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Should Queen's Blade have gone full hentai?
They were flirting with the possibility in the OVAs.
Would that have saved it?
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I had a big crush on Tomoe growing up. Didn't even know what series she came from for a long time, just saw the character and thought she was hot.
Cattleya sex
yep we need more cattleya

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Hentais were girls goes commando
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>Thread about no panties, and the queen of going commando isn't posted yet...
Slacking guys.

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I finally found the gif I was searching for. It wasn't worth it, but does anyone have any nostalgia for this same one or the blonde version? I remember it would pop up on old school hentai toplist sites.
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OP asks for antiques, you offer cheap plastic that is still outgassing. C'mon, do better.
Fairy Bounce is old but gold
yea im kind of old too but same sentiments here
What even is this from? Saucenao ain't giving clear results.

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here post your favorite hentai manga like anime we'll see who everyone agrees on
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Hajimete no Hitozuma - https://nhentai.net/g/340116/
by far the best I've returned to countless times

Secret Journey - https://nhentai.net/g/203881/
fantastic work I randomly stumbled upon a few days ago

non-yaoi Jairou works - https://nhentai.net/g/516730/ https://nhentai.net/g/337563/

honorable mentions (artists):
Takatsu, Chirumakuro, Butachang, Gennsui
no reverse rape
>Lust Geass
really enjoyed the art on this one, any recs that have a similar style?
So do I
Star Jewel was a literal gem of a hentai.

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Final Battle Edition

Old Green: >>7860932

Related Stories:

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Then post art.
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I love Wizard so gobdamn much.
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Wizard's breasts > Fighter's breasts

Messy hair, untrimmed pubes, tired eyes, bad hygene etc.
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My ex actually with everything except for the pit hair. Never could convince her past stubble
Even butt hair?
That said, armpit is the best part, so its kinda sad that never happened for you.
Yeah, it wasn't a lot, but still butt hair.
I agree, had a similar situation with another ex, and the rest have all shaved everything.
It's also mostly /e/ shit
A literal red line.

There is sex happening but you can only see the penis-in-vagina part through a thin layer of cloth, or you can see the penis but not the vagina.
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Love when you can see how wet and messy the clothes get https://exhentai.org/g/1359266/4df0cebf56/
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Not penetrated.

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Anytime specific measurements are mentioned. Cup size, bust size, ass size, cock size, etc.

I'm not talking about adjectives like "big", "huge", "small", or "long". Cup letters, centimeters, inches.

Starting off with Koukou/Pure by Tanishi
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16 cm is just a tiny bit above average. Not big
It's a japanese artwork, the average size is 13 and they are the biggest in Asia anon of course 17cm is gigantic for them outside of porn
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Any proudly stated measurements for small boobs?

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Previous: >>8046303

Free sites to use:
Paid sites:

Mobile reader app for android: https://tachiyomi.org/

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looks promising.
Damn, called it >>8105251
Shame. Proves agaun Koreans have shit tate.
>what went wrong?
>loser gets a magic sex app and becomes a cocky sex god story #567
Looks like "Is It Your Mother or Sister?" will be finished in a couple of chapters.

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I am gonna post every game published by Empress (art by Seishoujo) to discuss and for your pleaser, there's official translations and machine translations. Hope you enjoy!
I am gonna post them in release order, all but cleavage, no translation for now.
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What distinguishes this studio from other studios, OP?
the artist goes for stylistic realism instead of simplifying things like faces which makes the art nice to look at
Could someone help me, im just an big fucking stupid monkey i dont know how to run thi

i downloaded the Sleepless torrent and run the ISO file but now what? i tried to launch the game but it didnt work, should i download file host or what? Also how does it work the translations
The dick guillotine.

Crack it >>7935456

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Thread to discuss upscales, mainly with ESRGAN as that is the best tool for the job.
All my upscales can be found here:
It shows everything that I've upscaled, whether it contains subs, how many episodes, links to download from, image previews, upscale status and changelog.
All preview images are just run through mozjpeg at quality 90 which is nearly identical to original. The original PNG preview images are on telegram.

Torrent version:
Keep in mind that torrent is an afterthought, downloading is easier with Telegram.

