
>I've tested it.
Ya asked GPT on the official website?
If you mean chatgpt.com then yeah.
Even 4e or whatever the new gen is will still give you extremely basic answers when you ask it anything more complex than a direct answer.
It's use is as a glorified spellchecker or search engine without any additional bullshit and link scouring.
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I wrote 108 words today. It's poetry, though, so I don't feel very bad that it's so little.
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Storytiming time. Ready for some Legends of Equestria lore, /mlp/? We got about 3 books and a total of 60 pages to cover.


I plan on updating the wikia with all the text from the books so people don't have to download the game to read them. I'll start with the most important ones. I can't believe they don't have it available on the wiki. I'll be using AI to transcript them quickly screenshot by screenshot. Let me know if there's a faster way.
60 pages of obscure, superfluous lore text in a buggy, half-finished action rpg is what happens when you get autists working on your project.
So you don't know what you're talking about. Please refer to the gallery.
That’s the cucked, showcase version. I asked because the names you gave match the shit this version spits out. They can do a bit better than that.
But I agree, this shit should only be used for proofreading in fimfic writing. I want to see human writing and ideas.
In their defense as someone who does writing on a game: if your only role is being a writer it's trivial to outpace the rest of the team in terms of content because writing is the fastest thing to make for any given thing. So either you do something else or you end up with that.
The duality of /fimfic/.
He literally agrees with me.
Well either way I'm not sure what you mean by referring to the gallery.
And if there are more advanced versions of ChatGPT they don't advertise it unless that's the 'explore GPTs' option.
Stop doing this dude
It hasn't been on since August anyway but I wonder if BG are going to drop Secrets from the setlist.
He's referring to a gallery in /chag/ filled with all the user's logs posted in their threads.
But that won't really help in this case; there are logs from very old AI, shitposts, bad models, etc. The best would be for him to show direct examples of things he likes, but that would be a bit off-topic here.
>there are more advanced versions of ChatGPT
It's not a more advanced version, it's just that the official website doesn't allow you to choose your settings, use a system prompt, and more. In fact, their system prompt on their website is something that asks the model to be cucked, to not go against copyright, to be sensible, to be a good assistant, and all this shit. So it's nerfed. It's used as a display and they don't want it to say no-no things to the big public.
You will also have some telling you that GPT was always shit and to use Claude, but it's the same thing on their official website.

Honestly, AI autism should stay confined to the threads for that. And yes, it shouldn't be used for creative writing on fimfiction.
Ah I see.
I'm choking on all that spoonfeeding but thanks.
Given that it's such a cucked model it's still been insanely useful for basic corrective measures and research.
>corrective measures
Like I'm going to listen to a teenager with the vocabulary of a hippy. Didn't you parents teach you better?
>it's still been insanely useful for basic corrective measures and research.
You won't be really nerfed for that, since it's the intended use. Settings and such are more for making it more random, varied, or loosened up.
But even then, they still have patterns and such, they are just more creative. But there are things that only humans can come up with.
Did yours?
Yes. Mine are actual intellectuals which is a rarity.
The original point was that human creativity is the same recombobulating process AIs use, just with a finer grain.
Twipie fic halfway through...
I bet you don't believe in an immaterial soul
It isn't though.
But does one of them have a marecock?
One of them is a clown.
Would one new writefag make a difference nowadays? I’ve actually written a few books, but I just want to write casual stuff for a few regular readers.
Inflatable marecocks, then.
I'm new and I haven't made a difference at all.
Who would win, Pinkie's clown physics fake marecock or Twilight's magic'd real marecock?
It's called a balloon animal, friend.
If writing about these ponies is satisfying to you, then we'd be glad to have you. As cliched as that sounds, every single good fic makes all the difference.
I don't believe souls are concerned with what I think.
>who would win: toonforce or
Toonforce. Always.
I once tried using ChatGPT to get through a scene that was giving me trouble. I described my fic, the tone of the story and the scene, as well as what should happen.
What gave me was... decent. I got to incorporate some of the ideas into what I eventually wrote.
However, I noticed that it tended to end up with characters blatantly going "we are now stating what we should feel. We're also speaking in a grandiloquent way about what the story is about. We sure are reinforcing the themes of the story."
It did that a LOT.
But only if it's really funny.
Anything pinkie pie does is funny.
Completely false.
name one example
Without getting into the details, a lot of the setup that /chag/ concerns itself with is meant to steer the models away from the "assistant" style you're describing and making them resemble real, stylized writing more. Often with a heavy focus on getting the characterizations and character voices more right.
Methods include, among others, gaslighting the model into "thinking" that it's possessed by the spirit of Terry Pratchett, or making the AI RP as a writer who in turn RPs as the characters in the story. You can't do that through the web interface.
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I'd rather just gaslight myself into being possessed by the spirit of Terry Pratchett.
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About to alienate my loyal readers by publishing a fic that's way the fuck outside my usual fare
Me uploading my 850k futa rapefic among all my other reasonably sized, thoughtful and serious novels.
What's your usual fare?
HiE slop
>tfw found a well-written Trixie fic
>it makes mentions of Trixie being trans so I can never recommend it to anyone here
First you need to befriend a rapist.
>well written
>trans Trixie
This thread already discovered the one and only way trans Trixie could ever be written well, and I doubt this story did it.
It's okay, it couldn't have been a good fic.
I thought the main thing now is the insane scientology shit
wot if instead of trans trixie it was trains trixie, and she was a train
We all know Trixie is a blimp.
Based double dubs.
Nah, that was just the ontological source of his decision to make a girl lick his piss while his son was in the room.
Choo Choo Charles but it's Trixie?
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>tranny Trixie
It wasn't well written.
Depends on what you mean by "make a difference." If you mean, "Will I influence the wider fandom?" then the answer is a firm no. If you mean, "Will I entertain myself and others?" then the answer is absolutely yes. Depending on what you write and how well you write it, you might brighten the day of a couple thousand people. Which is not bad.
That's a cute Pinkie.
Well, she does kill herself in that fic
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This one too.
Same, except I'm cleverly avoiding alienation by not having any loyal readers.
I prefer to let people know what they're getting with me. Sorry Cozy Glow magical lobotomy ethics debate fic.
>I’ve actually written a few books
What topics have you written about?
We need all the people we can get to keep the fandom alive
>tfw I know I haven't succeeded as a writer because nobody writes articles exposing me
A prototypical autistic interest.
Fantasy mostly. A book on a dragon, a book on a magical outbreak on earth, and a book on a cleric dealing with a zombie apocalypse. All were around 126,000 words.
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That's a cat, not a pony.
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The behavior is largely the same
Catfags go away
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Fics for this feel?
Anything unfinished.
Tips for writing Twilight and Scootaloo?
Together? Or just as characters
Read this https://www.fimfiction.net/story/118330/light-the-sky-on-fire
Insecure tomboy desperate for any attention.
Main character of the fic will be sweetie belle, and I don't see Twilight interacting with Scootaloo directly being a big part of the fic. I'm more confident I have a grip on her, but Twilight can fit so many different roles, and I never really got Scootaloo.
Think of every plucky street kid in every work ever, then distill that. "Scrappy" would be a good way to describe her.

