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Previous Thread (#130)

Willingful submission.

>What is this thread about?
This thread is dedicated to stories that have clear dominate and submissive roles; both with and without consent.

>What exactly is welcome in this thread?
A wide variety of stories are welcomed here; from non-consent and sexual slavery, to abusive manipulation and psychological domination, to maids and extortion, and even healthy consensual relationships with BDSM role-play elements.

Other variations are welcome as well, so long as they are complementary to the domination/submission focus of the thread.

Up to date archives:
Thread story list: https://ponepaste.org/7575
Thread list: https://ponepaste.org/7446
Unsorted oneshots/prompts/unfinished greens: https://ponepaste.org/7672

Outdated archives:


Historical Note:
This thread was originally founded to support the “Submission is Mandatory” story by MrNameless. While the story has gone on hiatus, it’s content is referred to by a number of stories in this thread.

Submission is Mandatory by MrNameless (Recommended)
Nightmare Moon summons Anon to defeat the EoH. In return, she grants him ownership of the Mane 6.

(Non-Canon SiM Expanded Universe Stories)
Octavia POV (Recommended) https://poneb.in/Y2AahdQp
Other Stories - https://poneb.in/3AFdqxvs


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Active stories:
Last update in #128:
>The Carat and Stick by RapeApe !bwwXn5Gx.o
Cadance forces Rarity onto medifag Anon.
https://ponepaste.org/733 https://ponepaste.org/4327 https://ponepaste.org/9692
Non canon spin-off https://ponepaste.org/9701
End of the last update: >>41462879

Last updated in threads #127 and #127.1:
The perfect Accessory to own.
Starts here: >>41365586

Last updated in #126:
>Harsh is The Night by ManicQuil
EQG story with a sub Rainbow Dash and her mistress Luna.
Starts here: >>40261868
Last update here: >>41332381

Last updated in #124:
>Thralls of Twilight by ManicQuil
The retired princesses show Twilight a new hidden side in their relationship.
Starts here: >>41137667
Last updated here: >>41137667
>The Culture of Rubber Ponies by ManicQuil
Ponies covered in latex.
End of the last update: >>41083802
Last updated in #121:
>Short EQG christmas story with Dom Celestia and sub Dazzlings by ManicQuil
Starts here: >>40663996
Ends here: >>40670457

Last updated in #118:
Applebloom trying out a special outfit for Nightmare Night
Starts here: >>40211580
Last update here: >>40241892
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Inb4 gets removed
It's been a while.
It really has. How's the carat story doing by the way ?
I dont want to face the dead silence again. Hows everyone doing ?
Any status about ongoing projects ?
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Is she going to whip you with a tree branch ?
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I've been working on a green for a while. Haven't posted any of it just yet because I'm super autistic about not wanting to post incomplete stories, so I want to make sure the whole thing is finished before I put anything out there. Hoping it'll be done before the end of this month, though.
It will feature Anon and a harem of three mares (keeping their identities a surprise for now), and it's gonna be pretty fetishy, mostly focusing on the power dynamics between Anon and these characters; expect plenty of maledom and femdom, some mental enslavement, too.
Based on the OP's criteria (clear dominate and submissive roles), I *think* this story will fit the general's theme. Although there's going to be very little bondage involved.
Once the story's finished and I can finally start proofreading it, I'll give the prologue a post and see what you guys think. If it's suitable for the general, great; if not, then I can just silently update it on ponepaste, no harm no foul.
>Based on the OP's criteria (clear dominate and submissive roles), I *think* this story will fit the general's theme.
I didnt think the clear part would get people thay worked up about it. I remember adding it just to emphasize that the stories should have those elements in one way or another.
Are you saying your approach will be a more subtle one ? Cause Im pretty sure no one would complain about that.

