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Thirty-ninth edition

Previous Thread: >>8254750

2D Hentai games (Hentai RPG, Violated Heroine, H-Action Games) General /hgg2d/ former /vhg/




>/hgg2d/ Game Archive - IPFS Edition



>Nifty translation tool by Anon:

>RJ Gallery SCRIPT

VH FAQ/Links

Take all discussion of VNs to >>>/vg/vn/ or >>>/vg/vng/
Take all discussion of non Japanese games to >>>/aco/weg/ or >>>/aco/weg2d/
Take all discussion of 3D games to >>>/h/hgg/

Please wait for page 10 before making a new thread.
I just played through Vivid Survival and it got me thinking, the survival erpg genre is severely lacking in content. Sure, there are games like reproductive cage or Lilias blooming season but they lack the survival element.
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It's for the better.
>shit ratings
can't look forward to shit now
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Q: ToT considered /h/ or /aco/?
I think the dev is a chink, not purebred Japanese.
Tower of Trample? It's a weg.
Hi, I'm a newfag here, and as my name implied, I love yuri, but damn it's quite hard to find games where the yuri is the main focus.

DESU, I kinda want to make my own little games in the future, solely because I crave yuri too much to be spoon fed by others, but I kinda want to see how other people do it first to get a grasp on the idea.

So, can you recommend some games where you fuck girls as a lesbian, no cocks involved?I'm somewhat okay with futa, as long it's a scene or two where the girl becomes a futa, and ain't a futa 24/7 because I don't like cocks.

I don't care much about the gameplay( although even a simple rpg, like those simple ones from RPG Maker, for me, is better than VNs or walking simulators), what I want to grasp, funnily enough, is how yuri hentai scenes are made, how dialogues lead to sex and things like that, since I'm not that good at figuring these things myself.
you type like a faggot
but to answer your question there aren't a lot of games like that. RJ421234 is the only one I can recommend off the top of my head. It's a defeat rape ACT so might not be what you're looking for but again that's all I've got for you.
English is not my first language, maybe that's why it sounds like a fag. I'm fluent in the language, but I don't think like a native, nor do I want to.

It's quite bad that there ain't many yuri-focused games out there, but at least there's hope I might find a niche to put my own shit on the web.
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Good game. Not great, but good.
>English is not my first language
I agree with anon at the top. You are a faggot. For a namefaggotry at least.
Does demon roots get better? I'm like 10 hours in and I'm getting bored?
tryna find a link for this but nothing till now
I have an awesome idea for a porn videogame!! I've always wanted to make a game where your cock is a joystick, you platform around an open world pushing your dick in the direction you want to go and stroke when you jump. You explore around and meet NPCs that will give mini games you control with your cock(like WarioWare). There'll be NPCs you can fuck, pick a position then control the speed and tempo with your dick. There'll be enemies you can fight, push a button on your keyboard or controller and your cock turns into a sword that you can control by swinging your cock left and right. And a gun that you aim with your dick and fire by stroking. Completing tasks and missions will net you cash you can use to buy cool stuff. How the game would work is when you buy the game it comes with a waterproof electronic motion capture bracelet that you wear on your whacking hand. Moving, jumping, fucking, aiming, shooting and swinging your sword is powered by your cock. While talking to NPCs and other controls are done on the keyboard or controller. I would call the game something like Cock Master or Joystick Dick. The plot would be about a hero saving a fantasy world or maybe an isekai. Honestly I don't know anything about game design or motion capture, so I hope someone steals my idea!
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Is anyone translating this?
I've been looking for some good animated battle sex.
I just realized Libraheart is still alive and just released a game today.
Looks like it's another Castlevania clone and spinoff of Castle in the cloud with same protagonist.
Thoughts on games if anyone got it?

Also, I thought this mofo is dead... what he been up to lately?
>>8365904 (OP)
Anyone managed to hook Conquistador? Just getting nonsense. I'm looking for games I can learn JP from but my current JP level is very low so getting a good clear line straight into Yomitan where I can inspect each word really helps.
It hooks well with textractor because it’s RPGM. But you need to put this line of code at the start of your regex filter.
This filters out the 3x repeating characters thing that happens sometimes. For the repeating names, you can filter them out manually by just shoving the entire line of names after this and using || to separate new instances of them.
There needs to be more femdom games that doesn't include shota but also has level drain and scamming bitches. Just got done playing succubus duel and it was surprisingly pretty good outside of the fact the game ended when you lost and that it isn't actually completed as a game.
These kind of games are better when you keep going after a loss.
3d general dood, wat dou?
I suppose this would go more on /d/, but does anyone know if there's a save out yet for the new MonMusu Quest?
Just search of RJ# in anime-sharing or other usual place(s)
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Play Princess Honey Trap, it's kino
princess honey trap was kino, I may have to play it again since that and the tower were both pretty good
It's great but I dislike public humiliation which sadly is attached to the best girl.
Where is a good place to stay updated on the better quality h-games releases of the 2D and 3D variety? The other day, I just found out that the Bousoft games existed because of a random thread on /v/. Had no idea.
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Not sure where the best place to ask this is, but has anyone here gotten 妖夢員:The Nightmaretaker to run under Linux? The game itself runs and the UI works, but the actual graphics are just white.
Is it live2d garbage in NWJS?
If it's NWJS open the console and see if there are any errors.
I have, it's a bit annoying but doable. Basically the game's "graphics" are a bunch of videos stitched together, so you need the proper codecs in your prefix to play the videos. For that you need to install quartz and wmp11 in a x64 wine prefix, use winetricks to install them, then run the game in the prefix you made.