Or if that fails, Rainbow Dash but much more insecure and easily frightened.
>The grass is cool and damp under my hooves as I trot towards Saddle Lake. The early-morning air is clear and crisp, with only a small scattering of thin, high clouds in the sky to reflect Celestia’s sunrise. Cirrus uncinus clouds, also known as “mares’ tails” because of their thin, curved shape and feathery edges that look like the loose horsehair of a pony’s tail blowing in the wind. A warm front must be approaching out of the Everfree, causing these bands of ice crystals to form way up in the troposphere ahead of it. There’s only a few mares’ tails in the sky right now, so probably not a very strong front yet – but some inner sense, a tickle in the back of my mind, tells me that more are trying to form. If the front gets stronger, and the Weather Patrol here in Ponyville leaves everything to itself, we just might get some rain this evening, depending on how the front moves.
Ugh. I know this kind of prose has it's crowd, but I am just too impatient for it.
I've had a few over the years. They almost always end with me spawning in a chocolate bar to eat because I get hungry.

I weep for you, anon, having actual fetish stories to bitch about. Meanwhile, my fetish fic is the second most recent for my fetish and I wrote it back in 2015.

I've been listening to the Sandman audio play and it's been consistently fucked up so I can totally see how the guy's a complete irredeemable degenerate husk of a human. The episode where the British writer rapes the Greek muse for decades, then calls himself a feminist writer is particularly hilarious now. He really was writing what he knew the whole time.

>It might come as a surprise to many to learn that Neil is either a very nice, approachable guy or an incredible actor.
--Terry Pratchett, Intro to Good Omens

Make of that as you will.

Isn't a large part of the fun creating the plot from the ground up yourself? If you want an "ideas guy" just open yourself up for commissions. You'll have someone direct your writing and you'll actually make money off it.
Well, that depends on what she does in the story, but in general you can write Twilight as pedantic and snarky and somewhat stubborn, but still friendly and helpful. She's also naturally curious about the workings of the world around her and eager to either share her knowledge, debate it, or begrudgingly amend it if it's proven false

And while Twilight is naturally prone to being neurotic, that doesn't mean she starts hyperventilanting and goes full Lesson Zero at the slightest opportunity. If she gets stressed-out, try to write this in more subtle/human ways. Twilight is generally level-headed in her approach and tries to be rational, but if she's stumped on something, she gets desperate and her ideas become more bizarre and outlandish.
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Scootaloo is scrappy like >>41840701 puts it, but also can become fairly vulnerable. She's normally pretty bold, almost to the point of overconfidence, and has high expectations of herself and her own abilities. When her high expectations conflict with reality, like in Sleepless in Ponyville, she gets nervous and overcompensates. She has pretty robust coping mechanisms, but deep down, she's quite insecure about her tiny wings, lack of cutie mark, or whatever else.

