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The next gamejam is upon us! And, as promised, the showcase will take place at marecon.
You might be telling yourself "But anon, you retard, marecon is two months away. Why are you making a thread right now?". Well, we're doing something special this time around, the theme for this jam won't be based around a singular concept, but instead it'll be about using assets made by your fellow anons! Made by (YOU)

What's an asset you ask? Well it's basically anything that goes into a game! Sprites, images, tilesets, sounds music, etc.

Here's how this'll work:
>ANYONE will be able to submit assets to be used by the devs in the jam
>Submissions can be either posted in the thread or sent by the email below
>The assets can be either audio or image
>The assets have to be freshly made, It can't have been already published on the internet. You can't just go on a booru and grab a bunch of images
>The deadline to submit your creations will be on February 14th. The day the Game jam starts

Did you get all of that? I'm sure you did! But I'm also sure the devs might have a few questions:

>But my game is 3D/in an engine that'll make it impossible to implement any of this
Well, necessity is the mother of invention anon, as long as you keep with the spirit of the thing you'll be alright.
>Will I have to use every single thing that comes from this thread?
Nah, we'll probably do it by a percentage depending on the amount of assets submitted or a similar metric. You won't have to use all the assets, but you'll be expected to use a good handful!
>Fuck you I'm not using any assets that come from this
First of all, rude. Second, I can't really force you to do anything. You're your own boss and all that
>This is a terrible idea
Come on anon, don't be like that! This'll be fun! Trust me.

When we reach the deadline, I'll gather all the assets that come from this and upload them on drive/mega/similar for easy use/access
Feel free to ask any question or give suggestions in the thread. Here's the email I mentioned above, feel free to message me for anything: littlehorseappreciator@proton.me
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Anchor for submissions, or any important information/updates

This sounds really fun, I'll be dropping some soon!
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Fuck you, pay me. I'm not drawing you free pony game assets
not interested in your thread, just posting to say I want to cum inside that pony.
It's for fun and the community, idk who would pay you for pony assets.
>give me free art
This could be fun. Any examples of what would make a good asset? Are we talking full length songs or 20 second loops? Should sprites be pixel art or traditionally drawn? Any particular genres, styles, themes, etc?
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>doing something fun with the community... FOR FREE???
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yall really just took a shit on op in this thread, stop being lazy and draw some shit.
I would bet money that neither of you can draw to save your life
Why is everyone assuming that OP is asking for original new art? Just go look up all the old shit from defunct pony games and post it ITT. For example: https://www.deviantart.com/urimas/art/MLPonline-Sprite-Sheets-341840400
You could technically do full songs, but I was thinking along the lines of smaller, shorter sounds. Along the lines of sound effects. But if you're up to it you can make 20 second sound loops! I'd hate to stifle your creativity.
As for the art, pixel art is normally the safest bet, but everyone appreciates traditional art!
No themes of any kind this time around, just pony related
>Why is everyone assuming that OP is asking for original new art?
Maybe because he is (not that that's a bad thing)
>>The assets have to be freshly made, It can't have been already published on the internet. You can't just go on a booru and grab a bunch of images
That's stupid. Also, I can't read, lol.
Feel free to use this music track I just made
Finally, a way to force people to make games based on my favorite mares, and fillies
Filly or colt exploitation is wrong.
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Goes hard
I'm warning you all right now. I'm making a fart porn game and I'm willing to use ANYTHING posted in this thread.
A while back I made a game using google slides, which worked by clicking on png images to move to the next slide. Any idea how I could share it with other anons without having to share my google acc?
download it and then put the download link in the thread
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Begone harlot
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here's some shit i was going to use for a strategy game or something but scrapped
small ones are 16x16
big ones are 48x48
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Play presentation from start, but only click on things that make your cursor into a hand, or else you will screw up the order.