This same prefix can then also be used to play the circle's other games, if you want. They use the same shitty engine, it's basically the only one that gave me trouble on Linux.
Installing quartz and wmp11made it so the background is black instead of white now, so I guess that's progress?
Which wine version are you using? Any other settings (other than japanese locale?)
I'm using wine 9.21, just ran the game using it and it still works.

I found the script I made to play the game, it has the variables I set for it to work, just tweak the GAME_PATH and WINEPREFIX with your own paths, here it is:

#!/usr/bin/env bash
export WINEPREFIX=""
export LC_ALL=ja_JP.UTF-8
export WINEDLLOVERRIDES="qasf=n,b;winegstreamer="
export WINEESYNC=1

wine "$GAME_PATH"
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Still no luck. I made a new Wine prefix, installed quartz and wmp11 with winetricks and used your script but I'm still getting a white screen
Fuck, I'm sorry linuxbro. I've told you pretty much everything I did to make it work though, not sure why it wouldn't. But I set it up a while ago and maybe I'm forgetting something. I kind of remember the codecs in your system also being important, gst-plugin stuff.

If you're still up for it then you'll need to do some debugging. What I did was watch what errors spilled out in the terminal and try to figure out what dll or whatever is missing for it to work, searched around for games with the same engine to see what I needed which led to a lot of fiddling with dll overrides and I removed and created many prefixes for testing. You can also check the F95 thread, it's not that rare that some crazy fucker is also trying to get it to run on Linux.
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Anyone tried this yet?
The art is hot but
That's a huge red flag.
even worse is when you open the dev's page and see 10 more ~4.00 games. The only one I recognize is the papers, please clone and that's only because there are different 3 h papers, please clones which is kind of funny.
Was it ever completed? I feel like every time I play it there's either a bug that prevents me from progressing or it just trails off into Japanese.
That's a good question.
First, you don't want new releases (you'd monitor jap DLsite then), you want new piratable releases, preferably with a couple of post-launch updates because shit is released broken more often than not. Use Anime-Sharing and/or Hentai-Sharing (whichever works for you) for these. Look for mexa links if possible, because these are the least cancerous option.
Second, quality H-games are made by the professionals and we get like 3 of them per year; VNDB most likely has their info and Sukebei Nyaa has their torrents.
Third, anything that deserves attention gets it, and really popular stuff gets translated, officially or not. Look for recently created threads with many replies on F95 and ULMF.
IIRC there's another patch in the f95 thread that patches up the existing translation and removes the bugs.
>>8365904 (OP)
anything with decent impregnation and pregnancy stuff in it? (Without NTR)
War Demon Kirsten
Goblin Conqueror
OP game
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Ctrl+F preg in the bin

Odd question: dragon conqueror on both itch and Steam don't make any reference to the H-content. will I need to patch it like Tunnel Escape?
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goddamn why do all monochromelikes have to suck dick
It's so sad to have no good alternatives...
pic unrelated
Trying to find an old rpgmaker hgame. The gameplay loop was essentially: player char has X powerlevel, player walks into enemy with lower power, player absorbs the power and the path is clear to move on. Game was more like a puzzle than an rpg and you often had to backtrack up a few floors to clear some other adds you couldnt before. Im pretty sure the first "boss" was a slime girl that followed you around after you defeated her if that helps. I also remember there being some sort of "Checkmated" button in the dungeon entrance that reset the dungeons in some way since softlocking was a thing there
Anyone happen to remember it? I had that game seeded on my old comp before the old nyaa got nuked and I've been looking at dlsite trying to find it
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Dungeon of Lulu Farea.
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any recs for games that feature BOTH several different unlockable outfits (with a focus on skimpy outfits, not just generic bikini or office attire) for the girls AND well done art/art style. As a hentai noob the only one that really comes to mind is bikini armor explorers. idc if the MC is a girl or guy, I just like being able to choose the girls outfit, especially if the outfits are interesting (again, NOT generic bikini's or contemporary clothing). skimpy clothing is hotter than straight up nudity, yada yada. Please, give me some good recs.
Hello could someone spoonfeed a retarded zoomer please, I was trying to load the pasta game list, but it it kept throwing an couldn't dial error, so as per pasta recommendation I installed the IPFS client for an easier acces, but I have no Idea how to get that acces now that it is installed. What do I need to do?
Click the "Files" button and paste "/ipfs/QmasqEtvzbBHFTof9ffhGS7hASHrjJuBhRfiVXXueeZz7p" (<- hash) in the search bar.
>>8365904 (OP)
any good shortstack animated game?
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War Demon Kirsten
Erina and the City of Machines
Lambda Neros R
Fumika Fantasy
at a glance, aside from kirstin, the others look fairly tame and generic in terms of outfits. Maybe bikini armor explorers really is singular in terms of lewd outfit designs or alternate outfits as a feature. Many CG-based H-games will feature an alternate outfit or 2 for an event specific CG, but I wouldn't categorize any game that does that as "featuring multiple alternate outfits". You wear those outfits for 1 CG, and then that's it. Hardly worth mentioning in that case.
Hello anons. I played "Summer Memories" a couple of months ago and really liked it. Now I'm planning to dive deeper into hentai games and wanted to ask, is there any hentai game in the same vein as summer memories that you recommend? extra points if they have impregnation or x-ray stuff in them
there is a literal sequel called winter memories. enjoy anon.
Have a Cos Ro 3
It isn't good even if you're into incest but you can go from that page to
>Clothes Changing / Dress up
and see for yourself what's there to choose from.
As for me, anything with FeMC is automatically garbage, but I know of several good male MC games which let you dress up your girl(s) to some extent. Namely EDEN, Fall in Labyrinth, Reginetta (Another Style), LLMB:X from the prettiest to the ugliest.
Thanks a lot for answering anon, but I knew already that it had a sequel. I was asking for a game from another series, so I can save "Winter memories" for another ocassion, knowing it took years until we got another installment

I found one that also seems to align with what I'm interested in: "Lovely moment with married woman"
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Natsu no sagashimono RJ370402
No idea how they localized the title, but it does have an official English version somewhere, maybe on Steam even (with an off-site porn patch of course)
Demon girls (especially succubi or succubi-like), paizuri, and breast expansion are 3 of my favorite kinks. I was high enough level by the time I fought the imp that I was able to just let her drain my energy over and over again and was never truly in danger. Pretty fun to reverse the humiliation, like she thinks she's beating me when in reality I'm just enjoying her beating me off.

