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Previous >>8270161
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Titfuckism is unironically my religion
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Annoyed paizuri best paizuri.
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>woman literally dedicating her life to paizuri
Need. I would sew her cunt shut and exclusively fuck her tits.
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Paizuri with yuri-coded characters is really hot...
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Can you not post slop here?
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Keep the slop in its quarantine zone please.
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Holy shit. Maybe they need their own slop board?
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We've needed that for a while, our requests just go into the void.
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Honestly, probably for the best that ECM6 is dead forever. live2d is utter dogshit.
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How do I vote for government mandated paizuri
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Who’s the artist
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AIshittery has gotten out of hand. The fags have like 9 threads active at any given time to go dump their low effort swill into and they instead are allowed to come shit up every other thread on the site with their """contributions""". We needed a containment board for this trash years ago.
I get if they drown the thread in it it's obnoxious, but if its just a few and they don't look bad then what's the issue?
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would be god tier if the cum was going through her tie
But it looks bad. They're not even using an artist Lora, it just has that awful generic slop artstyle.
What's you're favorite paizuri image?
I like the one with the big titties in it.
We're not so desperate for titty sex that we need to resort to the slop mines, anon.
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There's no shortage of paizuri art, especially paizuri art that isn't made with AI tools.
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We are in agreement, you and I.
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They always look like shit though, also this >>8369456
Your "logic" here is also what furfags and the like have tried using before too, and what do you know? They're quarantined off like they should be.
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Some AI slop looks good.
More can't hurt though. Especially since with AI you can theoretically get more of a specific fetish or format that you can't more of.

I do understand slop concern as it's obnoxious when pages and pages of a tag is submerged in AI shit that no one, even the "creator" cares about but it's not bad in itself.
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Not really, it becomes somewhat passable only when it has to go through a billion times, but more often than not it's when someone using it has at least *some* artistic skill and then edits all the fucked up looking parts afterwards. The latter almost always being the case for any pics that don't immediately look off, like fucked up hands, fucked up clothing, fused body parts/clothing, etc.
>More can't hurt though.
It definitely does when you can't stay in your containment threads. At least you acknowledge the tag issue, but I'll chime in and say most sites, like pixiv have absolutely ZERO enforcement on tagging whatsoever. There is so much AIslop on there that is not tagged at all. People can use "R-18" for girls in bikinis. It's all a joke.
>Especially since with AI you can theoretically get more of a specific fetish or format that you can't more of.
ESL? Not surprising if so. Anyway, as the other anon pointed out we're not pressed for finding tittyfucking art.
Maybe if you're a /d/faggot and an artist you just found and like isn't drawing muscular, morbidly obese, hairy armpit and hairy asshole monstrosities while pissing, shitting and puking, maybe consider not having such degenerate faggot tastes that normal shit can't satisfy you anymore, and it becomes difficult to find material to beat off to?
It's not that hard.
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This one is special to me because I once came to it twice in a row. I have no idea how that happened. It always takes me at least half an hour to come out of my refractory period.
Also, weirdly, the animation it's based on has her making her partner cum twice in a row. Weird coincidence.
Kunabishi was at his prime when he animated it and then remade it. Real shame he just disappears for long periods of time and has basically not touched animation almost at all since. He's had a few projects that basically went nowhere.
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While you can theoretically get more of a very niche fetish with AI art, paizuri is extremely common as far as kinks go. There's no shortage of doujins with titfuck panels, common artwork if not animations with paizuri, and of course if there's a porn actress with huge tits, you can bet she's had plenty of titfuck scenes.
More of a good thing isn't inherently wrong, but it is annoying to sift through them on Pixiv, and especially annoying on Rule 34-type sites where games like Dead or Alive can have their tag entirely flooded by AI art.
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All paizuri lovers are my friend
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More of something, at least in these numbers, automatically makes it less valuable. Even disregarding arguments about "no intent behind the art" and the like, which are valid in the context of AIshit mind you, just the sheer fact someone can pump out thousands of sloppa products per day makes them equivalent to shitty, massed produced, stale popcorn.
As a paizuribro, thoughts on nursing handjob / breast sucking / breast worshipping?
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I have no objections to enjoying tits, especially lactating ones, but tits are made to have penises squeezed between them.
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Time that could have been spent on paizuri instead.
Pretty kino also, but even better if nursing paizuri threesome.
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Audible spurts

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