>It will feature Anon and a harem of three mares (keeping their identities a surprise for now), and it's gonna be pretty fetishy, mostly focusing on the power dynamics between Anon and these characters; expect plenty of maledom and femdom, some mental enslavement, too.
Its already sounding good !
RapeApe are you there ?
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How would you tame this one?
She probably values commitment as a reward as much as Rainbow Dash would, so it might be a matter of just giving her a purpose and place next to you.
Wait, maybe I gave you a boring answer. Would you prefer a "fall from grace" type of taming instead ?
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I gotta go soon, can one of you keep this bumped until tomorrow ?

Also in case Zecora anon shows up, how's the commission going ?
I prefer if she fights back a bit.
I am, just painfully slow.
Sorry. You shouldn't have to be so patient.
>You shouldn't have to be so patient.
If you tell me where you live, I can show up with a crop to motivate you!
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Well what else could we do besides asking ? If you had something ready would you have made a thread ?
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Where do you guys usually go to find good bdsm stories or art ?
Either pony or not pony related.
To like 2014 or so
Is that when bdsmlibrary died ?
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Wait are you talking mostly about bdsm pony content or bdsm in general ?
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Last bump before bed.
Love that cutiemark.
Nah, more like when the fandom was still alive and producing tons of stuff, including plenty of BDSM alongside everything else
Though to be fair even something like 2018 or maybe even 2020 would still work (and arguably perhaps work even better as people did get more into fetish art over time I feel like)

Why would I be talking about anything non-pony here? Duh.
Stupid sexy Fluttershy.
Saw in passing a post a few threads ago about seasonal events for submission and it made me think.
Say in some smaller, somewhat insular town somewhere in the green pastures of Equestria there's a tradition for pegasi who don't currently have a family that during winter wrap up, they pick either a collar or a hoof bracelet; they put it on and it magically locks until sundown. Then towards the end of the wrap-up, but before the sun goes down, the pegasi in a hide-and-seek of the bracelet wearers trying to catch the collared pegasi - and if they do, they get to claim them, bonding their hoofband to their collar. At the last light of the sun the game ends and the bonds are sealed, the magical locks release, except for those who did get caught - if they did, they get leashed by their captors and the collar only unlocks itself at the end of spring.

Otherwise the non-pegasi population thinks it's a curious tradition, partly adorable, and generally everypony acts "in" on the captured ponies being property. So if you put on a collar and get captured you're gonna be somepony's bona fide pet for the season. Some take it as a challenge and a dare - these tend to be brave and brash types and have to adjust to a whole new perspective if they do get caught; others scheme for who they want their owner to be and try to set themselves up to be caught by them. For some shyer types it's an easy way to get companionship, and many pegasi families start that way. When that happens, it's not unusual for the ownership dynamic to continue even beyond the spring period; as such, pegasi walking around as pets or property is seen as normal in the town.

Earth ponies and unicorns can participate as well but it's much hider to either hide or seek when the other contestants are pegasi. (This is using the headcanon that most unicorns have pretty limited magic, mostly surrounding their special talent, so they can't just cast invisibility or teleport willy-nilly or levitate themselves through the air unless they're Twilight or Starlight or something.) So sometimes one will try to be a captor for sport, expecting to walk away empty-hoofed, but very rarely you'll end up seeing an embarassed pegasus leashed to a unicorn or earth pony, which is a particularly big power exchange.
And rarely one will put on a collar for the evening, which almost guarantees they will get caught at some point which basically reveals their secret desires to everyone around, so it happens for subby ones to fantasize about it but few dare to publicly effectively "give themselves up" like that for everyone to see; after all, a good chunk of pegasi spend time leashed and everyone knows it, but reducing oneself to a "pet bird" is considered quite a drastic decision for a non-pegasus, and the rumor mill will likely remember forevermore that you willingly became property. For better or for worse.
>Why would I be talking about anything non-pony here ?
To bring up ideas to use on ponies mostly. Isnt there a story or art concept that you saw somewhere that made you want to see it being used on ponies ?
I had an idea of a "hunt" like that, but as less of a play, and more as part of a natural pred/prey urge that pegasi would have in turning a lesser flyer into their "pet bird", or being turned into one themselves by a top flyer that they admire (although not without at least putting up a strong resistance, cause no one wants to look weak, and they know the catcher wants to earn their catch )
>Isnt there a story or art concept that you saw somewhere that made you want to see it being used on ponies ?
I don't really browse non-pony porn
pegasi being kinky feels right for some reason
but i would expect them to bind their wings for the occassion maybe? so non-birds get a chance
That's pretty cool as well. I could see that arising as a mix between warrior culture, some kind of "defeat those lesser than you as slaves", with a simulataneously more cartoony/pony-like but also more cozy and loving dynamic of pet bird. I like that.