Did you beat the game? If so, you know what's really going on. The plot is kind of dumb, but you have to have reasons for the hentai logic after all, but I enjoyed the motivations of the princess in the end. Going back and reviewing the game after knowing the ending was kino.

I was able to beat it. There is a patch which finishes the translation for the bonus fights.
I've been wondering this myself so would like to know what other people's responses would be.
What is your favorite h-game?
And if you could only play games by one singular developer/studio would it be the creator of that game? Or would you chose another one because it might have better story/mechanics/gameplay
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I'm a big fan of Inma No Ken by [FULL FLAP]. The charming design, animation and sheer number of sexual positions plus the clothing breaks in FF's games like Demon's Sperm are always a plus.

I've just moved to a MacBook and I'm hoping to hell there's a way to still play those games as I'm used to an old Windows laptop,
Kind of cheating, but the Rance series. Particularly Kichikuou Rance. If I only had to pick one developer to play eroge from it'd still be Alicesoft; even if I'm not the biggest fan of JRPGs. They have a huge breadth of content spanning multiple genres and the games are still just generally really good; both mechanically and story wise.

Now if someone made an actually solid SRPG like Disgaea or Jagged Alliance or FPS hgame, then I'd have to jump ship to them.
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Any new good ryona games??
only time you should be beating up a woman is beating up her pussy, brother
Does anyone know how to get ANIM.teamMM games to work in fullscreen for a 1440p screen?

Even when I change my screen resolution to 1080p, their game fullscreen will be stuck on the top left as if im still on 1440p. Pressing F & W makes no difference.
the exe file is too big for virustotal and windows defender is throwing a warning what do (got from the bin archives)
Try uploading the compressed archive to virustotal or at least the exe.
virustotal maximum is 500mb and both the exe itself and the archive are over so I thought that was pretty off
Alright, I will check it out.
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Arms Devicer!
princess sacrifice
wings of roldea
Just finished this one, honestly the best of it's kind.
Nta but Kirsten and Lambda Neros R fit the bill.
So you faggots finally decided to move to /h/ instead of /vg/ huh? When did this happen, and why?
This thread is just a backup thread in case anything happens to the /vg/ one, it’s been used on occasion for that purpose. Otherwise, just use the /vg/ one.
Our copy seems to be from gog-games. You can download it from there and compare the hash/filesize of the exe.
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>the perfect Harvest Moon gamer doesn't exis-
This game makes my laptop overheat and sound like a jet engine for some reason. I don't know why a RPGmaker game would do this.
Any updated way to view recommended games?
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The quintessential hgg2d game list
>Violated Heroine
>Black Souls 1 and 2
>SEQUEL blight, awake, colony, ASYLUM, kludge, L.Depth, INNOCENT RULES, and thirst
>Fumika Fantasy
>Thug Hero Party
>Night of Revenge
>Depravity of a Lewd Vampire
>Pronant Symphony
>MY]R, A New Game, The Mercenary's Adventure
>Taima Miko Yuugi
>Ambrosia, and Celesphonia
>Liz of the Tower, Nobleman's Retort, Public Defense Corp, and Salvation
>Naedoko Demon's Ground, and Nightmare Girls
>Summer Memories, and Winter Memories
>Ayura Crisis, and Eris Dysnomia
>Setalia the Demon Realm, and Seal of Lutellaria
>Vitamin Quest 1&2
>Fallen Makina
>Tina Swordswoman of the Scarlet Prison
>Kunoichi Botan
>Core Awaken The Yuka
>Succubus Affection
>Repure Aria
>War Demon Kirsten
>Demons Roots
>Monstrous Horror Show
>Goblin Conqueror
>Mage Kanade’s Futanari Dungeon Quest
>Pray Game
>Erina and the City of Machines
>Shin Sei Den
>Scarlet Demonslayer
Probably because it's running at bajillion fps or some such.
Try limiting the fps and see if the issue gets better.
There is nothing in terms of quality similar to Bikini Explorers. This game has had no right to be as beautifully hand drawn as it is. Don't like the ugly brown bastards though.
HM isn't that difficult to clone acceptably.

