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All mares are deserving of me inserting my pp inside them. Some mares more and some less, but I would bestow that privilege upon any willing or unwilling mare. I would flood their wombs with my semen and have little foals with them. The mere thought excites me so. Indeed, many mares would enjoy the feeling of my pp forcing apart their marepussy lips if I had the ability to perform such a thing.
unf me too

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Izzy Moonbow’s adorable and sexy design is the one redeeming aspect of gen 5.
(Except her design in Tell Your Tale is shit)
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With the finest fermented mareliquor
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Will gAyi ever be able to do something that's not a generic angle?
Who knows

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AI Art Thread #38


This is more of a one click manager that you can install / run the other backends though. Easiest by far. Recommended to download Forge through it and use its built-in Civitai browser to download models with.

For models not through the in-built downloader just download and drop them in Stability_Matrix\Data\Models\* (lora folder if a lora, TextualInversion if embedding, stablediffusion if checkpoint...)

>Stable Diffusion Automatic1111
I would recommend installing this through Stability Matrix.


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>Come to a halt.
>Yell the name of the city at the top of your lungs.
>"Minas Tirith!"
>Continue trotting.
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Results are in, the more likely you are to use ai the more of a nigger you are irl.
I dunno if I should envy Spike or feel sorry for him, not like he's ever gonna touch any of that

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I'm losing my edge... (but I was there) Edition

All Dazzling lovers are welcome. It doesn't matter if you're an Adagio, Aria or Sonatafag, let's all join in one place. Post anything of the Dazzlings: drawings, discussions, stories, fetishes, re-edits, gifs, re-made songs (written or, if you had the guts to, sung), anything you like. Come here and show that you're under their spell!

Archives (green, thread, plus downloads): https://dazzlefan.club/

Guides for Aspiring Writers:

Art Compilation:

Steam group:

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Thats too niche
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Missing some stockings

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Guys what the fuck do I even do? I want to have sex with mares, I want to spend time with cute ponies and I hate being alone but I CAN’T because im not in Equestria yet. Earlier tonight I gave this girl a drink that anyone on /gif/ would probably describe as “rapebait” or even “jailbait” but even though she was obviously coming onto me I had to turn her down because I wasn’t fucking attracted to her. I can’t take this anymore. I’m an extrovert, I spend all my time alone and I hate it, i dont want to spend the rest of my life utterly alone, but I will because the thought of being with a woman just feels fucking weird. Only if im with a pone does things like dating/mareage/sex make sense to me.

Anyone else feel this way? Should I just indirectly kill myself with a rube goldberg machine so i can still go to equestria?
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>just find a gf
Normies think its that easy.
>Yes anon, you need to make a pornhub account and look at 3D women stuffing ping pong balls in their ass, or you will be maladjusted forever!
Don't fall for this, OP. You have to start with simple friendship and let it blossom from there. A girl (or guy, I don't judge) will show up eventually if you socialize about your interests, and friendships will build attachment the same way watching our ponies' daily life and connecting with their personality quirks made you fonder of them. Attraction will come with time, there's no rush to put a bun in the oven if you're a guy under 65.
>t. made several close pone friends, and has recently been propositioned for cuddlesex by one
When I can meet with that friend I wanna show her a good time, take her out for curry and end the night with plushes, cartoons, and copious amounts of vodka.
If you don’t mind sharing, what did you do to meet your friends?
A lot of them through the pony gaming thread playing RoR2. My bestie through the secret santa - though I knew of her from her writes before the assignment. It doesn't take much to get out there, anon ^:)

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Why do people try to act like this fandom isn't inherently sexual? You cannot be a red blooded male and not find these characters at least somewhat attractive in some regard.
Not everyone here clop 24/7 despite 90% of /mlp/ doing so. There are people who enjoy ponies without sexualizing them all the time.
Yeah, but you still sexualize them or find them attractive in a way. Like i said you cannot be male and in this fandom and not find these characters attractive.

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Shiny mare gets a treat edition.
Post, talk, write about ponies in latex or BDSM clothing in general.
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Nope, sorry Anon
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What about Rarity https://derpibooru.org/images/3152643?q=Rarity%2C+pony%2C+vector dressing Twilight in a gimpsuit, much to the new princess's embarrassment
Gabby put on rubber socks to complete her shiny outfit.
Or alternatively, putting on hoof boots to complete a ponyplay look with bridle, wing binders, the whole shebang for the pony enthusiast.