Have fun with this piece of shit
this is actually hecking based, after my hangover subsides ill try and make a few things. itll be a good excuse to get my hands onto my guitar for the day, and draw some mares
heres a few doodles that might come in handy
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God speed, Anons.
have a walk animation
sprite sheet:
gif (shit image quality):
not interested in being forced to use subpar pony assets made by people who don't know what they're doing.
Fuck off.
What's the matter, scared?
>he doesn't think the board can make cool assets
Im going to prove you the fuck wrong.
I don't think you'd have to use the whole asset, for example, I'm planning to use the smiling mare from >>41827407 and maybe the coin. The point of this is to be creative anon
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I've participated in the past few game jams and I want to join this one as well, but I'm really terrible at making assets. It would make me feel bad not to contribute anything, but people probably wouldn't want to use it anyway, so whatever.
its not about making really good assets and stuff, its about having fun
You can a game for the jam without contributing assets anon! But if you really want to do something you can try for simple generic stuff. Perhaps a tree or a boulder, maybe magic effects? A 2 second mp3 of you screaming at the top of your longs? It's up to you to decide!
Finally, a professional 3d modeler
Doesn't need to be amazing, if its fun I'm sure someone would use it! Plus, you never know what something seemingly shitty could inspire in others.
This is the first I've heard of an mlp game jam. Gimme more deets. Who can join, where to join, when to join, how to fuck, why is Applejack best pony?
>Who can join
Anyone!... From /mlp/ that is
>where to join
A link to the itch.io page will be posted a couple days before the 14th of february... At least that was the plan. I might just post it now, because why not? The jam won't start until February 14 though
>when to join
As I said, the jam will start on Feb 14. But I think I'll post the itch.io page in a couple of hours
>How to fuck
>Why is Applejack best pony?
She is not, factually incorrect actually
Do tell me if I missed one
These are neat, thanks anon
I think the coin is missing a couple frames though
you can flip the images to do the spin or something, the point was less fleshed out assets more building blocks to get things moving
I will gladly provide goofy chiptune loops
i have some mare questions
1. can i use other assets? and whats a limititations of it?
Like sprite packs not okay but something like odin inspector in unity (pure code stuff) is fine.
2. whats deadline for gamejam
>can i use other assets?
Of course! You can use any assets you want, not only the ones provided by the thread; BUT you're expected to implement a handful of the thread's assets into your project, the exact amount is yet to be decided, it'll depend on how much we'll be working with.
>whats deadline for gamejam
The Jam will go through the 14th of February until the first day of marecon, which I think starts on february 28
Also anchoring these questions, because I didn't explained myself all that well in that regard
also, solo or team? and if a team then whats a limit
Solo or team! However you prefer it! No limit.
The only rules to follow are the ones already stablished in the thread! (Which are the use of assets and the deadline)
And technically you could make a game without following my rules and I'd still show it, but where's the fun in that anon?
hey fag you forget to import textures in this model
Made the itch.io page for the game jam because why not. THIS IS FOR THE GAME JAM. PLEASE KEEP POSTING YOUR STUFF IN THE THREAD.
You can sign up, but you'll have to wait to submit your game... I recommend you holding off on working on anything until we reach the asset pack deadline and we have all avalible assets.
There' been three so far, four with this one

Pony arcade:

Halloween Game Jam:

Love Jam:
did you make this anon?
I wish I had that kind of talent but unfortunately no
I had a feeling it was plunger, I just couldn't find it on derpi
the second link is literally the texture dumbass
Neat, I didn't know plunger had a twitter account
it was recent, maybe a couple weeks ago. it blew up though, rightfully
Nice. Cool idea as well!
>dead generation tumor thinking he gets to have an opinion
I need more info. Giv me assets to draw and I'll draw them. I'm not just drawing random stuff. I'll probably default to my regular art style but I can also mimmick another style too
This, suggestions for things would be fun to see what people might want to use.
I don't think I should explicitly tell you what to draw anon, but I can give some ideas like >>41833791 said! It honestly sounds like something I should've opened the thread with, my mistake
Anchoring it for easier access/visibility

Now first of all don't take this as a restrictive list of things allowed to post, these are just quick ideas for the anons that might need a little inspiration in their contribution.
Now. Here's some things that come to mind

Backgrounds are an option if you're feeling like drawing a landscape. And in that vein, drawing buildings would also be neat, Landmarks like canterlot castle, the treebrary, changeling hive, etc can be good.

Tilesets for multiple locations I could see as useful. For those who don't know, a tileset is a "collection of rectangular images, or tiles"... Basically little square images that are normally used to create repeating patterns such as houses, roads, foliage, etc, without having to draw sprites for them every single time. Keep in mind that these squares should be the same size! And they also look natural when used (no sudden cutoffs when used together) Example of one in use:

-Important items such as the elements of harmony, zecora's potions, twicane
-Regular mundane items are also an option, stuff that comes to mind is: Food, potions from zecora's hut, bit bags, scrolls, hay shakes,
-Silly stuff is something that comes to mind too! Such as peetzer, lewd books, carrot-dogs, Celestia's canon that she used to send Luna to the moon bitch.

-Character portraits I could see being used in a couple of ways. (Example):
-Character sets like some anons posted above are also valid. (Example):
-Beasts as enemies can be good as well, preferably also as character sheets
(For the character sheets, try to make every picture the same size. I think most programs can do this when exporting an animation)

-Particle effects for animations are also good! Stuff like magic particles, spike's dragon flames and changeling transformation flames comes to mind

-Fonts are also permitted, if for some reason you'd like to make one

If you're doing pixel art, then it's normal for the end result to be a bit small, but if you're doing traditional art, then you should do your draws it a little bigger, but not enormously sized.
Overall I recommend you to think something show specific, something that you wouldn't really find in a regular asset pack on the internet. OR think something funny that'd get a chuckle out of you seeing in a game. Get those creative juices flowing!
I'm not able to help, but I will look forward to what you all produce

okay, this is my shopping list:

all art must me in g4 style or style near to this
all of static graphic assets must be in .png format
also that would be cool if for include additional source formats in additional for .png (like .psd or .ai or whats tools you using)

environment near to ponyville:
- 2-3 tilesets of different grounds types (grass/stone/dungeon) for 2d top down projects. Ref: https://img.itch.zone/aW1hZ2UvNTkzMTExLzMxMzcyNTUuanBn/original/qwO5pM.jpg
- at least 3 different skins for each of this assets: tree, grass, bush, stones, flowers Refs: https://pinterest.com/pin/330873903847631235/ https://pinterest.com/pin/362891682493884555/
- barrels, boxes, chests. with break or/and open animations Refs: https://pinterest.com/pin/445997169367467314/
- benches, statues, poles, buildings Refs: https://www.deviantart.com/boneswolbach/art/Ponyville-Pony-Statue-412154284 https://thesouthernnerd.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/3619418-lyra_heartstrings_sitting_on_a_bench_like_a_human_s01e07.png

