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Previous Thread: >>41772436

To join add to your Favorites in Multiplayer > Legacy Browser.
Password: >filename.

To see server specific commands, enter !commands in chat on the server.

To watch videos with Media Player use Gmod's 64-bit version. Enable it from the Betas tab in the game's Properties on Steam.
You also need the gmod CEF Codec fix, which can be found here (download and install the latest version):

Addon lists: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2816159002
In case you're hit with a "map missing" error, try unsubscribing and subscribing to the related gamemode addon.

Server status: https://www.battlemetrics.com/servers/gmod/24205952
Recommended content packs: HL1:S, Episode 1/2, TF2 content and CS:S content+maps.
Download content packs from: https://gmodcontent.com/ or https://kajar9.wixsite.com/cscheater2/downloads (use MEGA links)

Turbonewfag guide: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2614222717
LINUX Guide: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3332521672
PAC3/PPM2 collections and other user content: https://ponepaste.org/7931

To start a gamemode/map change type rtv in chat.
Current gamemodes are: Sandbox, Death Run, Dropzone, Elevator, Extreme Football Throwdown, Fat Kid, Final Frontier, Flood, Gungame, Hide and Seek, Horde, HL1 Co-op, HL1 Infected, Lambda(HL2 COOP), Open Virus, Overwatch, Prop Hunt, Quake 3, SledBuild, The Stalker, Trash Compactor, TTT, Zombie Survival and Zombie Master.
sussy ponk
i always see this thread but im curious:
do any of teh anons that frequent this thread so gmod or sfm animations?
I've made a few.
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where did the other one go?
Reminder New Year's Day group photo will be at 7PM EST
That's on January 1st, 2025
Mares were having too much fun again and let it die
damn i gotta make a note
As far I know most of those are in pony.tube, it isn't the focus for sure, but now and then some do
That's just the archived videos that people have posted in the thread.
1 on desert bus
2 on desert bus
Ye, not from one guy in particular. Plus, like I said, it's not really the focus and kinda rare, most are kinda old looking at it too
So did we settle on what map we're going to take the picture on?
And is the time for the photo exactly at 7PM?
rose is so cute
Mares are on marecation you have to bump the thread in their stead!
Horde has been updated
The Alien guns doing friendly fire has been fixed.
And they have had their prices increased and damage decreased at request.
3 on sandbox
5 on sandsnoof
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>friendly fire has been fixed
But that was a feature, not a bug...
Couldn't just add that friendly fire to all the rest, if difficulty was nightmare or something?
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>Blondes can't drive

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soda mare
10 on sandbox
couches are a hazard

8 On TTT
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9 on TTT
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Evil Mare

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I would've gotten you too! but i ran out of ammo.
Mute Hot Potato

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i am a machine that turns mares into dead mares
How 2 pack a punch your weapon

12 on TTT
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Did you sub to the version of quake in the collection?
12 on surf
11 on sandbox
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the maressacre
10 on surfbox
3 mares left
back up to 6
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Happy New Mares!
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mmm mare gibs
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mares get turned into chunky salsa
-Flood has been fixed
-TTT music has been fixed
-Lambda has been fixed and the game content has been properly mounted
-HL1COOP has (probably) been fixed I played through a few levels and it didn't crash

Also unmounted l4d2 and portal on the server so if you have those mounted you don't need them anymore (we never really did anything with them anyway.)
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Who's OC is this?
2 Pones on snoofbox
5 Pones
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small mares or big couch?
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i love them
Reminder New Years Pic Today at 7PM EST
Just a PSA for Lambda, HL2 addons on the workshop for missing content like maps won't work anymore unless they contain the updated HL2 content from the November Anniversary update.
You will get errors and might not be able to connect when the server is on that gamemode.
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friendly reminder
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A reminder huh? For when the server will be filled with fags that don't even play, only ever come for said pics and immediately leave after?
Was that post necessary when such reminder was posted like 3 posts above it too?

