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Previous thread:

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Welcome to the gangbang thread! Post and discuss gangbang related content here.
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you are completely surrounded!
Love this game, Ryoko is so hot.
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Do you prefer the women being used to be partially undressed?
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or to be fully in the nude?
Fully dressed to losing parts of their outfit before turning fully nude is the best. Though there are some outfits that are sexiest when they mostly stay intact

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Japan need to come up with the solution to fight these 2 faggot credit cards. Not just porn, They literally pulled out on every single japanese online storefronts out there.

My solution
1. Bank transfer / Wire Transfer Payment. No need to rely on credit cards
2. JCB must expand to Europe and America. They already dominate on Asia market.
3. Gift card / Coin method with 1:1 Currency. Dont be retarded like Toracoin does (they fucking inflated the currency by 50% lmao)

Can someone provide another solution ?
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It's called children and not loli, you newfag.

And rape is Fakku's number one cash cow hence why they promote it the most.
Imagine making fun of someone being ESL when you're pressing enter after every word because you're a schizo who either thinks Reddit spacing is real or 4chan uses Reddit's text editor.
Get a job and stop being a damn lazy person.
People spend their bitcoins all the time, I spent a lot of them on dollars back when it was 70k

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Previous thread >>7980654
Older threads https://archiveofsins.com/h/thread/7768404

Guilty (Nightmare/Dash) Catalogs
https://vndb.org/p115 (https://vndb.org/p10006 / https://vndb.org/p12551)

DLC patches, MTL, Resources and FAQ (under construction): https://pastebin.com/hPRZ9fua
Tiermaker: https://tiermaker.com/create/guilty---toriko-nightmare-heroines--626031

Recent releases:
Toriko no Urara ~Otoko no Sono ni Magirekonda Ichirin no Akai Hana~
虜ノ麗 ~男の園に紛れこんだ一輪の紅い花~
DL: https://www.mikocon.com/thread-78794-1-1.html
MTL: https://mega.nz/file/AaFzxSIb#-0gOInZyEuxgJAIezGNv5JAwN8JukRNlnhm3oiExyDE

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Which game is this?
Toriko no Urara - the latest tile in the series https://vndb.org/v50140

I am not techically savvy but back 6 months ago when I was trying to solve the letter size issue I reached out to this guy I think https://www.reddit.com/user/DarthFly/

He specializes in ADVHD engine games, and he helped me greatly with explaining how to reduce the letter size and we used his file for the rest of Guilty games to fix the letter size. If you talk to him and ask nicely, I think he might be able to help.
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So now that Urara has been released for a few days ... what are your impressions on the direction that the Toriko series is going in.

Personally I like the fact that technically we returned to the all virgin cast that the titles before Shimai had - sure you need to pick Sawa's or Noeka's routes to unlock their defloration scenes but at least they have been shown on screen unlike Shimai or Tsubasa were we hadn't had defloration scenes for some of the women - so I consider that progress.

I also liked how the other women got involved in some of the non MC routes.

The fact that some women managed to save their virginity in the 'good ending' is also a bit realistic - I mean it makes sense for the women who already been defiled to try to cover for their inexperienced companions.

I also like how there were separate bad endings for the MC and the whole 'female group' and that the MC and other women had multiple defloration scenes.

As for disappointments - well it's the fact that none of the women had on screen pregnancy scenes, but the fact that it has been mentioned in Kanna's route is a progress imo.

Also some of the scenes angles could be a little better.

There also could be more scenes with the MC in girl clothes and her original long hair, but that's just my preference talking.

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Apparently someone noticed that the pussy juice stain from Tsubasa tapestry shop bonus somehow got copied over to Kanna. It was more obvious when the tapestry was delivered and the shapes position matched according to the samples.

Dunno how Guilty missed the QC and whether it can be compensated.

