either consensual or notmost delicious food
>>8445798because it's very intimatesome prostitutes don't even let you kiss them
I'm testing out to see if other people want this and stay on.Same rules from the other drawt/h/read apply here. NTR Drawt/h/read: >>8167794Edit Thread: >>8215739Draw/h/read >>8290201
Requesting Jill Anything goes as long as it's non con.character refs: https://catbox.moe/c/qvrqaa
>>8472533Not the requester but damn, that's pretty good
>>8472533Ooh, that's really cool! Thanks a lot for drawing Hotai!
Why are games about impregnating girls so rare? I'm not talking about games where you play as the girl getting impregnated, but rather the ones where you choose a girl, look if she's ovulating at the time and put a baby in her. And then, once she gives birth, you do it again as soon as you can.You'd think this would have as much representation on the market as genres like NTR, considering how common of a fetish (and even human instinct) it is. Let's discuss pregnancy mechanics and pregnancy-focused games. What (male MC, preferably) games do it best? What's the best one you've played? Text-based, 3D, 2D, anything goes.Pic only slightly related. It has a repeatable pregnancy system and randomly generated girls, which is pretty cool. It also has childbirth, but lacks any sort of fertility system and pregnancy progression, and the girls barely react to the fact you've put a baby in them.
>>8471727Not really, it's still niche. That being said, I expect the fetish to grow more and more in popularity as society strays further and further from the trad family stuff. The more lonely people you have out there, unable to deal with their genetic urge to reproduce, they'll just turn to porn of it.
(baby) bump
>>8409689Why does everything just automatically turn into NTR for you sick fucks
>>8409462So /h/, what's your all time fav game in this genre?
>>8416786CK3.Get powerful enough, reform your culture and religion and suddenly you have multiple wives and everyone is naked. Then breed the very best genes into humanity so all look like amazonians with gorgeous faces.
IDOLM@STER ThreadPrevious iM@s thread >>8167360
>>8482142>>8482281Nagasaki cumslut.
my backlog is so huge that I don't have time to come back to old stuff
>>8482632Koutetsu no Majo AnneroseTentacle and WitchesStringendo & Accelerando / StrettaBible BlackSecret JourneyBeat Angel EscalayerKanojo x Kanojo x KanojoAnejiruFutabuModern stuff:Uchi no Otouto Maji de Dekain Dakedo Mi ni KonaiChizuru-chan Kaihatsu NikkiSakusei Byoutou, specifically Hiramatsu, Mochizuki arcs, and even more specifically Kiritani's arc
Welcome to the Anti-NTR Round Table. Here we discuss the current state of our least favorite form of hentai as well as post our finest. Noteworthy that this thread can also be used to gather and post news on fics/doujins/general goings-on that are pleasing to the vanilla-lover's eye. Keep the titties and ass as wholesome as titties and ass can get, and you're welcome here with a seat at the table to boot.
>>8486445https://www.reddit.com/r/antiNTRcorps/comments/1g54rbm/i_just_discovered_something_hilarious/This is all i could find about it. Not sure how true it is.
>>8487262Honestly? No. Some fetishes, especially the more radical, tend to work better for people as porn and not in practice. I genuinely think if a NTR artist actually experienced getting cucked, most would not have the heart to keep writing that sort of stuff after knowing how it feels. There's like 1% who would channel their misery into blackpilled porn that was so morbid and cruel it'd make Metamorphosis read like Peppa Pig.
>>8487809Insanely petty if true. If he wanted to write cuckshit, then just write it. Why bother teasing the notion of doing something else if you never planned on doing it in the first place? People wouldn't have given a shit if he just made what he normally makes, but now he's essentially told his fans that they can get fucked if they don't like what he likes.It's one doujin. It's not as if he'd have to only draw lovey dovey vanilla forever. He could even be a cheeky cunt and draw a vanilla doujin then make the sequel some insane uber dark NTR slop. At least then he wouldn't be a liar. Unfortunately he's too big to fail now so this will be nothing more than a embarrassing memory in time, and he'll keep making cuckshit until he does everyone a favor and retires.
I actually like ntr but I subconsciously self-insert as the guy doing the cucking.
>>8488032The black guy?? Or the middle aged uncle?? Man I think you need to unplug the router for a bit and realize how this world's work
In short thread for scenarios where decency and shame are throw out of the window, lust rules and public nudity, masturbation and sex are seen as completely normal.
>>8470834If it's a futuristic setting, it could all be done by robots. If not, then I'd assume they are capable of multitasking.
>>8470834All the ugly people of course.
Jairou is good for this
>>8456625It's called Kansen series
>>8418033>MikezouteiIf only that idiot wouldn't always build in one scat scene in his works...
>nothing at C105>Erika chapter still missingIt's never been so over.
>>8472118This is incredibly good AI.
>>8391486Is it me, or does the sweat drops Raita draw look like bugs crawling beneath the skin?
I just watched 2 NRT and it went like this; the first one (craziest of them all) was about a husband with a wife and a daughter, the husband doesn't have sex with his wife and the reason that is vague to her but not to us is because he *ahem* secretly does incest with his daughter. His wife has a habit of visiting her parents on weekends, however one weekend their neighbor came to her next to door step and asked her to come in his flat. Once she was in he showed her an image of her husband doing incest sex with her daughter, she was shocked and wanted to leave the place but he insisted on her stay saying that he would announce this news to others so he asked her to pleasure him then the it turned to cuck-competition between walls of both flats where the husband and his daughter and the wife and the uncle neighbor were fucking. Tbh I don't recommend NRT and the author hit 2 birds with one stone by combining netorare and incest together, but I wanted to share my experience here to see what's everyone viewing on this. As for the name of the hentai I would like to keep it to myself for now.
how do I unsubscribe from this blog
>>8488138>AnonymousWhat's your thoughts on this experience?
>>8488227I want back the time of my life I wasted it
don't know why this is such a good tag, but it is.
Post all hentai news anchors/tv reporters here
>>8445095It's a silly troupe but I remember this thing fondly.
>>8420271hot as hell yet surprisingly rare
>>8467557Yeah, for some reason news anchors are hugely popular in JAV but practically non-existent in hentai
Girls wearing cocktail dresses and acting like total sluts!
>>8455062We shifted from an American western hegemony to a Chinese eastern hegemony so now we’re the losers o the other side of the globe who eat canned food and live in moldy apartments while the Chinese live in suburbia and eat out
>>8473262>St. Louis vs. TaihouI could see St. Louis being the current #1 in the high-end escort market for all the work she puts into keeping herself in good shape. That usually means she won't take too many big risks, even if the there's more money involved. So she relies on more on her charm and classy appeal to keep the wealthy clients coming in.Then Taihou comes along as the young and ambitious new girl on the market. And while she has a sexy body on the same tier as St. Louis, Taihou's less refined in the upper-class social situations. But that doesn't stop her from stealing away some of the richest men because she's far more adventurous and open to experimenting in the bedroom. This could cause a rivalry between them as St. Louis starts taking more risks in order to maintain her queen bee status among the high-end boat whores.
AI welcome too