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>coworker crush is assigned to an international post
>realize your chance to get with her is dwindling by every minute
>devise a plan to capture her at the perfect moment
>once she's locked up in your house, you spend months raping her, attempting to break her mind
>balance making money to pay off bribes to escape the police and the means to keep her from escaping
>several different bad ends depending on which part you fuck up

somehow on Steam whereas tamer itty bitty titty games are barred
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I enjoyed Marunomi a lot. It's a vore game with a sort of tactical minimap overworld game where you have to hunt down the various girls and then engage them in JRPG style turn based combat. If you win, you get entertainment and then dinner. It's nice in that it solves the 'vore games always require you to lose to get a scene' problem by making the player the monster instead of the girl, so you're actually rewarded for winning and can also sample a variety of girls in sequence.

The group released a similar game more recently but its mechanics are somewhat arcane and very hard to play with since it hasn't been translated. It has more of an actual stealth/stalking focus to take girls that I think are being left as sacrifices to you.
whats your pic from? :o
looks made by AI so nope, i don't mind AI made CG as long they are good which isn't the case of this game.
You're an idiot.
sadly this image was the giveaway >>8067918
as i said i don't mind AI but this looks so poorly made.

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NTRMan Arrival of the Goddess releases July 22
who's excited?
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Hyped as hell, but bracing for disappointment.
*cricket noises*
He's a mentally ill pajeet
Why does this nigger refuse to create anything MomNTR anymore? It's a niche that he built his brand on, but it's been 2 years since he's fed us anything.
The game was horrible as expected. NTRMAN made a name for himself thanks to NETORARE content and now the guy is releasing games with 50% of the content where the MC fuck girls or even with fucking NETORI pov. How can he be so dumb to miss the point every fucking time now...

Guys fucking women older than them. Teacher, senpai, friend's mom, co-worker... Preferably no incest though. Manga and manwa both fine. Bonus points for doujins with artist name.

I'll start with the manwa "Don't tell mom" by Noah
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That armpit part is fucking gross
Saigado is Kino but will he continue making parodies of kof or Evangelion?
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damn the incest ruined it

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Kicking it off with Iria from the Zeiram duology and her eponymous prequel OVA
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And whenever it is hetero, its all Quiet. Which makes it feel like the series didn't exist until V. Really strange for a series as popular as that to have so little. Maybe Delta will inspire more Eva pics.
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The remake should do something about it...
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Sayo from Library Of Ruina
Linda from Spikeout
Slim pickings
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Madam Loulou from Kouya no Kotobuki Hikoutai

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Show me Your blacklisted tags.

Lots of degeneracy flying around, and while I don't judge (notice lack of incest tag in my blacklist), we can help each other by defining fetishes we don't like and help filter them. My blacklist would probably be ten times bigger if I knew them all.

Also free to recomend Authors/works that You like. Starting with:
>[Fuuga] Sensei wo Mitekudasai | Sense of Values of Wine [English] [Faytear + World Three] [Decensored]
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I wish there was a Yaoi tag for stuff that's clearly aimed at women or gay men. I don't mind seeing a sissy, shota, or trap getting plapped, but I'd rather spare my eyes from seeing big hairy muscle dudes or yaoi hands slendermen.
anon, you are still gay, so just turn off the filters
>Negative tags:
>... dark_skinned
I hate it when I find an artist with a really unique, well-drawn style only to exclusively ruin it with black clocks everywhere.
Actually, my theory is that it's much easier to paint detailed reflections and textures on a black cock then it is to make the same details pop out on a white cock, due to the fact that it's much harder to render shadows and light using white/lighter colors than dark ones.
Funnily enough, with AI, I've been finding much more quality light_skinned content than some years ago.
I don't have any tags blacklisted because people are retarded and can't tag properly. I would miss many great series just because they randomly have a tag that I don't like or it's such a small part of manga that you won't even notice.
i second this

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Post your TOP 3 MOMCEST Milfs, I'll go first.

1 - Yumiko by Horsetail
2 - Nush by Xter
3 - Naho by Hyji
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Does anyone know where I can see all of hyji's stories compiled in a single volume in Spanish? The story itself is already confusing to me.
i tried searching but i cant seem to find it too
I miss MOMNTR threads.
You've posted this same shit like 4 times already. Fuck you.

