New Year EditionPost pictures, write greentexts, and discuss Dash!Previous thread: >>41730916Writefags:mobius !9PEUyNz5zw Waifu Ex Machina playlist:Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>41879758Should someone tell her
"Fucking FINE, I'll do it" editionPrevious Thread:>>41735897Fauster's Story Archive:'s Prompt Archives: a broken Pastebin link? Replace with poneb.inRemember:not to save anything of value on Pastebinignore all attempts at early new threadsignore new threads by the cheerimac poster
>>41879224>don't ask where it puts it
>>41877419Moments before another mare swoops Anon up. Leaving Fluttershy alone again.
>Sigh>Another night eating hayburgs for one>Turns out fashion doesn't get you colts>Everypony assumes you're a dyke
>>41879207mares only want one thing and it's disgusting
Previous >>41595895ITT: Let's explore any and all sorts of ideas for the underutilized and under-developed Shadowbolts from Equestria Girls.---Completed Stories:Treating Miss Sweet by ChurroAnon- Stories:To Listen (Part 1) by AlexanderGrey- of Headphones (Part 2) by AlexanderGrey- too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>41869950They can whack me with their umbrellas any day
>>41815531this and she's naked.>>41786828>eVeRyThInG iS a FeTiSh
>>41880140Someone said “everything”?
>>41874081Kiss the tummy
>A story goes that the king of Scythia had a highly-bred mare, and that all her foals were splendid; that wishing to mate the best of the young males with the mother, he had him brought to the stall for the purpose; that the young horse declined; that, after the mother’s head had been concealed in a wrapper he, in ignorance, had intercourse; and that, when immediately afterwards the wrapper was removed and the head of the mare was rendered visible, the young horse ran way and hurled himself down a precipice.- Aristotle, Third Part of THE HISTORY OF ANIMALS, part 47>ywn be tricked by a human into breeding your own dam
a brand new general that is SIMPLY the worst.itt we post the worst pics.
>>41879797Upper left looks like its from Family guy.>>41880638Its "ironic" chud, no criticism allowed!
>>41879801wtf that mare is not worst
>>41880663Well your fridge art sure does fit the OP as /worst/
Is it normal to be a 100% straight guy totally obsessed with pony yuri?
>>41880667OP is a newfag and thinks he's special for wanking to ponies.
>>41880262The secret is that neither of them will ever happen, so both are valid.
>>41878870normal? maybe not but who cares, enjoy your life
>>41879560>he's still posting itlol
>>41880182>>41880805It's never too late to desist
>His species is Depicted as being particularly "greedy">Tried to sabotages the holiday celebrations of his friends>When the Tree of Harmony was destroyed his first idea was building a paid museum to capitalize on the tragedy while also changing "a little" the history of what really happenedHmmm...
>>41880759based catbird
>>41880759Griffs are not owning the pony media and banks to make the ponies hate themselves and stay in debt slavery though.
>>41880823woah.... based
>>41880823I like the layer of recursion. You could've just posted the image with the same caption, but you hold back instead.
Previous Thread: >>41684513Dope ass fucking Twilight with a Hayburger editionTwilight's favourite books: Reading: music playlist: too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>41878673Alicorn Twi is a cutie!
>>41878076>>41878662She just likes to nibble on something while reading
>>41876767You're thinking of "crooked trees".
>>41873979Damn. Inky Rose designs amazing lingerie.
/mlp/, is Equestria Girls worth watching?
>>41879700It's the ONLY part of MLP worth watchingOnly furniggers care about the shitty horses
>>41880800Nah, I'm right. My instincts have been refined through years of experience. I do not need to consume media to know that it's bad.
>>41880816then you don't need to consume media to know that it's good either. why even waste time when you can just enjoy it from the get-go
>>41879700Equestria Girls is good for s3 nostalgia Rainbow Rocks is good enough to stand on its ownFriendships Games is also pretty good but not as good as Rainbow Rocks and Legend of Everfree is only good if you grew to like the EQG gangThe specials are hit or miss and same for the shortsAnd then there's the CYOA shorts from when the HUB network had it's own site which are all mediocre so over all Id say its worth watching for fandom history sake and you may grow to at least like Sunset Shimmer and find a sing or two you'll sing all the time
Here on /bug/ we come to terms with the fact that the season of giving and love has come to an end and now its time to get in the pod for bugmom.We are also accepting applications from other non changeling types of bugs to be honorary members of the swarm, join up today!>>Some bug writing from last thread:>>41663588short green about anon and his bugs>>41672651>>41648819 linked a chapter to his story posted on /aie/ before the last thread was up>>41717494>"The holes in the loop"Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>41879001Gross. I once saw a webm of one of their nests on /an/ but I didn't save it. >>41878942Burgers too. Honey of toasted bread is great btw. >>41879130Never heard of this. Ants are so crazy and diverse.
>>41879318>Ants are so crazy and diverse.they indeed are, honey ants are the most interesting in my opinion
new music for the hive just dropped
skittlebugz be warnedthe rejection of your own nature is a sin
>>41880280Or maybe it's simply nature doing her thing. Changedlings are an evolution of Changelings. Unlike the latter, the former is free to frolic and enjoy life. Changelings are cursed to forever hide themselves and dwell in the dark. Seeing how there is only one Changeling left, it's clear who she favours.
Previous Thread (#130.2) >>41736169 thought counts.>What is this thread about?This thread is dedicated to stories that have clear dominate and submissive roles; both with and without consent.>What exactly is welcome in this thread?A wide variety of stories are welcomed here; from non-consent and sexual slavery, to abusive manipulation and psychological domination, to maids and extortion, and even healthy consensual relationships with BDSM role-play elements.Other variations are welcome as well, so long as they are complementary to the domination/submission focus of the thread.Up to date archives:Thread story list: too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>41879248Looks like Luna entered a good dream
>>41879788Or its her dream.
>3/4 of people are old(er)fagsNot sure is this result is surprising or unsurprising.
>>41873267>The only time I ever truly felt left out was when I watched that season 5 episode where they canonized all the fan headcanons for the background ponies since I'm sure that was a huge deal back in the day.It was more like, the majority (i think) found it awesome, other people (like me) complained because fanservice does not amount to good writing. But I had been complaining ever since season 3 started.In my view the show began to go south the moment the horses started making funny faces every 3 frames.Le funny faces was fanservice, retards loved le funny horse faces.
>>41871909It only counts when you first started watching. I'm a returnfag that started liking the show in 2012 and hate the nuslop being pushed around here.
>>41872443You can't imagine what the internet was like in 2011. REDDIT literally had subs focused on posting bestiality and jailbait. You could say nigger in any video game server and everyone would laugh. There was no discord, no Instagram. Everyone used Skype. There were no discord grooming gangs. People didn't use their real names online. No website would ever ask for your government ID. You wouldn't get "canceled" and fired from your real job for saying nigger online.Normies watered down and ruined the internet. I want to go back...
>>41872443Also tons of people have left the fandom out of shame. Very often nuking all their art profiles and accounts. >>41875876Yeah data hoarding is important. So much digital media gets lost.
These are Twilight Sparkle’s canon panties. Any questions?
>>41876806pure>>41879526>>41880636cute>>41880634>>41880645naughty>>41880642holy guacamole
>>41876699dork underwear