for skeleton animations you must make each moving body parts like this: https://img.freepik.com/free-vector/character-design-ready-animation_79603-2201.jpg
or you should provide enough frames.
for ponies:
each body parts must be in white color shapes and black outline (for sake of sanity)
3 species - unicorn, sys, earth ponies. For Pegasus/unicorns add additional sprites (horn, wings) what can be attached to pony in engine.
2 genders - mares, stallion. For specify gender draw different head forms.
at least 3 mane styles. If mane has more then 1 color in it then separate sprites on this lines (like a lego bricks separated from each other)
someone like changelings, wood wolf or other magical creatures also ready for rig sheet format

Each item must have icon what can be displayed in inventory
Clothes what can be attached to ponies:
Steel armor, leather armor, magical robe. Each type of it must be in 2-3 tear variant like: steel armor, gold armor, diamond armor or green magical robe red and etc.
other items:
A lot of item: jewelry, rings, totems, books, lucky clover also in at least 2 tears.

Buttons, sliders, fonts, inventory slots, stats icons and etc.
also in close as possible style of mlp
More ideas
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Deleted my last post, if you have any specific music ideas please do tell, otherwise would be nice to have shopping lists like Sisi Sea Shell's above, to have some idea of what to try out and send
Emergency bump
>Sisi Sea Shell
Name sounds familiar, can't remember from where though
alright I'll get started on drawing these
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lets go!
Can someone name some mares/fillies they would like as sprites, want to work on some and want to see what people would want.
It would be better to prioritize the creation of universal sets than certain mares.
But in general i like to see: sea swirl, depry, rainbowshine, purp. and m6 ofc
Yeah, maybe try for a template for fillies and mares. Doing general stuff like jumping, attacking, walking and dodging
What did he mean by this.
Well, obviously to make a full sprite sheet of out favorite con host to make the future best selling game across all consoles: "Purp's adventure: The plappening"
Hmm, I don't know much about music making in general, but making seamless loops of pre-existing fan favorites could be an option, without lyrics of course. If you're looking to make new stuff maybe you could work on a shop theme with upbeat pony-like whimsy, ponyville's and canterlot's theme could also be a good option, maybe even the changeling's have too.
Alternatively, you could do some sound effects. I wouldn't know the first thing about that though.
This isn't a shopping list though, just tandom ideas I'm throwing in the air
Are you looking for 3d models?
All kinds of models I'm sure
its not a make-what-people-need situation, anon
its a make-random-mare-assets-and-inspire-anons-to-use-them situation
Of course! This >>41838881 anon explained it perfectly. Anything you post will be well recieved, though if you're looking for ideas I'm sure some anon can think of something
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I love them!
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For all interested, here are my DS 512x512 inspired textures.
env_bark_side- https://files.catbox.moe/qmf8qo.png
env_bark_trunk- https://files.catbox.moe/smsrp1.png
env_brick_special_blue- https://files.catbox.moe/nmwd5a.png
env_brickRed- https://files.catbox.moe/k0j3cy.png
env_brickYel- https://files.catbox.moe/wqymuv.png
env_grass_clover- https://files.catbox.moe/mq4ss9.png
env_plank_base- https://files.catbox.moe/h1f2g7.png
env_plank_green- https://files.catbox.moe/61j1np.png
env_plank_pink- https://files.catbox.moe/s2a62m.png
env_plaster_base- https://files.catbox.moe/1in8qv.png
env_plaster_blue- https://files.catbox.moe/2pi325.png
env_plaster_green- https://files.catbox.moe/2js0k9.png
env_plaster_tea- https://files.catbox.moe/tkwo6h.png
env_rock_emerald_floor- https://files.catbox.moe/bvzscz.png
env_roof__thatch_light- https://files.catbox.moe/jvr1oy.png
env_shingle_brown- https://files.catbox.moe/24vz6i.png
env_shingle_red- https://files.catbox.moe/dt9ngy.png
env_shingle_strange- https://files.catbox.moe/j3jbkh.png
I hope literally everyone uses this without exception
I hope it's usable, I've never actually made a model like that before(no shit) so I just hope it doesn't explode in some poor Anon's game. Or, maybe it should explode and that's the point.
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I will insert malware into my submission that will send every anons clop folder to their employer.
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bold of you to assume I have an employer
I have two. Both are insane enough to become high-quality fresh meat for the board.
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>I hope it's usable
looks good to me
slapped together a rigged version for enhanced numget mayem
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Delightfully cursed, thanks for that and checking, Anon.
We already have an asset pack at home
Asset pack at home:

No need to rebuild Ponyville for the 27th time. If you do rebuild Ponyville for the 27th time then please us an optimized germanic house that's fit to use for Unreal Engine 5.
Shit like this is why I'm never gonna touch the stupid fucking game, fuck off.
the watercolor style is pretty cool
do you have a project in the works or is this stuff just for the jam?
It's just ai slop don't cream yourself over it too hard.
Yeah, these >>41841571
are AI generated. Specially noticeable in
You can see the promps in the metadata
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Here's a shitty song I made for a pony project that never went anywhere. Somebody could probably use this for something.
Anon, that's not how the "We have X at home" meme works.
Nice. I can feel the rythm in this, I'm certain an anon can use this
Ah, I honestly didn't expect anyone to submit any AI images. I don't think I'm adding these to the final pack, you can use them in your game! But it won't count towards using the pack
It's ok he's a little bit challenged
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Butt bump
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Bump bump
how many of you have already started work on your game?
i do.
I have many reasons why I am unlikely to be able to participate in jam timespan. So i just doing it in free time.
Behold "Mareschizo RPG"
my plan to just copy this game http://s.team/a/3074110 where enemies gonna be numgets or other shitpost what (you) send in this thread and get a GOTY award.
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Already better than anything i could ever make
Eyy pony rpgs are nice. I've always said we need more of 'em
Can't wait to see what kind of nightmareish creatures we're gonna have to fight, keep it up anon
Inb4 Sam Hyde pony porn game kickstarter rerun
i know fuck all about ai
whats metadata?
I don't know if metadata is different, but you can select the image quoted in >>41844382
on stable difusion, and there'll be an option that tells you what promps were used to create the image. In the "PNG" tab iirc.
If you download the images off catbox and put them into an exif viewer, it will show you stuff like this
> Properties:
> parameters: perfectly shape 2d texture, wowtexture of close up image of very large (rooftop shingles) seen from above, <lora:sxz-wowtexture-v2:0.3>, (in watercolor style:1.5), rooftop shingles in a row and columns
>Negative prompt: circles, dark shadows, dark lines, dark spots, text, (watermark:1.6), [white], yellow, (black:1.8), sharp shadows, (diagonal pattern:1.4), diamond shaped, organic, blurry, smudged, random stuff, things, ugly, weird, badly drawn, mutated
>Steps: 16, Sampler: Euler a, CFG scale: 12.5, Seed: 196194624, Size: 512x512, Model hash: 6ce0161689, Model: v1-5-pruned-emaonly, Denoising strength: 0.28, Clip skip: 2, Mask blur: 4
All the major local image generators I know of include the prompt in the image like this, so you can drop the image back into the generator and generate more like it (what >>41850456 describes).

Note that 4chan strips out the exif data on uploaded images (so that phoneposters don't accidentally give out their GPS location when posting photos), so anything you get directly from 4chan won't have this. This is why on AI art threads you'll see people ask for a catbox upload of images in the thread that they like - it's much easier than asking for the positive prompt, negative prompt, model name, and all the other miscellaneous info you'd need to replicate the image.
>Denoising strength: 0.28
Huh, just now noticed this one's some kind of img2img. Anon, how did you go about making these?
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>the showcase will take place at marecon
not attending but how will our submissions be displayed at the showcase?
Will it be presented on a projector for an audience or will it be more personal like a 1on1 where everyone gets to experience our shitposts personally?
You're thinking of Mare Fair. Marecon is an online thing, like /mlp/con
Sorry OP, I guess I should had first ask if ai assets are ok to post/use?
As for the process, I believe I used SD 1.5 trained on WoW textures to first get the general image shape/idea, than use the gimp to make it seamless, to ss it back to normal SD with water color Lora and roll few dozen dice on the img2img generations to make it stylish.
Each image was about an hour to two hours of work (so about 70~80% done by ai and rest was me doing the tardwrangling on the errors).
The idea was to use it for creating a pony jrpg (very vaguely inspired by Final Fantasy spin-off) but I could never find time or energy to get it going.
For once this is one case aislop could be useful for. But the bar is pretty low. Some of these are out of place with the slop set like the emerald floor. And if they aren't tileable then it's useless.
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am i helpful
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>Some of these are out of place
Like I've said, it was from a semi-abandoned with a specific idea were a generic cookie cutter texture sets were not satisfying in the style and vibe I wanted to go for.
>if they aren't tileable
pic related, since I wanted to have quality images to work with in the first place I made sure all the seamless textures were 100% tieable in a way that is not easily visible at first or second look (I hate cheap slop made without even basic quality check), this part is what took most of the time when working on these images.
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I made a simple mare in blender. I started working on this for a shooter type game but havent started. Its just the model and it has noob rigging. Its my first model, maybe someone could find a use for it.
I love her. Look at that snout!
>, this part is what took most of the time when working on these images.
Really? can't you just put in a prompt to make it a tile?
where is numget going?
Tons of new stuff!
I don't think I'll be able to add AI submissions, again, you can use them! But they don't count towards the pack's total. Not like there'll be any prices, this little challenge is mostly for fun and to inspire our local newbie and senior devs! It's all in good fun!
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Round bump
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Here are a few shitty grass tilesets
might make more shit later

fuck, forgot to mention they're 32x32
i like how you named bones lmao
As >>41851941 said I think you're a little confused, marecon is the online con. I'll basically be playing the games on the panel. I'll also redirect the viewers to the current thread. I'll post links to the games like last time, in case some people send me their game via mail. But I suggest you guys upload your stuff on itch... When you're done with the games, maybe you'll even get a small following out of it!
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Derp bump
Pray she doesn't change the terms further
Im still a bit of a novice when it comes to 3d modeling, but I have a bit of a grip on it. Might make some simple stuff if anyone wants to use it.
go wild anon
Give it a try anon!
Best mare. Best butt
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I didn't know there were 3D modelers in the board, you don't see that kind of stuff anymore these days
It's still common, but they're mostly used and abused by VRChat players.
>He wasn't here during 3Dg
I bet you never keked at your own pasta either
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here is some basic random stuff that I made a bit ago, if anyone has requests for things they want lemme know. Im pretty shit at this 3D modeling thing but I can try.