Twilight can go a lot of different ways like you say, but her original core archetype (and what most people write) is the sheltered, well-meaning nerd who does a lot of reading/thinking but lacks real life experience (like you or me). She naturally wants to solve problems and take a leading role, often overstepping her bounds and thinking she knows best. Unlike Scootaloo, who becomes overconfident as a misapplied coping mechanism, Twilight becomes overconfident out of ignorance (not maliciously) of the world and the expertise of other ponies. Twilight's comfortable until something unexpected happens or somepony disagrees with her, at which point she loses her stance and possibly control over her emotions. As long as things go the way she imagines them to go in her head, though, she's smugly superior. Later seasons had Twilight develop as a character, though, and the status of her ego is both lessened by gaining experience and formalized by her crowning.

Overall, both Scootaloo and Twilight like to take initiative but fall victim to overconfidence and having large egos, each in their own way. Scootaloo is more resilient against the unexpected as long as it doesn't provoke her insecurities. Twilight is easily tripped up, but is more confident in general due to her extreme abilities and cushy upbringing insulating her from failure.
>And while Twilight is naturally prone to being neurotic, that doesn't mean she starts hyperventilanting and goes full Lesson Zero at the slightest opportunity. If she gets stressed-out, try to write this in more subtle/human ways. Twilight is generally level-headed in her approach and tries to be rational, but if she's stumped on something, she gets desperate and her ideas become more bizarre and outlandish.

That's why you throw her into incredible stressful situations, because it's funny.
I write this way and I just view it as setting the stage of the scene. If the writer doesn't bring it back around to the actual story fairly quickly, then I'd be surprised.
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Oh look,
why are you aping the tunigger?
I felt like it. I'm sated for the next few months, probably.
I mostly agree. Does not surprise me that the /fimfic/ circlejerk can't into reading comprehension, but it is off-topic.
were any of them good
No, you do it so that she may show her skill and wit and perseverance and come out on top of a dangerous situation and look awesome
Where did you publish?
>come out on top
But everyone knows neurotic types are best calmed when they bottom.
Nah I'm going to like
Kidnap her baby or something
Eh, kinda. They were my first attempts. I’ll say that I’m better now.
>everyone knows
I only know that I know nothing, and everyone else doesn't even know that much
Yeah but you're Anonymous, not everyone, and neither is mister else.
>Sclerite didn't see that he had many other options, but he enjoyed being held and that warm trickle of boyish love.
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Man I just realized, there would have been a shit ton of shining armor x princess celestia ship fics if he had not been introduced as cadences husband. The princess and the captain of her royal guard who is also her personal students brother? To easy.
There are still a ton of fics where they fucked.
>mfw if the "Twilight-project" didn't play out as intended, Cellie would have taken a more direct route
I can imagine there being a good chunk of fics of Rarity hobnobbing with Shining once she found out Twilight had family in such high places.
It really doesn't make light of how connected and high up Twilight is politically. Literally the groomed successor of the supreme ruler of the country and too many nobs aren't sucking up to her.
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Fics with knob sucking?
Are there any fics that do portray how high up and connected Twilight and her family is?
me and who
You and a doorknob
This had an element of Sparkle family political drama but it's neither a focus of the fic nor particularly well done
Oh, cadance cuck stuff. Meh.
It's not cuck stuff since they break up due to cadance's actions before shining and vinyl do anything
>Artist already on it whining
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If you want it in a bad way, https://www.fimfiction.net/story/50549/cry-for-eternity
If you want it in a good way, ___ and Luna, Princess of Space and TWOLOT. Archmage probably counts, and you can generally expect it from any Tunafics where Twilight spends most of her time in Canterlot. There's also fics that center on her parents, like Her Majesty's Secret Service.
Kinda, wish G5 wasn't shit so I could actually care about it
>oh no it's the pinkie pie clone from the future
Written like a caricature of pinkie, too.
A Clash of Magic and Steam definitely counts. Though it's a completely separate AU.
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I took it out because of the comma in one of the story names.
Gotta add that to the list.
format your hard drive kplsthanx
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One step at a time, that's before I build the RAID. Parts are on the way.
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That's most of her scenes, but you can have this one for free.
Oh boy, here I go writing another fucking "character talks to a different version of herself as a metaphor for inner struggle" fic to exorcise my admiration for one specific scene in one longfic because my demons will never stop haunting me no matter how many times I try to trap them within my work.
I can already tell your fic is going to be great.
Fics about getting into fights over trivial bullshit that is just a proxy for your groups self interest?
Artist, the user
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This bastard fic is too shameless and competent; I can't stop reading.
>Only 94 likes and 883 views despite the shilling
Was it fucked by the length, premise, tags, or lack of a lust provoking cover?
>Author's last blog post before disappearing is about medical issues and prostituting themselves to pay for bills
>I can't stop reading.
Yeah. That happened to me with that story, too. Despite being so over-the-top anime in all of its aspects, and ripping off wholesale from its sources, it is indeed a very cool fic to read. Well, except for one chapter in the middle of the story that really should've earned it another warning tag. It might be the best "anime" fic on the site, but I'd have to read The Immortal Game to make that claim.
>Was it fucked by the length, premise, tags, or lack of a lust provoking cover?
The M rating would be my guess. It's the right rating for the story, but other than the first chapter, it's arguably less gory than many T-rated stories.
Ah, right. The weird shipping AU one where Cadance goes insane, then it ends up spiraling into a deadfic sequel because canon's irreparably fucked and he'd have to rewrite the entire show.

