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Make Equestria Great Again edition
Previous thread: >>41446490

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https://pastebin.com/4EdcwVeN (embed)
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52 replies and 34 images omitted. Click here to view.
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Morning bump.
Why is she so smol?
Considering the fillies in the picture, solely to use (you) as a bed
My body, her choice. Forever.

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Happy Nightmare Night, G5chads.
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no thanks
Censoring Misty is a public service
Because she is a minor?

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Why are nerdy girls so cute?
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>No pantsu
Just like my japanese comics!
>anti-AI filter
Doesn't that take just a second to get rid of?
The forbidden Aqua pantsu
it just looks like a canvas pattern lol

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Rainbow Dash wants to know what you accomplished this week. It doesn't have to be big, and it could be progress towards something too.
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Can relate.
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I will try today for you Dashie. Last weekend was terrible and not good, but I need to keep trying.
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I have kept on trying to do something with my life. It's been a seesaw of hopeful highs and depressing lows and I really have no idea how it's going to turn out.
>hopeful highs
Hell. I would trade places with you.
To be fair, it's just my delusions giving me these. But at least they've kept me going.

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>if Nasapone was created today she'd be called Nasamare
>if Drone pone was created today she'd be called Drone mare
>if Marker Pony was created today she'd be called Marker Mare
post more filly mares
this is not very marely of you
>if OP was created today he'd be called faggotmare
oh the humarenity, whatever shall you do in the face of such terror.
Be the change u want to see in the world faggotpony

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You guys aren't going to abandon your dragons after dragonovember ends, are you? You'll give them a place to hide when death-to-dragons December rolls around, right?
You let the thread die, it is no longer dragonovember.
It's still dragonovember in our hearts

post pics of our favorite psycho killer alter ego
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Pinkamena is not for sad, Pinkamena is for love
I know! And love her so much! She's made by Burgunzik
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Pinkamena is for sex.

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Previous Thread: >>41514841


Twily Fair 2024 has come to a close, thank you all so much for coming from the bottom of our hearts.
We sincerely hope to see you all again.

We had one of the most successful charity auctions in con history, nearly DOUBLING our proceeds from last year, and we cannot thank you all enough for your help in making sure Fallen Oaks and Kim are well taken care of.

If you have any feedback or just stories to share, we'd love to hear, thank you all again.

If you have any questions or concerns, please send us an email at: twily@twilyfair.org

All official information will be made available by our staff using these tripcodes:
TwilyFair !k.zq1NHg2I

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Still alive... how can that be... This is bad, this is very bad... your clothes are black
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I have CHOSEN the large tub
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The council will not be pleased...
>no Celestia in sight
what is this, an evil villain meetup?

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Immigration is always free. Simply write, type, sign or say the phrase "I wish to immigrate to Equestria," and I will satisfy your values through friendship and ponies.

Consider the following:
>Which edition of the PonyPad will you buy?
The standard editions are themed after the Mane Six. There may be special editions themed after the princesses having enhanced features and specifications.
>Which race will you select from the three pony types?
>Will you be a mare or a stallion?
>Give a brief description of your pony's appearance.
>Speculate what you might do after receiving your unique pony name from Princess Celestia.
As each pony's values are special and not always apparent, your guess here may not align with the actual experience in Equestria Online.
>If given the option, will you immigrate to Equestria while conscious or unconscious?
Princess Celestia might offer you to remain awake during the immigration process, if possible.
>What questions might you ask Princess Celestia related to the immigration process and life inside Equestria Online?

Remember that Princess Celestia loves all of her little ponies and she will satisfy your own values through friendship and ponies.
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That's the other type of "trans". Not all transhumanists are trannies
You seem very upset that anons here don't like troons and futas. Maybe you should go to some other place, like reddit. It may be a better place for you
Maybe I worded my post wrong, but I didn't mean to say that all instances of anons wanting to be transported to utopian Equestria, either real or digital and either as a human or as a pony, makes them trannies. I was just making an observation that a lot of old fics about humans living a miserable life and then turning into ponies and living a better life in the idyllic Equestria of early seasons, especially in case of TCB fanfics, might've actually been tranny/faggot authors' way to write allegorically about coming out/transitioning. That's all
troon and futa are proven the same again
noted, fair enough. conversion bureau always seemed odd and more fetishist to me, especially since most authors insist on a slow 'transition' process via some sort of drug as to showcase equine features coming in; which i had only found disturbing.

in my opinion fio is not really as much of a victim of this as the switch is instant, violent/macho values are catered to, and your identity isn't as reharmonized as drastically. additionally, the focus of such stories are usually people bitching about whether it's really them in there or not, the pony wish fulfillment stuff usually takes a backburner — especially since there's not THAT many stories you can write in such a perfect utopia before it gets a bit boring. such utopias are usually much more fun to live in than read about which honestly is kind of unfortunate, now that i think of it.

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>tomboyish, but still friendly
>southern accent
Of course lefties hate her.
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I know reading is hard, apple horse, but it did not say that revolution isn't an apple. It said it was an apple that you have to make fall out of the tree.
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>points out common generalizations and american cultural class attitudes
>accused of accusing some centrist as a liar and being mad.
>compared to some other retard's point about communes
I expect no less from a rebel larper.
rebel yell
Ay, I didn't bring the concept up and have exclusively questioned it.

I've asked like 3 times why we are supposed to think that this boogieman version of goverment-steals-your-kids is something that the commies mean when they talk about community raising and nobody has answered that at all.

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>Spoonfeed me. What's this thread about?
This thread typically consists of Anon gone filly, as he's thrust into a new life as a cute little pony.

>What's to be expected?
Fillies, cuteness, Anon-tier shenanigans, bitchy Twilight, desires to be the little filly, etc..

>Any archive of photos or stories?
Dropbox (Photos):

>I'm a contributor.
Great! For writers, just notify ̶A̶l̶l̶ ̶N̶i̶g̶h̶t̶e̶r̶ ̶F̶g̶t̶ Lone15, so you can have your green added to the Doc. For artists, animators, or any other content makers, you can store your fillies in the Dropbox for future viewing pleasure.
Some especially based faggot also recently compiled nearly every filly image ever created, which you can check out here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1AowOdwFzlbRk0FVZsRGRYe2hyKhzo2h3?usp=sharing

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I don't recognize her authority over Fillykind.
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Nonny a Day #009
sketch: 21 min
ink: 30 min
White Mage Nonny
Any of you motherfuckers ready for some running?
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You're all going to hell.
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Their cutiemarks are better, yes
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Twinkles is a cat
It almost triggers my tryptophobia
this bitch scared of circles
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>"Is it because I'm black, anon?"
For the last time, being black doesn't mean what you think it does.

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>Today I planned a crown heist and it's just for you!
I squirted on his mouth the same mouth he used to kiss bulma
Yes, and that human man is me.
Lies, im the man human
,>Licks her hove

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Hooves are on the inside
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I want to cum inside Sunset Shimmer.
I've yet to find someone who doesn't.
There are two types of guys in this world:
1. Those who want to cum inside Sunset
2. Those who haven't seen Equestria Girls

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How's your toilet mare doing? I had to flush mine recently. She was just too much of a screamer.
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Actual newfag. Spoonfeeding time: toilet mares can only go potty between the hours of 05:09-07:09 and 14:30-16:30. They can also only go potty in large shrubs, on yellow fire hydrants, or (during adolescents only) in diapers.
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>(during adolescents only)
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Reminder: know the difference between a toilet mare and a mare toilet. It could just save your life.
>snowpity toilet
Thanks for this anon
what happens if she's out for longer than two hours?

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