Rune Factory, however, is far too much for a doujin circle to pull off properly. Last time they put out something half-decent was like 10 years ago (Life is Paradise), and sugar star wasn't some bunch of nobodies even then. The remake doesn't exist, don't even try to look for it.
>>Goblin Conqueror
Also add Dragon Conqueror
>Rune Factory, however, is far too much for a doujin circle to pull off properly.
Not like it stops them from trying. The latest attempt of making RF-lite was by Breeze last year
I wonder if we get Cultivator RJ328940 before 2026 at least.
is there a forum like f95 zone for more japanese things?
also are there any good futa games that have come out? wasn't there a game where you play as a futa domming monster girls lately?
English-speaking? Fag95, ULMF and anime-sharing is all, pretty much

EDEN kind of counts if you equip dicks on your girls, I guess? Trannies disgust me, and that includes everything that's not clearly M or F
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tried making an account on ULMF
>still relying on torrents
It's like this thread cherishes its irrelevance.
The ipfs bin hasn’t worked for years for me, I just use it as a game catalog
They should just shut it all down. It's getting embarrassing.
>Relying on torrents is a bad thing
Huh? I don't care about ipfs but torrents are fucking based.
If your IQ is double digit, sure.
>anon asks for games featuring multiple skimpy outfits to collect and unlock
>anons recommend deviantart tier slop that mostly features non-skimpy outfits
I can't tell if /h/ is just retarded or trolling
So you're just baiting? Okay well you got me I guess.
kisekae tag on dlsite, like you were told last year

Speking of which, I've just dropped RJ01283196 which lets fem protags wear skimpy outfits and get fucked by all kinds of subhumans.
I already knew that feMC is trash, and now I know for a fact that two feMCs make the game doubly trash. Someone should just nuke Japan already out of mercy if this is what sells over there.
Now that's negative IQ.
>there's a fan translation patch provided by IPFS
>504 Gateway timeout
Oh, wow.
People, stop it NOW. Retain what little dignity you have left, and let the general DIE.
your fault for not using the /vg/ ipfs
>use the /hgg/ link
>"idiot, you should've used some entirely different link"
So you don't value your dignity at all. Good to know.
We switched to mega links recently since the TL patches don't break any laws per se. Still, the download should start after a few tries.
this general was a troll thread to begin with but it attracted enough newcomers from the board that they didn't realize it was all a big joke
>>8365904 (OP)
Anyone know of any games that use the press turn system like smt/persona or something similar? Theres tons of thurst out there for the persona ladies im suprised no one has capitalized. I liked colony city 27's mechanics but I'm in the mood for some more odd combat systems if anyone has any suggestions
i wasn't fond of the story but do you know any other games with a similar animation quality and style?
Are there any other games that have an ntr system like battle armor solgante?
Like an active transmission in the corner of the girl getting fucked while you play?
I know the previous game has a system that is less finely honed.
By far the hottest part of the game.
Succubus Academia, perhaps.
Has anyone tried the latest soraue game yet?
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another update of my nebelgeister inspired game without name for now. Got kicked of /vg/ because I cant read. It's a management game where you must finish 4 dungeons before the heroine is completely corrupted. The game gets harder each day so you can't fall behind. You support her by buying upgrades in a system similar to karryn's edict system.
I think the ending makes up for the story / even improves the story. It was one thing to go through the story without knowing the ending, but replaying the game after knowing the ending really puts it into a whole nother lens.
What is your opinion on unlocking game over scenes upon game completion? In order to beat the game, you have to keep her out of trouble, but you'll miss out on h-scenes if you do. If you do, unlock game overs upon completion than players are rewarded for beating the game. However, I know some devs want players to work to see all endings.

Sometimes I play a game for longer if I do have to work for those extra scenes, but other times it makes me drop the game. It's a tough balance.
I also hate the way these fail-state scenes are implemented in most games, I'll avoid this by doing like karryn's prison, corruption is not a fail-state but a value to be manipulated, you reward winning more than losing, but provide ways to capitalize on corruption for a hybrid run.

>> In order to beat the game, you have to keep her out of trouble,
Then instead of this, you have a separate "game over" mechanic like the Order value in karryn.
Very interesting. Karryn's prison was complex due to the number of different ways you could get her corrupted. You could go for a virgin run, or you could get her to fall early or you could get her to fall halfway through or at any point. It really increased the replay value of the game because you would battle in different ways depending on what type of run you were doing and would get different dialogues during combat. If you are doing anything like that, I will be monitoring your game with interest.
Also, a lot of games like this have a first time dialogue but then after losing virginity all the dialogue afterward is the same no matter when the virginity was lost. This is why having corruption as an exp bar to change dialogue slowly over time is important. As a player I both like and dislike when a game does that. The pro is you get more dialogue, but the con is if you increase your corruption too fast you may miss out on some early corruption dialogue later in the game. I also understand why most games have only a "is still virgin?" check and not a multi-stage corruption monitoring / exp-like system. It's a lot of work to add in the extra dialogue.
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Hello /h/, I'm having trouble playing the game in the archive [RE238229] - "Perfect Service: The Guild That Does Anything for You". It throw on screen this error (picrel). Any ideas on how to fix it or why it happens?
Sorry anon, I have no solution for you but if it’s any consolation that game isn’t good anyways and the scenes are meh
>Tomás Isaac
Sorry, I don't help retards who dox themselves.
Although now that I think about it - you may be running into the MAX_PATH limit here (260 characters). Try to shorten the absolute path by renaming your directories to something shorter.
add a headacheless mode to the difficultry settings
where upgrades that cant be bought immediately (ignoring lack of money) are not shown on the edict menu
this will make the game a lot more enjoyable
I can not reproduce the issue. Try unpacking the game directly in C:/.
What kind of retarded cockmongrel designed RJ01149887? No one cares about your retarded artistic vision that compels you to make everything much more slowly than it needs to be. Fuck your intro, fuck your menus, and fuck your entire existence.
any translated games with ugly bastards? i love the idea of a beautiful woman going crazy for some creep's cock
I was gonna recommend some, but the torrents just shat up completely. This general is dead.
Lonas game got an update from 0.9.5 to 0.9.6 a couple of days ago but no update-log, anybody know if he added new scenes or outfits again?
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>random head generator sells over 12K under 2 weeks
I knew that the japs love gacha but this is something else. Flash games by JSK at least have gameplay, but this one is just pure RNG and guesswork. How did it manage to sell like hot cakes is beyond me.
Not sure if MTL works with it (Unity IL2CPP), so here's a tip: in order to get Perfect you must first click the body part, then the button with a red triangle /!\, and you'll get a % increase on the lower right gauge if you found the right body part. Find them all to get Perfect. You'll always get Perfect if the girl has no special parts, and the one(s) you missed (if any) will be listed on the results screen.
All it did was making me check out the state of KISS('s meidos)
He is really bad about update logs.
>anon sees for the first time why the term "bug people" exists
still the same amount of non-joke posts considering the massive autism that makes up 99% of the posts in the general on /vg/
Tell me about it. Your post is the worst joke I've ever seen.
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I wish that we'd get more figures based on 2dhg heroines like we'd get for eroge heroines back in the day
>>8365904 (OP)
Are any decent incest games where it's not grooming but are actually mutually consensual and well-written?
"Grooming" is just another word for "developing a relationship".
Well I dont want a huge age difference or one of them to be retarded, kinda like Andy and Leyley
anything where you take down evil haughty women and put them in their place?
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I need help with this game I bought it from DL but I didn't realize it didn't have an English patch and it's censored. Is there a guide on how to play?
Kagura translated this one. They probably uncensored it too.
It's in the bin.
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Already tried didn't work. Only works for steam gog version
Niramare Quest

