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We reached that time of the year again where everyone is constantly sick. That means it's time for another Redheart thread.
Make sure to post pics of best nurse pone. For every pic, one happy mare gets nursed back to health.
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Nurse Redheart is lovely!
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turn redheart into bredheart
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The Nursie radiates with good spirits.
Isn't that every mare?
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New nurse thread makes the nurse the happy nurse!!
Redheart radiates kind healing spirits! Totally different and specific to nurse ponies!
>Nurse Redheart can conjure up the spirits of powerful nurses and physicians from long ago to heal her patients.
Her power is immense.
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She likes the water. She is a good mare. I love her blue eyes. I want to give her belly rubs for being a good mare.
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Redheart took the day off
This will be your Nurse for today
If my cello or violin is sick, can she heal it?
No but she can heal you, with the power of Musicotherapy
That is really comfy. I could see her and Nursey starting a choir or band
redheart is a lesbian so I don't like her as a pony because she's a lesbian ok.
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Thank you for nursing this thread Anons! Very very busy night for me
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Nini nursefrens
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Trench Crusade reference?
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I have no idea. I just search through derpi for old Redheart images to bump the thread with.
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Nursie gives you one of these looks what do? And why is she so happy?
It's penis inspection day and she will check you up
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Genuine nightmare fuel
Yea cute ponies doing cute things haunt me in my dreams too bro
It's moving like it's malfunctioning dumb dumb
Scary shit bro
I am sorry you interpret happy as malfunctioning. But coming from you it doesn't surprise me that you can't tell the difference.
Why is it wagging its tail like a dog
Ponies are not stinky worthless mutts
I guess you haven't been around animals that much. But its pretty universal for tail owners.
Horses don't do that city slicker
It's not wagging it bouncing up and down
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Good thing they aren't horses and magical cartoon ponies then, huh?
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>t. furry
Are you a furry
Yes or no
Answer honestly
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Hot take:
I'm sorry but pony is just an elitist see: superiorversion of the Furry fandom.
That's not what I asked
Are you personally a furry
Yes or no
Answer honestly
Are your asking if I would do some chick in a pony fursuit? If so then yes, and if that makes me a furry so be it.
No I'm pretty clearly asking if you are part of the furry community
Stop dodging the question city slicker
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Oh no, I am not apart of any furry community outside of /mlp/
Then learn how horse tails work city slicker
And polish your creepy ass gens before posting them
I asked alexa and she said horse do show contentment by wagging their tails. She got it from wikihow. Now who's the cityslicker?
I just asked a horse, and he said that wasn't true at all.
Spend a summer on a farm city boy
I bet horses scare a wimp like you
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ignore AItard derailing, post moar nursies
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The good ending
Sounds nice. I want musicotharapy from Nurse Octavia and Nurse Redheart. What instrument does Nurse Redheart play?
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Festive nursie!!
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Bumpa with nurse rumpa!!
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Poor nurse needs some rest
I know the feeling. There's no rest for those that work on nuclear propulsion plants either. I hope the Ponyville General Hospital has a nap room for nurses on long shifts. I would imagine it as being warm, with low intensity comfy lighting, it would have a hot cocoa dispenser (or a pot of fresh chamomile tea), maybe soft and soothing music. Nurse Redheart needs something like that.
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Sleep well nursey
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>Nurse coat smells like hand sanitizer
Every nurse I met smelled like that and cigarettes.
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Sometimes she needs her "respiratory therapy"
I love the smell of hand sanitizer.
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Imagine sharing tea with Nurse Redheart in her kitchen on a warm Spring morning.
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Imagine plapping Nurse Redheart on top of her sink/oven combo
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jump in the pit!
>And why is she so happy?
She noticed the stick in my hand
I like this concept. Imagine some kind of game or animation that shows struggles of an innocent medic pony in a war environment, her trying to save everyone and feeling very guilty of not being able to save every soul. Hits hard
Or maybe I'm just retarded and ponies are only meant to be in peaceful setting
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I think you'd enjoy this fic fren!
Thanks for recommendation! I will check it out today
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rumpa bumpa
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unfa yes this is fine nursa rumpa
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Very angular nurse
Comfy and fun sexo with Nurse Redheart.
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honk mimimimimi
nurse burrito
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SHE has risen!!
Now she needs coffee and toast with marmalade.
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Nursie looks like she would enjoy it a tad too much
She likes to give the testes a good sniff while she's back there.
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Happy Hearths Warming nurse frens!!
>Unwrapping lingerie clad Nurse Redheart on Christmas.
Super comfy.
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The nursa is kinky
>Page 10
Nursing this thread
Yes, but wholesomely.
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ahh nursie so eepy
greens or fic recommendations?
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a kind healing touch
Sorry been away from my desktop for a bit. Here you go fren!!

