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>Nah, he's into me, ain'tcha>Eeyup...Fine taste, Mac. Damn fine.
I'm usually content to keep my consumption of Tamers content and RGRE content apart, but it must be said we were feasting yesterday. Probably one of the only good parts of the ep too.
>>41828046Oh my god someone stole Applejack's hat!
>>41828050I think she just ate it
>>41828060Not eaten, merely "appropriated" for the moment.
>>41827624Thank you for not using an eye-watering image.
>>41828603You're welcome beau
>>41828046It seems somewhat redundant at that point.
>Already at page 9Is it to to say goodnight?
>>41827624>tfw you will never be roofied by a mare
>>41829478You sure this is a good thing?
>>41828480I want to boop that snoot.
>>41829483>picLAP, pls.
>>41829483So long as no lasting physical scars. Yes.
>>41829483>Ponies don't sex-rape>They don't even cuddle-rape>They snooze-rape>It's that meme where ponies exhibit certain horse herding behaviour, and find sleeping alone nearly unthinkable and stress-inducing>A mare might grab a stallion and force him to remain with her while she sleeps>The stallion can't sleep under these conditions, and is distressed that something that should instinctively feel good is now anxiety-inducing and stressful>He'll never sleep the same way around a mare ever again>He's snoozed goods.
>>41828480>Be an angel sent by the Maker to watch over Anonymous the hyoo-man>His was a wicked and hard-hearted world>The Maker, in their wisdom and unyielding love, sent him to Equestria>He had taken to the land quite well>He toiled honestly and often>He shied from pride and other evil whimsy>You had never seen him boop a mare without permisson >He also freely gave oats and sugar cubes to anypony that asked>He did not surrender himself to the greater sex, as he really should, but man was not made from mare--unfortunately-- so it was not his lot to do so>His shameful wearing of clothing was also something you didn't care for, but his kind DID eat fruit that they shouldn't have>Still, all in all, he was far less of a hoofful than you were expecting >Though, you really did wish he would join in when the little ponies sang>The Maker truly did love their voices...
>>41829857>anon is unawhere about this>twilight figures it out>3 months after that and anon is now known as the snooze slut of the m6
>>41829893Be Not Amer
>>41829893momma faust best pony
>>41824282what happens after this
I remember a guy named Kevin was raped in the sweltering summer of 92 by a herd of Zebra
>>41828826She just couldn’t find the right time to show you
Soon. Maybe.
>>41830399Cadance shows up and anime fights Chrysalis to secure access to white male penis. It's revealed that he has a crossbreed with Chrysi at the ending credits, however we're also shown Cadance mounting him so perhaps we'll get some Flurry as well.
>>41829893>Be demon pone>You see that hyoo-man walking around>You REALLY want to corrupt that cute lil soul of his>Make him lustful>Make him boop everypony he sees>Make him REFUSE to give away his oats and sugar cubes>The issue is that angel>She was SUPER bucking scary >What with her million eyes and uncountable wings>You weren't a brave gal on the bests of days, but you weren't fighting THAT>It looked like the Maker looked kindly on one of their creations>Which made you want to corrupt him even more>Heck, it might get you a promotion in the Abyss >You always wanted a corner office and an Incubus assistant...>Eh...>You'd figure something out>Most hyoo-mans were busted up in someday>Easily corrupted>If you could trick this world into thinking taxes were lawful and "good" you'd get his sorry flank!
>>41831436>fat and has a dickWait nevermind, yeah that describes a demon I guess.
>>41831436>Fattie with cockYeah, a diabolical corruption of the perfect mare form.
>>41828480>Anonymous...>When did you lose your grace?
>>41831436What other humans did she corrupt? I thought Anon was the only one in Equestria.
>>41831704Why futranaries exist in the first place? A corruption.
>>41831436A succubus horse must be the worst job in Equestria. Mares hate you and I'm sure there are magical spells created just to find and destroy the demons. Stallions are already at a premium and the last thing mares want around are fat demons trying to steal them.
