>considered main characters by Hasbro and the fandom>never got a finale or opening two-parter where they save Equestria>even Poochie or the Abomination 6 got that What gives?
>>41846058they're supporting cast, like Trixie or Applejack
>never got a royal sisters/daily happenings in Canterlot slice of life >instead we got more post-cutie mark cmc and student 6 episodes.
>>41846058Were your expectations subverted?
>>41846058If you're considering side characters as the main cast then you might as well give an opener to Zecora, Big Macontosh, and Cheerilee too. Better yet, give a finale to Diamond Tiara.
>>41846448That would be incredible.
>>41846058>What gives?Nu writers LOVED their OCs. That's why Maud gets like 4 episode and s1 side characters got way less.
>>41846503I also love Maud.
>>41846510She didn't need that many episodes. 2 at best.
>>41846511They should have given every Glimmy episode to Maud and the other pie sisters.
>>41846537Hard pass. Glimmer episodes at least get carried by Trixie. A Limestone focused episode would have been fun though.
>>41846058because the writters can only writte them as bickering siblings
>>41846058fandom drew porn of them. that's all they were needed for
>>41846058Hasbro had one shot to give due respect to the royal sisters: the movie; but obviously they blew it.If they had written a story centered around Celestia and Luna, not only could've the movie been saved from the furry disaster we got, but also Hasbro would have redeemed themselves from the heinous crime of giving these two so little character development.
>>41846733>So little character development???Sure, they don't have much total screentime, but everything they have is dense.
S6 should have been the CMC and sisters rescuing the M6 honestly. Why they decided a furfag changeling OC, Poochie, Trixie and a villain going on some wacky hijinks was better is beyond me. Same with S7 and those lame Age of Empires OCs fighting Moe Howard
>>41846058What do you think?
>>41846751S6 was so awful. A changling uprising against Chrysalis is such a golden idea, but Thorax is such an awful character, and he's the only voice from the changeling side.Like, they could've done a whole secret invasion thing with characters getting revealed to have been changelings through the whole season, each with their own perspectives and mini-arcs.
>>41846058>>41846065Even worse, the creators greenlit shitty stinker episodes cheapening the main characters instead of using side characters that viewers would slob the knob of.
>>41846747Maybe screen time was the better word to put it. Still, what they have lots of is character background, but we don't get to see them actually develop on top of their past (I'm talking FiM). Best we got was a retirement episode
>>41846775I've never seen another fandom so obsessed with side characters and background characters either. Hasbro should've capitalized. Even the fucking target audience loved these characters.
>>41846806> I've never seen another fandom so obsessed with side characters and background characters eitherNothing compares to the Sonic, Star Wars or Harry Potter fandoms.
>>41846785Luna is exceptionally good on that, on par with the mane 6 with episodes like "Luna Eclipsed" and "Do Princesses Dream of Magic Sheep?". Celestia less so, but she still gets episodes like "Celestial Advice", less so about her developing personally, but her relationship with Twilight.
>>41846811MLP does obviously because I've been in 2 of the 3 of those fandoms and they didn't even come to mind.
The princesses molested those fillies.