Also anything by inusuku

>but I don't like imoutos
Sucks to be you then (same here btw). Sort by popularity:
Jitsuane vanillafags have no games. It's pure VN territory and the quality stuff even there is just borderline kinetic novels by Atelier Kaguya.
Also what the fuck is this retardation
>Relative Matter
American credit cards have utterly broken these spineless cucks
The alternative was to align with China and Russia, which would've been unironically lolsy.
Can you imagine the nationwide butthurt if the only remaining bridgehead in East Asia had been South Korea (and how much worse things may have gotten with that martial law stuff)?

I honestly cannot way for the collapse of the American-led order.
Conquista or conqueror?
>didn't work
What? I personally played it and have it downloaded on my machine.
Any games with smart girls being impregnated?
It seems a lot of games are one off projects and then the circle disappears. I always assumed they get depressed when the game they put a year or two worth's of work into only makes them like 500 bucks or something. But I do wonder what happens to those devs after they disappear
The game that has extracted the most semen from me is SDT
If I could only play games by one developer, it would be JSK Studio for their large catalog.
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Sequel colony. And yes, if I only had the choice to play this one dev’s games, then I would.
The artstyle is shit and the scenarios are garbage.
Looks really impressive. Keep up the good work!
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I disagree wholeheartedly, but you’re entitled to your own opinion
Yeah, that screenshot alone is enough to kill my boner for a couple days.
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I'm creating my own hentai game in rpgmaker. How do I create battlesex in the runtime package of MZ? Is there a guide for that or a plug in? Does screen resolution matter?
It's been years since I've last looked at RPG Maker. That being said: isn't there an option to look at Ruby source code? Somewhere's gotta be the battle code; that's where you'll have to start.
>It's been years
I'm just messing with you anon
Learn Javascript.
Oh, is MZ the one that uses JS and JSON to generate its stuff from? Yeah, in that case look for JS files.
Both MV and MZ use JS and JSON, yeah. Easiest way to figuring it out is learning some basic Javascript (shouldn't take longer than a week if you have some progamming experience), then exploring some tutorials on RPGMZ specifically.
A quick google search found me this, which looking through it real quick I think it's what anon is looking for https://docs.google.com/document/d/176S5ldh330fltOy9IEsrcAfeIWGkelWa/edit#heading=h.111kx3o
Any anons know any games with beast/animal stuff? The only one's ive found so far are really low quality. Ravager is very good. I remember there was a really good breeding game but I've forgotten it's name.
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>The Day My Mother Made an Apology on All Fours
Kiara Knight of Icicles
Horny Adventurer Karen
Goblin Conquista
Dragon Conquista
Magical Girl Pure Flame or whatever it was called
Dog Fuck Idol
Thank you anon
Body not right, hair not right, face not right.
>2/10 would not shackle to a giant convict
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Im trying to finish Blood Root

I beat Marika and got her magic book. It says I will automatically be able to destroy the trees when Im strong enough, but I can't and it seems like Im probably missing 1 heart seed?

Doers anyone know where to go after Marika or has anyone found/made a map? I don't know where else to go.
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report #4 of my nebelgeister inspired game which is now temporarily called furina of SEER, furina is the name of the main heroine, yeah, I know it's a genshin impact character but that's not my fault, never heard of her before. And SEER is the name of the organization they are part of. Don't make fun of my writing as I'll put more effort into it later, the plot is in general just an excuse for the porn.
Addressing some feedback from last post, I've decided to drop the time system in favor of time steps, I think it's better. I've been working mostly on systems since last update, but I'm doing the love route first since it doesn't depend on a bunch of variables like the corruption system, most of the scenes you'll see are modified bepisdb scenes, at least for now, as I develop my koikatsu skills.
I've spend most of the time redoing the combat, as you can see from the video, you plot a path on a grid from the start, your goal is to reach the finish within x steps which can be increased with upgrades, each tile contains a random event like items or combat. Passing through checkpoints, which is represented by bed icon in the grid, heals the heroine and can trigger h-scenes. You can lose by either losing all of you health in combat or by spending all of your steps without reaching the finish, in which case you increase the corruption of that area, represented by the percentages in the right, each area has it's own percentage, we calculate the average of each area which affects a bunch of things like hscene frequency, prices, hscene severity, monster strength and so on. You lose if the average reaches 70%. What do you guys think?
Can't you compile a demo so people can try your game?
You're supposed to watch the video before reading, although I might format the text better next time

there's barely any content, I've set my own deadline to january 31
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Looking for recs of games with a fem protag that keeps her pantyhose/tights on during h-scenes and isn't necessarily a completely footfag-oriented