>Cupcake pan
>Kitchen Knife
you should make some cupcake for that cupcake pan anon

looking for a pixel artist/spriter
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I don't think I've seen anyone make any random sfx/foley/audio stuff, I'll try to do some later
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What you need?
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This is really cool, how or when do I start looking for a team?
you have until marecon to have a finished product
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Make a pony
Wait, am I allowed to use my own assets for the marecon game jam?
Yeah but, where do I look for teams? just these threads?
pretty much, or do it alone. i think theres a link to an .io page or something with some info
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Nope, everytime I try myself, ideas seem to just run away...
ask again later
>>can i use other assets?
>Of course! You can use any assets you want, not only the ones provided by the thread

But yeah, I don't think you'd be able to make a game with JUST the assets from the thread. BUT (as stated in the op) you'll be expected to use a good handful of them!
You can work in teams if you want to. You can also work alone.
If you want a team and are looking for one. Normally what I see people do when doing collabs in the thread is they post their abilities/experience and ask for someone with specific talents. For example, code monkeys looking for depressed talents. Then they exchange emails in the therad
>theres a link to an .io page or something with some info
Well, you could always use voice lines from the show if all else fails
QUestion: 2d vector assets are valid? or only pixel art or 3d models?
2d vectors are fine! Also traditional ones are good too!
i got from some time ago, the assets used for mlp season 1 episode 1 to 3, its a lot of .fla files, i am uploading it for you
haha loser faggots, I just looked up your games from previous jams, oh my God they look so ass.. Even 14 y.o. kids make better games for gamejams, AND IN SCRATCH, fucking pathetic. Maybe participate in 1-2 week jams to get the skill and then participate in 30-days /mlp/ jams? Sorry if I'm being mean, I'm just very disappointed that bronies aren't capable of creating anything, especially /mlp/
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Show us your game.
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sure, here's the recent one of mine, not a pony game though, I never made one because I think people will find it childish and not appealing.
it's called Cosmic Shift (on itch.io). Download a desktop version if you want to play it, because many players complained that the web version has poor performance
Rainbow Dash you distract them, good.

Everyone else go build a Ponyville right over there.
We have less than a minute. :D derp

No need to rebuild Ponyville for the 27th time. If you do rebuild Ponyville for the 27th time then please us an optimized germanic house that's fit to use for Unreal Engine 5.

>You opened Unity for the first time in 20 years, didn't you?
>Anon: Maybeeeehh. ehhh.
>What games did you play, Anon?
>Anon: Lists the most generic shit everycasual has played and then lists some obscure shit with really bad gameplay.
>Anon ... go back to making websites.
agreed with the review.. nobody gives a fuck about pony games in the community, I'd rather continue making regular small games, because pony games are only appealing to pony fans, and 99% of normal players will pass it just cause the pony settting. In the end, most pony games are just a regular genre unrelated to ponies, with The Pony strapped onto it. Even if I make a good pony game about the FiM characters/world/setting, and it happens to get noticeable popularity, Hasbro will have all rights to smite it in one click. Better no game than slop game/game that no one will play/legal risk
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I prefer making one shitty pony game that makes 3 anons smile and is then forgotten than just make no game because muh popularity or staying power, /mlp/ game jams are made have fun with other horsefucker and experiment with game design, not to make the next mona lisa
with this mindset you won't be able to produce anything worthy that can make 1000 anons smile lol
The "fun" argument is good, but if your priority is fun, then participate in a real jam with real goals and actually competent developers from which you can learn and become a better developer

