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You won't find your favorite works by licensed artists there anymore
It's been like that for a while for 3he , oldest (eng) works by that artist are not even present on hitomi.
the only artists I follow are touhou ones though.
Which site?
And nothing of value was lost.

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and I've a long way to go, especially some of the stuff came from long since dead websites and abandoned accounts from hentai-foundry, pixiv, tumblr, twitter, etc
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I am new in nfsw anime game market. I am a game developer who creates anime games. Can I get suggestions of what the players want and expect from a good 3D anime nfsw game? Any tips?
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Tight controls should be the first thing that comes to your mind. I don't know why but so many H-platformers and action games have long, awkward, and un-cancellable animations that make the game feel like ass to play. I want to be able to jump cancel all animations, I want actions like going through doors, opening chests, climbing ladders to be quick, I want attack animations to be responsive.

Difficulty should be optional. If you want to make a challenge that you can be proud of that's 100% fine and I encourage it, just put it behind a menu option or item and let the base game just be for fun. Holy Knight Ricca does this with cursed skulls you can buy from the shop for example. It gives you some customization of difficulty.

In terms of sexual content, always have a gallery and include everything in it. There are amazing games like Holy Knight Ricca and Night of Revenge that have pretty extensive galleries but still don't put in their event and trap scenes for some reason. I also dislike the notion that a gallery item is only unlocked when you find it in game. It makes sense, but also when there are a lot of scenes, or the conditions are very harsh (like having to game over on every mob in the game) it becomes a chore and you should just unlock things per stage/level or upon game clear. Better yet have a button/npc in the gallery that will unlock everything for you if you want. There are a lot of games where I just download the save file for.

Artstyle is a personal thing so technically you can never go wrong, but we all know some things look better than others so just browse the 3D section of games and see what is received well. I don't want to discourage but poorly done 3D hentai games are a dime a dozen and they all have this same low-quality vibe in their art or animation. Additionally I'm a big fan of character customization in my games, but I also realize that it's extra work not every dev is waiting on.

Good luck!
I recently played Peeping Dorm Manager and I feel like it would translate into a 3d game well enough.
Stealth feels like a mechanic that you could play with one hand. Maybe something with accidental nudity?
Also gives you the lewd shit you're after early without having characters just fuck you on site.
An actual plot.
I'll try it out.

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Can someone translate Taejaho's NTR doujin?
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>NTR dogshit
It writes itself
Pretty much. On top of that it's insane how NTRfaggots and webtoontards refuse to stay in their fucking containment threads.
Please, someone translate a heart melting vanilla doujin page by page in front of this nigga instead.

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I just found out there is hentai translated to Latin? lol
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Probably a mix of funny and practice for college or something.
"Oh shit I gotta study my proto indo european for this month's test, but what to translate? Hah, lets translate that doujin fuck it."
you mean latinx
Cui boner.
Hell, I saw not long ago a FGO doujin translated to Sumerian (or at least in Cuneiform)
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I love the explosive crimson demon
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You like Megumim because you are a pedo

I like Megumin because I'm a pyromaniac

We are not the same
Good, I wouldn't want to associate with someone who burns down the last pine forest on a greek island.
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I jacked off to hentai instead of regular porn when I was a wee lad. I don't think I could get an erection looking at a normal woman most of the time anymore
I guess no one but the artist is getting exploited in this. which for adult whores is whatever but my tastes range a lot lower and I can suspend disbelief when an artist pretends raping a child will result in lovey do ey marriage after and just enjoy a stupid story that made me cum.
I still look at 3d but only solo, instagram has too many perfect looking 3d whores to completely give it up. B/g is what makes you feel gross not inherently looking at 3d itself
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True desu

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I am gonna post every game published by Empress (art by Seishoujo) to discuss and for your pleaser, there's official translations and machine translations. Hope you enjoy!
I am gonna post them in release order, all but cleavage, no translation for now.
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seriously? I downloaded the game but didn't bother installing it
jesus christ
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that drm is only reason the king kong game is lost for good
no one dared to rip the files
I don't know what that means but iirc I used the same crack from Great Deceiver (AdvHD.exe), I copypasted it in the folder and it worked. Maybe that can help idk.

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What makes a sex scene good?
Discuss that and feel free to post pic-related compositions.
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It's a fantasy scenario where somehow everything works out at the end. Don't think too hard about it.
Actually, let's not think.
that pic looks like Queen Bee
It is.
Queen Bee "animates" like crap but hell, at least the scenes they do are messy and hot. I'll take it.
they style seems korean, I don't know why is it outsourced?

Hi /h/, as I'm sure you know, JAV has this thing where they hit up mangaka and pay them to adapt their works into live action. Like Netflix, only 1000$ less shit. The thing is... I want to read the original works! So I'm going to post the covers of all the ones I identified off of the Original Collaboration tag on Javlibrary and hope you can share the ones you know too.

(C97) [Yuzuya (Yuzuha)] Mukuchi na Tosho Iin to Sex Zuke.

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Can only hope this leads to the other series getting an adaptation
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This is probably as good a place as any to ask.

[M&U] Hime Kano + Bonus CD


SNIS-951 and EBOD-458

I asked a while back on /r/ but didn't have any luck. I remember there being a 3D animated adaptation of this but I can't find it anywhere. If anyone knows where to find it I'd appreciate a hand
>Need SNIS-951 and EBOD-458
Are you me?
*Need SNIS-951 and EBOD-458 3D anime version
[Iro Murasaki (Kuware)] Namaiki Kyonyuu Na Kouhai Gal To Nakadashi Gaman Game Ni Makete Pet Ni Sareta Boku


Hate the actress, just like Yoshine Yuria, she's in EVERY FUCKING ONE OF THESE.

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I love both. Its just depends on what mood I am. that one nagging mom from an asmr (RJ01127735) i listened to recently was very good and the doting queen mama from Kurutos recent doujin (女王ママと子作り国家再建) was nice as well.
God I love the juxtaposition of stern Mom and the hard cut to her being submissive to her sons cock. Need more instant loss Mom/Son.
for sure.
I basically like the Karen meme as a whole. I want her to be a mean bitch that's still talking shit about me and me to her as I'm pounding her

Rape kissing/non-consensual kissing thread
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Big tits getting groped, fondled, squeezed, etc.
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The amount of images I see in this thread makes me want to feel them like its stressball.

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>OH N-
>Heh, that's fine, I'll just check it out on Anchir-ACK!!!
Heh, that's fine, I'll just check it out on panda.chaika.moe or hentainexus.com
Oh man, I hate this year, and the previous one, and the previous one, and I'll probably hate the net one even more.
Y'all niggas need to learn how to download shit before shit gets taken down.

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Is this the thread?
Colbutta Jeffasson

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