sadpanda exhentaiis it down for you guys too? used to work for eyars up until a couple days ago. doing the log in and cookie stuff doesn't work for methis site confirms it but I need to make sure this used to be a general, what happened to it?
>barrage of cheap insults is a sign to not bother with the brain rot that is the rest of the post, you people here are just angry with your miserable lives and looking for opportunity to take out that anger on online strangers hoping that they'll care>incomprehensible babblethe actual irony
>>8490328You should delete all of your posts and then kill yourself because that's so much better than being brain rot.
>>8490294As soon as you see incomprehensible babble and/or buzzword salad, ignore it. Haven't you learned to not feed the troll?Look at the older sad panda threads on /h/, or even buyfag threads and Comiket threads. He stirs shit on purpose. He is the pot that calls the kettle black.
>>8490702the only thing I'm seeing is you samefagging, spamming "reddit spacing" (which is funny because you mention archives) and whining about exhentai.
Any idea why Hdoujin downloader is having trouble with some galleries but not all?
Female nipples being teased, tweaked, pulled, twisted and pleasured
>>8201030good thread bump
raped on bathroom floor
3x3 thread?
imhaving a stroke to rank which one is my fav lol
>>8480004Thank You Very Bitch is a timeless classic
This was fun. Really hard to choose it's been a decade of this.Honorable mention to almost anything ohagi-san, kirin kakeru, fishine, mizuryukei shindol & maeshima ryou have made.
THREAD RULES>Requesters1. Requests must satisfy /h/ and global rules.2. To conserve posts, do not bump, re-request or second requests.3. Be nice. If you want to critique art, go to >>>/ic/.4. Be patient. Deliveries take time to draw.5. Edit requests (inks, colors, de-censors, etc.) belong in the edit thread.>Artists1. Post deliveries for requested art only. Unprompted art belongs on /i/ and /ic/.2. If possible, post a WIP instead of saying "working on this".3. When asking for prompts, please post an example of your art so we know you aren't a troll.4. No AI deliveries or discussion. Go to the appropriate threads.>EveryoneComment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>8488742fuck it, screw it, do it >>8457897
>>8490176Not OR, but nice work!
>>8488742Thanks for contributing! You have plenty of applications already, but tossing >>8472140 onto the roulette please.
>>8488742If I am not late and I hope I am not >>8458433
>>8488742requesting you do any of the requests in this thread that DIDN'T reply to you.
Disdain and defiance. That look of disgust that lets you know she thinks of you as nothing.
>>8451200Angry blowjobs are the best. Head between his legs, cock down your throat, his hands full of your hair, and you're STILL trying to look tough? Yeah, right.
>>8468499So angry but so helpless
>>8468499The eye contact is the icing on the cake.
Previously, on >>8427582Strict mothers edition
>>8489457He needs to do some sequels on his stories
Oedipus complex? I find it quite simple.
>>8486241Next chapter is the last one. If there wont be pregnancy or marriage. What will the last chapter be, threesome with girlfriend?
>>8490369No to incest? No, I insist
>>8490530foursome with the neighbors probably. Won't be any mom sharing or shit. Probably just 2 sons fucking the shit out of their moms.
Creampie/ impregnation thread contiuationNo NTRHuman on humanA catgirl is fine tooEtcEtc
>>8455519anyone know any h-anime with sperm reaching the egg. All know is Garden OVA and the 3rd episode or Urotsukidouji
>>8490136not a h-anime, but Beavis & Butthead Do America has one.
Post and talk about reverse NTR.
kinda based ngl
>>8467967This shit is so hot. There's a couple doujins like this but it's pretty uncommon
I wish there was more reverse ntr where the woman watches the act happen. If it's only some shocked expression on the last page then there's not much point to it
this one is quite enjoyable
>>8409386nothing is hotter than a slut openingly mocking the girl while fucking the guy. the more ruthless the better
Why did he have to suffer?
>>8436965subhuman trash>>8436997cope with your life circumstances
>>8475088I hear you, I really do, but that wasting is exactly why it's so hot. For what it's worth, the stories without mind break are the best one. Not that that implies a happy ending, mind you.