>>41831436>She works at hot topic
>There he was >Angrily talking to the gryphon delegates >The gryphons usually liked strutting around the banquet hall>They didn't exactly pick fights, but they were argumentative >You made sure nothing violent ever happened of course, but you knew it was in a hen's nature to attempt to establish some sort of dominance>As did most predators >Last time, however, they became a tad more grabby around Shining Armor than you would have liked>So, against Twilight's objections, you decided to invite Anonymous to this latest event >Anon was an alien colt>Very large>Kind to children, but not much else>He was like one of those savage, exotic barbarian kings that fillies wrote about in their romance novels, but what one actually would be>Not a strong janefilly that just needed a strong mare to keep him in line, but an easily angered creature with little care for etiquette >Anonymous had gotten used to the citizens of Ponyville, large due to the efforts of the Cutiemark Crusaders, and due to this was able to live with them in relative peace>But he had no patience for fools, or those that insulted him; whether that being accidental or on purpose>Not only did he not shy away from violence, it was usually his first go-to in a situation>His use of language was also... extremely colorful>He was, in a few words, exactly the colt for the job>You had watched the gryphons make their way over to him>Almost immediately, the hay went up along with the barn>The gryphons had attempted to make themselves appear bigger, but that did little for a creature twice their size>They did not want to invite your anger by making too much of a scene, but Anon had absolutely no such concerns>He was shouting, poking and grabbing the hen's by their beaks>His teeth were bared, and even from twenty feet away you could see the rage in his eyes>The numerous other delegates were obviously horrified>Many were now standing on the other side of the room, whispering amongst themselves>The leader for the Gryphon delegation was staring over at you with wide eyes as she was jostled and poked and screamed at>You just smiled pleasantly back>Luna, realizing that you had a hoof in this, was staring at you with a raised eyebrow>You keep your gaze serene and aloft as you sipped on a lovely glass of wine>You'd go over there in a few minutes to calm things down, with the help of a staff member's little colt that was waiting>He had picked out his little suit, and he was SO excited for everypony to see it, from what you had been told>But, that would have to wait>"--YOU DUMB, BEADED-HAVING, CROSSED EYED LION THING! YOU POINT THAT FUCKING CLAW AT ME ONE MORE TIME I SWEAR I'LL--!">Yes...>This might have been as wonderful as that Gala that Twilight and her friends had ruined...
>>41833085>"--YOU DUMB, BEADED-HAVING, CROSSED EYED LION THING! YOU POINT THAT FUCKING CLAW AT ME ONE MORE TIME I SWEAR I'LL--!"Fuck now I want a green of Anon going full Scottsman and terrorizing pompous RGRE nobles while Celestia keels over laughing at their reactions.
>>41833301What about going full Florida Man?"Bitch, I have used a juvenile alligator as an improvised flail before, I'll do it again. Somepony get me an alligator."*upends bottle of unidentifiable sudsy liquid over Blueblood* Hey, Bluey. You know how to get flaming gasoline to stick to someone...sorry somepony? Add soap.*chugging whiskey from the bottle and singing tunelessly with a terrible singing voice* I wish I was in the land of cotton/Old times they are not forgotten..."Yak smash?! Anon smash yak right back!" *delivers headbutt*
>>41833301A recent writefag posted something similar, but with anon as an innocent unknown the nobility took far too seriously.
>>41834052I 'member that one- didn't the last post end with Blueblood playing chess and assuming every move was some 5d bigbrain philosophy lesson when really Anon literally did not know the rules of chess?
>>41829899Im sure once they figure out anon is an apex predator and probably stinks of meat they'll buzz off.
>>41833085I love it
>>41833640>"Bitch, I have used a juvenile alligator as an improvised flail before, I'll do it again. Somepony get me an alligator."I'm picturing Gummy wearing a red headband.
>>41834153Taming a predator makes you more of a mare. Imagine how much rainbow dash would talk about how she made a predator her personal snooze slut.
>>41834709>inb4 'domesticated' becomes a grievous insult among anons
>tfw no smug mare to domesticate mewhy live
>>41834919>>41834734Anon i...
>>41834969Home at last;To wander no more.
Coltify your mare. Make her cross-dress in colt's lingerie. Coax her into helping you with the housework. Rub her belly and scratch her ears randomly.Just don't cuck her. That makes Cadence bust out the magic nukes and sends your soul to pony hell.
