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Seriously, why are 90% of male hentai protags these stuttering limp-wrist pansies? Why's it so hard to come across a story featuring a sexually dominant protaganist that isn't
>some faceless ntr protag
>an ugly bastard
>a blackmailing child
>a rapist
Is this what Japs like? To self insert as cowards? Shit gets so tiring hearing the same dialogue of some guy stumbling their way into sex then protesting while some 10/10 is raring to suck him off. Is it that offputting to write someone with a little bit more confidence and initiative?
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Not really, I'm just a gamer that has been playing games since the early 90s, so I noticed this stuff ages ago. Shit never changes for the slant-eyed nipponese. Every JRPG follows the same template, whether we're talking about Final Fantasy, Kindgom Hearts, Dragon Quest, Xenosaga/Blade, Persona, etc. they may be thematically different, but the scafolding is the same. and it follows the same traditional ways of telling that story that the japanese like.

It's not like we're that different really, there used to be a time where here in the west it was making new game after new game and seeing what stuck while in the east it was Final Fantasy 10, Dragon Quest 8, these franchises that were all the same thing, just repackaged, nowadays that's what's happening here in the west, with Call of Duty just being the same game year after year and other games following suit, which is why gaming is boring nowadays. There's no one doing anything new unless it's some liberal cuck trying to tell us that the future is female or black and you should sepukku your dick, and doing it so horribly that' it's less a message and more being patronizing pieces of shit.
>Why are hentai protags always such pussies
Why do you bother watching the hentai where the protags are always such pussies
watch better hentai retard, simple as
>Shit gets so tiring hearing the same dialogue
Can say the same about pretty much every woman in hentai as well.
this is why i didnt read vn anymore, me at highschool would tolerate whatever the flaws a vn has but as i grow older the patience is dried up. bro imagine, how could i enjoy a vn if i needed to prepare myself to wince everytime i clicked the page for the inevitable cringe that is the japanese highschooler self insert protags, and if he somehow didnt make me wanna kms, his harem or his story probably would.
thats why i liked that one nitropus mc in the one of their cyberpunk alternate 19 century story because that bastard didnt act like a retarded highschooler and act like a much mature person despite his story context because he is canonically a 70 yo ish oldfag with minor mental baggage. i also remember liking demonbane's mc, didnt remember much abt him except he is funny asf and relatable, its baffling me that i could related more to a random man from a fucked up world where u fight cthulu monster with a literal deus ex machina than ur regular japanese highschool boy.
>Seriously, why are 90% of male hentai protags these stuttering limp-wrist pansies?
Do like the idea of them getting pity sex from a girl.

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Underappreciated best girl.
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Time to impregnate your sister :3
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this but in japanese
Jēsusu Kurisuto?
This manga sucked, he creampies his sister daily for 3 months but only impregnates her after the 3rd month?
Eh, some people have serious fertility issues and either need expensive medication to guarantee breeding quickly or going at it often enough to force the issue.
Statistically speaking, such issues are more common in families with a history of incest...
Typically not in teenagers and there's no indicator of prior history of inbreeding.
It's just sloppy writing. The whole thing is much too long.

This is a somewhat loose topic but I think you'll get the gist pretty quick: Comfy Vibes
Lovers relaxing together, cooling off after sex, waking up & falling asleep together, cuddling, etc. Anything that gives a pleasant, loving vibe.
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thats what i was thinking
contributing regular hangin out cozy vibes
OP here, glad y'all have been enjoying the thread.
I didn't have any more that's not loli

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>manga, anime, video games, and other media IP etc. have beautiful strong and powerful female characters
>Said female characters have fans, fan art and of course; porn and doujins made of them
>Some artists choose to make the most depraved, fucked up, sadistic and generally out of character hentai, porn and doujins where the canonically and literally strong and powerful females get absolutely mogged, sexually assaulted and raped into submission
>Majority of the times it's always the "strong and powerful female character gets easily raped and enslaved by cartoonishly weak, fat out of shape ugly man who somehow through sheer contrivances, bastardization of canon and dumbass "blackmail"

Why oh why do artists and fan artists who engage in porn feel the need to do this? At least if the strong females who're be subjugated into sex slavery are either OCs or literal random Who's in a one-off or oneshot scenario or original setting. I can understand and not have that much issues with it. But how come Japanese made doujins manage get away with making beloved strong female characters into becoming easily defeated victims in this most vapid ways possible without being criticized or scrutinized for being OOC and badly written!?

Whereas if it were Western made it would face all the criticism and scrutiny for being badly written fanfics. Again, why do artists do this and how come Nippon-made doujins get a free pass without being scrutinized and criticized as badly written and OOC fanfics?
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reading where, I was not aware this exists.
But is this not just general "switch" ?
>Then you do not respect the IP, media, shows, games and books your favorite characters come from!
Of course i don't respect these. I keep my respect for people that i deem worthy, not things.

>You are then not real fans
Duh. Yeah. Exactly. I'm not a fan, especially not like you.
When there's a show, an IP or something else i like, i don't worship it nor do i make it all my identity. Like, actual self-respect, you know? Ah right, you don't. My bad.