But I personally won't be interested in a slop game even if it was made with fun, but turned out to be garbage in the result. Just a regular player's perspective
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>The "fun" argument is good, but if your priority is fun, then participate in a real jam
>with real goals and actually competent developers from which you can learn and become a better developer
>You can't have fun your way, you have to have fun the industry standard way
NTA but I'm participating because I want to, and also ponies.
fun is subjective
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>than just make no game because muh popularity or staying power,
But Anon. Making only equine-enjoyers happy(not even all equine enjoyers) is the definition of sacrificing your ideas for popularity/becoming horsefamous.
Not to mention if you don't want to just skin a game then you have to do something much more fucked up which a Sonic faggot such as yourself is incapable of; gain culture. Learn of the Pegasus and Unicorn folklore and ancient greek tales of Mount Olympus & Camelot if you want to make a true Equestrian pony-related video game. I cry whenever I watch faggots go "Ew this isn't pony, it's just a normal unicorn game".
All the 5k-39k remaining members of this fandom have about as much knowledge as Sonic fans do about Felix the Cat which is 0. None of these fan members are knowledgeable in unicorn & ancient greek tales. Most of them don't even realize the G4 horse design is based off a deer as opposed to G1 & G3's baby elephant-hippopotamus hybrids.
Most people don't even know Ponyville's architecture is based off traditional German & Switzerland houses.
can you elaborate why exactly Greek mythology should be reseached to make a true Equestrian pony game? This is interesting
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games, I can post games here?
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>pixel amre when gaem is winrar
I don't think legs are supposed to bend that way
that is a very sound argument, should I research chinese mythology if I intend to use kirins
Actually it's called asteroids, you made a shitty clone. At least the /mlp/ jams have something new
I'd recommend you not respond to the attention whore. If this guy had actually played the previous jam's games, Which I doubt he did since the search function of desu has been down today and yesterday he'd have known that some has already made an asteroids inspired game, like his. His argument overall doesn't make much sense and he only wants someone to bite his weak ass bait.
>legal risk
Whenever people say this, there's 99% chance they have no idea what they're talking about or they're looking for excuses. I also don't, but I've talked to several people who seemed to knew what they were doing. In short, there are 2 things that Hasbro can attack your project for:
>using legally protected names, e.g., Twilight Sparkle
>using the same designs in the same style (specifically, stuff that was made to look like the official thing)
What does this mean? It means that if you make a 3d Twilight and call her something else, Hasbro won't do shit.
Full stop.
If you make a 2D game, but it's pixelart/realistic/fantasy-styled, Hasbro also won't sue you. This gets muddied by the C&Ds, because most people don't understand that C&D are just a "warning" with nothing necessary proving the company's point. They are not legal documents. It's their way of saying "don't do this or we'll sue", and companies are known to use these EVEN WHEN THEY KNOW THEY WON'T SUE, just as an intimidation tactic. The reason for this is that as long as you don't break the two clear rules mentioned above, you could pretty easily get a favorable verdict in the court, and those lawsuits would be extremely devastating for the company to lose due to setting a precedent. So they cannot sue some dude's purple unicorn game with "Twinkle Sprinkle", since winning gives them negligible profits and a defeat would be catastrophic.

On the other hand, if you make a game with Twilight Sparkle(tm) from FiM and they don't sue you as soon as they realize it, they run the risk of someone later trying to use your game to argue against the legal protection of the material you copied. This is why stuff like Fighting is Magic and JanAnimations were one of the very few legit C&Ds in the fandom.
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those who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones anon
Page 9 rescue bump
This is sound on paper, but ignores the fact that Hasbro has infinitely more money than an individual to spend on legal fees. It's all well and good that a pony project is defensible, but if Hasbro did sue anyway and just kept dragging things out in court they could very easily outlast the pockets of whatever poor developer tried to stand firm.
The thing keeping you safe is what I said at the end: the risk-reward ratio just isn't there for Hasbro. Any potential damage your pony game and its tiny download count could be causing them in 2025 is infinitesimal, but if they sued you and got "unlucky" with someone willing to go to the courts (and that person happened to win), they'd lose so much more.
Still, you're right that even though it's very unlikely, it's something that could theoretically happen, because they could call your bluff anyway.
Right, who wants to be the one that finds out just how far they're willing to go?
sorry about the wait, been a little busy

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Good anon, but I demand more cupcakes
can you be more specific
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>using legally protected names, e.g., Twilight Sparkle
>if you make a game with Twilight Sparkle(tm) from FiM and they don't sue you as soon as they realize it, they run the risk of someone later trying to use your game to argue against the legal protection of the material you copied
This is the main thing. If a company flagrantly disregards infringement on its trademarks, other companies can use that to get the trademark invalidated, which in this case would let them sell knock-off My Little Pony toys and cut directly into Hasbro's core business. The job of Hasbro's lawyers is to reduce risk, and if they can reduce a 0.0001% risk of that happening to 0% by killing off a few fan projects, Hasbro is happy to let them do it.

As far as I know, all C&Ds Hasbro has ever sent are related to either (1) trademark infringement, meaning canon character names or the magic words "My Little Pony(TM)", or (2) really blatant copyright infringement, like posting full episode rips or using leaked assets.
I'm glad you guys are at least doing something so late into the fandom's lifespan. Have a bump.
sprite sheet for a run cycle
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Shitty Idle sprite sheet (2 frames kek)
i love maregames!!!
Gay mares gamers?
gmare gaymers
Simple and yet very nice, good stuff anon!
Nice hair wobble
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Make a
a pony
Ok, so, the game is a top-down pixel-art RPG, not like 90 degrees top down, but like when you see buildings and characters from the side and you move on a tilemap.
Setting: pony village, like ponyville, so it's basically a ponyville pixel-art reskin

Things I need:
- Environment:
4 variations of common residental building:
- Ground tilemap with these tiles:
Grass with flowers
Cobblestone road
Dirt path
- Tilemap props:
Wooden fence
Normal tree
Small tree
Medium tree
Big tree

- Characters:
Twilight Sparkle and 10 random background characters (you decide which, I think it should be 5 female and 5 male). All of them should have:
Side move cycle (24 fps)
Up move cycle (24 fps)
Down move cycle (24 fps)
Sitting pose (side, up, dowm)
Eye blink
Twilight should have:
Horn magic aura loop

This is al for now. Later I will send even more, for items and stuff, crucial assets for storytelling
More ideas
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Finally managed to get around to >>41856490
Spent a few days on this tileset, managed to make some tiles and props to make pic related

Interior Tileset: https://files.catbox.moe/h51tgh.png
Interior Props: https://files.catbox.moe/mcin1o.png

That's awfully cute anon. Good job
Idle amre
I like the Space Pone game, I think Hanazuki would work well with it. Only problem is obviously the lack of good physics and camera. The planets should also be way bigger.