Piano Mare
8 on snoofbox
I think you have an inability to move on, because seeing this post is about as faggy and transient as the anons who come and go, except the fags who come on the server at these times at least have the decency to shit among the rest, unlike your bimonthly post in the thread that contributes nothing and instead sits off awkwardly on the sidelines while others have their 15 minutes of fun. Let this board go, Anon
25 on sandbox
imagine getting upset over community
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Happy New Mares!
15 on TTT
i missed the photo cus i thought it was at midnight
Your not very bright huh?
can we change it to midnight
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18 on TTT
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9 on HL1COOP Infected
this goes hard.
7 on sandbox
mares make ME HARD
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3 on sandmare
good night gmares
robo sonic?
I like robotnik's comically long gun.
HLVRAIMLP panel planning soon, if you are apart of that.
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2 on sandsnoof
3 on sledbuild
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what u say?
2 on sandbox
3 on sandbox
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the saxton mare.
1 on marebus
2 on snoof bus
4 on snoof box
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post snoofas
is sunbeam back?
5 on mare snoox
4 on snoofbox
2 mares left
I love Wheelie Bopper!
having gmod installed triggers my OCD
I love snoofbox though
>having gmod installed triggers my OCD
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blessed trips for blessed rumps
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1 on snoofbox
can we play ttt with 20 people again
3 on snoofmare
probably next near. during the next new years mare photo.
5 on sandsnoof
why dont you have one of my rumpa
That's a pretty old collage IIRC
Show me your rumpa
But I don't want to sloot out...
ngl one of the best gmod servers that bringing back 2015 era of gmod
knives out Mibbles
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is mareman unbanned yet
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Gmares tonight?
0 mares
i was playing poker. give me a minute.
eep eep eep eep eep eep eep eep eep eep eep eep eep eep eep eep eep eep eep
is this the batpony alarm?
5 on sandbox
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custom menu?
7 on sandbox
yes, exclusive to members of gmares gold
a certain fag of a moderator doesnt like me so no, but he'll never tell me to my face so he can pretend like that's totally not the reason I've been rebanned

btw having a multitude of steam group chats with your personal entourage and shit talking amongst yourselves those you've decided are no longer welcome is still very much the equivalent of discordfagging no matter how many mental gymanastics you go through to insist it's not
6 about to Quake
ultra comfy
quaking deez nuts
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ah yes
the Trixie room
1 reckless mare on sandsnoof
4 on sandbox
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wtf free them
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6 on sandmare
5 on Extreme Football Throwdown
3 on quake instagib
5 on quake FFA
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back to snoofbox
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we going UP mares
mares fighting over balls

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6 on sandbox going UP
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all aboard the Tolly train!
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7 on trenbox
Anon bros.....

friendly reminder to stay off the tracks

he never stood a chance
Who was that again? Poopieroad? Gropermare? Swindler?
It was actually Snoofie.
I was making a pajeet related joke due to the train related death, anon
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sneaky bat
Twiggie at work.
2 on sandsnoof
4 on trainbox
Is mapvote still broken?
i think this map a lil broken
which map?
>the one filming is russian
who are you I haven't seen you before
I stopped playing but I still want to know
nice physgun
looks like the UP one
>I stopped playing but I still want to know
start playing
i've forgot name of map lol
im da new player
4 mares in za camps.
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5 on alienstruct
TTT2 works again!!!!!
-TTT2 has been fixed the incompats with horde weps have been fixed
-The orbital Friendship Cannon has been fixed and readded
-The chicken Traitor item has been improved
-The beenade Traitor item has been improved
-Mapvote has been updated to the new version (please unsub from the old one)
-TTT ULX commands have been updated to work with TTT2
Please sub to the new items in the workshop collection.


4 on TTT
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5 on sandbox
eepy amres
if its the UP one that's normal
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comfy filler
3 on sandmare
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You! yes You!
What do you want to see more of on Gmares?
8 on sandbox
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Twilight has a terrible poker face.
8 on Quake Instagib
7 on Quake TDM
6 on EFT
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7 on trash mare
Derpy airshot


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