You can act pissy and claim moral superiority all you want, but as long as you make such retarded arguments you're not going to win over anybody.
Not like it would change anything, mind you. I can piss all over Nobara whenever i want to, and there's nothing you can do about it.
>Be ugly, fat, awkward Jap loser without a job. My own family hates me, my society hates me. I spend the entire day alone in my room
>Have never touched a woman because they feel visceral disgust at me and I'm scared of them
>Feel hatred at women because they are fucking hot and I'm supposed to be stronger than them and desirable to them (by virtue of being male) but I am a fucking loser who can't even leave his room and I know no one will ever love me (not even I love myself)
>Do nothing but consoom escapist media: vidya, anime, porn
>Discover a community of like-minded people
>Mind break fat bastard doujin
It's not rocket science, OP.
Pretty much these since I was also thinking of posting jokes like these ones

as a manga reader, one of the best things about the adaptation is getting more porn. Can't wait for izutsumi
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this is literally the only way, touden sandwich
Why are all of these consensual? Anything with rape? The dungeon setup in this series seems perfect for rape scenarios.
nobody's dumb enough to solo the dungeon
It could be that the girls get separated from the party and are gangraped or something

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I love my Sex Robots.
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Chika's midnight life edition

>First time here or old installation?
Download the latest repack for the game you want and you're set to play (backup your UserData folder if you're transferring)

>Koikatsu Repack RX20
>Koikatsu Sunshine Repack R10
KKS is a new game with a resort island setting. Get KK for Studio and KKS for more in-game sex positions.
Place KK cards in "\UserData\Chara\female or \male" to convert to KKS

>KKS scene compatibility patch for KK
Get this: https://files.catbox.moe/uohdx3.zip and drop it in:

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>he doesn't know

That said, I was almost tempted to make this myself but I figured the odds were high someone (likely you) would anyway and it would be ten times better. And I was right.
thank you

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I am on the hunt for those slightly-compressed sound effects from 80s hentai, specifically from MS Pictures' works like Bible Black.

I know the underlying foley is just someone violently squishing fruit or vegetables - that's what those sorts of sound usually are - but the exact audio processing is unknown to me. I'd really like to know how to recreate it, or better yet, just use whatever library MS Pictures was using.

Has anyone else looked into this?

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idk what to call it, but it's mind control/hypnosis but the girl is the one doing the controlling.
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every single thread gets at least 5 futa pics despite there being al least 10 dedicated futa threads
ok if you're gonna be a baby about it I'm done talking to you
Wow you are all faggots
Might as well use this thread to request the hentai anime where there's a hotel where the butler is involved in making the guests into slaves and there's one young girl who is like the inheritor of the mansion who the butler worships
Love reverse mindcontrol/hypnosis, its so much hotter

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We haven't had one of these in a while, at least since C102.
You know the drill, post hauls, discuss them, ask questions or answer them, as long as they are related to physical goods.
Have fun and happy collecting, fags.

Here's my last order for a warmup, it arrived yesterday it contains a mix of some (but far from all) of the C102 shit I wanted + a drop of new books + catching up with my endless backlog of works that I want and I'm behind.
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This seems super comfy.
>pop in umd to psp
>watch hentai
>look at collection.
So niche. So interesting. I can see why you did it.
Also would like to know the names of some of those hentais.

Man imagine being 20/30 something in japan
>Buy psp
>find out they make hentai videos for it
>buy a new one every week after returning from the office
>watch it on your tiny machine
japan is so comfy.
i love the big tit one in the middle left
Actually some of these are fully fledged visual novels with video cutscenes. For example school days has 4 discs. The way it works is you pop in disc 1, play the game and make choices. The game then ends on a screen showing you a password and a disc number. You then pop in the specific disc, type in the password and play onwards.

Here are the names of the titles.

School Days
Sharin no Kuni: The Girl Among the Sunflowers
Love Fetish: Tittyfuck edition
Soreiyu-Me,Myself & Master
征触者 ~触手に堕ちる少女達~
Sugao no hohoemi
ゲーム 妹孕ませっくす

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Any good websites where I can buy doujinshi?
I know DLsite, toranoana, melonbooks.
I'm assuming you're asking for physical doujins.

Mostly suruga-ya.
If what you want is nieither there nor mandarake, then you're getting balls deep into the jungle and searching on some more complicated sites.
For example using a proxy seller to get access to yahoo auctions, or amazon.co.jp

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ChikaChika~ Edition

This thread is explicitly mandated with the topic of no blacked, nonhuman (orc), or granny gens (protect the elderly).

Remember to report off-topic posts!

Previous Thread: >>7964328




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A thread about fertilization and sex for ritual, religious, or festive purposes. Often may entail ye olde pagan or rural shinto vibes.
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cum for the cum shrine
Hot, but.
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Girls being used front and back. For it to be a spitroast, and not just a threesome or a gangbang, it must involve no more than 2 dicks, and the girl must be between them.
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Last one
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can i have the artist for this one?
Why did you do something like this, anon?
I had to edit the file format on my phone and that's how the filenames changed lol. Sorry I just really wanted to share.


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Girls getting raped by one or more guys.

Previous thread:
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That used to be kinda hot on the bang bus vids because they were like, "what else ya gonna do way out here?"
damn, this girl is hot, I wish I could at least read Japanese so I'm not stuck with only translated VN's
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