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Disdain and defiance. That look of disgust that lets you know she thinks of you as nothing.
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Any scenarios or doujins where the disdainment actually pulls off?
What do you mean pulls off? Something like this?
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I fucking love this. Begrudgingly letting you do degenerate feet shit while openly belittling you.
Yeah, where they've been defeated but they're defiant the whole way through. I also love when it becomes a matter of self preservation on behalf of the aggressor to keep them in bondage because the second they get a chance he's fucking dead. It's in the eyes. You've beaten them. They know they've lost. But they're murdering you in their mind's eye.
Well, she is right
You've raped her but you didn't break her.
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her hymen begs to differ
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Think I found a board to regularly visit already with my visiting of this site~
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Love this fetish so much. Its common enough but its never specifically tagged so its hard to find when you're actively looking for it. Ill post the few I have saved OP.
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