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Post Nuke Edition

The dark side of yuri, the other face of /u/.

Pastebin: rentryDOTco/249zu

Previous thread: >>8143892
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This doujin is the crown jewel of dgd

You're my hero
It is a satire of homophobia though, because it equates dykes going straight with the child sacrifice of Moloch and in the end the girls and their husbands are not human and that could destroy their Christian kingdom
I wish that was my cock~
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Hello /h/.

Today I would like to propose to you that spanking threads belong on /h/.

Rule number 3 of /h/, which you can find at https://www.4chan.org/rules#h, states:
>3. In addition, alternative, ecchi, shota, yuri, and yaoi content belong on their respective boards.

But what is "alternative" content? If you've ever visited /d/, then you probably know how outrageous most of the fetishes that get posted there are. Spanking on the other hand is probably the most normalfag fetish there is. It looks tame in comparison.

One potential argument is that /h/ is for "hardcore" content, while /d/ is for "softcore" content. Basically if it doesn't involve penetration then it doesn't belong on /h/. But there are several threads in the catalog right now that either don't focus on hardcore content or don't feature any pornography at all. Here are a few examples:
If bondage threads and even meta threads are allowed on /h/, then I see no reason spanking threads shouldn't be as well.

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KF5 announced for next year.

Waffle also announced a Love triangle VN for October:http://www.waffle1999.com/game/104renai/

As well as a Gyaru VN for November: http://www.waffle1999.com/game/105gyaru/
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アルシャール - Arushyaru?
Can someone translate the bios?
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Bonus for NTR
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I love how it's always an ugly bastard too
Why didnt this cuck >>8190446 respond to this >>8190451? Seems like he accepted defeat kek
they thought they were bullying him
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either consensual or not
most delicious food
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Enough AI-slop for now, maybe I'll make more if someone likes it

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Men Hard. Women Soft.
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I recently discovered this artist and am trying to find any of their explicit art, but it's pretty paywalled. They do really nice soft girls and sometimes pair them with rock hard men. Chasing a white whale here.

7/10 decent bait, have my reply.
>pinching the nipple with her toes
holy fuck. wish that was a tag. this one is definitely one of his best images.
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thread was cut down in its prime, post cute elves
no orc/goblin trash
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also this
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Anal training, gang rapes, brainwashing, torture, sex with monsters.
Whatever the means necessary, the Asylum will rehabilitate its prisoners. An inmate has no freedom and no human rights until he has been reformed into a law abiding citizen. Inhumane treatment? Excessive force? Preposterous! The facility is full to the brim with hardened criminals; devious villains abusing their dangerous powers to commit evil acts. Extreme measures are legitimate! They're born into crime, and violence is their language.
Night Charger the thief, won't hesitate to fry you with electricity, or anyone daring to stand in her way, for that matter. Bad Lotion the gang leader, will beat you up to a pulp with a baseball bat the second you look at her funny, and that's if you're lucky. Piss her off real bad, and she'll stuff your insides with her special gel, turkey style. You'll die all bloated. But the worst villain among them all is Madam Venom, the mafia boss. She might kill you just because she feels like it. Once you realize she poisoned you, it's already too late. Dead on a whim.
Rehabilitate them if you can.



Link Dump:

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For Butcha's sake, let's hope you're a sexy Pooters girl.
Bad Lotion dap
> An old anon mentioned they are inspired from the Incredibles family
Of course they are, same powers in a way but with some changes.

Yeah, what >>8208223 says. I've said it before in a past thread but just the fact that the story introduces this concept of having the perfect genetic match and you got this family of heroes fucking like rabbits and even getting pregnant, raises so many questions (which another anon kindly replied to) that I'd like to see in a different game. Thing is, it might not really make sense because the whole thing with Sacrifice Villians is the corruption of the super hero genre, so changing that to something exclusively about incest might feel out of place.
>blacked is having sex with a black dick and never going back
No it's not lol, it's just having sex with a negro The name came from the disgusting website created by Greg Lansky.
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>past thread
It was last year, right? I recall babbling about the incest family on several occasions, but they all go way back; i think wasn't even OP at the time. Anyway, pretty sure i'm the anon who replied to you back then.

>this family of heroes fucking like rabbits and even getting pregnant, raises so many questions that I'd like to see in a different game. Thing is, it might not really make sense because the whole thing with Sacrifice Villians is the corruption of the super hero genre, so changing that to something exclusively about incest might feel out of place.
Meshing together the family incest system with either villain punishment or hero corruption is doable. With enough tension and drama, anything can be made palatable.

For example:
Labeled as villain by hero society, a young rogue heroine flees Justopian City, and goes into hiding. Holding on the remains of her own sense of justice, she tries to survive in the slums while fighting villains and criminals. But her past is creeping back; devious bounty hunters, opportunistic heroes, and the police are not the only ones after her. Her powerful family wants her back, by any means necessary, as the one who secures and fertilizes her womb will be in position to claim the tittle of head of the family.
Will HEROINE_NAME escape her destiny?

