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Straight, explicit sexual content oriented for a female audience, typically made by women.

Previous thread: >>8057897

>the male must be attractive
>the picture must be focused on the male
>the female must be present in the picture and have sexual contact with the male
>the female may or may not be attractive as well, or a faceless girl self-insert
>she may also be the focus, but preferably not more than the male
>unexaggerated proportions are preferable
>content of Asian origin and anime/manga art style, western art goes here:>>>/aco/femporn

No yuri, no yaoi, no faceless dudes, no shota, no loli, no derailing thread. Thank you.
Tip: Before you ask for the source of an image, use reverse image search sites such as iqdb.org, trace.moe, or sauceNAO.com to find what you need. Do not post solo male pictures even if it is meant to be straight, since those are considered /y/ content in this site and could get easily deleted.
Do not post /c/ or /cm/ content either (anything that is not porn).

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bless you
he's SO handsome cute perfect. great find anon.
art is beautiful
mhm, passionate bubbling up energy is the best
What this >>8111886 anon mention. It's all about the vibe.
Laios is very attractive in the way he approach life. He's passionate, goal oriented, loyal, surprisingly clever when situation demands it, kind and generous. He's a man very comfortable in his natural masculine energy. Even his flaws makes him endering.
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This was honestly perfect outside of the first scene at the apt. Though I understand it was necessary for the plot.
He's incredibly handsome and cute cute. I really love the FL, she's really amazing.
Wonderful. Thank you for the recc.
I'm still reading this but it's lovely. The ML is so incredibly cutely handsome and the FL is beautiful.
The art is so nice.
>Laios is very attractive in the way he approach life.
>He's passionate, goal oriented, loyal, surprisingly clever when situation demands it, kind and generous.
>He's a man very comfortable in his natural masculine energy. Even his flaws makes him endearing.
I couldn't have described his charm better, you did so perfectly. I love love Laios and this is a perfect description of what makes him so lovable and attractive.
Really nice. Source?
>find laios hot but he reminds me of someone i hate and cant bring myself to jerk it to him
life is unfair

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I found this work a while back and love the concept of a harem but it’s just one girl with D.I.D.


I started looking for anything with a similar concept but I don’t even know what tag I should be searching for assuming it even exists.

Anyone have any works that are similar or any tags that might be semi-relevant in looking for more?

Gonna storytime this while waiting for replies.
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Is there a tag for this?
Personality_Switch on Gelbooru
Eh, most of what I’m seeing is 2 different characters swapping personalities with each other.
Not seeing anything with multiple personalities really.

>used to have a routine of going through all the new doujins of the past week and bookmarking all the ones I was interested in and then working my way through them
>had a busy week one time and had to catch up to two weeks worth of porn
>couldn't do it in time and the gap has only increased over time
>am now a month from my last harvest and still have like 40 works to go
I'm doomed. I will never recover from this erotic avalanche. What can man do in the face of such overwhelming odds?

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Previous >>8015977
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Anyone have a link to that page on mega that had paizuri compilations for the hentai that came out every year?
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extremely rare double paizuri variant
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Made another thread about this on /aco/ yesterday, figured I should make one here too. Only rules are go for shit like picrel, not people with USB ports on their head or something and no AI, otherwise go nuts.
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not sure if this would be considered loli here, it's not tagged that on Gelbooru but it's kinda hard to tell myself

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>Requesting help to find the hentai i watched ages ago, im talking 10+ years at least
>Any tips for finding it are also apreciated
>Already tried going to popular sites and searching for any possibly related tags, i either didn't see it or didn't recognize it

The only things i remember for sure:
The story is about a delinquent boy joining the school and going around fucking different girls.
The only 2 scenes that i can remember was one where a girl in a hoodie was ditching gym class to go smoke, the boy blackmailed her into sex.
Another scene is a shy girl with long light hair from a drama/theather club wearing shrine clothes and a kitsune mask got talked into sex by the protagonist.
Forgot to add that the smoking scene was by a tree outside

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Sisters, daughters, cousins, aunts, moms, etc, etc were made for family cum.
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10 years old picture with the same idea, huh
I went the other way around. I learned Japanese in high school because I didn't know what else to pick and it led to my current sever incest hentai addiction.
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HHHHHGGGGNNNNNN I'd tell them to get a room but they have two adjacent ones.