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Reverse Rape (female-to-male rape)
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Good read but art is a bit off
my favorite hentai is reverse rape but i think the guy is very lucky

This would be better if it didn't have the xray.
1. Women cant rape men
2. Men are supposed to dominate and take what they want
3. You guys are probably fags that like getting pegged in the ass
nobody cares about your opinion on gender politics, either contribute to the thread or fuck off

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Post good vanilla stories, discuss vanilla stories etc.
(In all honesty, I'm starting this thread becasue I wanted to post about "I Want To Try Again" by danimaru without having to go through the hassle of finding it again lol)
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Page 13
Hiroto: "Sorry to keep you waiting!"
Sumire: "I've been waiting for you."
Page 14
Hiroto: "Sumi..."
Hiroto: "I can see under your skirt again..."
Sumire: "Lewd..."
Hiroto: "Was that a hint?"
Sumire: "Whatever could you mean?"
Hiroto: "That thing you just said."
Sumire: "Do you think it was a hint?"
Hiroto: "I sure hope so."
Page 15

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Page 26
Hiroto: "Here we go."
Sumire: "Yep."
Sumire: "Nhh..."
Page 27
Hiroto: "Does it hurt?"
Sumire: "A little bit... but I'm okay."
Hiroto: "I'm gonna start moving."
Sumire: "Yep."
Sumire: "Nhh!"
Page 28
Hiroto: "Whoa... This feels great."

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Is anchira kill? I don't know where to read uncensored doujins anymore.
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This and Routine, Alp is on a roll.
found it, thank you anon, will drown in my own cum now

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Misa-nee supremacy.
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A few pictures of the Erika Pinky Bunny doing battle of the Butts with Kirara, the Brazilian goddess might be the winner here but only by a slight margin. Still waiting for the Rui figure to arrive and complete the Zettai Junpaku shrine, this month normally. I might post some pics when i get her later.
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lmao at the strap on girl

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Looks like Liquid is making Sei Dorei Gakuen 3, as well as rereleasing Sei Dorei Gakuen 2, with additional content.

Sei Dorei Gakuen 3: http://liquid.nexton-net.jp/liq42/
Sei Dorei Gakuen 2: Complete Training Edition: http://liquid.nexton-net.jp/liq43/
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To be honest, I am pretty sure this whole "raping until they believe" is based on brainwashing techniques from cults, the book 1984, and experimental proof of returning POWs from the Korean War. North Korea did this to americans, but using much more violent ways than just war rape.

The secret is that when your mind is in extreme distress, your brain becomes frágile, and you begin to believe in weird things told to you by someone who at least seems to know more. It don't helps most women do feel orgasm from raping, making more rapes unreported because of guilt.

Sex cults are not só different. And no scientist with any ethics will test this on real women.

Reminder domestic abuse victim come up with excuses for abuse too.

That is way IN SDG2 is a important plot point the school is secluded from the external world. Without any external stimuli, the women see no escape and come to accept what the protagonist wants them to do.

Expect SDG3 to be also be set in some kind of closed circle.

Brainwashing is easier than you think.
the intense orgasms being layed on the women, combined with the training, would absolutely make them more submissive, slutty, and compliant, especially since the carrot is "insane series of neverending orgasms" and the stick is "sexual and psychological violence" they'd be in a whirlwind mental state.

in 2 at least, all the women are repressed whores, and the insane sexual situations unleash their repressed natures, by the end, "sex slavery" is just a pretense to them, they know what it means in reality, they will experience mind bending pleasure with big fat cocks, that they've wanted to experience in a nasty submissive way but couldn't.
I wonder how they will make it different this time. Orkis was a misandrist hellhole, will 3 will be like on a conservative rural village or something?
Lol, maybe they will go full on " burn the franchise and run" mode and have the protagonist defeat the Nishikis, get them arrested, and keep the slaves for himself because he is a greedy bastard.

It Just dawned on me maybe the smaller around of heroines is so they can have more one-on-one scenes with the protagonist só he can build trust.

Or maybe have multiple endings só they can either do a 4 later and Just in case Liquid goes down or sales are unsatisfactory the "end the franchise" ending becomes canon.

Like, the only eroge series that reached four are more plot focused like Kyonyuu or not very highquality like Kansen.SDG is neither.
honestly if they did a double path with "exclusive training" and "for sale training" it would be interesting and new.