[Part 1]http://pastebin.com/Q3kePHEe
[Part 2]https://poneb.in/v8dgiqrx

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Pure sexo!
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That's a rough edit. Visit the derpi/poner id for the original.
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Mare Fair memories
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Cute portable Nurse
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nini nurse thread
Red deserves all of the naps she can get, with how much overtime she puts in at the hospital.
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She deserves a day off!
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What is the structure of her shift work?
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Since there are so few nurses in ponyville overall, I imagine the shifts are relatively long. Maybe between 12-16 hours. However, I also believe the accomodations at the hospital are very comfortable for the staff. Each nurse may have their own assigned dorm on site. Like a home away from home for when they spend extended periods time on the job. They can rest and recooperate as long as they need. In addition, food served to staff is always fresh, plentiful, and free. Nurse-to-patient ratios are fair, and most patients that Ponyville's hospital receives are usually ambulatory. Critical care patients may be transfered to specialty medical facilites in Canterlot or Manehattan.
I meant to write stabilized and then transferred
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night night nursefrens
At least she has a stable schedule instead of rotating shift work. The messes bedly with the sleep cycle.
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Justice for our dear Nurse!
More staff! Fixed hours! Guaranteed time off! Increased pay!
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>Female serial killers are overwhelmingly nurses
Would you still take the risk?
>Human female serial killers are overwhelmingly nurses.
FTFY. Nothing to fear from Nurse Redheart.
Work bump
rumpa bumpa
That's a big syringe. I hope it's just a photo prop. If not, maybe it's to to inject dragons. They're much bigger and would presumably need larger injections.
No, Redheart works in the nursery. Giving all the foals an injection is much more efficient than going one at a time.
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Redheart hates paperwork
She's a nurse not a pencil pusher
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That's unhygienic
What was nursing school like for Nurse Redheart?
After getting her cutie mark playing nurse with her teddy bear, she walked into the hospital, was assigned a nursing station, and began her first shift.
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I feel like equestria is more a place where nurses mostly learn by apprenticeships/on the job training after they discover their special talent
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ah sooo eepy
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My beloved wife. I love so much!
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Nursing this thread
What kind of medical test is this?
In my country it's less than 10 min until new year so this is going to be my last time visiting this thread since im going to spend the remaining time with my family.