Since pegasi are kind of "bird-ponies", you could have two social classes, one being ponies (i.e. free pegasi) and the other being birds (i.e. owned pet pegasi). Birds would lack a lot of the rights and freedoms of free ponies, it'd be normal for them to sleep in birdcages for example. Clipping wings might be frowned upon but could be an appropriate punishment (the feathers regrow anyways). Calling someone a bird could either be an insult, if you know the recipient is free and proud, or in some contexts could be downright flirting (imagine "come, I'll put you in a cage, don't you wanna be my gorgeous pet birdie?" aimed at a shier subby pega).
Flight contests are cool. You could have duels or jousting and stuff too. Particularly powerful pegasi might have entire aviaries, and pets would compete to be the most beautiful, graceful or talented for their master, with prized pets being a sign of status on their owners.
And for a powerful and free pegasus, getting turned into a bird would be the most humiliating defeat; there could be a tradition of duels to submission, which again fits in very nicely with the pegasis warrior heritage while avoiding bloodshed to the death, all while being very impactful for the loser.

>pegasi being kinky feels right for some reason
I know right?
>but i would expect them to bind their wings for the occassion maybe?
I was specifically thinking about them having exhilarating air-and-ground chases, flying around everywhere catching each other, hiding in clouds and in trees and basically just being absolute pegasi.
But maybe wing binds could still be incorporated, as some kind of extra challenge or trap somehow. Maybe the collared contestants start the day with their wings bound, and each one has one matching collared pegasus that can unlock their wing straps? So throughout the day, before the hunt begins, they try to find the buddy who can free their wings in order to have a chance at a fun chase. And if they don't manage on time they're basically done for.
i like your brand of autism do you have any stories i can read?
>matching collared pegasus
now i'm thinking about a pony battle royale game and it sounds fun in my head
>i like your brand of autism
Thanks you, you flatter me!
>do you have any stories i can read?
Unfortunately only the half-formed ideas in my head that will never be put to paper as anything remotely coherent. Nobody else writes quite what I imagine, and I'm incapable of writing proper stories.
Actually, on second thought, https://www.fimfiction.net/story/364467/how-twilight-sparkle-learned-to-stop-worrying-and-love-the-baddies has some interesting concepts. It's quite varied and goes to some weird places but you might enjoy giving it a look, it's got a lot about power exchange and dom/sub stuff on a wide scale.
I also loved manicquil's magic rubber story but that's obviously long dead.

>pony battle royale game and it sounds fun in my head
Pony hunger games but when you down another contestant you get to keep them as a pet. You get a free drop of gear to dress them up and then they have to follow you around for the rest of the game
In the end the winner emerges with a harem of like 30 pets
Counter-intuitively, the best strategy is not to bind anyone you defeat in the kinkiest getup you can come up with, but rather actually leave them mostly unbound and with the freedom to help you. This is a very difficult concept to grasp for contestants so it's not a very widely used strategy but often game-winning. The only downside is that you get to keep any gear you used during the game, but if you only lightly bound your pets you're gonna have to buy your own stuff for them after the game is over, so sometimes even very smart and skilled contestants going for the victory settle for tradeoffs like putting a bunch of fancy gear on most of their captures leaving only a couple of dedicated assistant pets, and betting that's good enough to secure the win and keep all the gear they got to use on everyone else
>a mix between warrior culture, some kind of "defeat those lesser than you as slaves"
Yeah you're getting my idea.
Could be a "rule of the skies" type of thing, where it mostly happens with the pegasi that live up there, while the ones who choose to live a grounded life to escape from it, like Fluttershy, are seen on the same level as the other races. Or maybe even lower.

