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Translatorfag thread 31
As always, my content can be found at https://exhentai.org/uploader/Translatorfag and if you enjoy what I make, please buy me a coffee at https://www.buymeacoffee.com/translationfag

Previous thread at >>8036621

DISCLAIMER: This is not a request thread, this is a dump thread for me to post what I have made.
If you have something you want me to translate, I will only consider it if it fits within the remit of the kind of works that I already translate.
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>DLsite page of the DLC with the PV:
>DLsite page of the base game:
>Seismic's twitter
>Seismic's blog

"Sexy AND cute and she knows it!" edition.

Magipoka turned 18 years old a little over a month ago! So if Liru was 15/16 years old then, she would be 33/34 years old now!

"The Liru Project" (The name of the original threads) never ends. Liru is eternal and will always be with us. I believe that even after all of our lives have passed, Liru will still be remembered, discussed and content created in her name. The Liru Project goes on.

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Protein is very important.
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Imagine meeting and getting to know Liru during your formative years as a child.
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Liru walked up this path to the clearing just past the trees for her moon viewing.
Where's the fucking?
You don't fuck Liru, you either breed or love. Now the question is shoving it up her ass is breeding? Cause not sure she'd love it

A beautiful garden of lilies is best watered with cum.

Pastebin: rentryDOTco/249zu

Previous thread: >>7936025
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Source? Or is it AIslop?
AI ×9
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Old thread: >>8023623

Fap Hero is hentai and rhythm based masturbation game that can be played for fun and challenge.

[How to play]
1: Watch a fap hero video
2: Stroke your dick one time each time a beat passes by on the beat bar
3: Do no pause the video, look away from the screen, or skip any beats
4: If you cum before the video says you can, you lose

Fap Hero videos can be found on most big porn sites, or downloaded from online communities (like this thread)
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Is this going to be a thing?
Do you have his other fhs?
ig for round 14 maybe not gonna be a 3d genshin impact mmd one
any foot fetish fap hero?
A girl teasing you and messing with the cum timer right before it ends or not that long from it is something that's used in Joi more than fap hero, specifically ones where the "Host" character is a Dom.
sure thing

How do I fucking pay them? Why the fuck is it so difficulty?
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I added money to my playasia wallet but how tf do I buy bitcash? There's no 'buy' button.
How come Toranoana's main online store accepts Master/Visa but, their subsidiary Fantia, blocks them?
Toranoana's main site also sells porn so what's with the discrepancies?
That's because they're out of stock. Last time it took them around a week to restock.
You could also try Seagm but I've never used them before so I have no idea if they're reputable or not.

seagm is cheaper


Messy hair, untrimmed pubes, tired eyes, bad hygene etc.
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90% of this thread be like:
>well-maintained trimmed/partly waxed pubic hair
Y'all need to get your brains checked for retard faggotry
>Why should any living mortal, or any man, offer complaint in view of his sin of not posting pics?
Lamentations 3:39
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First of all the specifics of the pubic hair are secondary to the feelings an image induces, second of f4mtall if it was easy to find stinkier, harier hentai images, i would have stuck to those. Go get me some REAL unkempt girls and we will both be happier please and thank you.
Or maybe you're just absolutely shit at browsing lmao when are you going to step up, faggot?

Post your favorite 2hus.

- Lolis are forbidden by global rule
- No blacked shit, monsters, etc
- Ecchi, futa, etc go to their respective boards

Previous thread: >>7539807
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Holy shit I never saw this version before.
wrong board.
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Previous thread: >>8001804

NEWCOMERS! Make sure you read through the guide carefully, it'll likely answer most of your questions.

>Latest H-Voice Thread News/Updates
C104 is coming up in 2 months, and circles have started announcing their participation. Are there any works you’re looking forward to?