The mining game was a decent..
So was the fishing game
But both games should be way bigger and slower if you understand what I'm saying.
I guess i will be looking at the .fla files and exporting the assets in PNG
i am doing it now, pony!
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if more people are interested, i will do more
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I have created a spritesheet for a doomguy-esque HUD element with 5 different hurt levels along with a few extras. Included is a .kra file with each of the sprites having their own layers in case you want to modify it to a different pony. Won't lie to you, it's a lot of copying and pasting, but I hope someone finds the ability to modify them useful. There's also a readme for other details such as how to export and measurements.
Computer detected this as malware anon. Explain your mares!
Hmm, weird. Running it through virus total triggered nonwarnings. I wonder what windows detected
No clue, it was made on Linux though so maybe that triggers the indians that worked on Windows defender.
>defender amre
>great attention to detail, excellent memory skills, good intuition for heuristics
>she's a bit trigger happy, but usually helps anon not do dumb shit on his cumputer
>how else is he supposed to know "amre hooves (lewd).jpg.exe" is a virus: green monkey brain see horny words, neuron activation, double click text
>she won't admit it, but she's always a bit uneasy around EICAR Test
>what a weird way to name a filly, she thinks, but oh well
>in her free time, when anon is sleeping and his computer does too, she likes playing those "where's Waldo"-esque games
>that's why s2idle and S3 sleep still needs a bit of power - to let the mare relax and keep her wits sharp with some safe puzzles
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>>41869421 Previous update
Well I think /create/ is gonna go pretty soon so I'll just immigrate over here
I've add cool eye candy, and enchantments for spells (like bullets fallows mouse, or auto adjusts towards intended firing direction because crappy aim exists)
Any Enchantments should I Add?
>Well I think /create/ is gonna go pretty soon
What make you say that? It's a slower thread, but it very rarely dies. And it's probably more appropriate than posting unrelated game updates in a gamejam thread.
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I guess I'm not used to how slow replays are, I need my instant gratification after all.
Also, Ya, I'll banish myself back into the /create/ and maybe post my sprites here one day.

Self promotion time,
No name game, and next update will come when the game releases on itch io
Do you play LoE? Are you the guy who wants to make a male unicorn game and has an entire GDD about it?
There's a game discussion like that? This is the first time I'm hearing about that, and yes this unicorn is a male.
Also no I don't play LoE. I'm guessing that's legends of Equestria
Why what's up?
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simple book model for Twilight quest

You know, if you get a working demo out by marecon we could show it off! It won't be presented as part of the jam but it could certainly be given an honorable shill mention at the end of the panel!
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14 Days? I guess I can slave away to get it done

Well no, 14 days until the jam starts, texhnically it hasn't even started, 28 days until marecon
that's a relief to know, can definitely release something soon, the music is gonna be a pain in the ass tho

pad lock to go with the key

lock up the snowpity-less mares!!!
Huh, missed these ones
What game do you have in mind for the jam, anon?
Ehat the fuck is that abon? I'm not clicking that shit
something involving numgets and oats
Possibly a small RPG. Nothing too big, but enough to get to a boss maybe
Anon stop linking lewd sweaty mare porn, this is a blue board
Hmm... I'm thinking... Mares!
There's plenty of GDDs in Lyra's List if you guys want inspiration for video games, albeit they're ambitious/big and there's no prototype available.

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Just a simple juice box and some buckets
Coming soon (tm)
Something chill but a little hectic/fast paced would be great
Scroll down you foal.
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>A bucket
Just what I needed for my horsefucking simulator
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what else do you need?
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>it'll be about using assets made by your fellow anons! Made by (YOU)
>The assets have to be freshly made, It can't have been already published on the internet
Does modifying submitted assets count?
say if someone submits a template, can we modify that template and use it in our projects? or not even a template- can we modify any submission and have that still count towards using submitted assets?
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Here's another shitty song I found rotting away on my hard drive.
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this has high potential
Am I missing something?
Can't speak to how OP thinks it should be, but I intended this >>41884576 to be modifiable.
Yeah! You can 100% take and modify any and all assets in this little thread. You can use a single image from a spritesheet, you can trace over assets to replicate them to your own style/modify them, heck, you can even just be INSPIRED by the 3d assets and recreate them in 2D. I think it'd be close to impossible to create something cohesive out of a handful of assets without a general theme not that the assets in this thread are bad, far from it! I think you've all done an excellent job! Having no real theme aside from just being pony related was always the point. I think I specified this in the itch.io page >>41830518
I wouldn't blame you if you didn't see the link! But I didn't want to confuse the people from the asset pack people with details about the actual Jam. Hence me not specifying many details about the Jam.
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Truly the lowest IQ board next to /x/ and [r9k]

Pictured circa 2025 - Vogelfag loses his cool and reveals himself for the 297th time to the gen-Zer.