Thats why I just wanted to wish all you Nursepone frens a happy new year.
Happy New Year fren!
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>doesn't even at least have a cock
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That January piece was actually a commission of mine! Red draws the best nursies!
I think I like Nurse Redheart in September best.
Find a single flaw: IMPOSSIBLE
What kind of date would Nurse Redheart be interested in? What activities does she enjoy outside of work; I mean besides relaxing, tea, and things like that?
Pre work bump
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I want to see her wild side. Bungie jumping, cliff diving, hang gliding, luge, whatever. Whatever it is she enjoys that gives her a fat dump of adrenaline and has the wind whipping through her mane.
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>two anthro pics left up for over a day
What is this, /vst/?
You can tell she's contemplating just knocking her patient out just to administer treatment properly. Can she claim that the patient ran into her hoof multiple times on her report of treatment?
I agree. Nursie needs the cathartic kind of adrenaline, not the stressful work related kind
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Thanks nursie!!
I just drank a glass of water, and I'm going to drink another right now!
But Brawndo's got what plants crave. It's got electrolytes.
Night bump
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Damn that's one hell of a bulge on November.
I have a pic of her hang gliding. I'll upload when I find it.
Nursie is an intense adrenaline junkie. Kek!
Look at her go!!
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The nurse is totally sick!!
She could win the X Games.
>she lands bad and breaks her ankle
who nurses the nurse?
Me obviously
but are you qualified?
Red Cross cert
but anon, that just means you're qualified for humans, not horses
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>the poster on the wall says "oh my gosh are you reading this"
idk why but i love those types of details lol
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aah so eepy
Is alcohol sufficient?
I hope it's sufficient, or I'm going to die.
Really, I'm going to die, I'm just drinking alcohol right now, I will die.
Checked and needing to study to be an equine vet I guess?
the SHE has RISEN
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rumpa bumpa
nini nurse thread
She still hasn't hung up her curtains after the 3rd time the town was destroyed this year, huh?
Pre work bump
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Those better be candy cigarettes, or no more ear scratches.
My girl gets all the scritches and pets she wants.
Worth it
The nurse is tempting (you).
Bodacious nurse rumpa!!
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Redheart is for slashing and stabbing
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Now that's a knoife
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She's happy about the completions of new hospital renovations, expansions, and updadtes.
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this makes the nurse the happy nurse
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nini nursefrens
Redheart wants hugs!
No u
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the SHE!!
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Take my money!
If this is what I think it is, thank you and I'll check my email later
Redheart conspiracies 1/3
Redheart conspiracies 2/3
Redheart conspiracies 3/3
They probably changed her cutie mark, because the usage of red cross violates international law. This pony violates the Geneva convention
You think there's a family of Nurse Redhearts like the Nurse Joy family in Pokemon?
That law is retarded.
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That's beautiful, Anon. Is there a website that sells it, or did you have is specially engraved. If so, how does one go about getting things engraved like this. I want to engrave Nurse Redheart on a bunch of stuff now.
eepytime bump
No, I actually did that myself. You can engrave stuff using laser etchers (CO2, diode, fibre) with a rotary attachment. My particular machine is an XTool F1 Ultra (blue light diode and fibre laser machine) with the rotary attachment, and I do 2 passes: 1 with a blue light diode to burn most of the coating in the right places and 1 with a fibre laser to remove the burned coating (a cleaning pass). You can also do the same with a CO2 laser, but you'll spend a good amount of time just removing the burnt gunk off of the bottle due to CO2 lasers not being able to etch on bare metal (laser light gets reflected back to the focusing lens which will damage it). Honestly, if you want a fibre laser, get a dedicated one rather a 2-in-1 because you'll get more power out of it.

As for how I etched the image on the bottle, I'll use an image from a previous year's Secret Santa to help illustrate (please excuse the fact it's Rarity). The process is basically selecting a suitable image (preferably a black and white image). Due to how laser etchers work, you want to invert the image as burning the coating strips it away so the white part of the image is what's left. Then it's a matter of vectorizing the image depending on what your preferred process is as some laser etching software can take an image and trace it for you, or you can use a piece of software like Inkscape to do it. After that, it's measuring your bottle, figuring out the diameter/circumference/general size of the work area and using the rotary machine/laser software to send the etching instructions to the laser etcher.
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Fellow donkeyfag.
I implore you.
Post a reply to something, or alternatively an nursie image when you bump.
Signed, with the best of well-wishes, a fellow certified 'Tavi enjoyer
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>or alternatively an nursie image when you bump.
That's the issue, dont really have many nursies
Have this one as compensation
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yes, i need to cooom but cloooping is a sin

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