Because psychically active, sport playing teenagers are well-known for being very horny.
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This doujin would have been so much better if it was only about her and the chad fucking instead of ntr shit. Tomboys need strong manly men.

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It's just a boring 3d orgy simulator.
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I remember downloading this off of Usenet after hearing about it after the fuss. That lead me to Hongfire and more H-games... Memories...like the corners of my mind...
wydm its actually decent
basedjack is just cringe crap nowadays
Here's ILLUSION's official fix for Win10
Don't run it then, open it in 7-Zip, get the DLL from there and put it next to the game's .exe
Not entirely sure if it fixes Rapelay, but it does fix AG3.
name is convenient for making a good rage-bait article

Girls at the club, working two poles at once
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From the belly tattoo I'm guessing she got pregnant 6 times but lost 2 of the babies due to dangerous sexual activities.
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Misa-nee supremacy.
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I cherish that poster.
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i wouldn't mind another threesome ch with Erika and Misa.
Bye bye anons, good thread.
A page 10 thread on /h/ might hang around for another week.

>Viewer: https://drive.google.com/open?id=19Kd2T9gVZtsoEHP9nIeDSIdLOnw4Xgt7
>Viewer Big Patch: https://mega.nz/file/glx0UQgC#QIeQmw5esGAH5Z2hpAME7HNb-rBHpRjt3eE9yovM31w
>Event Patches: https://mega.nz/folder/OuBwSajD#cRAyhgZtXTkBouEIREiz7Q
>Videos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=snLByV1Jn4Y&list=PLWTepIlReBpnRRQcQMjQGxDo7whb4IxIe

>Game: http://pc-play.games.dmm.co.jp/play/taimanin_rpgx/
>Guide: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1k22dzpoUyYc3dgqOeiYWf5aKdzcMTM-22PPZ15ePyiw/
>Viewer: https://mega.nz/folder/9jN0RKrD#0sDHOUgClLaQH3MU7_eQgA
>Story TL: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1koBwcMlYnY5Z5gezuY9tbnBLWxQ9jByLbcO2A_ZGDwA/
>Translator Tool: https://mega.nz/file/dYN0WQLS#7nT4m6amxQvrasjvhQBxXs-3dPIXmwEnnC8wufL0UMY
>Translator Tutorial: https://files.catbox.moe/0toapd.mp4
>Videos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SkX8aSzVqMg&list=PLWTepIlReBplP_mSvQ3_if7-A8In-45Nc

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make your's and now your genes spread 2x times faster. If you're a guy it's a win situation
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Anyone know the source for this picture of Maika?
Yes, this is from a 1 page comic about mock survival training, where Maika insists on Fuuma cumming outside, but he retorts that would leave traces behind and make them easier to track, so he has to nut deep up in there to hide it may chaos take th
New Thread:

Oh, but do you have the full picture? Or a link to it?

>another good title axed from the library of the h website I use
Downloadfags redeemed I guess. Post your H web for reading mangas

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Japan need to come up with the solution to fight these 2 faggot credit cards. Not just porn, They literally pulled out on every single japanese online storefronts out there.

My solution
1. Bank transfer / Wire Transfer Payment. No need to rely on credit cards
2. JCB must expand to Europe and America. They already dominate on Asia market.
3. Gift card / Coin method with 1:1 Currency. Dont be retarded like Toracoin does (they fucking inflated the currency by 50% lmao)

Can someone provide another solution ?
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I wish Japan just closed itself off to the rest of the world and only think about themselves...
They tried that along with China and that ironically left them defenseless from foreign influence since they were behind in tech.
Yeah, not trusting it.
Aww, manbabby's mad at slang and colloquialisms. How cute.
They are never going to find a solution for the western market
1. 99% of foreign market users are pirates anyways
2. Even if you invent a new workaround some ass hat country will make a new rule to ban it
It's not worth the hassle so they'll most likely give up and focus more on the domestic market

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Titties Edition

Previous Thread: >>8112824

Optimizations *NEW*

Maintained branch:

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amazing job as always, anon
>hundreds of new loras and checkpoints added every single day
>average LORA: 100mb+
>average checkpoint: 6GB+
How the fuck does CivitAI afford the storage? So many are trash duplicate loras of the same character or retards uploading test loras.
What did you prompt for the man pubes?
I'm just reposting/filling the gap.

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Groping tits or ass. Preferably clothed. Preferably momcest.
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