>length, premise, tags, or lack of a lust provoking cover
Combo of non-sex M + [Sci-fi][Tragedy] I'd say. Those are probably the two weakest genre tags of the bunch, then they get hit with the M rating filter bonus on top of it and it really cripples engagement. Anchoring it to secondary characters doesn't help matters, either.

Might have had to cut fanfic work to focus on tightening the belt. Wouldn't be the first fic author to get slammed by IRL shit and have to step back.

>It might be the best "anime" fic on the site
Re:Harmony takes that prize for me, even if it is a deadfic. Immortal Game is a close second, though.
Best OS for writing fics?
>then it ends up spiraling into a deadfic
A real shame, because I was enjoying that one.
What autistic niche version of Linux has the least amount of faggots and troons using it?
Plan 9
Gentoo, since no one actually fucking uses the thing
The downside is that all 4 of them are extremely autistic, so the total autism level is actually higher than most distros
I like debian because it's the one distro I've found with slower updates than my fics.
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>having Hot Coffee with my mom
>casually mention I got into writing recently
>she wants to see my work
Wat do?
Write her a fic that'd make Freud blush.
Of all things, the OS matters the least
If anything you should be asking which text editor to use (and they are almost all cross-platform so you can use any of them on any OS)
Why would you mention what you're doing if you don't want her to know what you're doing? Fucking retard
I'm not poor, just Jewish.
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>post new chapter to my Spike story
>get a bunch of new likes (yay)
>for some reason get some of the most moronic comments in existence from mouthbreathers that can't seem to take the time to read what the story is about
Why are people so very, very fucking stupid?
Man, why are people?
Let's analyze Vogelfag as if he was a character in our fanfiction
>Anon, filly, mare, stallion, griffon?
Whatever we want.
I place him as an obese retard like Sludge.
If you're not embarrassed by Hot Coffee with your mom, then I can't imagine why you'd be embarrassed to show her your writing.

You have 24 hours to write a convincing attempt at a novel. Or ask Chat GPT to whip yourself up a poem or two and claim you did it yourself.
I showed my mom my fics and she was like "you should make it not horses and write professionally", and I had to explain how miserable that would be.
Don't project, Applefag.
I'm as skinny as a rake lmao.
I can sadly confirm he's not fat.
>sadly confirm
Q, that you?
Do I look like I have a fat fetish?
What do you think about writing literal horses, anon
It's not quite ponies but it might be less miserable than writing humans, might actually be fun
I'm writing pony fanfic because I want to. But I'd rather not write actual horses.
That's how that conversation goes for me every time, too.
I'm lucky my mother can't read English.
Get her to translate your fics for you.
Anon... she can't read them. How will she translate them?
Narrate it to her, she still speaks english yes?
Why have you failed your mother in helping her pursue her education
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Hey, has anybody else mentioned this yet? The amount of new “users” started crashing back in September. There’s only been a bit over 500 this month so far. Though if you check the new users page you can see a lot of them are still not real accounts. But none the less this is closer to the amount of actual new people making accounts.

Was there ever a clear explanation for what was happening? Iirc someone in this thread told me the accounts were coming from people making them to link to their website increase their SEO rank or something like that but was that true? Also, did the fimfic staff do something to cause the change to occur or did it just spontaneously fizzle out on its own?
There were a LOT of bots. Not even bots, just scammers, they were even coming into the site's discord and trying to scam people.
Horses are cool though
Only if they're colorful magic horses. Normal horses are not.
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Looking closer there was a period from December 10th to yesterday where it was averaging about 30 per day. For reference, back in 2019 average rate was also in the 30’s. I skimmed through the actual list of new users from those days and I’d estimate 40-50% are real users. A good amount were just a name and default profile picture with zero activity and i assumed that meant “probably not a real user”. Which would put the amount of real new users per day in 2025 in the teens.
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Scratch that, a bunch of accounts just disappeared since the last time I checked. So that answers my question, the fimfic staff are in fact deleting the scam/shill accounts as they appear.
Yeah they seem to be getting better at it. I haven't gotten a scam DM in a while and it's kind of sad. I liked to fuck with them.
Exactly like that. I took someone's advice to say I put a gypsy curse on them and that one always got a good freakout.
That sounds hilarious, please tell me you have screenshots.
Sadly no, the DMs get deleted when they get banned.
You should always wish some kind of plague, the black death specifically because it's the one they hate the most, upon an indian scammer.
Calling them 'benchod' is something they hate because it's something like 'sister/mother fucker' and indians really hate familial insults.
I admire the drive to learn indian lore just to fuck with scammers.
Looking back at the peak years of 2012-13, the average per day back then was about 150. So a lazy rough estimate would say that the amount of new users joining today is a tenth of what it was at its peak. Which doesn’t seem that bad to me for a 14 year old fandom.
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>Me learning about other foreign cultures and customs just so that I can be more racist
The site admins extended cloudflare's anti-bot protection from just the new user sign up page (which already had several layers of anti-bot features) to the blanket the whole site.