>>41835903Cadence ain't shit, but I won't cuck my mare.
>>41834709A tamed anon can still dropkick your average mare over the horizon.
>>41833085>Still be Celestia>Things had done far better than you even you expected>The gryphons had all but fled, a table had been flipped, and at least a dozen stallions had fainted from fright >You and your sister were in the gardens as the castle staff did what they could to clean up the mess>You made a note to give them all a nice bonus>This was your fault after all, and while it was delightful for you, your actions did cause more work than needed>You were seated at a table, enjoying a cup of tea>Out of the corner of your eye, you could see Anonymous>All around him, climbing over his large body, were two dozen foals>They were all laughing and playing, completely at ease around this violent giant>Anon, for his part, was as docile as a lamb>Completely gone was his rage>In fact, he had a small smile on his face as he watched the little ones, occasionally making sure they didn't hurt themselves or reaching over to boop their noses, which always caused a squeal of delight>"You are ridiculous.">You looked over at your sister, who was giving you a flat stare"Hmm?" you said, while taking a sip of your tasty beverage >Luna's eyes narrowed>"It is truly too much to ask for one of these events to run smoothly?" she asked. "It's only a few hours of your time, sister.""I don't know what you mean, Luna. I'm just as horrified as you are about this.">"Horse manure.""No need to cuss, sister. Thankfully, the foals were there to calm Anonymous over there down. Otherwise I don't know what I would have done.">Luna blew a raspberry at you>Rude>Thankfully, you rose above her poor manners, taking another sip of your tea>Out of the corner of your eye, you saw a yak marching towards Anonymous>It was that prince>His name escaped you>They had so many in Yakyakistan>The prince looked very upset>Then again, yaks always looked upset...>You raised an eyebrow>Perhaps you'd need to go over and speak with him>You'd already had your fun-->A filly ran across the yak's path>The prince, without pausing his stride, pushed her again far harder than needed>Anonymous noticed>In the blink of an eye, his smile vanished>The rage returned, then amplified >You watched as his face turned beet red, a vein bulging from his forehead>He carefully removed the foals from his person and stood up>Fists clenched, he walked towards the yak>...Oh dear>That wasn't good...
>>41836160She's a real troublemaker. Setting up situations for foals to get hurt.
>>41836160>"You may have only one cup of tea">The Comically Large Teacup Incident
>>41836160>inb4 because there are still foals around anon for once exercises restraint with his rage so he doesn't scare the little ones>for the first time celestia becomes genuinely goncerned that her scheming has gone too far
>>41836160Sounds like the yaks didn't learn their lesson after the red wagon incident.
>>41836426"This is some bomb-ass tea anon."
>>41836160That cup probably belonged a dragon she beat up in school.
Ponepaste doodWat nou?>>41835903I want this British donkey to dress herself in lingerie and drain my balls.
>>41833640>"Yak smash?! Anon smash yak right back!" *delivers headbutt*and that's how Anon became known as "Yak Friend Supreme"
The Equestrian equivalent of the dick shadow is the flank shadow, signifying that a colt is about to get his balls drained.
>Be Background Horse>Be mildly upset>You had been waiting for Anon to leave his house for two weeks so you could coltnap him>Folks would have said that you were being a little too traditional, but dangit that's how your mom got your dad and grandma got grandpa>Anon was a nice colt>Not some filthy harlot>He was a little weird, on account of how he got here>Something about oceans of blood and lion people with scorpion tails you had heard>Coltish theatrics you were pretty sure>Still, weirdness or not, your dad was bothering you to get married and have a lot of horse children, and most of the colts in town had been run through more than a rodeo stable, so you were getting him while he was getting able>You'd be a good horse wife you think >You had a good job standing in the background looking like you were doing things>You had a house and everything!>So, you had gotten a big net, a great big box of things covered in chocolate--a human's weakness Twilight had told you--and you had hid behind the closest bush near his house>And waited>And waited...>And waited...>He didn't leave his house at all from what you were able to tell>Not so much as him peeking his head through the door>Forcing you to just hide there when you had time off work, hoping against hope>Which is why you're upset>It's like this bucking colt DOESN'T want to be coltnapped and forcibly married!~_~_~_~_~_~>Be Anon>Have a expansive underground tunnel system all throughout Ponyville>It drove Twilight nuts that you could literally pop up anywhere like Pinkie>But, there were no laws against digging dozens of underground tunnels, so she couldn't legally stop you>The nerd>She didn't understand>You faced one end of the world with your pants down>Never again>Besides, a lot of ponies really seem to like your underground tunnels, especially after you set up some glowing lights>Them and those fucking big, weird dog things...