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Of all the series girls, which pair of tits is your favorite?
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They work better together because one draws skinny bodies and the other prefers thicker ones. Together they find balance. This Sakura scene looks skinnier (maybe was even skinnier at first), but it will feel thicker if Waon is involved; otherwise, it will end up like the others below.
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And you can even tell when one has had more influence on the drawing
Oh Shit you re right waon does draws thicker bodies.
Also waon have a more perverted mind and echizen has waon was the one that come up with idea for sakura father being fine with his wife and daughter getting pregnant at the same time in he own house he also was one that think of Reina to be a natural career woman.
"Yes, both of them complement each other. Echizen is the responsible and structured one, while Waon is the carefree and pervert one. I hope Waon can pull himself together and Echizen stays healthy."

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Bro, this happened 12 in this month.
What I don't get it though is, why weren't you guys talking about this when it happened?
Where do we get our points now?
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>if he wins and it's looking like he will this issue will worsen by a ton.
There's a lot of ifs.
>if he wins
>if he sees it as a priority over more important things like the economy, demographic crisis and the ton of shit japan has to deal with right now
>if his party back him on it
>if him or his party don't back down after industry lobbying
Where to buy Toracoin now?
Seagm doesn't work for Germany, it seems.
TOM dropped it altogether.
Playasia appearently sells it only once in a while.
I think many people haven't noticed yet, because they stock up points and it's been only a week.
But this just another disaster. It never ends.
Appearently TOM and dlpay had trouble with PayPal and so discontinued seeling the points and toracoins.
Even buying bitcash is horrible. I can see it on playasia, but I can't buy it. Fuck.
Wait a sec, TOM doesn't sell coins for fantia anymore?

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Post your favorite 2hus!

- Lolis are forbidden by global rule
- No blacked shit, monsters, etc
- Ecchi, futa, etc go to their respective boards
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Previous thread https://archiveofsins.com/h/thread/8087400 (pruned earlier cuz mods misclicked)
Older threads: https://archiveofsins.com/h/thread/7980654

Guilty (Nightmare/Dash) Catalogs
https://vndb.org/p115 (https://vndb.org/p10006 / https://vndb.org/p12551)

DLC patches, MTL, Resources and FAQ (under construction): https://pastebin.com/hPRZ9fua
Tiermaker: https://tiermaker.com/create/guilty---toriko-nightmare-heroines--626031

Recent releases:
Toriko no Urara ~Otoko no Sono ni Magirekonda Ichirin no Akai Hana~
虜ノ麗 ~男の園に紛れこんだ一輪の紅い花~
DL: https://www.mikocon.com/thread-78794-1-1.html
MTL: https://mega.nz/file/AaFzxSIb#-0gOInZyEuxgJAIezGNv5JAwN8JukRNlnhm3oiExyDE

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Mostly because i like the art, the gangbang scenes, and the fact that they start enjoying the sex later, anyway is there a name for that? When the girl hate being raped and later on she start liking?
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>girl hate being raped and later on she start liking
On vndb they refer to this process as Sexual Slavery (Choukyou Variation) https://vndb.org/g1823
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What do you think about an idea were the previous Toriko entry character returns in the role of the MC?

I know that such a change would definitely cause some changes in the plot, but still, I think it would be interesting to see how a previously 'raped' character is going to act when it's going to be up to her 'decisions' whether or not the rest of the female - naturally virgin - cast is going to retain their virginity or go through a similar experience as she did...

new info next week, probably Nightmare Omega
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Adding the previous anon answer, you can download GARbro which is actually one of the more easier software to use, no installation or additional app.
Basically a file explorer to view images and audio of VN assets, and rip selected or all of them. Very user-friendly, but the expressions need to be photoshop separately.

Chikai MTL is in the OP pastebin

Ask in the rape thread or /jp/. Shame VNDB does not have animated tags to search.

Will raise a lot of eyebrows rather than erections unless previous MC role was more open-ended.

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Corruption of The Hero Edition

Not the normal OP, but I figured I would get us started after T H E P U R G E

No old thread to link here, I guess.

Related Stories:

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You can swap parts
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>Are black pantsu considered lewd ?
it's her
>i'm gonna get laid

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Discuss all forms of NTS-themed images, manga, anime, doujinshi, visual novels, games, etc EXCEPT:
-Content/Discussions about IRL cuckolding / Larping. This thread is only intended for 2D NTS.
-Content/Discussions about straight NTR or NTS --> NTR. (This belongs in the NTR thread)
NTS with NTR elements is okay as long as it stays NTS.

Also: long discussions are okay but make sure your post has an NTS-related image.

NTS works/illustrations:
- https://koharu.to/?s=tag:^netorase$
- https://hentainexus.com/?q=tag:netorase
- https://exhentai.org/tag/female:netorase
- https://exhentai.org/?f_search=female%3Anetorare%24+female%3Aswinging%24 (replace x with minus if you're a newfag)
- https://www.pixiv.net/en/tags/%E5%AF%9D%E5%8F%96%E3%82%89%E3%81%9B

Popular NTS Artists: https://pastebin.com/KhVhhGMK

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He probably stopped working with them
Do you have the full set anyway for his work? Kemono hasn’t updates in a month and I think he’s only on discord now
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hear me out
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latest update was kino lads
it keeps getting better
Game is vulgar reverie
This was so fucking hot, especially part 5. Made me cum ropes of euphoria

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