Any existing script that interacted eith the site broke and had to be revised. Some of them didn't bother. Probably, the site just became less useful to the lowest effort spammers.
I hate scammers
I hate em
i like this too, anon. i was even working on a fic in that realm a few years back, but i only got a couple of chapters out before life turned to shit and took away any time to write. by the time i wasn't drowning in work again it was three years later, and it felt a bit weird going back to a half-finished clop fic. it's been a decade now. just thinking about it makes me awfully sad, because it would have had cadance being slowly made into twilight velvet's subby slave, who wasn't allowed to even think about orgasms without permission.
maybe i should just start posting it again and act confused when people ask about the 10 year gap.
You sound based. If you've got the time, I definitely think you should either continue it, or rewrite it, or start a new one. Times change and so does your inspiration, if you still wanna pick up the exact plotline where you left off then great, but at the same time it's the content that matters so you shouldn't feel shackled to perfectly continuing what you had started before - a brand new fic on the topic, or a complete rewrite of the same concept, would be just as good.
People normally say not to succumb to the temptation to rewrite to avoid getting stuck in a cycle of perfectionism, but I think having a 10 year gap is one of the few perfectly good excuses for wanting to start fresh rather than having to conform exactly to what you had started a decade ago
You show your parents your fics???
you know what? i'll do it.
Okay, what text editor do you use? I'm using LibreOffice writer because it came stock with my distribution and is good enough.
I write all my fics and some of my original work on Fimfiction dot net on the Firefox browser.
I write my fics on my phone in a free text editor :)
I transmit my fic ideas directly into the subconscious minds of other authors through telepathic communication because I’m to lazy to write them myself.
Send better and more ideas, you hack.
I am at piece with the knowledge that all fics I could ever possibly wish to write are already contained within the Library of Babel website.
Can you beam me motivation too?
Completely new anon here. I used to read many a fanfic, but I never tried writing myself. Lately I've been entertaining that urge, and it's been interesting, although I've encountered some roadblocks.
How many chapters do you complete before you decide to start posting? How many revisions and drafts until you think a chapter is "done"? I continuously rethink and update things, and I worry I'll be trapped in these first few chapters for an eternity. Constantly rethinking and redeveloping how characters might act, constantly trying to make the dialogue more natural. I have a plan for the overall plot, but the minutia...
>How many chapters do you complete before you decide to start posting?
Ideally, all of them.
>How many revisions and drafts until you think a chapter is "done"?
Can't be quantized like that, once you and your editors are both happy with the state of it. (And if you make an edit that retroactively affects previous chapters, you do more.)
>Constantly rethinking and redeveloping how characters might act, constantly trying to make the dialogue more natural.
Force yourself to move on and also have an outline for your fic. Bullet points, a list of lines/events/situations you want to happen, a general idea in your head where things start, where they head, and where they end.
this >>41846061
But also doing it in bursts of chapters is fine. People don't often seem to mind time between chapters. I certainly don't, I just don't want a story to be abandoned.
I HATE dead fanfics and don't want anyone to experience the same so I only write what's complete.
If you can't feel like you can do a longer fic, make it a one shot or just a shorter fic.
I want to write fanfics too, but I'm pretty sure nobody would be interested in them since they're about G5 characters.
I wanted to write about Sunny desperately wishing for a wise alicorn mentor and getting hobomaxing Flurry Heart instead.
I just want to write about an alternate universe G5 that doesn't suck which just uses the characters, but I'm pretty sure most people won't like it simply because they skip every fic which has the AU tag.
Oh is that what happens
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Of course I do, why would you be embarrassed, are you writing anything embarrassing?
I do have an outline. The events happen. I'm just stuck in constantly being unsatisfied in the execution of the events.
It's a fascinating process, and enjoyable to a degree, but I also wonder: at what point am I taking too long? I imagine that's not a question that can be answered. I'm moreso wondering if it's something that's "normal".
>at what point am I taking too long?
If it gives you any sense of comparison, I spent several months on both of my multi-10k word stories. Something an order of magnitude greater can easily take a year or two.
But it's impossible to give you a concrete measure. Everyone works at different speeds and at any time shit can hit the fan, during which you lose the ability or interest to write.
One reason why pre-writing the whole story is a good idea is that your readers won't be affected by the time you take and you won't feel the pressure to deliver, which isn't always a helpful feeling.
Write a master/pet hypnosis fic where the master hypnotises the sub into being more obedient or something and the sub is really happy about the prospect
Pros about writing it all at once: you can go back and forth to revise different parts of the story to make them fit together better, get new ideas partway through, fix things up etc., instead of being stuck with what you've already published (you can always change it but readers will hate any major plot retcons)
Cons of writing it all at once: you get zero feedback, so if your ideas are shit - or even something as simple as your writing style or prose having some simple but very annoying tics you never realised - nobody will tell you, so you gotta be confident you know what makes a good story, and ideally you gotta take enough time doing it that you'll be able to take a step back and read the story objectively with fresh eyes at some point to spot any flaws
Oh yeah to add another con of writing it all at once: no reader engagement or feedback to serve as motivation, they always say "write for yourself" but locking yourself in a high tower and churning out tens of thousands of words out of sight of the world can still get pretty lonely. If you have an editor or pre-reader or a friend that likes pony fanfics and can pre-read and discuss it with you, it's much better (and helps a TON on the aspect of getting early feedback for dumb ideas, too), but if you don't, seeing some people like and discuss your fic can make a big difference in motivation
Another benefit of writing it all at once is not blueballing the readers if (when) you abandon the fic. Something like half of big stories never see completion. Worse yet, posting as you go makes hiatuses feel awful, and it deprives you of the sunk cost driving you to finish the story so you can get people to read it. Without the pressure to finish the fic, your story might get bloated and die in the middle of its third filler arc.
>Cons of writing it all at once: you get zero feedback
The other side of the coin is that you probably won't get much feedback even if you post it as you write. Fics don't get too many comments, especially fics from new authors like that anon, and the comments they do tend to be "I liked the fic!" rather than any feedback you can act on. You will not get called out for bad prose in the world where people like David Silver and Runic Treetops are among the "top" authors.
I suppose this is a big thing I've been thinking about. I am writing it for myself, ultimately. The ideas are close to home for me, the characters are something I want to explore for myself. But at the same time, I'd like to have people along for the ride. Ideally strangers, because, well... I can't really describe it other than an insecurity about how people who know me might feel about what I'm writing. I want my name to remain unattached, and to keep it away from my friends.
It's a weird state to be in. I want to share, but I want to remain detached. I don't want an editor, but I do want people to be invested. Basically, I don't know what I want.
Has a fanfic ever featured a really odd ship, but after reading it, it has made you like the idea of the ship?
Yeah. I've not got any attachment to ships or anything so I'm down for anything if it's done well enough. Probably the only thing that I don't go for is anything cuck or NTR.
Many times, I'm sure, but most recently I liked how Kindness's Reward did Fluttershy as a foil to Trixie.
I saw a weird one with that was Soarin/Pinkie Pie
The only people who get blueballed are those who knowingly start reading an Incomplete fic, especially really early on from a new author.
For literally anyone else, it makes no difference whether it's posted (and they don't read it) or it's not posted (and the world never gets to see it if it's abandoned). I think there is absolutely nothing wrong with giving people the choice if they should want to dive in regardless. And sometimes even a partial fic can be enjoyable - perhaps frustrating, yes, but I'm sure there's plenty of people who can name at least one Incomplete fic that they wish would complete but that they don't regret reading regardless and wouldn't take back and un-read if given the option.

