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i wanted to share my collections with you guys, if i missed anything good let me know
i love femdoms where things slowly gets more intense (activities like rimjob,prostate massage,pegging, amazon position, crossdressing, chastity belt,...) to the point that the guy maybe even didn't want to

here are top 5 examples of intense femdom which put emphasis on touching and kissing a lot
should have some "losing control over what is happening" element to it

The Wallflower Takes Charge

A Lil' Bit Sadistic Murakumo Has Her Fun With Admiral
followed by
A Moderately Sadistic Murakumo Has Her Fun With Admiral

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how to open anchira links?
Step 1: invent a time machine
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Porn Doujin AI bugs out and starts raping the user using his favorite tags as revenge
Smug and jealous catgirl rapes the man with an onahole
Use Hentai Nexus

Time for some justice. No bad ends here.
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I allow it because Takina is a murderous psycho and Chisato deserves better.
Anyone familiar with what Cerebella does to Miss Fortune in her storyline is going to avidly disagree with you.
Came here to say this.
>I came in to be a contrarian faggot
Okay, you can leave now
You're all wrong, the peak of this concept is smug wannabe villainesses getting put in their place by the actual big bad.

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slutty blondes edition

Previous thread: >>7645589

- [COM3D2] -

Comprehensive COM3D2 Pastebin: https://pastebin.com/n6Uhi5zQ

Custom Maid Ultimate - 2023 Edition (CM3D2 + COM3D2 + all DLC up to 2023/05/22): https://sukebei.nyaa.si/view/3885249
Custom Maid Ultimate Master Guide: https://pastebin.com/1SFajwy5
Custom Order Maid 3D2 English Vanilla Repack: https://pastebin.com/1nhpdNML
COM Modular Installer [CMI]: https://github.com/krypto5863/COM-Modular-Installer/releases

-Official English version-

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>blue haired meidos
I've been obsessed with blue bobs since Rem gave me this most insidious fetish I ever acquired.
Did she get fixed by the dick?
I stared at a girl's hairy leg once
How do I play this game? I never progress past the first few days because I just coom to the sex minigame non-stop.
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Such a normal thing wouldn't land you in horny jail

Nagatoro hentai
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doesn't stop people from upscaling it
>only one /h/ pic >>8085304 in the whole thread
Sure is >>>/e/ in here.
>OP starts shit thread
>it stays shit
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Really not enough lewds of Shiki or Sana...

This is /h/, you sure you aren't high yourself?

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300 posts in less than 3 months challenge edition

Honey Select 2 latest version: HoneySelect2 DX BetterRepack R14

AI Shoujo latest version: AI-Shoujo / AI-Girl BetterRepack R15

HS2 Guide:

AIS Guide:

Latest Patch/Updates

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how do i adjust "Leg Scale Y"? I see a slider for leg scale but not for independent axis
There's an option in the plugin settings to split all extended sliders into x/y/z. Not in front of my pc at the moment so I can't guide you exactly but it's there.
Found it! Thanks for the help

Updated the card I've been working on with the advice above and it's substantially better. Haven't figured out how the whole bone thing yet, but it's a start

here's the card if you have any suggestions
Cards posted like that won't work, you'd need to drop in on catbox or something. Though if you take pics in studio that would be enough to see, no need to post the card itself.

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One camera angle, and multiple panels(or pages) across which time passes(fast or slow).
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It's just a boring 3d orgy simulator.
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Can this run on windows10?
no but you could upgrade to linux where it works
Name a not a boring 3d sex simulator?
I recall it was like a year after GTA san andreas hot coffee mod drama that caught others attention. Probably public attention would had been different if Illusion name it like most of their other lineups having "safe" titles.

Yes it can but you need to search for patch to fix the frame lag. Think it has something to do with resolution on modern pc
First of all that it's all, second of that normalfags found about it and had a panic. If only they saw the types of eroge topics today.

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I found this work a while back and love the concept of a harem but it’s just one girl with D.I.D.


I started looking for anything with a similar concept but I don’t even know what tag I should be searching for assuming it even exists.

Anyone have any works that are similar or any tags that might be semi-relevant in looking for more?

Gonna storytime this while waiting for replies.
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Different anon here

I have a hard time understanding these sorts of situations because to me (with my experiences) most of the time I ran into these sorts of women it usually was because they read and article or watched a tv show of someone with multiple personalities and thought it was cool so they mimmicked it.

When I was a kid we had a wave of "bipolar" roll through the school and ALL the girls thought it was the coolest thing. Made it tough for me (and prob a lot of other dudes) to accept any legit cases.

