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Post blue spandex shorts girl.

Previous Thread: >>41552426
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>C-cup but binding them down
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A all the way!
i prefer Raridash and Appleshy because they feel more compatible this way but i know that i'm in the minority

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It's /sun/day! Let us bask in Princess Celestia's gentle radiance.

/Sun/day Story Archive:
/Sun/ Music Playlist

Have a Celestia story that you want added to the archive?
>Link to story on Pastebin or Ponepaste
>Say whether the story is finished or unfinished, or if it is a one shot (this is important for sorting)
>Provide a synopses of the plot (please do this, I don't like writing these)
>Any other important information that you want to add, such as the thread of origin.
Broken Pastebin URL? Replace pastebin.com/ with poneb.in/

Humanized variants of Princess Celestia and others are welcome here.

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>Could her mane/tail get caught in the wheels, or would it just phase through them?
No, because sh general skates so that the generated wind through her mane and tail is enough to keep them away from the wheels. However, just in case they do get too close there is a spell on the wheels to let the mane and tail pass through (as you suggested).
Literally me
She doesn't look very happy. I'll take them if she doesn't want them.
who made this, its cute

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fucking Flufflecunt.
why does this bit make me laugh so hard
>when that acid hits you

Giant mares
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That depends, am I going up his ass?
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you'll certainly pass through it in some form.
That a promise? Idk about that other anon but that sounds good to me
>tfw no teen biggu to indulge all their horny on me and then dispose at their leisure
Catbirds being unable to help indulging their cat side on tiny critters, especially on the sly when their oversensitive hooved frens aren't looking, is always good. Or just catching little flashes of their instincts, even when they're being nice. Like Gabby putting you down, but her talon hovering over you a tad too long, a minute tremble, as if she can't quite let you go easily.
I love how ballsy tiny mare is to glare up and stick out her tung

post more of pic related, i want to feel the longing
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CS Lewis is based, but isn't this just false hope?
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I wish I had actually watched ponies 10+ years ago instead of playing shitty video games that make me extremely angry and hate myself
I feel like I would be a much happier person
aww. thanks for the thread.
don't feel too bad, nonny. I was using vidya to escape the horrors of my upbringing, and were I to get into pony then, I'd likely be one of those grimdark faggots that lives to see ponies suffer.
pony finds us all in due time.

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>"And if we kissed...what would it feel like?"
Draw your waifu in this pose
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>eyes open while kissing
that's intense

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Last thread here: https://desuarchive.org/mlp/thread/41369783/#41369783
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''Yeah, I am! It just that what we all did together was amazing I've enjoy every minute of it thank you for allowing this happen Winter and for wanting to welcome Nocturne to be a part of our herd''! You respond and proceed to give the stallion a deep passion loving kiss. Moaning and purring profusely with a whole lot of satisfaction making the outcome more pleasurable thanks to the fun time you all together.
Pressing our back against Winter's hoof, we slowly pull our head away from the Codex, though our wing wraps a little tighter around Nocturne and 'Nickle' to compensate. Letting out a little chirp, our claws knead at his chest for a moment before resting our head on it.

(Assuming they try to get our attention some more)
Blinking with slit pupils, we tilt our head as a few feathers flick before shaking our head. Closing our eyes, we stretch our limbs and groan, blinking several times as our eyes focus again, our tone rather sleepy.
"Mmmmm... what'd I miss?"
Pressing your back against Winter's hoof, you slowly pull your head away from the Codex in Nocturne's hoof, your wing wrapping a little tighter around Nocturne and 'Nickle' to compensate. Letting out a small chirp, your claws knead at his chest for a moment before you rest your head on it.
"...I think that's her answer." Nocturne chuckles.
"Uh... Gael?"
He jostles you a bit with a large hoof. At this you blink up at him with slitted pupils, tilting your head as a few feathers flick before shaking your head. Closing your eyes and opening them again, you stretch your limbs and groan, blinking a few times as your eyes focus again and return to normal, your tone rather sleepy as you speak.
"Mmmmm... what'd I miss?"
"You, uh, went a bit out of it there," Winter tells you, "Do you... remember what happened?"

What do you do?
"We were watching that movie, right?"
We mumble tiredly, but unusually chipper even considering our company, as we snuggle up to Winter and Nocturne.
Inching forward, we feel something deep inside of us get tugged, along with the shifting weight in our belly, two things that we can identify with embarrassing ease. Eyes wide, we glance down at ourself, and around the room, a few memories coming back as we look at Nocturne, though some stuff remains quite hazy.
"Okay, I remember being sandwiched between you two for a bit, getting really hot and kinda loopy, and then bits and pieces? I remember being happy, like, really happy, and considering what I woke up to, I can fill in the blanks... I did something embarrassing, didn't I."
Stopping for the night.
Have a good night or day!

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What character from the show is capable of doing this to you
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How big are the ponies anyway?
It's less about size, and more about, well >>41565787
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Canon size are either hamster, or meter tall for a mare
I like to think they're jrhnbr

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Aftercase here, It's spook month. Let's go on a journey.



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I love being unicorn poni >>41514657
I would like to be horny
Anon Swolo
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Previous thread: >>41359600

"Not Again..." Edition

Choose Your Own Adventure. AKA Quest.

>Discuss Current, Finished and Upcoming CYOAs
>Give advice on CYOAs
>Pitch ideas
>Get critique
>Trade art

List of stories: WIP (formerly anonpone). Your best bet is to search via desuarchive.

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Fetch quests. Dread is fun.
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Something that allows for comedic moments
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It's been too long. Post and appreciate shypie.
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Tell her to talk since she shares the same V.A. with her sisters.
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A toughie for the first one, and or autists
why no in puzzle thread..
might as well do this one too
cuz i was a blind nigger

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Fuck it, I'm not ready to let go. Post her.
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how can g4 and g5 cross over when they take place in the same timeline? what sense does that make?

With the writing quality g5 showed? laugh, probably

>not staring in her eyes as you cum to assert dominance

I think it'd be cuter if twilight was craning her neck to read the book while somebody else holds it
>not cumming in her eye to assert dominance
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>Status Quo: RETVRNED
Yes I am.
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That's it. You don't have no excuse to miss this authentic pony kino experience.
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I mean with so few animation for kids in production, this is a blessing.
Kids aren't watching, it's all boomers and roasties. Kids watch Cocomelon and Minecraft hardcore survival.
Never found anybody outta this board who cares about ponies.
>it's all boomers and roasties
Boomers and roasties are incapable of appreciating pony kino. Must be bots.
When it gets spammed off board the threads tend to be fast although that just might be because of the novelty of seeing pony outside of /mlp/ and shitposters intentionally stirring up mods and jannies.

Remember Babs Seed?

It was a cool song.
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>has an accent like a Sopranos caricature
bab sneed
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I just think she's really sexy.
She's a city slicker.
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