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Either the story just made it difficult, or in the middle it had a bit that immediately turned you off.
I knew from the title that this was probably gonna be a touchy subject thing, but still.
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I dont remember what its called cause I tried to forget it but the one NTR doujin where 4 school friends(2 guys 2 girls) get together to fuck but guy A is into girl A but everyone except him just wants to fuck around, their little club kind of breaks apart but girl A keeps fucking around with randos and telling the guy about it, ending is them meeting some time in the future with her working in a store and telling the guy how shes fucking the store manager
shit devestated me
Ishu Kitan and Take in particular made me crave only depressing stuff. I know girl in concrete exists but his stories were universally bleak and soul crushing and made me crave for the most sublime porn now. Since then, I had a literal misery porn where I want the man to be a legitime sack of shit of a human being and not some caricature that instant corrupts the heroine to be a cum guzzling slut and instead be broken and resentful about her situation for the rest of her life.

New Jersey in particular got on my nerves and killed my boner for example since none of her porn (or by extension Azur Lane in particular) has that soul crushing depression that may come with some of their skin themes. Like where are the sex work doujins where New Jersey is made to work in horrible conditions to sate the cocaine habits of the SKK, or Cleveland bring a newly minted employee at a pop up strip bar taught to have sex on her first day by being drugged and trained during.

That is why people stopped caring about Azur Lane is once better tits shown up they were yesterday's day and they don't have a hardcore fanbase stanning for them in the doujins anymore
At the end of the day, dude learned a good lesson. When someone shows you who they are, believe them. She was a pretty face wrapped around a whore's body. Sounds like he dodged a bullet. If he plays his cards right and with a little luck, he could find someone as good or better.

And even if he doesn't, being single's better than being a loser cuck.
You are in the wrong thread, bro. We're talking about stories that killed our boners, not gave us them.
>And even if he doesn't, being single's better than being a loser cuck.
pretty sure the ending implies that this turns into a regular thing, so he is a cuck without even being in a relationship
Wish this got an OVA

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Post pokegirls.
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"I'll be the one... taking the lead, so... don't you worry, okay?"
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A rough and possibly incorrect translation:
1st panel
Nemona, 1st speech bubble: Did it feel good, doing this with my mouth?
Nemona, 2nd speech bubble: It's OK to put it in.

2nd panel
Nemona:Aah! It feels good! Fuck me harder!
Blue (thought?)bubble: Moving aside her panties and fucking her is just so erotic.
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Straight, explicit sexual content oriented for a female audience, typically made by women.

Previous thread: >>7981894

>the male must be attractive
>the picture must be focused on the male
>the female must be present in the picture and have sexual contact with the male
>the female may or may not be attractive as well, or a faceless girl self-insert
>she may also be the focus, but preferably not more than the male
>unexaggerated proportions are preferable
>content of Asian origin and anime/manga art style, western art goes here:>>>/aco/femporn

No yuri, no yaoi, no faceless dudes, no shota, no loli, no derailing thread. Thank you.
Tip: Before you ask for the source of an image, use reverse image search sites such as iqdb.org, trace.moe, or sauceNAO.com to find what you need. Do not post solo male pictures even if it is meant to be straight, since those are considered /y/ content in this site and could get easily deleted.
Do not post /c/ or /cm/ content either (anything that is not porn).

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Describe your ideal or perfect Monster Boy scenario. What Monster Boy would you like to have fun and make love and possibly marry?
its just annoying because it's baseline well drawn work with mutual enjoyment and you think you're special
hard disagree
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No. Seeing weird fanart of anime characters doesn't change how I feel about the characters themselves.
I've come to accept that the majority of my 2D crushes will forever be plagued with gay art, it doesn't even register anymore, when I stumble across it. The only time I can be a bit taken aback is when it's incredibly out of character, how they would react in that situation like that's not my husbando but a skinwalker getting plowed.

