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It's /sun/day! Let us bask in Princess Celestia's gentle radiance.

/Sun/day Story Archive:
/Sun/ Music Playlist

Have a Celestia story that you want added to the archive?
>Link to story on Pastebin or Ponepaste
>Say whether the story is finished or unfinished, or if it is a one shot (this is important for sorting)
>Provide a synopses of the plot (please do this, I don't like writing these)
>Any other important information that you want to add, such as the thread of origin.
Broken Pastebin URL? Replace pastebin.com/ with poneb.in/

Humanized variants of Princess Celestia and others are unwelcome here.

Previous thread: >>41675852
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I like this horse
not as much as her sister
but still
she is a good horse
deserves many pets
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A bit late but...
A very nice sunhorse.
Never too late to open such a nicely wrapped present!
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A treasure to behold any day of the year.
last sunday of the year
men want one thing and it's disgusting
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The downside of being sat on by Celestia is that you couldn't also be hugged by her wings.
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Fire er' up, man!
>"Quinctilius Anonymous, give me back my legions!"
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the dream
This keeps getting posted for some reason. And I don't get why. Yeah, I know the history behind it, but still don't see the point.
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Just found a bunch of super wholesome and lovely Celestia art recently uploaded to ponerpics.
those are all really cute pics
Where does Celestia hide the sun during the night?
it goes inside a box
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What your guys favorite greens and fan fics?
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>...Anonymous, go get the broom, she won't move!
>Shoo! Go away!
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Off screen.
Well obviously it goes where the Sun doesn't shine.
Butt what if I'm eating her ponut when that happens?
You are burnt to death. Good news is the moments when you are burning technically make you a part of the sun so Celestia is still your mommy ij your last moments
She's waiting for her true mother to acknowledge her.
How would you guys feel if Sunset was Celestia's daughter?
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Yep. Much preferred staying an image dump instead of all your dumb questions.
>Intelligent and thoughtful question
Fix it for you.
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Why does no one else in this thread speak half coherent english, holy fuck.
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Reminder Celestia had a successful thousand year Reich.
>Look ma I'm projecting.
Try harder.
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See? We need more positive constructive posts like this.
>UM Wadif some spinoff character was her dauter...w--whadif dat happin u guise..
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Dude waddled out there and told me in his best big boy voice:
>FiX iT fOr YoU
Then he cossack danced back into his hovel.
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>cossack danced
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I just assume every dirt merchant with terribad english is some tier of slav or comes from that particular armpit of the world.
My English is fine, fuck you very much nonny. End Slav hate before Slav hate ends you. You won't outnazi eastern Slavs
Honestly I assumed you were a slav and thought it was some sort of local meme.
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I just wish some of them were grammar nazi's because if they mix up 'on' with 'in' one more time I'm gonna freakin' lose it!
They also mix up toilets with a hole in the ground. Czechs and Poles usually speak nice English though, not quite German-level but good
I desperately want her to sit on me.
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Why chocolate milk?
because the last time someone gave coffee to her it ended poorly
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Yes. Tis the milk of chocolates. Drink up sister dearest.
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>still not deleted
I would say janny is going to go to dougworld instead of Equestria but he'd like that, so instead I'll say that janny's gonna get sent to TYT world.
evil stuff
Get a grip and cry about it somewhere else you make Sunfags and by extension anybody sane on this site look bad by being so easy to fluster.
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>how dare you make fun of our noble janitors for being thin skinned petty faggots
It was one image posted OVER 48 HOURS AGO that nobody but you even acknowledged.
If you had just hid it like the rest of us you would've already forgotten it happened at all and you could actually be enjoying this thread.
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That's exactly what I did until I saw that janny came in here, specifically left that up, and then got his panties in a twist for getting called out about it.
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Exchange. I re-read it after being off from pony for a few months and now I'm back to not being able to go to sleep without imagining burying my head in a soft sun horse's coat.
What a gorgeous image.
Where is her horn and what is going on with the tail?
horn is there, just not coming out of the right place. the tail is wrapped around (You)r leg.
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I want her here with me so badly.
…..absolute power
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lovely pony
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Yanderelestia is bestia.
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all celestias are the best even when shes dangerous
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Especially when she's dangerous.
She's the best all the time. Celly just has to be Celly to pull it off.
who made her into a kaiju?
how does one survive this
Decent rec, been enjoying this.
Sunscreen, duh.
I feel like I've read all the good fics of our glorious sunhorse, so now all that's left are things like this
this one is pretty good
i preffer the non yandere verion though
would you be able to forgive her if you were in the MCs shoes?
So is it good or is it not? We're supposed to have a unified religious dogma. Tell me what I think of it.
would be kinda ticked a little break would’ve probably been fine to cool things off
Of course I'll forgive her, cute adorable ponies like Celestia can get away with anything.
It's not like being mind broken by a strong domineering princess is my fetish or something, I only read wholesome smut, like Exchange
>it has humans in it
>asks if it is good

