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Previous Thread: >>7990337

A thread for all Vtubers, Vsingers also welcome.
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While watching I've come across several hentai that have censoring mistakes lasting a frame or few.

Most culprits are early works from PinkPineapple. So I was wondering if Hentai has really bad quality control.

Also, share a few ones if you have found such
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I hope for pollinic girls attack anime to one day get an uncensored release.
It's too good for censoring.
There's a small moment in Taimanin Asagi OVA1 in which Sakura's pussy isn't censored.
What? Where did you hear of this?
Is it censored or is the file just corrupted at that point?
Censoring issue. Apparently this is from an earlier version shown to the Chinese. Someone found the error and leaked it on Imgur.

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If you have a related image, you can post it.
Let's all enjoy NTR together
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Quantitative measurements given to body parts. BWH, cup size, dick size, whatever. This is not a thread for simple descriptors like "big", "thick", "long", etc.

Starting off with some more recent stuff, then maybe reposting things from the thread that died in the purge.

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My dream is to have a database of measurements for characters from anime, manga, visual novels, light novels, etc. This is a half-assed attempt. I hate Fandom with a passion, so other suggestions are welcome. Feel free to offer criticism, or even contribute to the wiki if you want:
These cup sizes seemed crazy but apparently in Japan the cup sizes go up to P
Cup sizes everywhere go as high as needed by women with monster titties. Some women need Z cups or more. Of course, retailers will only carry up to a certain size, due to demand. You will not find a P-cup bra at a Japanese department store.
The scales are different, depending on the country, but they are only off by a few cups at most. They all follow the same general pattern of "A is small, and the further along the alphabet you go, the bigger the bust-underbust difference". There are variations, but this general trend holds true. So no country has an upper limit. Retailers do have limits, but that's driven by demand, and usually stops around G or H. Bigger sizes can be bought at specialty stores, and absurdly large will need to be custom made.
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Corruption of The Hero Edition

Not the normal OP, but I figured I would get us started after T H E P U R G E

No old thread to link here, I guess.

Related Stories:

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Nayaa fucking rules for his gob art.
best grill spear
That was just one page I randomly colored
Now this is the sort of card game I can get behind.

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Resurrecting the nuked thread in the vain hope of this being translated in some form.

Nuked Thread - https://archived.moe/h/thread/8052146/
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I wish Leona was my mom.
vanilla straight shota momcest with voluptuous moms is peak tho
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Agreed, He is on same level as Etuzan

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Favorite Rape H Scenes In Manga

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Usually they're done for character or story purposes, which really focus and hone in on the despair and trauma. Ironically, that's the part of the fetish that I enjoy the most, and most actual rape themed hentai or NSFW work are too campy/unbelievable, and makes me feel nothing.

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Post your favorite hentai / doujinshi where there's a high age gap between the lovers (keep it legal)
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go check out the femdom thread, they have a bunch of dilfy goodness.
Im worried if repost it here the thread might get taken down or the mod might get pist
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Previous thread: >>8168696

NEWCOMERS! Make sure you read through the guide carefully, it'll likely answer most of your questions.

>Latest H-Voice Thread News/Updates
Looks like a mod made a mistake and wiped out a bunch of boards, including /h/

C104 has wrapped up, and a number of voice works have since been released digitally. Were there any voice works that you enjoyed, or are there some that have yet to be sold that you’re looking forward to a digital release?

>Voice Work Illustration for the Thread
RJ385913 is on the shorter end when it comes to relaxation voice work releases in the past few years, and unfortunately, Rito doesn’t do voice works outside of her circle these days, so this is all you’re going to get from her. That being said, the works she does put out tend to be high quality due to her having creative control over everything. The highlights of this work are probably her cute yet sometimes cheeky character, and fairly abundant conversation dialogue; though the shorter track duration still leaves something to be desired. Anyway, the last thing I want to mention is that Rito has two circles, withいちのやfor general all-age and vanilla voice works, andやみいち for spicier NTR-type voice works. Don’t confuse the two.
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yeah I listen to voice works to NOT self insert instead I just imagine im standing uncomfortably close right behind the character
I self-insert as the penis' ears.
>scrimblo gives it a 7/10
and why should I give a single shit?
I could cum upwards of 5 times in a row when I was 14, just pretend like you're a virile little shota again
anon I...

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Aizome by Jun
Big thanks!
I don't see how analingus is humiliating. if anything, it would be embarassing for the person on the receiving end because they are getting turned on by things going up their pooper. but the person doing the licking? I guess its weird to lick someone's butt hole... I guess I don't think its weird because I have done it. Unless the girl is dirty, its a fun way to cripple someone with shameful pleasure.

"this is so gross. you butt is getting licked, and you *like* it? you are weird. what kind of pervert likes geitting their butthole licked. I bet you like it when guys stick their dicks in there, too. are you a dirty buttslut? do you like playing with your butthole? what a dirty girl..."
female on male, it can definitely be humiliating, theyre literally kissing your ass and if their ass is... unwashed then thats obviously degrading for her, shes sticking what she uses to taste into what you use to shit. I dont mean that thats always the case but theres definitely a subgenre of rimming pics where its a girl eating out a guys digusting asshole as a show of submission/defeat/etc.

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We have enough bro/sis and momcest threads, let’s do one about the best type of incest
Daughters belong to their fathers
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>Are there some good happy family stories like that?
It is somewhat closer to it
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Parental incest as part of a sex ed school assignment. No mother involvement, but she's fully on board with it and her background says she went through it herself as well.
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This one has exactly what you want but it's kinda ass.
nice and wholesome
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Since there is no proper tag for it in sadpanda, let's post girls who enjoy a little pain. Bonus points if they explicit ask for it
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I've always found the lack of a proper "Masochist" tag in most sites a fucking crime.
Hajirau Kimi ga Mitainda chapters 17-19

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Wholesome Edition

Previous Thread: >>8248072


Forge: https://github.com/lllyasviel/stable-diffusion-webui-forge
Maintained fork (reForge): https://github.com/Panchovix/stable-diffusion-webui-reForge


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Are you talking about the lip bite? You're the lip bite faggot.
would be funny if it is because it looks like shit
still cuming buckets to this one
My pain every day, I'm probably gonna end up making a lora on nai3 furry model just for that since it's always the problem of
>Artist draws great girls but shit genitals
>Artist draws great genitals but shit girls


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You get the idea.
Previous: >>7658960
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It looks like it's gotten better, at least.
>There is a nervous feeling to her walk
>The sound of her heels clack against the floor in the chapel that you chose for this moment
>She's in a dress that shows her breasts and vagina, for the attendants to see
> Her friends sit awaiting in the pews In vulgar outfits that somehow rival hers
>All of them sat next to the men that made them their own
>She walks along the aisle, you next to her
>Her blue eyes dart between you and her friends, who met a fate she is soon about to share with them
>Juice slowly trickles out from her wet cunt as she realizes what's about to become of her, what will be the rest of her life
>Mio and you makes your way to the foot of the alter
>The light from the stained glass windows
>It shines on her tiara, her blue hair
>It's still put up in pigtails with those wood cubes

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But what will she be like during the honeymoon?
contrary to this thread there seems to be a lot of respect for nichijou, I can't even find high quality sfm stuff on it.
same goes to girl's last tour

also, not sfm, but there are some 3d animations made by a very weird guy like 10+ years ago who wanted to marry yuuko. there are only fragments of it on yt iirc, if I can remember the name ill post it here
"Nicholas Fedorov"
there are some vids on yt but most of his stuff is gone including the yuuko nsfw fuck animation

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