>Calling someone a bird could either be an insult, if you know the recipient is free and proud
Im more on that page, the weak got claimed and are being seen as such.

>pets would compete to be the most beautiful, graceful or talented for their master, with prized pets being a sign of status on their owners.
Some of them might want to claim a strong flyer to be their pet athlete. Like how Spitfire would want with the rainbow rookie.
thanks i'll check it out
>incapable of writing
you already have the motivation! which i think is key to learning a skill
unless you just meant you won't rather than can't
>Im more on that page, the weak got claimed and are being seen as such.
I'm just thinking there'd probably be those who know they're weak and WANT to be claimed. After all, in a dom/sub society, you gotta have subs too. If everyone's trying to be a proud warrior until they get beaten down and effectively enslaved and every time that happens it involves the unlucky pega's hopes and dreams shattering, that's too dark for me.
Sometimes that's fun, other times there might be willing and eager pets. Other times there might be low-status pegasi mostly expecting to live a completely unremarkable life, waging in the lower rungs of society and neither vying for a caged life nor having any illusions of being able to nab a pet of their own, and then when an athletic and successful pega suddenly catches them out and offers them glamorous life in a cage they're caught off-guard with the prospect of turning their life upside down. You know?

>you already have the motivation!
Motivation to write a 2000 character post of autistic rambling is far from the same thing as motivation to write, and practice writing and get good at, actual stories
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>You know?
No I get that, I was thinking more of how its still something seen as a humiliating thing, even if its a step above being a grounded pegasus.
>waging in the lower rungs of society and neither vying for a caged life nor having any illusions of being able to nab a pet of their own
Kinda like the ambitionless Fluttershy.

>2000 character post of autistic rambling is far from the same thing as motivation to write
World description is still writing, and can be just as autistic.
>for a powerful and free pegasus, getting turned into a bird would be the most humiliating defeat

Fuck that would be a hot ending for Rainbow after her bout with Lightning Dust.
Going through that and losing even more face in front of Scootaloo.
>how its still something seen as a humiliating thing
Oh of course. You're literally property, not an actual person at that point.
But for some, life in a gilded cage sounds more appealing than personhood in mediocrity. And for others, life as property is just inherently more appealing than life as a person.
Hey just to continue your worldbuilding, how do you figure latex could be added to it ?
Well just like that for example
Default restraining outfit for leaving the birds isolated in their owners cloud homes ?
Or something for taking them to walks on the surface ?
Wait maybe it works better as a punishment outfit.
Feeling their body restricted like that, including the limited breathing must make any pegasus become extremely antsy.
Sounds like you and I both want more BDSMquestria types of fics.

Do you think the author intends to make each Trixie end up as the other at the end of the story ?
Last bump again.
Im really enjoying the concept we're coming up with. We should talk more about the grounded pegasi who try dealing with their repressed kinky urges >>41736169
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>A gryphon pussy might not handle a stallion's dick, maybe not even anon's.
RapeApe what would you have done with this headcanon if you had decided to use Gabby in your story ?
Heres a small concept I wouldnt mind some opinion on.

