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I see on pixiv and twitter lots of people using AI for hentai now, making money from it through Patreon and so forth. Is it really a better strategy than drawing it by hand?

On one hand AI is much faster than drawing, on the other, it looks like undistinguishable slop so it must be harder to differentiate yourself. In your opinion, what's the smarter route if you want money, endless AI slop posting, or a few high quality hand drawn pieces per week?

Personally, I get satisfaction from drawing but proompting feels like a drag, but I also feel like an idiot seeing how little effort it takes to use SD to get a decent slop image to post. Thoughts?
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If it looks like horrible slop it shouldn't be posted. there are too many low effort spam accounts flooding other works.
>it looks like undistinguishable slop so it must be harder to differentiate yourself
That is simply because the vast majority use garbage models and prompt slop with no will or knowledge to make something actually good.
AI art if you know how to use it properly, is as good as drawn art, if not better.
Alternatively, use AI as an additional tool, rather than only using AI, like >>8071459 said.
Knowing how to draw even a few simple shapes and shit immensely helps getting just what you want with AI.
Plenty AI artists who rake in mad cash. Or you could do like pornpen, set up your own shitty AI service and rake in millions.
He was recently removed thankfully, but during the time he had patreon running, he probably already became a millionaire.
If you're an actual artist, combine the two.

1) Do your own poses/rough draft.
2) Use AI to flesh out rough draft

This is AI's super power that non-artists dont have.
For poses you can use DesignDoll then controlnet
You know the term starving artist? It is PHENOMENALLY hard to make a living as an artist. AI will get you money for a short time, but will die down once interest wanes. Plus, you'll get exponentially less satisfaction from prompting than actually creating something meaningful to you. If you're gonna be an artist, first and foremost you have to do it because you earnestly want to express something. AI cuts out the process, but the process is what makes the whole thing meaningful.

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Tall women get dominated by guys shorter than them

Pic is
My First Friend by Etuzan Jakusui
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warabite - The Broken - Part 1
Can someone help me out?

Im trying to find a Hmanga about a stoic, tall, blonde tennis star athlete that's always taken advantage of because the rules of the her village dictates that all women should succumb to men. By the end of the series, the dilf she was with got killed by the villagers because he was taking the blondie all by himself.
>Tall trees cut down
Wait, isn't that a saying from the Rwandan genocide?
壊れ者共 中編 by Warabite
The Story of a Small Village With a Sexy Custom

Girls Creation:

Legend Clover:

Master Lia New Year with no voices:

Shin Koihime Musou Tenkai Touitsuden viewer:

Tenkei Paradox: magnet:?xt=urn:btih:BF11DEBB2780C59804B6515AEB6F0C03343E2319&dn=Tenkei%20Paradox%20batch%201&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Fopen.stealth.si%3A80%2Fannounce&tr=udp%3A%2F%2Fopentor.org%3A2710%2Fannounce

Twinkle Star Knights:

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It doesn't matter since someone will upload it to nyaa, likely with voices
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Girls Book Maker incomplete collection, with most videos without the dialog text, by an anonymous user. I don't remember where I downloaded this.

>Files are huge

Files are H264 and not encoded in AV1. I will not be reencoding these.
Does anyone have torrent for these 4 scene? It appear on SpankBang, but disappear before I manage to download it.
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Kurashiki Reina's onee-chan, finally.
>The sisters get along quite well, or rather, the older sister is one-sidedly very protective of Reina, and Reina is slightly annoyed because she has a hard time with the older sister who is a genius.

>Design A
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as a manga reader, one of the best things about the adaptation is getting more porn. Can't wait for izutsumi
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believe in a dogma that promise you a heaven or something and hope for the next life

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Kyonyuu Fantasy 5 slated for February 2025.
Will post CGs and characters as they continue to come, but someone else is going to need to translate them
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>I'm still waiting for the official translation for Kyonyuu Fantasy 4
I've also been waiting for it. For like 2 freakin years. They only make like 4 to 8 percent progress everytime they update, and they update like 4 or 5 times a year.

>Who's played the fourth game? How would you rank it compared to the other games in terms of story and H-scenes?
I used textractor on it and i liked what i could understand.
In order, my favorite heroines are :Ishtovia, Gunevia, Celestia, Veronica and Liesel
The H-scenes are decent. nothing we haven't seen before.

My biggest grip with 4 is that its harem route does not end all the story points, such as the enemy kingdom being properly defeated, it feels like the ending is a bit open when it comes to the relations between the 2 kingdoms so i'm hoping for a sequel. Also the harem route ends with Astor married to the Celestia with the rest becoming concubines but none of them are pregnant, which is stupid since Ishotvia, Gunevia and Liesel are pregnant in their respective endings.
There should definetly be a sequel with harem pregnancy ending

I would give it a B+ to A-
>Did it just get delayed? I thought for sure it was set to release in 2024 a while ago.
Nah, someone just assumed it would be released this year since WAFFLE tend to release their VNs 4 to 6 months after they announce them.