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>Why is no one translating furube?
would imagine because the panels are busy, the art is unpolished and the artist's style doesn't shun ugliness. that being as it is, it's genuinely good and it's a damn shame there's no translation.

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Previous Thread: >>8059369

Discuss all forms of NTR themed images, manga, anime, doujinshi, visual novels, games, etc.

Guide & definitions: https://0.0g.gg/?bedca3ad8a4a1172#A5z1AGQ2oXhT7mqYPJw7WzSjRGTsqz9AQM6a3iDrY3St
OVA recommendations: https://0.0g.gg/?446cfca32ab56eb4#GQE5Hak9CNfDMYuEbDvVZc69jSADoNso5pgt6kSxa3bP
Smut recommendations: https://0.0g.gg/?c309281c91d381b8#3zBp9sCFVKunFVdznViTmBhddWqmiWcBDs9QU1uvtWov
RPG Games List: https://0.0g.gg/?ad1c22e289965ec9#stkeZnFja8tTsPpKtNR7U8m8dRY9CR879NJinrjYdVn
Translated Visual Novels List: https://0.0g.gg/?75a3e0947ee7b1c4#JyQQrYuexGkvW8ffLLJqTSLBktXDW48JquFNUuTEQ8r
Untranslated Visual Novels List: https://0.0g.gg/?4e51920cbbe437c4#8VZG1MwUf7mWbC5QQsE6gpVT1EmXyLi4R4pzDesm8m94
Game Devs List: https://0.0g.gg/?f7796007c13bf01e#HsyXuCEemKX2ah1iePzKubTaHTdKQnmMBDgGuxCCQP9t
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August 23rd NTR kino release
Oyama chads we are eating good!

Well hot damn that is good news
>August 23rd
you will learn

Girls being used front and back. For it to be a spitroast, and not just a threesome or a gangbang, it must involve no more than 2 dicks, and the girl must be between them.
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The book came out in 2012 you retard. Why would the author be posting about it in a spitroast thread in 2024?
It's called shilling
Your dad came out in 2012
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My fetish is to watch a married, vanilla couple making things work.
I cant find even a single fucking doujin on nhentai that doesnt devolve into NTR shit.
The bigger question is why the fuck NTR sells so well.

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As Sheila lets out a gentle sigh of relief, Kelly swiftly unhooks her bra and leans forward, with the slippery gel allowing her now bare breasts to smoothly glide along Sheila’s back. Her skin quickly becomes covered in the substance and begins to glisten as she slides back and forth, over and over, with more and more of both women’s bodies coming into contact.

Kelly slips out of her panties and then switches to a more upright position, gyrating her hips and grinding her pussy against Sheila’s round behind. Then, with her body half turned she reaches down and vigorously rubs Sheila’s soaking wet cunt in time to her motions, before slipping two fingers in.
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Curry Girl flops down on the bed and laughs.
>In spite of all the fun we've had tonight I can't help but dwell on those losses
>You know I'd nearly convinced myself I was being punished by the gods
>But why should I be punished? I've been a good girl. I was a good and faithful wife. I'm even a reasonably good mother
>No, I think there's a much more mundane explanation for my recent failures
>I'm just out of practice
>What I really need is a mentor, someone who can whip me into shape
>Y-You've had a great deal of.. experience, yes? Perhaps you'd be willing to train me? At least for the night?
>I s-suppose in a rather roundabout way what I'm saying is...
Curry Girl removes her sweater, displaying her ample assets.
>Do you wanna wrestle?
Based. Majority of AI shit are just slops anyway. I wish I'm wrong but I can't just get into it.
I've probably coom to AI more than 3d over the last year desu kek

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>DLsite page of the DLC with the PV:
>DLsite page of the base game:
>Seismic's twitter
>Seismic's blog

"Sexy AND cute and she knows it!" edition.