The only time humans in a Celestia story are good is if it is Celestia unleashing her terrible powers to bring mankind under her glorious hoof. Preferably literally. All will love their great and terrible giant sun goddess and despair.
pretty good so far
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happy new year fellow /sun/fags
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Celestia LOVES her post-retirement job.
Human in equestria stories are so rarely handled well
kiss the pretty mare.
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/sun/-day comes and all the papers say:
"Ma Celestia's joined the mob and happy with her full-time job."
looks adorable, i cant take her seriously
Well I dont like my wife coming home stinking of fryer oil and patties.
that sounds good tho and its not like a quick shower cant fix that
Celestia never retired though.
RIP tall the people trying to find that song who don't know what it's called.
she will after marriage
Standing Outside A Broken Phone Booth With Money In My Hand.
3-second AskJeeves search.
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>Anon was in such a hurry to prove me wrong about..something and demonstrates that the ability to read and reading comprehension are two different things
hug the pretty mare
Will she spit in my food if I ask nicely?
That doesn't make any sense.
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This is her year!
Imagine kissing Celestia's hooves while fucking her.
Imagine kissing Celestia
The year the sun will finally eat the Earth! Hooray!
her pussy is almost twice the size of her head what the fuck
So good.
Based taste.
Imagine hugging Celestia
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Imagine being loved and cherished by a poner.
Imagine having a loving and lasting relationship.
Imagine having a simple and happy life under ideal monarchistic rule.
Imagine the convenience of a life with magic.
Imagine being happy for the rest of your life.
A Man can dream I say.

i like anon in equestria but yeah alot of them even my favorites tend to come off as weird and dumb at times. the best ones tend to be long cozy dumb romance ones or quick little stories.
this. i feel like alot of the best anon and celestia stuff is done and the rest tends to be either extreamly edgy in bad ways or just retreads.
yeah, i like his first story because i feel like it did gaslighty celestia in a much more interesting way. like the OC character is a dumb self insert hero guy but i like the fucked up dynamic of celestia clearly does genuinly love him, but she also is very selective about what she tells him and hoping what he remembers because its really clear that it was big case of young love that ended bad(hell he almost died if i remember and then had to be reborn and modern dickensian street orphan) she is depserate for him to be the same again at any cost.
personally i go with celestia being a genuinly upfront with her love but i like the darker stuff sometimes.
Anon in Equestria is almost always some isekai shit where everyone immediately likes him, the opposite where everyone hates him, or anon completely lacks a spine. My favorite fic has anon work hard to survive without being discovered, and when he is eventually cornered he completely loses it.

As for /sun/ fics, most of the ones outside what we all know her as are either edgy, wish fulfilment, dumb, or a bad offshoot of a milf archetype. Admittedly, Celestia is a hard character to write for, but come on.
yeah agreed. I dont mind isekai shit in general because i find it cozy but alot of it is tends to be trash. I dont mind some of the celestia ones that are either honest about what they are or are least get interesting. Im a luna fan and she has like jack shit in good anon and her fics outside like a couple greens. celestia at least has a ranger of charaterazations writers go for, Luna is always written as either a retard, a psycho ice bitch, or a love struck teen.
I havent wandered over to /moon/ in years. But whenever I see her in fics, 9/10 its dogshit. She is always depicted as some bloodthirsty relic from a bygone era. A warrior without a war. Quick to call for executions, threatening people with invading their dreams or at the end of a sword, or some other psycho shit. The other times are as a literal tsundere, or some bitterness left over from her banishment.
>My favorite fic...
I'm going to need a source for that
What is Celestia's favorite fanfic?

Its easily the best HiE story Ive ever read. It still has problems, mind you. Fair warning
yeah. i wrote a couple and my view has always been that at worst she is a little reservered with people she doesnt know well, but she isnt mean, just kinda akward sometimes. she is basicaly an older twilight, loves chill shit and books. the ye old shit she drifts into when she is kinda nervious or trying to put on the offcial public face. if your gonna make Luna some sorta tsudere type shit, id say she is closer to a Holo type, teasing and cunning but genuinly well meaning and just tired of being lonely and sometimes being too direct with a solution and sometimes too vague.
Celestia is sorta easier because she fits a bunch of catagories people like, sometimes it works sometimes it doesnt.
I enjoy Celestia more after she has become an autistic retard who is too dumb to realize she should baby her sister a little more.
also gonna add that with more thought on it, i never liked the "both princess are old school warriors" shit. i think they probably did do action shit sometimes and etc but i think celestia just genuinly has really good charisma mixed with "well shit she can raise and set and move the sun, what else can she do". there is only two stories i liked with warrior celestia, one is anon describing war to her and the differences between there and equestria, its not great but i chuckled a bit, the second was some ptsd vet living with celestia because he has a freakout and he discovers she has a shit ton of ptsd and basicaly buried her military exploits out of guilt and shame. its not amazing either but its a nice change.
I dont picture her being anything much more beyond what we got in the show. Kind of awkward, out of her element. Solitary, but passionate and caring in her own way. And of course, weighed down by penance.

Celestia I think is a lot tougher to write since shes front and center most of the time.