There should be some smut on the screen. Maybe something she wanted to watch after dressing into something to help "set the mood".
How about an alternate version with just catsuit (with uncovered head)?
While I would appreciate Twilight being hooded I'd be fine with a cat suit if she at least had a gag.

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>So we have to go through nine circles of Hell, defeat all the demons and kick Satan in the crotch? Sounds easy enough. Grab that shotgun, all the ammo you can carry, a sword and some healthpacks Anon, we got alot of work to do.
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yeah with my XXXL cock.
>grrr this anon likes a game I don't!!
I will never understand, nopony is making you play
Shut up and get to killing those demons, there's no time to waste.
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Keep your "shotgun" and your "healthpack"
My faith is my shield for no weapon wielded against me shall prosper.
I will take deaths scythe, however. So, dibs on that.
doomcels are as bad as 40kucks

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Octavia is cute and talented and awesome and did I mention cute?
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Octavia gets melancholy when drunk?
qt donk
there was another one from that stream as well but i don’t know if it’s been uploaded in full quality yet
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As a matter of fact, it has.
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he also did a vinyl and donk in a hammock
Hammocks are a human invention and ponies dont know how to make use of this ancient technology
Its up to us how to teach donk how to hammock

There is nothing more pure than love between a man and a mare.

"mare's existential dread" edition

Old thread: >>40963936

Ongoing greens:

Shape Your Home by PoneGreen
https://ponepaste.org/477 (Part 1)
https://ponepaste.org/478 (Part 2)
https://ponepaste.org/479 (Part 3)
https://ponepaste.org/480 (Part 4)
https://ponepaste.org/4581 (Part 5)
https://ponepaste.org/8319 (Part 6)

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Of course
>5.2% related to scent
That comes from the whole horse breath sharing thing, I assume.
>Sliding halfway across the catalog in 25 minutes
What the fuck is going on?
entered unified bumping time for the assembled threads.

I'm going to clop until Princess Cadance visits me face to face and tells me to stop.
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>blogtranny and tumblr filename
The idea of Chrysalis suddenly appearing and demanding that you whip it out this instant and start jerking it off is both hot and hilarious.
Shut the absolute fuck up.
post a link to your gooning session
I'll clop with you
Clopped to both Cadance and Flurry Heart in honor of this anon.

Exiting hibernation.

Twilight: I can't really believe your story Anon, buildings with over 100 levels? Flying boats bigger than Ponyville? And yet there's no magic in your world? Please.
>Growing tired of Twilight's berating, you go out into the world to prove her wrong.

That's the prompt that started it all. So what's this thread about? It's about Anon bringing human science and inventions to Equestria and a disbelieving Twilight. Although, that's not necessarily the prompt you need to follow if writing is what you desire.

Remember not to save anything of value on pastebin, use ponepaste.org
Have a broken pastebin link? Replace pastebin.com with poneb.in

Thread Story List (outdated):

Active stories from the last thread (#91):
Untitled. Robot ponies don't know they are robots and they are trying to reach space.

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Mayhaps everything but her head an tail was meant to be covered by a cloak?
Or the guys on the financial board are real scrooges.
With that look on her face I'd normally make a "please step on me" joke but that would literally kill me
True. I wouldn't try pancake jokes either.

The year is 5036 of the Old Celestial Calendar, it has been roughly longer an thousand years since pony kind began to have dreams and machinations to head into space. The promised land safeguarded by the Goddesses until they eventually passed on from the mortal realm.

Now alone, Ponykind expands into open space to colonize, mine, explore, etc. Thus was where you come in, an young strapping stallion who seeks to make his mark in the ever expanding galaxy. Now aboard your small vessel, an Dash-Tec 2000 Personal Vessel, you must now decide your new course in life...

Inspecting yourself, you are an male earth pony of an above average musculature, born from your stint in the Colonial Militia in the Pegasion System. Now nearly 22, you admire your black mane and simple white coat. Dark blue globes peering back from the mirror. Time to start a new day...

[What do you do first?]
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Give her the money we got for this job. It's fair, we didn't get a chance to do anything but be her agent of sorts.