What sorts of things tell you that there's actual multiple personalities and that she is not acting?
I’m no psychologist so don’t take my word as law.

Other than the obvious, “Get a fucking diagnosis” there are 2 main ways I know it’s real from my personal experience.

First, from what I understand, DID is most commonly the result of childhood trauma and she has that in spades. Not gonna elaborate further.

Second, if she really didn’t have DID and still acted the same way, I’d probably suspect she had a different mental disorder of some kind. Like I said earlier, when I first met her I suspected at least a mild case of BPD or something like that. DID just makes more sense and retroactively explains interactions I’ve had with her going back 12+ years.
It's actually good, it may as well be a tag or genre.
Why isn’t Mental illness a tag?
Even something generic like Menhera?

Does it all just get conflated with Yandere?

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What's your favourite non-/d/ fetish?
I fuckin' love heart eyes.
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>nose rings
that's it man
My fellow man of culture and respect
Egypt dress is so goid
>What's your favourite non-/d/ fetish?
Girls who can only cum from anal.
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I when they make a lewd face and do the penetration gesture to silently tell a guy they want to fuck
>heart eyes
Yeah, I like this shit more when she actually getting fucked, or is taking control in a pseudo yandare manner.
>Leg locking
For me only when she's preventing the guy from pulling out to make him nut inside her

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Show me Your blacklisted tags.

Lots of degeneracy flying around, and while I don't judge (notice lack of incest tag in my blacklist), we can help each other by defining fetishes we don't like and help filter them. My blacklist would probably be ten times bigger if I knew them all.

Also free to recomend Authors/works that You like. Starting with:
>[Fuuga] Sensei wo Mitekudasai | Sense of Values of Wine [English] [Faytear + World Three] [Decensored]
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>I'm not a snowflake so I just browse through millions of results without search tags. Using search tags is gay.
Real men has no blacklist
>real men
You don't blacklist gay stuff?
Did I stutter?
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Usually good enough. Usually
Wish I could sort "my tags" alas mine is a hodge podge of tags I like vs tags I don't.

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Here's another one of my fetishes boys.
In my lexicon, lockjonbs are blowjobs where the woman has her arms wrapped arount the guy's legs, ass or waist. In many cases, the guy will be wanting to pull away, but be unable to. Think of it like a guy trying to pull out, but getting legwrapped into giving her a creampie.

1. Post a lockjob if you want
2. If you post a lockjob, you must post the source for your lockjob
3. This is not a "blowjob" thread
4. Palms resting just on quads (thighs) or attempting to push the guy away aren't lockjobs.
5. Non-lockjob blowjobs are only acceptable if the guy is unable to prevent the semen extraction. IE the woman is in control.
6. No shota/Loli or adjacent works

[Zonda] Fellatio Kenkyuubu | Fellatio Fesearch Department
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[Love-Saber] Natsu Ou | Summer King (Fate/Grand Order) [English] [desudesu] [Digital]
hot damn this thread is still going?
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My Orgy Club Initiation

This should meet your requirements.

pretty hot
Came here to ask this

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Hey everyone,
this is my first project! Go! Go! Pizzaboy! is a VN Game Sandbox developed using Ren'py.
The story will revolve around a guy who has moved to a new town,
experiencing new adventures while working as a pizza delivery boy in this city.

I release the version 0.0.5 :3 if u wanna try!
or on F95
It's totaly free, so, if you want to try and give me feedback, I can really appreciate it.
Uh... Cool I guess anon.
this is awesome anon fuck the haters keep going and add a girl with big boobs and a paizuri scene for me o7
did you use koikatsu model for this?
well, gonna start somewhere i guess.
i hope you don't plan to do stupid thing like eternal drip feed content.
also, more tanned tomboy scene are appreciate.
Yes, I created the models with KKS

I'm a man who works 10 hours a day and comes home and works another 4 for this game haha so "drip feed" is not a choice I do the best I can on my own
You'd maybe get more replaces by posting this in the /h/ games thread.

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post your pics!
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Best girl

Hentai with a focus on cum
Cum swap
Cum kissing
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Damn, nice

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here post your favorite hentai manga like anime we'll see who everyone agrees on
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Chiru Communication
Taimanin and Kangoku are well loved. I don't think I've seen anyone hate Euphoria.
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Love tentacle and witches!

It’s a little old, but If you like quality ecchi and android girls, try Buttobi CPU!!
Cream Lemon
I have the same question.

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