I think this goes for both, I think the ball that always gets dropped is their status. Not like royalty/peasant, but like human/god. I tried doing this myself but Im just not talented. I looked into myths about relationships between mortals and deities in real life mythology. Its fascinating
yeah, i mean to me i feel like id take a page from 40k and ponies would react alot like normal people react to primarcs or the emperor, where it can just overwelm the senses but obviously not as extreme, ponies arnt stroking out looking at her, but i feel like meeting her for the first couple time has a overwelming effect for some.
Meeting Celestia the first time would be like meeting Lorgar the first time where you get blinded.
40k is an interesting place to pull from for an MLP fic since anyone post human is seen as a divine figure. Angels and demigods and all that. I do like that one time Vulkan held an interview at his forge. Just willing to have a chat.

But also goes to my other point. The mortal/human relationship isn't ever touched on. Its always royalty/commoner. The way I tried to tackle it is that Celestia doesn't really get why anon would see her differently than ponies, and he goes into detail about human mythology and how absolute power is handled to get his point across. Fear, but reverence
yeah. i feel like celestia genuinly just views herself as just a big pony and she clearly hates the uber fawning shit, so i think she would genuinly be concerned if (you) were afraid of her even when explained to her.
So she's the Emperor, except she won't kill an entire town to prove a point that she's not a God?
id say she is basicaly the genuinly benevolent version of the emperor. id bend the knee.
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we have never been more back
How strong are Celestia's mare-fumes?
she calls her subjects “her” little ponies and is very distinct from a regular pony
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Hrmm it smells like /fimfic/ in here…
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Ehh...too many flags. I've never seen one attached to a worthwhile post so I am predictably apprehensive about a multitude of them here.
They threaten to destroy modern life as we know it, though some would say our over reliance on electronic systems themselves will be our downfall and anything that destroys them is just exploiting a vulnerability we engineered into our lives.
looks cute enough
Why should I trust a bug's word?
I melt a little whenever she says "my little ponies".
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in my case is when she laughs
Moonfags, I...
What is Celestia doing right now?
making laws
The ol' cake vacuum routine
its friday so she deserves it
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it’s a bugs world
>cook the bug
>powder the bug
>process the bug
>eat the bug
YumYum in my TumTum
All changelings are DumDum
you will not eat ze bug
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but i want to
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eat a cupcake
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Can it be that it was all so sunny then
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Oh Celly you’re so silly. And breedable.
Amazing stuff.
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She did more than justing eating the Cup Cake...
Unironically the only way to explain the Cake twins.
I will claim her
Fine with me as long as you don't snore, now move over, I'm beat.
>fall asleep next to Celestia
>wake up with sleeping Luna draped across the both of you
>while you're still processing this, Twilight walks in with a pillow, a blanket, and a book
I mean it’s always sunny in fillydelphia
cute dock
I been down hearted, baby
Been down hearted
Ever since the day we met.

Really, the BB King sample is the only thing people remember about the song.
Kick her out and tell her real alicorns only.
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>NAWA once again being beyond based
praise the sunhorse!
is cadance allowed then?
Why would she be?
she is an alicorn
thats the stuff
Very nice, very comfy
why did she take off the panties?
I had thought the heart and the 2025 was written on a ponut plug underneath the panties.
Technically, yeah. But she's married.
yes, but shining is bro-tier and operates on a 'look but don't touch' rule because he knows how hot his wife is
What size ponut ring does Celestia wear?
in theory, yes. in practice, having to keep both the Princess of Love and his sister sexually satisfied lest either of them go nightmare means he's usually all but begging Anon to tag in whenever the opportunity arises
The Heliumnator 1000 (TM).
I wouldn’t mind a little snoring if it was from Celestia.
you sure? its probably loud
I've been craving Celestia's big fat white ass lately.
why do you need a ring for that?
>anon, please, you have to fuck my sister, share my burden
me all the time
For when I marry her ponut.
why not marry the whole mare
Why not both?
Marrying the mare means you get the whole deal.
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Now that's unf.
which one first
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>that flag
I hate that I understand what you're alluding to.
really cute
Marry Celestia first and then get engaged to her ponut on the honeymoon.

By kissing the bride.
>not bathing in the sun
that's for later
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I kind of doubt that I could weather surface temperatures of around 6000 degrees Celsius. That does some shit to your skin.
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It is Wednesday, my dudes
Getting to sweat with the same steam that has touched her divine hips and ass? Yes please.
close to weekend and sunday
how do the glasses stay on?
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The fuck? Magic.
what was that?
i dont see the aura
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Ain't gotta explain shit.
She's just that magical.
Oh, that? Don't worry, that was just Celly doing a flyby of the castle at supersonic speed.
She was trying to impress Anon.
she does that often
did it work?
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How many pieces of cake do I need to bribe her with to melt all this fucking snow and ice?
two whole cakes
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what will you do when tia gets her first ever hyper active autistic fit and full force punches you while Larping as an anime character?
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She wouldn't do that
if im not dead after that then i would tell luna
>full force
I'd die, but it'd be hot
>Celestia finally feels comfortable enough to just cut loose.
>Accidentally injures the friend that made her feel doing so was fine.
I'd actually feel bad about it rather than be upset.
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>under 3 hours
Oh right, peon hours started.

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