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cute girls
huge tits
plap plap (get pregnant!)

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I love my stupid wife Kriemhild
god she is so hot
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maid game is my numero uno, but the new bunny game might change that
thanks for reposting, hadn't saved that one
most looking forward to huge chocolate cans and #3 with that ditzy ass smile
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bumping with some art
they're all so cute and soft
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There hasn't been any other information released about this new game? This picture is all I've ever seen.
yeah nothing new since then

>maid game is my numero uno
it was easily the best. best lineup of girls, and the moms elevate it to god tier.
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Historically from what I can recall, is they usually do their releases on Christmas or Golden Week. I’m finding it hard to believe they will do Christmas this year, unless they don’t market their products prior, and just stealth drop, which I doubt. If nothing drops this month which is seeming to being to case, then this upcoming title will have been the longest in development to date.

IMO each release has been a step up from the last, and hopefully continues to be the case. I just hope we actually get some animated paizuri scenes this time around, ironic really, considering how the game is portrayed. That being said, I’d say there is a good chance of getting some info and/or teaser’s at C105 at the end of the month.
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Thanks for the replies. I agree maid is definitely the best yet despite the lack of animated paizuri so I hope this bunny sequel just continues to build. What I'm most scared of potentially losing is the amount of mom content we got last time. I desparately hope they continue giving the moms as much content as they did in meido. I'd also like to see the dokodemo fellatio feature return. I know some people didn't care for it but I liked it. Maybe even expand it to dokodemo paizuri
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the animations in these games are art
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>couldnt wait until the end of the year to make a new thread

use twitter you fucking niggers, they have another booth on c105
and if desperate enough their faggot writer often yaps nonstop about the next game
bruh who gets this angry over things this unimportant
no one on the planet gives even a single fuck lmao
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But anon I don't wanna use twitter and become an insufferable faggot like you.
Dyzenia my beloved
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It's finally time! Let's freaking go!!

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MILF Factory
Delicious titty meat
This should make 2025 wortwhile
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I love this bitch
Moms will be in the next work for sure, hope this time they give them breast pickup scenarios, it was a waste not giving them in hmaid
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Sex with Myun Myun

Im claiming that purple haired freaky bitch. She’s gonna empty my nuts all day.

If it's like this, I'm claiming that Karin-like one! I have a weakest for brown girl u

That aside, less that two weeks before their reveal, so who do you think these girls are base from? I already said on another thread Uzaki or Marina from Blue Archive for number 3, Asuna also from BA for number 6, Karin BA for number 10, maybe Ryza for 9 and long shot Hu Tao number 1? What do you guys think? ;)

(Also, maybe number 2, the main girl, is sister with number 4? :/ )
Yeah good choice. Can't resist that stupid horny smile.
>She’s gonna empty my nuts all day
She seems up for the task
For me, it's either 1 or 8
8 looks like Kazusa from BA, 9 might be Tomo-chan
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Uzaki expy would be great, mostly because it means we might get Uzaki mom expy too!

Oh, Tomo-chan is very possible! And Kazusa with her nekomimi ears would be great too!


Indeed :P
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the thing i hate about milk factory games is the girls get pregnant like five seconds before the game ends. imagine if they had the brains to have mc breed them about midway and then have mc continue fucking them as they start showing and getting bigger and bigger. you'd have a bunch of pregnant threesomes/foursomes, hell, you could have pregnant oyakodon even. fucking kino

and if you want that the only choice you have is miel/norn trash where the art is trash and the plots are retarded
we have the new formula to blame for that, SQUEEZ games werent fully "kinetic" either, but it for sure would have worked with their flag system, now that you can pick girls at will, who's h-scenes are detached while not really triggering any flags outside of just harem scenes either, so doing pregnancies mid game wouldnt really work without fucking up the script for the later scenarios, they could work on it for sure, bt considering the girls also dont visually grow in bust on their sprites i doubt they'd bother doing preggo sprites

i suppose what i'm complaining about comes down to the fact that these games are about impreg and not really pregnancy: they say 孕ませ everywhere but rarely ボテ腹 or 妊娠 or anything of that nature

if the games really were for people who would find the pregnant sprites hot (a conversation with a mother and daughter, both using their preggo sprites…imagine) then they would, but that's clearly not their audience. (i don't really get how you can be only into one of these things and not both but that's just me)
>(i don't really get how you can be only into one of these things and not both but that's just me)
Well, I like the fantasy of impregnating a bunch of hot and horny girls but find the appearance of a very pregnant woman to be slightly off-putting or at least not as sex, so I know I fall into the camp of people who like impregnation but not seeing the pregnancy itself.
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One more week guys!
I'd really enjoy a project where someone just grabs the milkfactory girls and puts them in a game like EraTohoTW or some similar romance focused grindfest. Maybe I should just bite the bullet and learn to mod that mess myself
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bit less than a week niggers
that's fair, i can see how that might happen

i should say that, like you, i don't like "very pregnant" states where the body looks unbalanced. i think a lot of people with a pregnancy fetish have an inflation thing going on: witness the constant fantasies about twins or triples, or straight up hyperpreg. i find that end of the spectrum off-putting. luckily milk factory pregnant ending cgs are pretty tasteful with the belly size (and the fat tits help with a sense of visual balance). that said, early to mid-term is also really cute...