>>41839563>Unnaground InnequestriaMy fucking sides. Will our /k/ommando meet any innawoods?
>>41834153>>41834709Humans have only become predators through technology. We still have millions of years of being retarded monkeys getting eaten by tigers making our brains retarded prey monkeys.Why do you think you were afraid of heights or the dark as a kid?
>>41839654Yeah humans are an apex of other things, in predation we're middling.
>>41839563>Them and those fucking big, weird dog things...Anon with his pack-band of diamond dogs stories?
>>41839847Diamond dog waifu?
>>41839857Oh, yeah, Anon gets all the bitches.
>>41839563>No cutiemark>No coltsThem's the rules
>>41839563>>Something about oceans of blood and lion people with scorpion tails you had heardr...revelation?
>>41839654>>41839686Eeeeh? Sorta?If you look and see how our closest relatives, the chimpanzees hunt, they're going after smaller monkeys. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QkGvblv_ts4 Of course, they also tear apart that monkey /alive/.What it boils down to is pack tactics. A lion or a tiger could easily kill one or two people without issue, unarmed. An entire tribe of 150 people is a fucking problem, even if they're armed with only sticks and rocks.We've only snowballed uphill from that point.
>>41840995As the short faced bear and mastodon found out despite being way out of a human weight class.
>>41840995Right, I'm not convinced what people intend to convey when they say "apex predator" as a biological phenomenon is being faithfully adhered to as we start factoring in tool use and group tactics.By that reasoning, there's nothing separating Anon from ponies, whose use of friendship and magic has led to them defeating monsters of lethality beyond what humans have ever contended with. Would that not make ponies the "apex predators" of any situation?What, specifically, then, is our pony-POV narrator in these stories referring to when they identify Anon as an apex predator? His people's storied pack-domination of other creatures that the ponies couldn't know about and which they can and do easily outperform? Of course not, the idea is that they're supposed to be looking at him and "feeling" it from his physiology, and the fact is that his physiology is less predatory than that of a standard big cat.
>>41840885>The final act of Revelations involves a passage about "Her Solar Majesty's Better Half"
Colts are going on a sex strike because they believe the mares elected a sex offender as mayor.
>>41839563Local human causes tiny sinkholes all across town; multiple ponies shot due to broken legs
>>41841884>some mares are into the whole predator thing>griffon males kind of fit that, but like birds the males are colorful and oh so zesty>male dragons have internal genitals and are so marely that you have to check the eyelashes or dig around in their slit to check if it's really a guy>mares like to pretend humans are scary predators who would totally stick them with spears and make sandwiches out of them and that a human-pony war wouldn't be a quick and brutal conquest of Earth>humans even help play into it, they write silly little stories where they build big ships and sail around the stars starting wars with otherworldly beings for no reason
>>41838767>Anon is appointed royal diplomat to Yakistan
>>41833640>>41838767>>41843544Well, he did propose marriage to the Yakyakistani ambassador.
>>41843790>do you need a hug?i'd fucking break
>>41844071Gotta be honest, I'd melt.
>>41843790I'm fine little mare haha
I want to be dommed by a "colty" mare.
>>41843790You know you can't just have one hug.
>>41845002The neat thing about a hug is that there is no limit on how long it can last.
>>41843790I would refuse on principle at this point.
>>41846409>tfw you just want to show him your rock collection and he pops out of his shealth>tfw your dad was right>All colts are whores
How do we fix the simp mare epidemic?
>>41847095pussy pound it out of her
>>41846954I would eat Maud out
>>41839847Anon wants some diamond cookies
>>41847095But I need simps to pay for my mansion
>>41847095Force them to dom me.
>>41847373I can dig it.
Guys help I went outside and that creep weathermare was doing this how do I sue her for sexual harassment?