ESRGAN can either be used through my setup which makes it insanely easy for the average user:
https://mega.nz/folder/o9hwXRDT#5MolBcQ6hvxz7adS8Opb0A (Recently updated to 5.2, making it near fully automatic)
Or it can be downloaded from the official github:
Though using the github version means you'll have to mess with CMD and manually process each episode.

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Just the ESRGAN AnimeVideoV3 model. Hasn't been updated in a long time, but it's clean and insanely fast.
It's the same model used in my public setup, latest version being here: >>8057324
But as I said, I have plans to update the setup, to make it better. Though the model is the same, so quality will be the same, just more QoL features and more effective and takes less space during upscale.
He asked where it's from, not what the source of the hentai is lol.
The software just runs through percentages even when I leave it all night long. How do I actually finish a video?
If you have a really bad GPU, it might actually be taking that long, but also depends on how long the video is and what resolution you're upscaling from and to.
One possibility is that the framerate is variable in the video, which can cause the script to have issues by for example extracting at 120 fps, making things take 4x longer.
You can find out if this is the case by letting it extract all the frames, check how many frames there are, find out what framerate the video actually is, divide by that number to get the video duration in seconds, divide by 60 to get minutes.
If the duration matches and it's like 29.97 fps or less, then everything should be fine. If you have to divide by anything higher to match the duration, you'll have to enable the "FPSOverride" in the bat file and set it to the correct value.
Just make sure you remember to turn it off again after having processed the video.
If you for some reason can't find out what the fps is, 29.97 is usually a safe bet.
You can also look inside the temp folders to see how far it has come, by checking how many frames are in the Output folder compared to how many are in the Bin folder.

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Images preferably of the butthole, rimming/licking/eaten all acceptable.
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Tired of seeing sad pathetic NTR/Cuckold hentais? Post the most wholesome hentais you know with others. The type of hentais which restores your faith in love, brings happy tears, sweet arousal and crave human affection.

Thread rules:
- Strictly no NTR/Cuck hentais
- No Loli/Shota/Bestiality
- Don't be a jerk to others
- Requests should satisfy /h/ rules
- Always post sauce with the post
Bonus: Impregnating, pregnancy, including the couple start a family/having kids

(Sause of cover image - https://nhentai.net/g/488048/)
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https://nhentai.net/g/497373/. Easily the best wholesome one I've seen.
I just really like the feeling of this doujin.
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https://nhentai.net/g/520557/. Generic wholesome hentai. Solid 7/10
Damn, it's not finished!
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Kimi wa Akaboshi

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This is true. Anal is about power but anal does feel good too. About the same as pussy if you ask me.
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Naw i have fucked a lot of girls in the ass and they don’t enjoy it. This guy is not wrong. I mean has a girl ever asked you to fuck her in the ass? Would your gf let you fuck her in the ass everytime you had sex?
>I mean has a girl ever asked you to fuck her in the ass?
>Would your gf let you fuck her in the ass everytime you had sex?
No because anal needs prep and she's not always in the mood to do it. Unlike vaginal where you just need her to be wet.
She butthole should always be prepped is the point. She doesn’t really like anal if she only does it when she wants it. She should do it everytime unless you dont want it.
My wife let's me have her ass almost Everytime I want. She needs a day of pause before the next round as a minimum recovery time though. She also asks for a buttfuck every now and then, but I'm generally the one deciding what is going to happen, with her never asking for anything. But her sexuality revolves around me having fun in the first place, so it doesn't really matter to her as long as it feels good for me. And yes, she get's sopping wet and comes hard when I stretch her and call her a good little bunny. She's not the only woman who liked it in the ass from me either. I still don't understand woman and what makes them tick in detail, but grunting like a fucking ape and showing that you like it seems to be really high up on the list.

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https://store.steampowered.com/app/2348170/Kuroinu_Redux/ Steam
https://www.gog.com/en/game/kuroinu_redux GOG
https://www.mangagamer.com/r18/detail.php?goods_type=1&product_code=1337 Mangagamer
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Trying to do a few fanarts of Alicia, I have a few other works in progress.
nice model
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Its ever explained what happened to Vult's lineage? We know Radomira took control of the empire from the previous king... but how the fuck the whole empire changed names and stuff so fast?
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The writing underneath the symbol says "Black Wolf's Castle Realm" in German.

A lot can happen in between the 150 years I guess
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Alot sure can.

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