for me every part of the whole process is really fucking hot, starting from impregnating a lovely subby girl (well, girls here), through to giving my now even more horny pregnant wives entirely too much attention, overstimulating them, taking care of them as they get increasingly irrational with their hormonal cravings, and ending in (as they say) "taking responsibility" and being a good father and having the wives beg me for more babies/compete among themselves for it

i dream of a game that is pretty much just this

desu there's a more primary problem for me with milk factory games (the reason i don't play them much), which is not something missing (pregnant cgs/sex scenes) but rather something actively offputting: the mcs are way too...switchy for me, classic indecisive harem protags getting some magical phone app or hypno thing or isekai breeding licence or whatever, randomly falling facefirst into some shy girl's tits while she kyaas and then looking for mommy to breastfeed them while calling them a big boy or whatever, not interested in/capable of actually lording it over a harem of wives and making them his breeding bitches. which, you know, many such japanese male-audience erotica, it's just a shame because visually milk factory games appeal to me a lot and i wish i enjoyed the gameplay
animated paizuri scenes PLEASE

that dark elf legs and thighs will kill me holy fuck
I mean, the games are about cute girls with huge tits and impregnating said girls. They deliver on that premise. Seeing the girls actually pregnant is like your trophy at the end. Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't mind more pregnant scenes either, my point is just, it's a game about getting cute girls pregnant, not necessarily a game about pregnant sex.
shit I didn't even notice she had those sex fishnets
was looking at the giant tits
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>he self-inserts

>all those deleted while writing this reply
fucking KWAB
just more of a lurker, so i'm not used to replying and ended up making more than one post lol

yeah that's fair
i'd play them too because "cute girls with huge tits and impregnating said girls" appeals to me a lot in and of itself, but i've tried two of the games and unfortunately i'm the kind of retard who can't self-insert unless the mc acts in a more...relatable (to me) manner and milk factory mcs are *not* it. it's a shame, the art is so fucking hot (not just the pregnant ones). look at that wavy_mouth

i propose the next milk factory mc be a male lead straight out of a shoujo/josei manga, i.e. not meme-level johnny bravo gigachad, just calm and cool around the girls, fondling the girls' tits because he wants to not because he fell into them, with a sense of actual ownership over/responsibility for the women he's breeding, etc

(audience boos)

well evidently i don't know how to finish all my thinking before i hit send

also that sprite in the corner with just the tops of the tits showing up is excellent. which game is this from

oh this has been on my wishlist forever but i've never gotten around to playing it. i think last time i tried to get it the nyaa.si torrent had no seeders lmao
thanks for the reminder
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>also that sprite in the corner with just the tops of the tits showing up is excellent. which game is this from

well, it's dyzenia, so it's from the maid game (the newest one)
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post underrated girls
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she's not tho lol, the only real problem with her alongside Akira and Lillia is that the game has THIS 2 beasts in it that just overshadow a good amount of the roster(and maybe Lecia too, im divided on her), it also doesnt help that the ones that come right after them are incredibly appealing too, like unless you have a thing for tanned tomboy elves and token lolis then of course Hinata wont be appealing to you with how plain she looks, but despite that she's still definitely a couple of levels above those two, the character is great and has amazing h-scenes but gets overshadowed by Nanako, Akira has nice h-scenes too but compared to Konoka&Rio she just cant compete, Lillia is probably the only somewhat lackluster one with how niche/fetish specific some of her scenes were, really theres no real "underrated character" just because a lot of people flock to specific ones, probably the only real "underrated" ones would be on Eromaho for one reason or another since i remember some people not liking Miao, Casinia and Mizore, and of course Kaguya was just fucked over but despite that she still has a lot of people that liked her
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>and if you want that the only choice you have is miel/norn trash where the art is trash and the plots are retarded
Imagine this shit taste lmao. Miel has great artists. One even is from the latest MF.
Also funny having an story critic of a brand as a MF fan.
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ofc every girl has her fans, I was just going by the poll numbers
for me Hinata is easily top 3 in the ero app game
Maya really is too powerful though, total final boss semen demon

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