I want sexist Anon in RGRE. Let the stronger sexism prevail.>"Well no wonder you've got disasters every other day; you've got a brainless broad ruling the damn country!"
>>41847924That works for whoever is on that throne, Tia or Bookhorse.
>>41848388And Cadence, if it's set in the Crystal Empire.As for Luna... well. She's got enough of the 'tism to rival Twilight.
>>41848476Oldest sexism vs Original sexismHow could this not result into hatefucking
>>41847924>"Look at this bratty fuckable little colt! Gonna tear those hips apart!">"You kniw you really need to be corrected when you talk to mares like that, stallion."
This makes me wonder how older mares would deal with sexually aggressive colts.>>41845520
>>41836160Just please dont let this turn it into yet another power fantasy green, anon... Those are always boring.
>>41849129Anon's shtick is that he gets away with loudly acting up and constantly making himself the centre of attention, how could it not turn into a lame power fantasy?
>>41848564This, on the other hand, has all the makings of a God-tier power fantasy. Uppity colts getting instant-loss'd the second they disrespect adult mares is some shit I'd read ever day.>the next thing the little colt knew, he was on his back, legs in the air, making sweet little "ah! ah! ah!" noises as the big, mean mare plaps him into the mattress
>>41843790>Anon makes friends with a mare>She unthinkingly gives him a friendly hug>She goes to let go>Anon does not>Anon begins to shake a little bit>The hug ends up lasting a little while, and the mare is now concerned about her friend
>>41849451>not distancing yourselfrookie mistake
>>41847373Anon doesn't even need a fireplace during the night because his diamond dogfu gives such warm cuddles.
>>41839563I know this was about Background Pony but now I want a lil side thing about Anon dealing with Diamond Dogs wanting to check out his tunnels.
>>41849195There's something in the pipe where that behavior gets him MARED.
I want to cuck Shim-Sham with a sweaty nerd like Dot Matrix and watch the cuckquean get off to it.
>ywn make a mare blush just by smiling at herI'm not sure we're all gonna make it, bros.
>>41850837I just showed this post to Princess Celestia, she made it legal to beat stallions now.
>>41850355Would make for a good Flutterrape story, desu.>Anon proceeds to make tunnels to escape from horny mares.>accidentally tunnels into a horny bitch cave instead.There is no winning for Anon, only degrees of suffering.
>>41849203I mean if its RGRE technically maledom is more prevalent in their ponynetWho's to say I'm not gonna abuse that
What sort of arsenal are you bringing to RGRE, Anons?
>>41850950I'd step on cunts and twist some teats, sounds like fun.
>>41850967grorious nippon steer forded one thousand timeget kirin waifu
>>41851031>Your first client is a suspiciously tall pony>She asks you to kick her tits>You do so>End up cracking your toes
>>41851123>The doctor's aura tingles as he gently holds your toe.>"Yep, that's definitely broken. How did this happen?""Stubbed it on a nipple.">He stops wrapping your toe in the splint.>"Sorry, what was that?""Coffee table.">[insert awkward silence here]"Stubbed it on a coffee table.">He decides to stay professional and finishes splinting your toe.
>>41851123I don't understand why her tits would be hardened titanium?
>>41851138Nipples stiffen when excited.With her power and attraction to humans, Celestia's nipples literally get diamond-hard.
>>41851142>gets easily blapped by chrysalis
>>41850950>implying femdom is more prevalent than maledom on the 'netsWell... maybe just here on /mlp/. Because marepussy is just too powerful.A lot of stuff like maids are universally beloved. Maledom clop is tad more prevalent than femdom clop, too.
>>41850967A badger tied to a long stick
>>41851200If Anon decided to wear a bowtie instead of necktie, would mares see him as a butler begging to be taken advantaged of?
>>41851350Mare with a bowtie = classy, has standards and is definitely smarter than you.Colt with a bowtie = submissive and rideable. You just know he's thirsty for marepussy.
>>41851375>Bowties allow mare to bite them and as they bounce on the poor stallion's cock>Rainbow Dash tries it on you>Stand up >Now her legs are just dangling as she looks at you apologetically
>>41849203Power bottom fantasy more like.