Previous Thread (#130.2) >>41736169 thought counts.>What is this thread about?This thread is dedicated to stories that have clear dominate and submissive roles; both with and without consent.>What exactly is welcome in this thread?A wide variety of stories are welcomed here; from non-consent and sexual slavery, to abusive manipulation and psychological domination, to maids and extortion, and even healthy consensual relationships with BDSM role-play elements.Other variations are welcome as well, so long as they are complementary to the domination/submission focus of the thread.Up to date archives:Thread story list: list: oneshots/prompts/unfinished greens: archives:——————Historical Note:This thread was originally founded to support the “Submission is Mandatory” story by MrNameless. While the story has gone on hiatus, it’s content is referred to by a number of stories in this thread.Submission is Mandatory by MrNameless (Recommended)Nightmare Moon summons Anon to defeat the EoH. In return, she grants him ownership of the Mane 6. SiM Expanded Universe Stories)Octavia POV (Recommended) Stories -——————Remember not to save anything of value on pastebin. Use ponepaste.orgHave a broken pastebin link? Replace with——————Active stories (updated in the last thread #130.2):>The Carat and Stick by RapeApe !bwwXn5Gx.oCadance forces Rarity onto medifag Anon. canon spin-off of the last update: >>41788490>Pink Haze by GlimbrainAnon is bullied by three pink mares. preview post: >>41850081>How to train a ScootalooScootaloo receives a special kind of Wonderbolts training. of the setting used for the story:
>>41852152Last updated in threads #127 and #127.1:>UntitledThe perfect Accessory to own.Starts here: >>41365586Last updated in #126:>Harsh is The Night by ManicQuilEQG story with a sub Rainbow Dash and her mistress Luna.Starts here: >>40261868Last update here: >>41332381Last updated in #124:>Thralls of Twilight by ManicQuilThe retired princesses show Twilight a new hidden side in their relationship.Starts here: >>41137667Last updated here: >>41137667>The Culture of Rubber Ponies by ManicQuilPonies covered in latex. of the last update: >>41083802
>>41852155Last updated in #121:>Short EQG christmas story with Dom Celestia and sub Dazzlings by ManicQuilStarts here: >>40663996Ends here: >>40670457Last updated in #118:>UntitledApplebloom trying out a special outfit for Nightmare NightStarts here: >>40211580Last update here: >>40241892
First for best gimp.
>>41852966We need more scootabuse
>>41852977Am in fact working on it. Too lazy to fix inconsistencies though atm. So part 3 will have some patch notes about the setup before getting into kink again.
In the meantime, have this:Shadows of Equestria -> now with a small section of Griffons.
>>41853342>They organize in strict strength based hierarchies, and rarely gather in groups of more than a few dozen. And even within these packs or flocks most will prefer to operate solo, or with one close partner.>Being omnivores, they are typically considered barbaric by the other Equestrian races, as they refuse to settle down and establish farms. Unless they can subjugate another group to perform the labor for them. Often this takes the shape of an arrangement between extortion and mutual benefit. As Griffon packs will certainly protect their laborers and exchange goods for their work, but at the same time also impose stipulations and an assumption of leadership over these groups.Ironborn style race ? Not a bad take.>While this does not fall under Celestias law against slavery. It does tend to skirt the edges, and it is not uncommon for Griffon packs on the edges of Equestria to overstep this boundary. And for them to subjugate earth pony families using elaborate harnesses and degrading bondage gear as they till their fields.Do disgraced griffons get put to till the fields as well ? Or is it more a thing Equestria does as punishment to the captured ones ?
>>41853526> Ironborn style race ? Not a bad take.Hah. Actually yeah, that fits nicely. Air raiders.> Do disgraced griffons get put to till the fields as well ? Or is it more a thing Equestria does as punishment to the captured ones ?It'd be a perfect punishment for young upstarts that think they can challenge a packs leader. I can definitely see both happening.
>>41853558Out of curiosity, what did you think of the heat immunity/metal restraint idea for the dragons ?
>Gilda moments before she got kidnapped and taken to Pinkie's fun dungeon.