Well, Filly took the route of getting gay-groomed and wearing frilly maid dresses in exchange for an editor and co-writer. There's plenty of options in this world.
>I don't want an editor, but I do want people to be invested.
Jokes aside I see what you mean in your post, except for this sentence where I think you're flat-out wrong: you do want an editor, or at least you will want one at some point. It doesn't have to be an IRL friend, it can be a dedicated reader from fimfiction itself, but for any sort of story longer than a one-shot, having an editor look over your drafts before publishing is absolutely invaluable.
It is, of course, quite hard to get one as a new author, unless you know other autists into horsewords IRL (but I can understand your apprehension there) or are of the homosex disposition (which makes a lot of things in life easier). But generally the writers with the best selection of willing pre-readers and editors, and thus the best pool from which to choose both active and dedicated as well as actually intelligent and useful editors, are the already popular authors with some dedicated following, leading to a sort of catch-22 for a brand new author.

But even then serial publishing has advantages: even relatively poorly written shlock can gather a dedicated following, and might net you a dedicated enough reader willing to edit for you, and you can go from there. Whereas if you've never published on fimfiction (and thus don't know anyone there - assuming no circlejerk personal favors), and don't know anyone IRL you'd want as an editor, and want to write the entire story before publishing, then you're back to your only option being the lonely hermit writer sitting locked away from the world, working on a secret work that no eyes than yours may gaze on until such a day as you deem it complete.
>in exchange for an editor and co-writer.
He could have just asked.
I meant exchange more in the same way gifts are exchanged, not as a trade. Does English have a word that's any better for that
Well. I haven't published before, and I'm not in any writing circlejerks, so... Hermit it is, most likely. At least, until I've written enough chapters to decide whether I want to publish early or wait to finish.
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No one has said it yet, so I'll add that you should read Ezn's guide linked in the OP. It's relatively basic, a little dated in some aspects (for example, LUS is no longer such a common problem), and definitely not a gospel, but it gets several important points across in a timely manner.
Good luck with your fic, anon!
Oh, I have read this. It was on fimfiction somewhere. Useful stuff.
I mean, G5 fics still have upvotes and comments
Yeah I mean I'd be down to read one I guess
Unironically dicksucking Stephen King dates that guide so much
I'm not sure I would count myself as a cowriter.
The ending has lived rent free in my head since I read it. Make sure you don't skip the author's notes.
I mean he still could have just asked. And then he wouldn't have been gay-groomed.
You can just ask him, don'tcha know?

Did anyone here read Mandark's fanfic? it's not much of a story as much as a wikipedia article though. That's why he got panned so hard and everyone got confused.
Xaq enabled some Cloudflare anti-spam measures on 31 August. There was an immediate sharp drop in the number of registrations (visible in the chart). Perph has said that there was also an immediate sharp drop in the amount of spam the staff had to clean up.