>>8442275They would probably bait and switch you.
>>8436997Rat is a woman
unoriginal editionprevious: >>8365100
>>8489012sorry, I'll try harder to learn how to masturbate to illustrations of infected buttholes so I can be cool like you
>>8484668Not a lot of spanking art focuses on the initial undressing so I really appreciate this one. Exposing the butt is just as humiliating as striking it.
>>8489400It's like peeling exotic fruit before eating it, the anticipation makes it more tasty.Also a really good time to demand an apology.
You get the idea.Previous: >>7658960
>>8462687Oppai Nano, my beloved
>>8339491This kinda makes me want to see more alternate variants on Nichijou designs, honestly
>>8465217It really is the best version of her.
someone should make aizumanga but for nichijoualso RIP MADMEX I will always regret not archiving your fanbox
Thread for posting Gifs and Webms of Hentai. Post either your favorite clips or scenes or just something you want to share.
>>8490618Actually shocking ngl.
>>8490621I mean it's logic that new people come and go every year and some of them lack info or don't know about "lurk more" policy but come on it's fucking Bible Black...
>>8490618I legit never watched Bible Black.
>>8490682What the fuck mate>>8490634True, isn't it one of the well known, if not the MOST KNOWN hentai series out there?
>>8490682You should. There is no other hentai anime like BB it's an unique case. The original material it's adapted from is great, it's also a really good adaptation. Lots of talented people working on it with a high budget unlike 90% of hentai anime. I'm sure we could post a dozen of webm from it and i'm only talking the original BB. Gaiden and Only are also fucking good, New Testament was meh though but not the same people worked on it.
The dark side of yuri, the other face of /u/.Pastebin: rentryDOTco/249zuPrevious thread >>8310511
Any wholesome stories? Manga or novel
>>8488139 There's nothing wholesome about this shit. That being said, depending on your definition of "wholesome" this one is kind of in that category.
>>8490720How is curing mental illness not wholesome?
THE FINAL THREAD FOREVERHoney Select 2 latest version: HoneySelect2 DX BetterRepack R16> Shoujo latest version: AI-Shoujo / AI-Girl BetterRepack R15> Guide:> Guide:> Patch/UpdatesComment too long. Click here to view the full text.
Is there something like a minimal HS2 repack out there? I'm thinking something that has all of the evergreen stuff like uncensor and the common prerequisites for custom characters, but without the shitloads of custom characters/clothes pre-installed. The newest recap is retardedly huge considering I won't use most of what it comes with.
>>8488841A spiritual successor, maybe?
If I can only get one, and will mostly mess with Studio, which one should I get?AI Shoujo or HS2?
>>8490602HS2.Pirate it ,do not buy it.
>>8488841That's a shame, I was thinking recently I should buy this just to show my support and maybe donate to danbooru and sadpanda as well for all the service they've done.Actually I've used this reasoning a couple of times over the past few years when I was about to go and see a girl that I'm actually saving €300 by just taking care of it in HS2 VR.
Rules of the Thread, Please Read Them1. Post art sample when "taking x requests"2. Requests must satisfy general /h/ rules.3. Be nice. If you want to critique art go to >>>/ic/.4. Only requested drawings should be posted.5. Do not bump, re-request, or second requests.6. Use the edit thread for re-color/de-censor requests.7. Wait for page 10 to make a new NTR drawt/h/read8. If possible, post a WIP instead of saying working on this9. Discuss about the thread after bump limit or use the previous thread10. No AI deliveries/discussion, that goes to the /AI/ and /hdg/ threads11. No complaining about not getting a delivery before bump limit, just be patient or edit your request12. Don't request anything that can cause this thread to get DMCA'dprevious thread: >>8125509Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>>8286871lmfao, what the hell
Requesting Nagatoro bullying teasing senpai by giving her virginity to another guy while he watches.
>>8408339>editHave you tried the edit thread or the QoS thread?
>>8364554>81 days agoGuess this one ain't gonna get finished.
>>8444637Is this futa? It looks kinda like futa.