Neonair Games
PonyQuest: My Little RPG
Classic RPG
Long Term

Blank Flank Studios
Short Term

Fallout Equestria RPG
Western RPG
Long Term

Quest for Harmony: The Unofficial Brony Adventure
Long Term

Untitled Pony Game
2D Adventure Platformer
Long Term

That's all for this edition of Lyra's List - if you have any comments or corrections, you can email me, or leave them in the comments section below. Be sure to check out these games, and if you have interest in making an MLP fangame, but aren't quite sure how to get it done, Lyra's List may be right for you. Have a good night!
- Enigma Sage
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Too lazy to finish them but if anyone wants to use them. Idle and walk animations included.
Forgot the imgur link. I don't know how else to link them
imgur dot com slash a slash MMr6KWV
You can use catbox too
Somebody shod make an AU history civilization game where every brony website and person represents a faction. EquestriaDaily, Derpyhooves.net, FIMchan, MLPGeneral on /co/, Sethisto, Faust, Vogelfag, Hasbro
It could evolve into a 4chan tycoon simulator and cartoon developer tycoon.
retard, these are outdated and abandoned game design documents from expired Lyra's lists. The one you should look at is the newest Lyra's list >>41897093, which is empty. What does this mean? It means that mlp gamedev is dead. Just share ideas and team up with anons in this thread.
who tf will play it? It's only apprealing to a very close /mlp/ community circle
I know that gamedev is about making what you like and having fun, but this idea is just don't worth the struggle and time. There are much better and fun ideas (that are also more appealing to more people, you'll give much more fun to people)
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How do I make a game?
Too meta. Meta is cancer. This post of mine is double cancer.
>Download engine
>Look up tutorial
>Steal code whenever you want to deviate from the tutorial
what if marecon mascots but pixel?

ZIP with transparency pls
NTA, but it seemed easy enough

>retard, these are outdated and abandoned game design documents from expired Lyra's lists.
>The one you should look at is the newest Lyra's list >>41897093, which is empty. What does this mean? It means that mlp gamedev is dead. Just share ideas and team up with anons in this thread.

Zoomer moment. Zoomers begging for remakes & reboots which they will never play. Zoomers abandoning what works.
That goat looks like it was bleeding out
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i like your take on smol sprites, very expressive!
i'm also posting mine for anyone to use
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moving around
also bonus twi library tileset
https://files.catbox.moe/xvw6hj.png preview
Those are fucking adorable. You really captured the shape and outline.

I appreciate you doing it for me.
Absolutely adorable anon, great job!
Why are you obsessed with zoomers?
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Oh shit oh fuck we're starting already?
very nice sprites by the way, those are super cute anon
thank you!

>Oh shit oh fuck we're starting already?
NO this was a project i gave up early on
>marecon is 3 weeks away
>he didnt get his project started
you ARE gonna debut something, right anon?
>Not cheating and starting early
LMAOing @ u rn
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Kinda this. I'm debating between spending all of February making something and just hosting a small panel to present it, or doing the same thing, and spending the game jam week refactoring it and submitting it. OR, I could make a short game for the game jam, and run a panel for the bigger game.
Fucking kek. Why do gamer nerds wish they were chads who can play guitar so bad?
I think getting a thread schizo is a sign that we're doing something right
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He's raiding /bale/ too
you motherfuckers give me a heart attack every fucking time this happens
up x2
Do what your heart tells you to anon! Alternatively, you can submit your game, and when the time comes you can get on stream and talk about it!
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these are very vute
9 days left for the Jam to start!
Can't wait to start my game 9 days from now
How free are you guys to work for me on a game and how much would your asking price be?
Ponies are half cats anon
Forgot to attach the textures, disregard the previous post, this is the correct one
lil fillors
If you guys want to do a crossover or do ponies in space then here's Hasbro's Hanazuki's 3D models. They could use a proper shader though.
Look more like chibis
Anon read the OP
How about you do it yourself we are not your piss servants faggot
I'm more comfortable with 2D (I have no idea how to make animations in 3D), but the majority of stuff anons have posted is 3D models.
I didn't know there was more to 3D other than models, what else does it have going for it?
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beep boop
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Hey, Game dev here, I was wondering if I should put durability on tools and armor, make the player more dependent on magic?
I've also decided to go with rouge lite with rpg stats stats that increase with every run
>if I should put durability on tools and armor, make the player more dependent on magic?
That depends,
are tools more useful/effective than magic? if so, then yes
if not, then no- but in that case, why use them?
This is actually pretty helpful, Being how the game is made, you practically have to kiss enemies on the cheek to hit them with a sword, so I guess I'll increase dmg values while making critical hits exclusively melee and add some type of tool/armor buff system, maybe enchantment and runes.
You could probably go the RE: remake route and make tools/melee a one time use for emergencies, a get out of jail free card, and armor can work as shields, so what I'm saying is: if you want to give them durability, buff them to hell.
What are these demons
>drawn by calliborn
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just some doodles
instructions unclear engine wont accept paper as fuel
What a small, well behaved horse

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