Since then, some people have had occasional issues making accounts. It seems to be tied to doing things that Cloudflare thinks are suspicious (using certain VPNs, some browser extensions, etc.). But it doesn't seem to impact many people.
Start by writing short stories ("one-shots"). A lot of people want to write epics; but when you're first starting out, your writing improves fast, and before you make it very far into your epic, your writing will have improved to the point where you don't like the opening chapters anymore. It's easier to just write some shorter stuff and get some experience and feedback.
Also people are more willing to consume longer fics from a proven author.
I just got another very short story converted to a comic:

She's so cute. It's been a while, so show me comics you've commissioned based on your stories again.
>talking about comics in the writethread
Why would you do this? Do you somehow think we're you're friends?
You mean you're not my friends?
Write a poem, then run it through a dozen languages on Google Translate before back to English to give it that incomprehensibility it needs to be true art.

>people ask about the 10 year gap
They usually don't. They'll just make necromancy jokes in the comments.

Word. I got fed up with LibreOffice not including a native dark mode for Windows users and their customization settings sucking as much ass as VLC's do.

Try starting with a oneshot. That's always a good way to dip the toes.

> before you decide to start posting
I now write the whole story before posting. Serial writing is a plague on fanfics. By writing the whole thing, you have total freedom to change the plot as you write and the ideas evolve. It's been insane shifting from serial publishing and realizing how unnecessarily restricting it is and how much worse of a story it creates, all for the gratification of people reading it right when you finish writing the chapter.

>you think a chapter is "done"?
When all the goals I set for the chapter have been accomplished. The real answer's "when the story's finished" because there's always things you can add or edit. At some point you just have to be satisfied with the results or you'll end up editing forever.

>you get zero feedback
You get that anyway. The only time you get real feedback on Fimfic is if you've completely fucked everything up and the readers are revolting, at which point it's probably too late to fix without rewriting the whole thing, which leaves you in the same boat as if you prewrote the whole thing.
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How can I justify heterosexual buttsex in my writing when reality dictates vaginal is always better?
That is cute. Who's the father?
You've become exceptionally more tolerable in recent times, and better at writing too from what little I've seen.
You can't. Fuck a femboy, trap, or dickgirl in the arse or don't fuck the arse at all.
Capper, ofc.
Both partners are into it? Heterosexual anal exists irl on that basis, you don't need to rationalfic your way into explaining it.
>unnecessarily restricting
Restrictions breed creativity. Eternity makes you complacent.
Your pic exemplifies why str8nal is a shitty concept.
>Fuck a femboy
Is that an offer?
Ponuts are built different.
You can't.
IRL anal is not justifiable either.
What are we supposed to do after wrapping up /fssbc/ Live?
>hetero anything
>That is cute. Who's the father?
Use your imagination. It's usually too tight to mention the father when 150 words is the limit. You, the reader, can be the father, if you'd like. I've started telling one guy who asks me often that I'm the father.

>You've become exceptionally more tolerable in recent times, and better at writing too from what little I've seen.
Aw, thanks.

I've never so much as alluded to the movie in my writing, kek. Still, Tempest Shadow is a cutie, I guess.

You can't have vaginal sex while she's giving birth, so there you are.
>not getting sucked off by your unborn foal as it's crowning
Do you even pregfag?
I know this is one of you.
>You, the reader, can be the father, if you'd like
I would not. I'm going to assume it's someone who used her for sex and has no interest in her but she still swoons over him because she's a rapeslut.
You mean Kaz?
>brand new author gets half a thousand views
what's your excuse for not taking the hiepill?
Old idea but with new guidelines
"How it should have ended" but instead of just writing the ending or respecting the story, you instead take only elements and summaries of each episode and then you rewrite an entirely new story around those elements.

Putting Your Hoof Down
Fluttershy does her stuff and everyone is nice when she fucks up like she usually does.

(Rarity, Pinkie, Twilight, Dash or whoever drop some Hearth's Warming Eve- BREAKING lore about how ponies are naturally united and humble and must stay like this lest Equestria crumbles like the other shit species.)

Cue Iron Will comes to town FlimFlam style with his ugly goats and convinces everyone to turn into antisocial pajeet retards.
Mane5 stop Iron Will and run him out of Equestria.
Fluttershy teaches everyone how to pony again.
>reverse fixfics
We're reaching levels of retardation unknown to man in ages past.
The brand new adoptionfag author gets more.
I asked him and he rated my story as Pretty Good which warmed my heart.
You ruined the whole episode
The whole point is that unpleasant people are just something Fluttershy encounters naturally and must learn to deal with while still preserving her kindness
It's a more realistic message than hiding behind your friends' backs all the time
>retarded opinion
>half a thousand views
Right now, it says 99. Which is honestly pretty bad for an Anon porn fic.
She might have hooves.
Too horny to hit the right hole, too horny to stop.
But feeling you need to justify heterosexual buttsex when there are people gleefully writing fat-fetish cock-vore seems a little insecure.
The mare has some sort of sexual dysfunction that makes vaginal penetration troublesome.
Or she's saddle-arabian and horse Allah said sex is for married couples, so she takes it up the butt instead.
Celestia never said that.
She didn't have to, she wears a buttplug with Luna's cutie mark on it.
Yeah but she never said you can't fuck before marriage.
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You can't.

