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Thread for BBC related content
>What kind of content are we allowed to post?
Original art, edits, anime-styled game screenshots, and template sharing are allowed. Vanilla and NTR content are welcomed.

Guidelines to follow. PLEASE READ BEFORE POSTING:
>Follow /h/ rules

>Raceplay content involving racist slurs, other races/ethnicity except the bull and girl, or hateful remarks on any race/ethnicity is NOT allowed (Black Male Property, Refugees Welcome, Snowbunny, and etc. tattoos are fine)

>Content and discussion mentioning BNWO, Black New World Order, and race/ethnicity statistics is NOT allowed

>Subtle edits are NOT allowed (Casual Wear edits that are very clear and obvious are fine)

>Discussing your thoughts on an image's content, waifus, or new ideas for content is welcomed HOWEVER;

>When criticizing edits/screenshots, focus on aspects to improve rather than just leaving a hateful reply

>Respect people's taste. There are people here that likes Blacked/Queen Of Spades for different reasons (Interracial, Corruption, Humiliation, and etc.)

>We strongly do NOT encourage posting edits outside of this thread

>Do NOT reply to trolls. Report them and the BOTS and their post

>Create a new thread only when the current thread reaches page 10 and is in the bottom threads (Sort by Bump order)

Templates/Editing Tutorials:
/h/ approved templates zip now hosted on mega: Not available

Last Thread: >>8335197
File: Request Anchor.png (249 KB, 1000x900)
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Request Anchor

-Request must follow guidelines
-DO NOT post the unedited image here
-Post link to the unedited image
-Reply to this post for requests
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238 KB PNG
Delivery Anchor

-Edit must follow guidelines
-Reply to this post and the requester
Requesting Nami's hair to be more reflective of her earlier timeskip design, mainly having her hair down, her arm bangle to be removed, and for her earring to be adjusted to suit, please.

Also, could be fun to make the stomach bulge slightly larger.


Raceswap guy in left panel
Requesting QOS tattoo on her neck
Requesting a small spade tattoo below her eye
>New Thread
Royal Maids are made for BBC
This is hot. Real drawn content > subhuman ai content
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Why did BB become the mascot for this thread?
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Why shouldn't she be?
What does BB stand for?
Its a Fate character
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1.29 MB PNG
You're no fun
Based and hot
Cringe and gay
Requesting colors please


Reference for Nami
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BBC Senran Kagura should be more common
why is it always only blacked shit and never qos shit?
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125 KB JPG
Subtle tattoos are so hot
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449 KB JPG

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