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Post girls with visibly loose buttholes
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she shows it off anyways, might as well partake.
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Love me some experienced anus
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Doujin comments you saved?


i love this trend
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i fucking loved checking twitter everyday and jacking off to all the new pics of her tits and ass and her getting fucked
i fucking love jacking off to brazilian miku with this song on loop. i fucking love her tan ass
i wanna fuck them both so bad
those tits and tanned body i fucking love it
this is the best brazilian miku art i've seen. i fucking love it. its so fucking perfect.
i love the cross eyed look on her face while her tongue is on his dick and under his foreskin and with saliva on it. i love that her hair is being grabbed as shes fucked from behind. i fucking love the plap plap subtitles. i fucking love it when girls are plapped and fucked from behind. her thick ass is so fucking perfect. i love her thong squeezing her ass too. the tan lines are fucking incredible. her tits look so fucking perfect and so fucking hot with those tan lines. its so fucking hot shes bent over with her hands on whatever the fuck that is. dellie's brazilian miku art is the best
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Previous Thread: >>8215739

Thread Rules:
- Respect /h/ and global rules.
- Do not troll or derailing the thread.
- Do not make more than one request.
- You must supply references and specify what edits you want made.
- If your request was not fulfilled in the previous thread, do not just post a link to that request in this thread. Instead, re-state your request and re-post your reference.
- No bumping or seconding requests.
- Be patient. Some edits can take a great deal of time.
- Be kind to the editors. They're giving their time to do this for you.
- Always thank the editors for fulfilling your request.
- Constructive criticism is welcome.


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request that the breasts of the girl on the right look rounder and firmer. The suit can barely contain them. They can be the same size or a little bigger, no problem, I just want them to look firm
In hd
>>8408438 (me)

Whole thing
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request to change the bikini to black
and if possible, also the hair color to black
New Thread:


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probably because it is
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Fuck ME it's been too long.
I thought I'd only be gone a month or two, but turns out, anti-depressants REALLY kill your sex drive. Just didn't feel like doing any translations until recently.
So, with NNN now behind us, let the fappening begin!

Disclaimer: This is not a request thread, it is a dump thread for me to post my bullshit.

You can find the rest of my work here: https://exhentai.org/uploader/Translatorfag

If you like what I do, you can support me here: https://buymeacoffee.com/translationfag
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I will be taking another short break now, lack of finished content.
Thank you for your patience

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Naked or almost naked girls fruitlessly covering themselves up acting like they're not just about to get railed
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hope you like it
original: "https://assets.promptbase.com/DALLE_IMAGES%2FL81XSonH21KRLOswDs19%2Fresized%2FxsqrMARpUjxTLy3ThtiM-1715457785893-0-output-0_500x500.webp"
it's off-topic here, so no
but it's porn, anime porn, so is it not hentai?
no it's not hentai, it's ecchi

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Girls in cold and heavy chains.
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barely /e/, post some /h/
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Came out today, guess we'll have to wait for an Eng subs at some point. Actually looks somewhat decent budget
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I was referring to the entire series in general, not just Ikumi.
>tfw I just realized the source material for the OVA is NETORI
>I.e., the perspective is supposed to be that of the bull's
>OVA turns it into generic netorare
Fuck's sake Japan. Why even bother adapting it. Who was that for? Were the cuck fans unable to appreicate the original work because they couldn't self insert? I MIGHT have actually been able to enjoy this if they just kept the perspective of the ugly bastard.
This first ep was the best and the ones that came after were each worse than the previous. The first ep had a good atmosphere, every scene was good and served a purpose. The second wasn't as good but still solid. The third reused scenes but if you ignored that and watched it in isolation it was still pretty good. The one with art teacher wasn't as good as Ikumi but had an interesting scenario at least.

This ep was by far the worst. It basically abandoned the staple bondage themes completely. While some will still enjoy it, I think among the fans of this series in particular its the most disappointing.
I'm into BDSM but not shibari as such, I guess BDSM is too niche.
She is the best woman.

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Thread for his old works and new releases.
The new chapter of HELP! Saya Sensei just came out.
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The subtle momNTR aspect is my favorite part of Ozaki's series too. It's strange that the son's never seem to get mocked for it, never getting "your mom" jokes thrown at them
I wish there were more subtle implications of that too. I don't need Ozaki to make misery porn like the other hentai artists do but he could totally write more funny consequences with the sons for having such slutty mothers.
It seems as though he's kinda doing that now with Shogo and Ruriko, those chapters haven't been translated yet so you might not have read them
Waiting for the TL then.
I wonder if AI generated Ozaki images would be possible

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Looking at red butts edition

Previous slap: >>8319610
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Six cannons? SIX SNORLAXes
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The most spankable girl in Persona 4 is Yumi.
New thread?
New thread, anyone?
If no one wants to do it... I will. I don't have new pics tho.
new: >>8410017

Brazilian Miku Edition

Post custom made 3D Hentai structured around music here. Doesn't have to be MMD, doesn't have to contain dancing motions, and not to be confused with HMVs made with already existing 3D clips. MMD clips without music that would cause a fuss in the 3D hentai general are also welcome here.

Previous: >>8291482


>Better iwara browser

>3D SexDance index:

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349 replies and 79 images omitted. Click here to view.
very nice thank you anon
I am not very well, or really at all versed in mmd characters, can you recommend me which characters are the most popular ones in the mmd scene?
so far i have miku and rin
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Where can I get a Super Pochaco model like this one?
Has anyone ported it to MMD?
new thread
Got any more previews? Those are extremely good

Why the FUCK would they remake this anime but not give the best girl from it her own 2 episodes???? I would have just gotten her instead of her shit daughters
Of course mom was the best but Yuki is pretty fine, oo.
I think I have the answer to that:

The first season consists of 4 OVAs, and OVAs 1, 2, and 3 were used to introduce each girl, while OVA 4 was used to show the MILF as the only one who got pregnant.

The second season also consists of 4 OVAs, but now it only shows the 2 daughters being pregnant, and the MILF is no longer shown because she was already depicted as pregnant in the first season.
>remake this
Remake what?
Its insane how much better she was compared to the "competition"
When will the remake be released?

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