>her accident was just a cover-up
The things government doesn't want you to know!
have a defilement angle. the RGRE meme of mares 'humiliating' stallions by having anal over vaginal is always hot, and the standard gender role version is pretty gud as well.
Take the wholesome pill.
I know this thread is full of virgins and sexless losers but it's never been this clear.
It's allah bout that view to like ratio
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What it showed is that the gay cabal is the minority itt.
There's literally nothing wrong with being a virgin though. There are much more pleasant things in life than sex, like mlp fanfiction and videogames.
Still pissed there was never a decent pony game.
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It's true, kisses and cuddles are both much better than actual sex
>t. non virgin
Have you tried all of these?
Sulphur Nimbus
Fo:E Remains
Possibly D'lirium and Ergosphere, but I haven't played them yet.
My Little Investigations had potential.
Legacy of Pony
I like all three.
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I'm just appealing to the lowest common denominator: people who want to be happy.
There are so many that 'had potential' but never ended up getting finished. Octavia in The Underworld's Cello has been sitting at 90%+ for years, and things like Horse Game (from Equidev) or Robin Steele the Waifu Thief 2 looked great before they died.
>Fo:E Remains
How roguelike is that anyway
I never understood the desire to have children. It may sound edgy but for me it seems less like happiness and more like a liability. It's always sad for me when characters in stories have children because it feels like they are giving up on themselves in favor of them.
I guess it's because I've had a relatively good life and want to ensure something like that for someone else
Not very much. It's an rpg where you level up your character throughout the entire game.
>I've had a relatively good life
To each their own
Oh shit, maybe I will check it out then
Accidental quote, ignore it
Do you have any fics that don't involve parenting?
Thinking on it, every single fic I have planned is that. So no.
Sometimes you gotta stay in your lane.
>Sometimes you gotta stay in your lane.
People who seek fictional happiness rather than engaging with art as a whole are an inferior class of humans.
>it seems less like happiness and more like a liability.
It's both, really. It's true you're giving up a good chunk of your life for the sake of someone else and now your needs take the backseat to this small subhuman.
But! It is rewarding. Raising kids is a really nice experience, and not just because you have a malleable human being looking up at you who thinks you're the coolest thing ever until they turn seven. Those little fuckers.
Granted, not everyone is up to the task, nor is it really for everyone, but there's nothing inherently wrong with having kids. You're just exchanging one type of satisfaction for a more long-term kind that requires more work.
You know, I often think back to this video. For it being a comedy skit from a dozen years ago, it's quite charming.
I do both though
Then the post isn't about you. You're still a little inferior though.
I halfway understand it, there is appeal in raising life the best you can, especially as you get older. What I never fully got into is pregnancy fetish. I get some aspects of it but they're all undercut by the vulnerability and high maintenance requirements associated. I cannot get turned on by thoughts of sex with a pregnant girl when my brain is too busy worrying that the fetus might get hurt somehow and turn out a retard.
For me it's mostly that I know I would fuck it up and ruin the child's life.
>turn out a retard
It's your kid, anon, that's already a guarantee.
But more seriously just don't have sex during later pregnancy stages like normal people do. I assure you preggo sex isn't the majority pick. You've gone your whole life without sex, you can do a year or so.
You won't hurt the baby via sex.
Yeah, if your sex is boring.
Sounds like a challenge
Dammit man that's how flurry heart ended up retarded
Only babies anyone in this thread are having are butt babies
Is Mendacity any good? I ran out of reading material on my commute and have opened that.
It's pretty great. The other fic by the same author is even better, but Mendacity is very good.
Nothing wrong with knowing what you want out of life.
What is best in life?
Good horsewords and good food.
To organise your story ideas, see them written before you, and to hear the praises of their readers.
I like when the commenters theorize.
I like it when the commenters are dead fucking wrong.
They always are.
Every now and then they're just mildly wrong.
That's nice when it happens.
Also most commentors always seem to hate Celestia.
Even at her most well meaning Celestia is a manipulator and a liar.
Just checking, is anyone gonna make the new thread?
Every now and then I fall apart.
It's such a fucking great song.
Steinman wrote so many bangers it feels illegal.
He also said an inordinate amount of bullshit, like "Yeah we put Total Eclipse in Tanz der Vampire as a placeholder and then didn't have time to take it out but actually when you think about it it was always about vampires."
I'm also fascinated by his relationship with Meat Loaf. It's amazing how two people can seemingly be both such good friends and so constantly at each other's throat, including multiple lawsuits.
Not me.
Yeah, I got it.
(Turn around, new thread.)
Holy fucking shit, it fell apart.
>I know what I’m doing. Pegasi have a proud tradition of anti-semitism
What hobbies age well?
Hello, me in 2009.
I did. It was mostly Yu-Gi-Oh GX and girls with bug powers.
>dialogue in dreams
Mine are just sex. Usually rape.
The thread's nearly dead, so no one will know I wrote this.
ur a fag
Stop that, Rainbow's a nice mare!
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>/fimfic/ is gayposting for months
>feel mild distaste
"I wish there was less of that."
>mokey paw curls
>thread turns to straight relationship talk
>feel mildly disappointed instead
It would probably be easier to list hobbies that don't. If you stay healthy physically and mentally most of them stay viable.
Well, what do you want?
A bisexual threesome.

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