Pic extremely related
urge to molest
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What are the best games for me to be a complete gigawhore? Not with monsters, but just a huge slut that fucks everyone.
Good sex stats also a must.
Cheers. Which one would you say is the best out of these?
you need to beat every boss on the map and you unlock the tree destroying spell
the next story goal alongside that is to go all the way up to the top of the map, but if you beat that boss already then it's time to hunt for the boss you missed. On my first playthrough I missed the thief girl to the left of the big bridge.
Is the pic from a game?
read the filename
I found the game called Magic Girl Celesphonia but it looks like an rpgm 2d game that doesn't look like the pic you posted from the screenshots.
You found the correct game. Just shut up and play it.
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For people that have played Winter Memories, do you know how to get the kissing animation to appear during the sex scenes like in pic related? On my game, I pressed the Unlock All Content button in the Memories Room, but the otngue kissing animation isn't popping up.

Here's a link to the video that the screenshot was from too:
It's probably a toggle in the achievements section.
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I checked all of the achievement settings and unfortunately still no dice.

The Memory Maker achievement that toggles the sex animations on/off simply shows or hides the zoomed in sex animation, but there doesn't seem to be anything that affects the zoomed in kissing. Changing the girls' mood didn't affect it either. Even got the girls' stats to 2000+ since that's what the video had, but nothing.

I've learned all of the skills, too, and there was nothing that affected it.
Honestly it might have been edited in. It looks weirdly higher quality than the rest of the image
>>8415626 is right. That's definitely edited in post. The kissing animation is ingame when you kiss via the Coax option, so he probably just added that in as well as the kissing sounds. He didn't include the outline of the kissing animation box when he cropped it, and the kissing sounds sloppily overlap with the moaning sounds
Favorites are Kiara, Asylum, Karen and Goblin Conquista. I forgot to mention War Demon Kirsten too, that game was great.
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Anyone have the most recent version of 90's School? Exhibitionist game with lots of butt stuff.
More text games along the lines of free cities and the era games? Not very familiar with hentai games.
I know this is a long shot, but do you happen to have the english version of Summer Memories Coward mod?
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I'm sorry, actual no idea if this is a Japanese game, but has anyone played Chronicles of Delights? I'm stuck on the battle screen after defeating the enemy. Absolutely nothing happens.
It seems to be a Chinese VN. Make sure you downloaded your copy from f95 and/or ask for assistance over there.
Anybody has the latest version of Tifa Tan X2 from dlsite? Most of them available online are like 10 year olds.
It's a little expensive for a 24MB game, isn't it?
It's quite good though.
I really liked the route on Celesphonia where the teacher trains you and makes you go from preppy student to his bitch, does anyone else have any good recs for games like that? (ugly bastard and NTR are a plus, and yes I've played the studio's other games)
any good shota games that's come out recently?
I can't stand jap's obsession with ugly bastards, brown guys, and literal monsters like flies and goblins
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What game is this from?
Hey, I'm looking for a game I can't remember the name of. A brown skinned young girl who could be corrupted and prostituted in different ways, you navigated a dungeon but also a global map with a medieval city and I think I remember it had some guro and scat. I only knew it of seeing it referenced here but that was some time ago.
Violated Heroine?
>torrents are down *again*
Tell me you never internalized shame without telling me you never internalized shame. Anonymity was a mistake.
Is there more games like Summer and Winter Memories?

I know Natsu no Sagashimono, but it's not as good.

Weird how these games are so obscure, since they are not that complex games.
Community should learn to encrypt the 7z packages and not use obvious file names or have list of games out in the open.
anyone have recommendations for good nukige/eroge with good artstyles? plus points for gameplay/sim elements, looking for stuff like dohna dohna, eiyuu senki, rance, evenicle
The bin it's not your usual website. It's hosted in the seeder's computers, so it's immune to DMCA because you would have to imprison every single seeder.
Still, attracting attention is never a good thing.
I'd add Vitamin Quest 1 & 2 to that list as well.
Do the SEQUEL games expect you to play them in order or can I just start at colony?
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Sauce on this, looks like a new dieselmine/tacchon game? Does it have a TL?
Recently? idk
In general?
>Milking farm
>A lose hero in the castle of the succubi
>Abducted & reverse raped by busty loli aliens
>The dragon princess is very hungry
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Technically you can start anywhere you want since the games can be played on their own, but there is a timeline to the games. Also, characters from both blight and awake show up in colony.
However, I think colony is the best game and you may get hooked on the series if you play it first, so go ahead.
Maybe your path is too long you retard who does not even create a separate folder for your goon material.
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New postapoc has arrived.
The dev made a couple of zombie island-themed games, a cross between strategy, visual novel, dating sim (no, this is not the same as a VN) and a spreadsheet simulation. All in Japanese though.
Have we ever gotten anything better than the MTL for RJ337117?
is celesphonia that good?
the art looks mediocre and the gameplay's just RPGmaker stuff
It's the classic bait and switch, the first "few" sequence are kinda decent, the later you get into the game, the lame it gets.