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Koyanagi Royal is starting to be active again, and its looking like we might actually get continuation of the Demonology series and Shinobi no Bi, fingers crossed. They just posted a piece of a new character on their fanbox recently here: https://royal-k.fanbox.cc/posts/8004139
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final preview so far. Hopefully we'll get an update this week or next. Judging by the look of the preview a release is probably close. I think it's insane how poor Royal is at self promotion, especially compared to some other artists who aren't nearly as talented

Man this looks great, I (and my dick) can barely wait for the full release.

Also, check'd.
Granny's great and all, but all i want is Kaname's mother getting her ass stuffed, but more and more characters getting introduced and we never get to her. We already have classmates, neighborhood mils, angels, and now homunculus+granny joins the party? Who's next after those? God himself?
>Koyanagi Royal is starting to be active again
That's excellent news.
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Yeah I agree. Royal's designs are great but I hope the current roster doesn't get neglected. The mom will be last probably and at least the homunculus is a guy so that another another dick into the mix. I'm still hoping we get some more action with Sara in her demon form, she's been underused.

Glasses milf > Shieri > Sara > Granny > Mom

At least in my opinion

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Previous: >>8046303

Free sites to use:
Paid sites:

Mobile reader app for android: https://tachiyomi.org/

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>it's not completed yet
These canceled manhwa are fucking with my perception of the life cycle.
wait, this shit is coming back? and the black haired whore is the lead? would be based since she carried the whole thing before, there is also a severe lack of pornhwas with girl leads

i just hope it doesn't devolve into a billion characters and everyone fighting again

he should also reboot that actress turned pornstar thing again but this time have her actually be a fucking pornstar
Pretty sure Juhee will be in it as well.
Would be nice, but he wasn't the artist for that own. Just helped Andrew with the story. Now they are working together again in "The Patron's Daughters".
What's some good stuff that's come out in the last few months?

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Previous thread:

Next BISHOP game: Kyousei Shihai (2024-05-31)
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how missionary position relate to in this case,for me harem is all the girl only lust and want to have sex with him only,if the girl have lust or want to have sex with other(man or woman) then is not a harem is just Polyamory i don't see any difference between male and female,come on guy is 21 century and lesbian can marry each other now what is this double standard
so you like to see you girl get gangrape by some lesbian gyaru wear strapon is not NTR ?? i don't have any double standar like girl on girl is hot or is the woman then is not cheat here.
when i said NTR it also can be netorase too
Netorase represents a variation of NTR that
a genre of sharing or cuckoldry pornography where a protagonist's love interest has sex with others, which the protagonist enjoys, actively encourages or even causes.
In that case if you want you woman get gang rape,fuck by another woman and doesn't involves emotional betrayal like jealousy then is just netorase
Brother, all heroines in BISHOP games are fully devoted to the MC and his cock after being fully corrupted.

That's why I was confused by your statement.
Bro I'm just said my opinion about what this guy wants in the next game Like, a lot of gyarus torment the heroine with strap-ons because the protagonist called them to rape the heroine.If the next bishop game have that netorase cuck state i will drop it right away that not my cups of tea.But if that their hobbies then fine just keep playing it i just said my own opinion everyone have their own sexual preference.

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This doujin snip sums it all up in one image! Post pics or story links where this scene occurs!
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Hypnotized College Girls -REALITY PORN APP- by Rebis
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How much H hoarding is too much?
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I kneel
>artist Buta, tag Gyaru
Couldn't you have just searched Buta, iirc Gyarus are all he draws.

>Irodori isn't a Fakku proxy

Hello shill.
Hi schizo, so what's your explanation for Fakku translating loli as loli and anything set in high school as high school just fine while Irodori is rewriting even stuff taking place in high school into college? Why would Fakku release doujins on their own if they had a "proxy" to release doujins through? Let's not forget that the most logical explanation here is simply "Irodori and Fakku are two separate companies, which is why they both release doujins and why one of them is a cowardly censor while the other isn't", so if you want your schizo conspiracy theory to have any kind of plausibility then your explanations need to somehow make more sense than this simple one that would perfectly explain the current state of things.
No actually, there's one early doujin of his I have that has an oni, and the cover has nudity on it. I've posted this webm on blue boards too, so I wanted to avoid that one.

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