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>Log 12.001.1
Initial Project Equestria tests have yielded remarkable results. Utilizing mutagenic compounds derived from Phazon, we have successfully altered the genetic makeup of several test subjects. These subjects, once mundane and insignificant creatures, now exhibit significantly enhanced physical attributes and cognitive capabilities. The most unexpected and intriguing development has been the transformation of these subjects into a form resembling that of equine creatures from an obscure Chozo mythology—ponies.
The modified subjects exhibit extraordinary strength, agility, and resilience, combined with an unexpectedly profound aesthetic appeal. These attributes have prompted the designation of this new bioform as "Ponified Space Pirate Mares."

>Log 12.015.3
Advanced experiments on Project Equestria show promising enhancement in the bioform’s resilience to hostile environments. These Ponified Space Pirate Mares demonstrate a tenfold increase in survivability in extreme conditions compared to baseline Space Pirates. Furthermore, their enhanced physicality is matched by an equally notable increase in cognitive function, resulting in heightened tactical proficiency and problem-solving abilities.
However, an unforeseen consequence has emerged: a significant shift in social dynamics among our ranks. Male Space Pirates exhibit a marked decline in interest towards their female counterparts, drawn instead to the ponified mares. This phenomenon, now termed "Marefieber," is characterized by an overwhelming attraction to the new bioform. Research on the cause of Marefieber has led to the discovery of a cellular tissue unique to the ponified mares. This tissue, referred to as "Snowpity," emits a low-frequency bio-emission that seems to directly influence the neurochemical pathways of Space Pirates.

>Log 12.042.9
Efforts to understand Snowpity have been extensive but inconclusive. The entrancing appeal of the ponified mares seems to stem from an amalgamation of their enhanced physical beauty and an enigmatic, almost ethereal quality that we can only describe as the "loving soul" or "beautiful essence" of a mare pony. This essence appears to be a potent psycho-emotional stimulus, evoking profound admiration and desire.
Studies indicate that Snowpity's effect is not merely superficial. Male Space Pirates under the influence of Snowpity demonstrate heightened loyalty, focus, and morale when assigned to duties involving ponified mares. However, this has led to a decline in traditional mating behaviors, causing concern for long-term reproductive viability.
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Too much chitin, honestly. It would probably not be pleasant unless they shift and become softer by it.
Press "Post" to reset the page count to one.
I'd love to see a pony skin for Super Metroid or so
That would be hard to pull off unless you go for, and pardon me for using the word, anthro. The sprites and the hitboxes are all made for a bipedal player character.

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Faustchan is a carefully curated forum that emphasizes both the quality and interests of its communities, rather than focusing solely on interests.

Consider our elite general board, which combines fanfiction, show discussions, and audiovisual analysis. Contributions to this board must adhere to high standards of quality and follow a specific direction, rejecting the idea that all opinions are equal. Only individuals with a demonstrated above-average level of intelligence are permitted to participate in discussions on /elite/.

I will oversee this General by selectively deleting certain posts and banning specific users through a simulated banhammer, while also refining certain pieces of prose to achieve a more eloquent style. Your posts will receive responses incorporating my modifications. This serves as an experiment and a testing ground for a future project focused on enhancing forum discussions.
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>Ponychan - aims to be a hugbox, but no quality. Barely 20 tripfags discuss the show and they have no idea what they're talking about.
>MLPG - aims to be a namefag center for oldfags, no quality.
>/b/reads - just an IRC with pony pics, no quality.
None of them really discussed the show or anything relating to storytelling and visualaudio analysis.
>The issue lies in the characters not being their original selves and needing to be restored to their true canon.
Why is this an issue?
>It doesn't need to fabricate a problem
That's not a problem unique to any season, s1 is full of that too.
Applebuck Season: AJ is hit with the idiot ball so hard she forgot how big her orchard is and the workflow to farming. She worked on the farm her entire life, she should know her limits already.
Ticket Master: Celestia is hit with the idiot ball so hard she forgot Twilight has 5 friends now. She should know how important it is to keep the elements of harmony in harmony.
These are some serious nitpicks really stretching the term "idiot ball."
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Applejack's friends were also made into retards that couldn't tell something was obviously wrong with her aside from Twilight of course. The writing in S1 is a mixed bag for me. Sometimes it feels like the writers thought of the cute character moments first Then constructed the story around those interactions which unfortunately makes a lot of episodes feel forced or unnatural. Ponies being cute is the most fun part anyway, but still I wish it had been handled more carefully.

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