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Bon Bon deserves more love, seems like everyone only cares about Lyra
Lyrabon is shit. Bonbon was made for HMD.
I would pet them both at the same time. Lyra would like it more but Bonbon would still be at peace.
Bon Bon is much prettier t b h
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>"Must be nice to be a Unicorn."
Why not both? Have Lyra suck your dick while Bonnie fellates your balls.
>Blacked shit
>Herd shit
How about no?
>Did someone mention human x pony relations?
>I HAVE to make another blacked reference!!1
Your boogerman or in this case niggerman is around every corner isn't he, miss?
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Don't give it attention. Report and ignore.
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She didn't put those in her bag though
She did not, she's lying, it's bullshit! She did NAHT...

Oh, hi Lyra.
>AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA not the consequences of my own actions
Holy shit you're a fragile snowflake arent you
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>>Blacked shit
What did he mean by this?
What is commonly shitposted from offboard with "made for ___"
Stop giving the retard attention holy shit.
She's a literal fed.
Not canon.
Because I say so.
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She's FED up with you giving all the attention to Lyra
She'll be FED some oats.
>I d-don't want to play with dolls if I can't d-do it my way
That's nice, sweetie
>y-you have to play with the dolls t-the way I tell you to
shut up nerd
That was only in the comics?
>Stranger than fan fiction
Oh that makes sense. I didn't watch past season 4
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Know your place.
This is the truth. Even the shipfags seem to focus more on Lyra. It's sad.
Does she glow in the dark?
Why do you even come here?
>Implying season 6 is mandatory viewing
I can see maybe even 5 being mandatory but 6? When the show went downhill? Get outta here hasdrone
What? Because I like the early parts of the show obviously. Ask that question to g5 fans or barbie lovers
its honestly worth pushing through once so you can be angry at what they did to our show
>Why would someone who likes my little pony come to the my little pony board?
It's truly an enigma.
You've had over a decade to come out of your amnesia bubble, everytime you don't know whats being discussed it's cringe.
You mfs don't even be telling niggers to lurk moar these days, nope, it doesn't take long for some unironic dolt to spoonfeed all in attendance on what they missed now that they're "back"
Okay hasdrone
G4 is over, there is no product being sold to you.
Your point being?
Hasdrone is an irrelevant deprecated insult
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>I'm not a hasdrone, b-but I HAVE to watch every single episode of mlp because they have Hasbro's seal of approval
>If you don't like the direction the show went y-you don't belong here
Whatever helps you sleep at night drone.
Mental illness.
Keep slurping Hasbro's cock, little drone. This will be my final reply to you.
God puristards are pitiful creatures
Keep in mind that this all started because someone was bewildered by the fact that someone was allowed to post here without having watched season fucking 6. There's a pitiful creature here and it ain't the puristfag.
The funniest part is that Bon Bon becoming a fed was a season 5 thing, not 6. Not only is that fag wrong, he doesn't even know what he's angry about.
I can see her dock bros...
dyewts is the right response. the anni happens every year.
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I wanna kiss the Bon.
>glowie horse
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That information is classified
Bon Bon is a mare you can count on
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>approach a mysterious mare to tell her she's got pretty eyes
>she throws candy at you and disappears
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>...Agent Bon, please don't.
>The felt on the table is very expensive.
BonBon needs to go back to G1 Tales and take a hike far away from my precious unicorn.