Submissive focused matriarchy where mares consider the role of a dominant to be something embarassing for them to take, or even beneath them, even among lesbian couples.
Wouldn't that make the dominant role definitionally a submissive service role?
I guess ? Would that include the mare who's holding down her partner while pumping her with a strap on ?
Cause part of the idea Im going with is how that role would be seen as brutish and unfeminine.
By the way, your flair reminded me of a really good service role story with Coco
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>When you want a partner who isnt afraid of pulling your hair and treating you like dirt, but cant find one anywhere in your happy, idyllic home nation.
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Any gryphon versions of this ?
Flutterbutter just wants to be a mare's bitch. Is that so wrong?
I miss Pencils.
Oh that's so hot. The expressions are perfect.
You can tell she never expected things to go as far as her getting locked in a literal stable stall, but now she's gagged and it's too late to say anything. And Glimmy knows all this and is enjoying it very much.
look at the eyes, she's glancing down at glimmer's cock
>stable stall
How come we dont see more of those ?
Actually a better question, why dont we see more horse related bdsm stuff ? You know, pet play but with the ponies being treated like horses by their owners ?
I think it's probably just weird for the ponies. I don't expect them to have worker horses as a concept - sure, some ponies work by pulling carriages, but that even reinforces the lack of the view of it as an animal. Pulling a carriage is just a job you can do. We also have porters and bellboys IRL and they're just normal people
Ponies might know of horses as an ancestor and/or a wild species, but again the equivalent IRL would be apes of various kinds, and "monkey play" is not a particularly popular BDSM branch as far as I'm aware.
The main reason to have ponyplay/"horse play" would be just because it's hot for us, the viewers. It would need a lot of mental gymnastics to justify in the worldbuilding, though.

Now in a PiE scenario you could maybe have something like that... Human owners treating a pony like a pet horse could definitely be something kinky ponies are into. And then if ponies are quite rare on earth, you could have some very awkward encounters when a horse-serving pony meets with a free-citizen pony.
>expect them to have worker horses as a concept
Isnt that used a lot for "mud pony" raceplay ?
If it was related to an ancient past where ponies were used as slaves for labor, it wouldnt be that far off for the tack and equipment for it to have existed. And consequently for kinkied versions of it to have been made.

>Human owners treating a pony like a pet horse could definitely be something kinky ponies are into
Did any fic ever try that ? Im liking that idea.
>Former boss and current boss become friends.
>They soon start talking about timesharing you.
>Coco doesn't know
>Suri dishing out to Rarity all the freaky tastes her assistant had.
>Suri enters the herd and slowly corrupts the image and relationship Coco was trying to build with Rarity from scratch into the depraved kind she was trying to avoid.
This is something I've never seen in a story.
A former abused sub of someone who's trying to forget her real tastes and have a clean and pure relationship with a new person, and that backfires when the old partner comes back to sully it.
Anybody wants to talk about what if's in the rubber story ?
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Devious device.
Feels like this one isnt too far from having a breathplay version that comes with a lockable gas mask.
Well, going to bed. Just to put my own piece into my own question, I never asked Manic how she would fit in that universe.
Medical play seems like a given, but that iself could have branches. Slave milking or breeding ? Undeground rubber asylums ? Shared toy of her nursing coworkers ?
Indentured nurse who has to wear a full enclosure translucent nurse outfit for "hygiene reasons", coupled with an urethral sound and e-stim pads for that extra intrusive and clean type of relief that would be permitted for the lower workers ?
I don't know that there is anything you can do to help, aside from nagging me. I've fallen out of the habit and starting playing too many video games.
I rather like that. Fucking a gryphon would be pretty difficult, especially with the beak and talons. Anal is a given, but I think there would have to be a heavy focus on training her to pleasure her partner without hurting them. One could either lean into denial by making the vagina completely superfluous, or explore weird nerve modification to trick her brain into thinking something else was sex.
Is it time to stop hoping for continuation of The Carat and Stick?
Nope. It must continue, I just need to stop being a lazy asshole.
I might as well test the waters while I'm here. How do we feel about mindbreaking? It's not relevant at the moment, I'm just wondering what direction to go later on.
This is not for Rarity. We need her at her best.

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