>Voice Work Illustration for the Thread
RJ313683 is an excellent voice drama that I thoroughly enjoyed. You assume the role of a magic researcher who has an aptitude for magic, and due to a magic experiment accident, you were severely injured and transported to Alfheim, a closed off elven country. The story begins with your arrival, and delves into the time you spent there.
This work has a lot of care put into it, and each character stands out on their own, with even your own character having a solid personality that shows as you progress through the story. In fact, I wouldn’t have even minded another hour of interacting with Ophelia on top of the three hour long main story. In addition, I liked the inclusion of alpha bonus tracks, which are snippets that you can listen to after finishing the main story to gain some additional insight to events that happened in the background. Even though they’re just a few minutes long, I can appreciate the effort put into making the world feel as complete as it is.
I’m honestly surprised by how underrated this work is (and its circle by extension), as its sale count on DLsite is at a measly 500, so I suggest people support 夢先鳥仔 so they’re able to create more voice works like this. I would love to see these types of works become more popular as listening to this gave me nostalgic feelings of how I first got into voice works.
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hey what are the best ear-licking audios you ever heard, and do you have RJ01159626? it's the english version of RJ01104545
thanks, also love works with losing against cock
Yuka Mama's ear licking...
Voice Works where u cum from a kiss?
NND is down but not NicoChannel where the streams are archived.

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At the end of the year i will go to japan and i want to buy a hentai game, but collector's edition. I like to buy collector's editions of "normal" games, but I thought buying a hentai one would be a great souvenir.

do you have any recommendations or do you know of any that go out during those dates?, any web site is also useful.
I am also planning to go to Comiket in case you know of anything interesting to see or buy in those places.
>image unrelated
I got excited thinking Magic Eyes was releasing an anniversary edition of one of their classic onaholes...
Sorry anon, is a little hard to find collector editions of hentai games (thats why I made this post) and was like the first image I find around

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Can we discuss this doujin? Almost everytime people talk about Nudist Beach, but for me, this one was way better.

What do you like about it? Is it kino to you? Your favorite scene/girl?
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What are you talking about? Okina's best work is LOVE, on account of all the lolis.
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The loli gang. Seriously, it's a shame there's never gonna be an ENG translation.
>Can we discuss this doujin?
It's a well drawn but otherwise standard porn doujin. What's to discuss?
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need this gyaru

Especially between the legs shots like this
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sure sure, but pride month is over now
being a faggot and/or tranny is not allowed anymore. so fuck off
That's... actually a good idea kek
Was just thinking this

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What is Teaching Feeling (Dorei to no Seikatsu)? An eroge where you take in a young "broken bird" slave who was abused by her former master, and heal her heart and soul. Fall in love with the endearing Sylvie as she learns to feel again, trust others, and fall in love (and lust).

Previous Thread >>7434534

v4.0 is out, but no translation or mod porting work has started.

>Ray-Kbys (creator)

>Buy 4.0.x
>PayPal can be used; just buy enough points and exchange them for the game

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I do like your model, but have you been able to get Sylvie's eyes closer to what is like in the game?
I've tried a few times now to make my own lora but I really suck at it.
Yeah, her eyes and mouth don't match. She looks like she just got caught doing something she shouldn't have and is now attempting to fake-smile it away.
>When Sylvie sets up a garden and gets caught cultivating the aphrodisiac flowers
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That is all I can see now. It was specifically that style, >>8058736, you can see how this style is more softer but the eyes aren't correct.

But then I think I might have found something for what I've been looking for, still playing around with it.
Yeah, it's pretty crazy to think what girls are willing to do for a warm, hard stick.

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Thirty-fourth edition

Previous Thread: >>7957383

2D Hentai games (Hentai RPG, Violated Heroine, H-Action Games) General /hgg2d/ former /vhg/




>/hgg2d/ Game Archive - IPFS Edition

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>Oh no guys we have to rescue Yukiko and we only have a whole month to do it and she'll suffer no lasting consequences from being trapped in a monster infested hellscape outside of some minor fatigue.
Sounds good enough.
P1 is tech-demo-level arse though.
And I proved the twin prime conjecture, but I ain't publishing the proof until you suck my balls
Good thing I can publish proof of my work without having to publish the work then, eh?

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Thread discussing inactive and missing hentai author

I miss Chuuka Naruto Oyaji, his last active works was in 2021. Seems like license money from AV was enough to fill his stomach and paid his biike hobby. He still active on twitter and his blog, but no words from him for returns to drawing another manga.

Previous thread

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たくみな無知 aka Takumi Na Muchi.
I think the last thing she released was a Gakkou Gurashi and a Nisekoi doujin in 2015.

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Mufuru... You won't be forgotten old friend...
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Same for Maji as well...
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Hutamizu, I hope you are doing well...
One of the most perfect artstyles in my opinion... He vanished after Covid. Hopefully he comes back one day and makes the Princess Connect book he wanted to make.

He wrote that there were some circumstances preventing him from doing more than sketching, whatever they were, I hope he's alright.

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