Filthy disgusting earth pony scum with a nasal voice.
Lyra & Colgate belong together.
>Bon Bon defiantly eats a piece of felt
>Earth pony with a shitty stay-at-home 40s hairdo ever being a secret agent
Get back in the kitchen, mare. The only secrets you withhold are the secrets to making a good sandwich. Silly earth ponies think they're unicorns.
Not like Hannibal Lecter over here. This faggot can play a believable HL, just not Anthony Hopkins.
>glowie damage control
The world will know the truth
>>>/pol/ is the other way you retarded bot. Hey mods, you have fucking /pol/bots on /mlp/. What the hell are they doing here.
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The fandom always seems to interpret her as a bitch, I listened to the anthropology audio drama and she is a bitch in that.
Bon Bon's manipulation of the confectionery industry shall not be covered up. You have no power in this jurisdiction.
She can't take them out of her bag without putting teeth marks on them, she has to buy them now.
Well she is a bitch. Not evne a hot one.
Oh okay that yes. Anyone have the original formula for Coca Cola and some REAL SUGAR CANE to make it with?
No such thing anymore, completely replaced by changeling chitin ever since the Crystal Empire Massacre. Only top Coke execs know that it causes schizophrenia 7 times out of 10, and secret service mares have been assigned to most informed outliers.
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>Not evne a hot one.
Shit taste.
>That thread where Lyra demands you breed Bon Bon in front of her
vhhhhhhhhhh time to huff that candyass ponut and put an abomination in that belly
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I only jerk off to the original
even better
>t. lyra
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You have shit taste nigga, who do you consider a hot mare?
Past s2 everything is noncanon
you can see her privates parts (you have to imagine it they didnt draw the full detail)
Slice of Life is the one episode of FiM i deleted from my external drive, therefore its not canon
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I'd fuck Lyra too. They're both immense cuties and are very sexy as well.
Imagine being sandwiched by both their pregnant bellies.
I want Bon Bon and Lyra to spitroast me.
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Her color palette also sucks.
She's naturally just tan and deep sea blue, the pink stripes are because pink stripes are very fashionable in Equestria as of late. See Twilight Sparkle for another example of a relatively plain mare spicing her look up with some pink stripes.
Easter Bonnie needs help hiding the eggs!
Lame. Mares are made to be pleasured. One on your face. One on your dick.
Herds are heaven and you are gay.
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You are supposed to be the one in charge, they are subservient to their man.
>ponies are subservient and all want me
Blacked fantasy
>You are supposed to be the one in charge
No I'm not. I want to be Lyra and Bonnie's fuckslave.
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It's a cough drop.
She isn't
She's married nigger.
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i love the effects
Keep this ass alive
She's waiting to marry a human man, because that's what Lyra is also into as well.
>She's married
Yeah, to me.
She’s a nice foil to Lyra’s uncharacteristic wackiness.
>seething shipnigger
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Boop the snoot
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>it's worth it to be angry
concepts dreamed up by the utterly deranged
kiss the snoot
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Bon fights for what is dear to her.
Go back
What do you MEAN
hownew.ru ?
I stopped watching after Faust left the team
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What does her horse pussy taste like?
>he didn't watch the Terri Softmare episode
I know what a glowie is I just want to know why people are calling her that
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Here's a thing: it started BEFORE Faust left
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>Gee, Anon. This thread you made for me really sucks.
Stop being mean
Why is she like this?
*pet pet pet*
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I like Bon Bon.
Do (You) like Bon Bon?
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>Do (You) like Bon Bon?
What the fuck is happening in this episode
It feels like a loveletter to the fans
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...that's what it was...
Bon bon, can I sniff your butt?
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>"Just make it quick you dumb ape..."
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Yes. She cute.
I wanna breed Bonnie.
Me 2
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That's love
Walking with the wife
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>Imagine being sandwiched by both their pregnant bellies.
turn your flag on, rarishart
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>he doesn't like his mares' bellies to swell with his offspring
What are you, gay?
On a side note, I prefer it when instead of hybrids mares give birth to either a filly or a human boy.
I would like Bonnie to tease me when she gives birth to a filly, saying that I'm so addicted to mares that even my children are now mares too.
why is her mane like that i think it looks bad she shoudlnt try and change it up she should go back to her normal manecut
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Bon is a cute pon.
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Very cute.
Lovely ass
All that junk in the trunk
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>this would work on most anons
>i'm totally okay with that
Bon marriage would be fine. Imagine coming home and hearing a different voice. Always a surprise.
I think the thing with different voices really fits an secret agent.
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She's begging to be dicked down
I just finished Anthropology the other day and it does her bad, one of my gripes with it. Fanfic writers tend to make grumps always grumpy, instead of situational.
She's having a stroke
spitroast bon with futa lyra
Eww, that looks straight trash. Like a shitty haircut from the 50s
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>"Please be serious for once on your life, Lyra."
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Oh my... How lewd...
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She doesn't need it, she's totally good going on her own.
Bon bump
Ah, yes. Awooga. Right away, with pleasure, sweet cheeks.
No, Bon Bon. It's not going to work.
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I want Bon Bon to rape me in my sleep.
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bon bon
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>I want to rape Bon Bon
>try to rape Bonnie
>she flips the tables and rapes you
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That's not rape, mars.
Silly. Only ~90% of Mars' drawings have rape in them. Hell, even Venus gets a few non-rape drawings, from time to time.
>I would like Bonnie to tease me when she gives birth to a filly, saying that I'm so addicted to mares that even my children are now mares too.
I'm sure that sounded better in her head
Bonnie is socially stunted, it's why she's so grumpy all the time.
She says a lot of awkward stuff, that you have to learn to interpret/filter through, to get to the real meaning behind her words.
Would you still enter a relationship with her?
I would.
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I used to not like Bon Bon.
I just thought of her as Lyra's uglier cranky friend until I saw the ponies from later seasons and realized that she's not ugly. She's just slightly less pretty than the other gorgeous mares from the original show.
Silly loira
Bon Bon
Top cute
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She's got a mean girl voice but she's cute and that's all that matters
Lyra had more fanon personality since the early days because she was the one with the standout weird pose, Bon Bon was just around. SoL somewhat amended that by making Bon Bon a secret agent so there's something to work with. One of the few times a background pony was astroturfed into getting actual personality traits to work with.

Well she was also giant in that one ad but that never went anywhere even among sizeCHADS.
That's because Bon Bon's early season appearances usually had her be rude to somepony.
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Who uncurled her mane?
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Anthropology was really good in the first half. Revealing that she was human in the second half felt too perfect especially since we're supposed to beleive she had memories of the human world when she was an infant some how. Otherwise her being a human and learning about everything was really cute! Up until the discord arc. I really could have done with out the discord arc. Still it's the fic I'll listen to every year while I replay half life.
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Bonnie brought (You) some of her candy!
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Bon is so cute, it's not even remotely fair
Whats this?
Bonnie pretending to be Loira to fuck some human meat.
That's hot. Bonbon's Lyra impression is probably good too.

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