KF5 was said to of started in late 2022/early 2023 but it has only been truly announced to be a real thing recently, and they intend to release it 8 months after announcing it.
is gladys playable? i just want gladys to be playable
Is Eden's Ritter Chapter 2 ever getting translated anywhere?

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Already today since it is said that MTSP / Jin died of covid or that he has resigned since being a mangaka is not easy.

but currently, novelists, fanarts, animators in honey select, koikatsu and even with new images through AI gives understanding that Kyouka and her daughters will not give up and more and more artists who want to see more of this family now, the mangaka allegro implies that he is going to do something with Kyouka, and also it would not be the first time he has drawn her.

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OL with a pose like this.
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Wrong, Kyouka isn't a slut.
That pose goes better with gyaru/ryona types like Yuika.
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>Kyouka isn't a slut.
>Kyouka isn't a slut
calm down Yuu
i am feeling nostalgic, it's been years since his death and people are still appreciating his work. xration and hito no fundoshi need to get their shit together

Anchira is kill.
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Does anyone here have that spreedsheet file of anchira/ksk's titles and tags?
btw anons I'm the guy who ran fakkunet27t5i5laxfyrrxqqndpd53do73vi4bbj6jcf7wfdszjukmid.onion

But I have since changed my mind and will be running it for the foreseeable future.

Also I do have a full directory list of the files so if you want to download them directly just add :3001 to the end of the URL. Or http://fakkunet27t5i5laxfyrrxqqndpd53do73vi4bbj6jcf7wfdszjukmid.onion:3001/

Just don't expect anything fast as it's tor.

I will be updating my onion whenever ccdc06 uploads a update.
Fakku are trying to curb your porn addiction. Be thankful for their efforts. Getting money is a nice thing too.
>"Plz no slander and we ain't claiming a thing anymore"
You just know they will break the rule themselves by claiming some random comment broke the stalemate under slander and then copyright claim a gorillion sites in turbo mode. Only for us to later found out they themselves used a shill or a fake account to restart the copyright claims.
How many more h-sites will get pruned or killed?


MTL - https://sugoivisualnovel.up.railway.app/vns/22448

No translation beside MTL yet
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I don't think the artists draw those teeth desu, it's probably Orcsoft asking someone else to insert those in, that's like a theme with their novels really, if you check many of the artist that have done novels for them, the grand majority does not really put that much emphasis on the teeth, specially for sex scenes.
Buttholes too, OLTLO has a peculiar way of drawing them but they're different in this novel.
Does it matter?, at least they published KINO before death if that was their fate.
I wished they worked with OLTLO again, or another high caliber artist like that, istead of making remakes or shitty stories.

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Happy year of the dragon!
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Iruru paizuri with Take's 14 inch dick
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Used goods thread, anything like pic related.
Stuff like childhood friend who's no longer a virgin.

For manga/doujin where the MC ends up together in a relationship with a non-virgin girl.


Previous threads:

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The one of the left, what are those types called?
You know the one that acts disinterested.
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[Danimaru]Forget-Your-Ex Sex

The work of Danimaru
And both of them are used goods. LOL

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The first story in this collection

I Don't Even Know Her Name
[Arai Kei]

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Do you consider using a women's mouth and pussy as an example of double penetration as well?

Mouth doesnt count as Triple
Just google it. Triple Penetration means = 1 in vagina and 2 in anus

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It had hot girls
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I don't use the word "hentaibait" very frequently, but Beatrix is a great example. They want you hard everytime she's on screen
I hate how the studio fucking their work schedule killed all the momentum this anime had
We missed on even more good Beatrix r34 content
What a shame

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Should Queen's Blade have gone full hentai?
They were flirting with the possibility in the OVAs.
Would that have saved it?
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it should have at least gone full hentai for Tomoe especially once the torture shit started
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it got close
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For me, it's Aldra
I see pics like this and I'm filled with wondering what its like to be a women with so many men lusting over you, their cocks swinging at your face, smearing you with precum.

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Thread to discuss upscales, mainly with ESRGAN as that is the best tool for the job.
All my upscales can be found here:
It shows everything that I've upscaled, whether it contains subs, how many episodes, links to download from, image previews, upscale status and changelog.
All preview images are just run through mozjpeg at quality 90 which is nearly identical to original. The original PNG preview images are on telegram.

Torrent version:
Keep in mind that torrent is an afterthought, downloading is easier with Telegram.

ESRGAN can either be used through my setup which makes it insanely easy for the average user:
https://mega.nz/folder/o9hwXRDT#5MolBcQ6hvxz7adS8Opb0A (Recently updated to 5.2, making it near fully automatic)
Or it can be downloaded from the official github:
Though using the github version means you'll have to mess with CMD and manually process each episode.

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Those links are not working could anyone share the download links for Sexfriend HD?
Mega and Pixeldrain was taken down but you can still go on Telegram to download Sexfriend.
I plan on eventually updating torrents, but not yet.
Hello upscale anon think you could upscale Binetsukko b37C and Princess Road please
Holy shit, I've heard Hikiko123 makes shitty encodes, but I didn't know just how fucking bad they were. I simply thought it was the DVD being shit

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