The scenarios are lame.
>>8365904 (OP)
Fellas, fundamental or just good Momcest stuff ? Bin doesn't have stuff i haven't already tried and the tags aren't super consistent for something this niche
If you can't read Japanese there is only RJ296678. No, it's not good.
Maybe RJ208185 if you are not picky.
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What is this and can I buy it in english and uncensored?
Mom is the purple-haired one, not a companion, but eligible for marriage after completing her quest line.
Comb through the MILF and this >>8406929 tags on DLsite, and ask /weg/ over at /aco/
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>the purple-haired one
Pic related, from the video on the DLsite page. Also somehow the game is a magnet for the cucks. They kept nagging Megrim when all he wanted to make a wholesome hagge (which OG LLMB still is) and he finally gave in, but locked it behind the "Yes, I'm a subhuman" toggle which is set to "No" by default. You'll miss nothing of value if you keep it as it is.
Now these subhumans are bitching and whining about the lack of cuckshit in his latest game. What the fuck is wrong with these degenerates pushing their cancer where it doesn't belong. LGBTBBQ needs a C in there for the cucks.
Huh, she doesn't look revolting. How curious.
Am I getting used to his art?
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what game is this?
top right
make me faggot
What's the next great kusoge? I've grown tired of the cg hunters and I'd like to know if there's something to look forward to.
You read his post
What can be done about banking companies cancelling payment options for eroge/hentai e-commerce websites? Is it going to be impossible to purchase future games now?
Steam has loli and shota games up just fine
just use crypto
I haven't played an h game since karryns prison came out, what have I missed? Anything good come out with handy eroscript integration?
Nothing it's mostly just template RPGmaker slop. There has never been a game like Karryn's Prison and there never will be even in its incomplete "complete" state.
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Played this for more than an hour, and got exactly one sex scene at the start, the main character was transported back into the past three times, we uncovered 50 years of memory loss, and already defeated the potential main villain.
No idea if I want to continue this.
I dropped it around that time as well.
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Is there a magnet for RJ01187218, the kagura games en version
I didnt see it in the game archive
The game was released a week ago. Wait a few days.
>there are different 3 h papers, please clones
Any worth playing besides Imperial Gatekeeper?
Is it possible for TiTS' player character to impregnate and/or get impregnated by Sophora, or is Sophora just a recurring slavebreaker fight with no depth beyond the option of rough sex or bad ends?
wrong thread
I'll post it there, but is TiTS really a /d/-level game?
One of /d/ core games, even.
>>8365904 (OP)
Does someone here have a list of all the 2D hentai games with a male protagonist?
Far from "all", but that's the best you can get. DLsite created a Male Protag tag only a few years ago, and even then the doujin games were limited to 6 tags at most iirc.
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>good male protag games
Summer Memories, and Winter Memories
SEQUEL series + Innocent Rules
Black Souls 1+2
Forest of Blue Skin
Succubus Affection
Nobleman's Retort
Parade Buster, and anything else by excessm
A New Game
The Mercenary’s Adventure
Succubus Academia
Three Charms series
MGQ + MGQ Paradox
Dragon Princess is Hungry
Incubus Quest
Pandora's Forest
Dungeon of Lulu Farea
Monstrous Horror Show
He said "good".
He never said good in his post actually
Then don't make up quotes.
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Did this game get a tl?
I am pretty sure I saw it on f95, but it's gone now.
By dazedanon.
Yep, it's gone.
>tfw i cant get vh working on linux
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This is a 2D hentai game that isn't a weg.
Is hgg2d excited for confused:love?
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nta but thank you.
Gonna be a good time tonight.
How do I save the mirror girl in Rashe and the Village of Sacrifice?
its samurai vandalism, its on steam/kagura.
not only is it from celesphonia, you should play it regardless if you havent already.
Huge thanks for this info anon.
What is thp
Return after a while and/or fix the mirror.
>>8432975 →
Not really. IL2CPP is a bitch and the dev is a jap.
I'll try that thanks.
Thanks for spoonfeeding anon.
I already threw in the towel when I couldn't find it myself.
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Any notable games you played where the sex scene with a side girl was by far hotter than the scenes with the main heroine/s?
I was reminded of Koihime Musou where the first game the main heroine was Aisha/Kan'U and instantly remembered how Sui's scenes were by far the hottest one.
Why would you want them from a veritable honeypot?
Is there any guide for this game? I'm on chapter 1 and If I go to the brothel I get gangbanged and then beheaded by the Ronin guy. Aside from that issue, very entertaining game.
years ago, there was a brothel management game that i played but i cant remember the name of it for the life of me.
It was pixel art with animations. Basically, you hired girls and built various rooms for customers to come fuck them in where animations would play out, and you'd use the profits to build more rooms, hire more girls, and pay off your extortionate landlord or whatever.
Does anyone know what I'm talking about?
yeah that's it! Thank you!
it was really fun from what I remember btw, highly recommend
Do not recommend by the way. The story is boring and the pacing is absolute gutter trash; dozens of little stories that go absolutely nowhere just to give way to an aggressively generic and forced JRPG gotta-save-the-world plot towards the end which is, and I kid you not, 2 hours of fight cutscenes in visual-novel style. Fucking Drakengard had more going on than this game, and the English version cut out the pedophile and the incestual sister.
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>>8365904 (OP)
Missing Link RJ160066 English TL has just dropped on fag95, made by the same faggot who translated (and modded without telling anyone) Romance of Fantasy by the same circle, Cupid-Ice.
He uploaded the prepatched game to mega
and in case he sneakily fucked up one more good game, here's the original untouched zip from DLsite for potential unfuckery uploaded to gofile:

Beware that it's mostly a Persona-like JRPG + dating sim, with porn ~358 hours in. Also, it's a VX Ace game that relies on external DLLs (Win32 API), but it should work with JoiPlay and mkxp-z with loss of minor functionality, at least the JP version does.
10 years old discussion/walkthrough thread:
>the first game the main heroine was Aisha/Kan'U and instantly remembered how Chouun's scenes were by far the hottest one.
ftfy. I can't believe you typo'd that badly.
I still haven't finished (and fixed, that guy left some stuff untranslated) the other game...
how did he mod it?
Anyone know the name of a train molestation game where taking her first kiss is one of the last things you do? I can't remember it for the life of me.
Highly recommend Monster black market and Marionette. I can't get enough of these brothel sims if anyone has any suggestions.
a bit late but have you tried not using retarded Dutch letters? stuff like á cause as many problems as various symbols. I made an account with Cyrillic once and had to reinstall the entire OS because of the shitshow that ensued.
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to add: can you not even load the game, or is it sometime ingame that the error occurs?
i downloaded from
F95 /threads/perfect-service-the-guild-that-does-anything-for-you-2019-08-18-kurotozakka.36678/
and am running it on Linux without issues, so it's most likely just the username causing issues.
Can I post my weg in here once I finished developing it please
How hard is this to understand?
>Take all discussion of non Japanese games to >>>/aco/weg/ or >>>/aco/weg2d/
move to japan and post it from there
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>Play h-game
>Can lewd basically every girl that appears.
>However, there is one who you can't do anything to. (yet)
It's just basic forbidden fruit psychology but man does this make me diamonds.
>>8365904 (OP)
I like the idea of FemMC, but those I've tried were all "lose to win", and sometimes you get a game over after the scenes. Being a gamer I will just try hard and I always end up grinding games with subpar gameplay to get the virgin ending, I sometimes even find guides. Are there FemMC games that are not "lose to win" or so hard that you are bound to lose (and win).?
Women can't be alpha by definition, I simply disregard all feMC games on sight. There's no winning in them. You don't dominate, rape, get riches and bitches, harems and princesses, you're meant to get fucked in these, like the subhuman japs who are the target audience of that shit.
I know that FULLFLAP made a feMC beat-em-up ages ago, but you're supposed to rape men in there. There's an occasional shotacon feMC game, but you're supposed to groom and fuck little boys in there. There's futashit, but it's futashit. Pick your poison, I guess?

I don't like the idea of feMC, it's simply incompatible with my playstyle and it can't deliver the feeling of a manly achievement in principle. I look at them the same way as on the cuckshit "heroines", they are subhuman trash without maleMC to rule over them.
OK, chud.
Has anyone here played Covertly (RJ01304783)? It's been out for close to a month now and has 130 ratings on DLsite but no reviews, I'm curious how it compares with the dev's other games
>>8365904 (OP)
Are there any other NTR games like NTR Knight that have a full vanilla route with multiple scenes?
I'm still mad that Winter Memories didn't let the MC fuck his mom
should I even try winter memories? I assume it's just summer memories but in winter
His mom doesn't even have a portrait anon. But yes I would like for his mom to eventually get something
She does now. She's hot. Criminal the dev still won't let you fuck her.
>She does now.
Wat? When was it added. Post her
does anyone know what the current or last version of CoC /hgg/ edition is? The last one I have is like from 2022 and /hgg/ as it was no longer exists
Merged with /weg/ you wegger
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Been playing Mad Island. Discovered the joys of making androids. Kidnapped a loli and executed a large female native to make a /fit/ loli
I wanted to get into it but there's too much shit. The interface and game design is peak schizo. Also weird how the male pc and female pc can't fuck each other.
any update? the game looks cool I wanna play it :3
Every eroge have at least 1 character that is hotter than MC and unfuckble.
Even in indie game this is true and I can't stress enough how much hotties I missed throughout the years.
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I am STILL mad after all these years
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Excluding BS, what are some good games with combat?
Is there a site that lists games with a hidden sex tag or something similar? I wish I could find some non-vn games with this tag. I only know Summer Memories.
I wish that ss was as popular as loli games. This game has hidden sex too.
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>Excluding BS, what are some good games with combat?
SEQUEL series
Fumika Fantasy
Taima Miko Yuugi
ROBF series (ROBF and Re:BF are translated)
Three Charms series (the combat in the first game kinda sucks though, but it's good in the two games afterwards)
Blazing Aries (the first dungeon sucks though, push through that)
Ayura Crisis, and Eris Dysnomia
Thanks. I will check them out.
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Does anyone know the sauce of this gif?
Been trying to find the name of this one hentai game and I cannot remember it for the life of me. All I know is that the overall plot is that the MC is trying to romance this one girl, but he has to fend off these three other girls who want to femdom him. One of the girls was this really tall girl who is the MC's childhood friend.
confession game
Maybe you'll like mnemosyne.
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>FULLFLAP made a feMC beat-em-up ages ago, but you're supposed to rape men in there.
Which one?
none in your picture, RJ113624
>new fullflap release this month
need sauce for ur pic rel. anon
bumping this as well
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>>need sauce for ur pic rel. anon
Play ROBF and ReBF
I remember many, many years back, there was a FemMC game and it had the usual corruption track but what really did it for me was that, not only did it have repeatable scenes but you could turn the girl into a proper Gyaru, loose socks and tan included. Have there been any new games since that did that?
Hol up, I'm so out of the loop, I even missed Megrim's new game? Fuck, I hope any form of translation will be made within this decade.
any good oppai loli games?
this feels like a long shot but:
does anyone know how to make custom levels in the game Cloth X Breaker?
the readme seems to indicate its a simple drg and drop but theres no folder to drag or drop too and the option to open one in game does nothing.
i have a few images id love to use but the game is unclear so im stuck with whats there
i've been posting on f95 since there's more visibility, you can checkout the progress there, https://f95zone.to/threads/furina-of-seer-development-thread.241412/

there's not yet a playable version, but I'm close

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