Magipoka turned 18 years old a little over a month ago! So if Liru was 15/16 years old then, she would be 33/34 years old now!

"The Liru Project" (The name of the original threads) never ends. Liru is eternal and will always be with us. I believe that even after all of our lives have passed, Liru will still be remembered, discussed and content created in her name. The Liru Project goes on.

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no one gives a shit. stop being a crybaby and go beat your meat.
Anyone know where I can find the Christmas version of the game? I remember having it on my old PC but it wouldn't work unless you set the date back.
Why not just watch one of the many many videos out there of it?

I mean, I guess f95zone has it.
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Anchira is kill.
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Translate for the esl nigger: the hypocrite scammer is trying too hard to copy every little thing koushoku did
Makes me sad to think about all of the Fakku shit that would be available for free if the scammer ndbir/nayumi/hvnc/hentalk/Scorpi0n didn't exist

Yet you didn't do it until Schale brought up J18, made a J18 ripper and uploaded J18 files because you only obsess over Schale, re-upload what others shared and deceive newfags that you did all the work and they should give you money for it.
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>fakku shill

Keep projecting. Your second purpose after being a scammer is discouraging people from sharing content from Fakku by harassing actual uploaders, helping Fakku track down who is sharing their shit and preventing legitimate group buys/crowdfunds/account sharing.
All it takes is just one attentionwhore to ruin everything. Every uploader and ripper until now has been doing a thankless job, remaining anonymous and never asking for anything, and then this narcissistic scammer comes along, writing paragraphs and advertising his Discord in his torrent as if he has done something profound.

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The thief, Night Charger. Lone wolf with an athletic body. Aloof, but unafraid to speak her mind, or stand her ground.
The gang leader, Bad Lotion. Petite body, big attitude. Ex-prostitute, resident cheeky bitch. Alternates between bored indifference and making fun of people.
The mafia boss, Madam Venom. Elegant predator. Speaks politely, but acts like everyone else is either pawn, prey, or toy. Has diva tendencies.

Three villains incarcerated in the Asylum, the rehabilitation center for criminals with dangerous powers.
They're sharing the same fate, but they're not buddies. Bad Lotion and Madam Venom have met, and butted heads before. The lady would have preferred that they ignore each other, given that she isn't too proud of her current situation, but Bad Lotion had to rub her downfall all over her face, so the war is on. Night Charger doesn't care about the other two, but she gets dragged into the dispute when Madam Venom recognizes her. Turns out that the young woman had been stealing in mafia territory for a while, and given that she burgled Bad Lotion's brothels too, the mafia boss and the gang leader have beef with her.

Bad Lotion's way of starting shit up is upfront and aggressive, contrary to Madam Venom's, who snipes with precision guided comments or stealthy roundabout insults. None of those ever fly under Bad Lotion's radar because, despite being vulgar and uneducated, the ex-prostitute is actually really far from being stupid. Hence, retaliation ensues with a deluge of insults and threats. Night Charger usually keeps to herself, so if nobody has pulled her in first, she stays out of fights. Unless the noise gets too annoying for her, if that ever happens, she jumps into the fray.

Even though they bicker all the time, those three villainesses won't hesitate to set their problems aside as soon as they see a good opportunity to take revenge on the director of the Asylum.



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Will the images ever be translates


can do it yourself
the brainlet way is to mask all the hentai with mspaint then put the images into a LLM and ask it to provide the text.
the other way is use OCR tech to extract the words and translate them via deepl
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"Cool whip sword. Mine's better."
this cover is amazing
I love how they all have vaguely threatening looks on their faces, like a mixture of ero and horror

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