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Previous thread:

Next BISHOP game: Kyousei Shihai (2024-05-31)
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Does anyone have the Miria Drama CD?

There was a Mega link download in a previous thread for that, but it doesn't work anymore.
The Anju one too
Doom? This isn't KTJK my guy. Sarasa especially WANTED this. She didn't like how the MC went about it, true, but she was always hoping he would make her insensitive body sexually sensitive from the start. He not only showed her what pleasure is but made her cum so hard she passed out. She's all in on this ending.
I know people here likely like all BISHOP games, but straight from the rip, what is the best of them? And if possible, explain why you believe it's the best one.

Mind you, I already played Sansa Mendan and my opinion of it is "good, but not very good or excellent".
Writing wise they are all pretty similar with some differences like MK3. In terms of character design I think KzK, MK 3 & MK4, Yakata, and RTJK are all stellar.

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Happy year of the dragon!
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Rules of the Thread, Please Read Them
1. Post art sample when "taking x requests"
2. Requests must satisfy general /h/ rules.
3. Be nice. If you want to critique art go to >>>/ic/.
4. Only requested drawings should be posted.
5. Do not bump, re-request, or second requests.
6. Use the edit thread for re-color/de-censor requests.
7. Wait for page 10 to make a new NTR drawt/h/read
8. If possible, post a WIP instead of saying working on this
9. Discuss about the thread after bump limit or use the previous thread
10. No AI deliveries/discussion, that goes to the /AI/ and /hdg/ threads
11. No complaining about not getting a delivery before bump limit, just be patient or edit your request
12. Don't request anything that can cause this thread to get DMCA'd

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Amazing work even with flat colors! Anyways pixel art is real nice, I'll take up on your offer on that champ
Please please please!
So I was right, if the resident autist stopped bumping and creating these threads and just would have merged with the main one, then all these requests would have been a lot more likely to be completed.
we are in page 8, i think is time someone make a thread, i cant, i did other already
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cant do your request exactly but heres a quick one since ill be busy for a few days

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One camera angle, and multiple panels(or pages) across which time passes(fast or slow).
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Ad hominim only applies of its a falsehood.
Arguing about stylistic choices of porn in a porn thread dedicated to maaturbating to that type of porn IS pathetic.
People are here to jackoff to a specific genre, and here you are making my dick soft.

Don't like it? Kbye.
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Bump with something interesting to say or the thread will just die anon
There's nothing left to say, everything has already been said.
When he usually releases new doujin?
every 8-10 months

So I've been thinking of creating a hrpg game in near future.
But for now I wanna ask what are some things you will love to have in your dream hrpg game?
For me, it's the detailed pregnancy system of Violated Heroine game. That feature alone makes it a must play for me. So I would love to have that feature in my hgame.
So what are some things that will make a h-game must play for you?
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Came up with what would be the ultimate game for me.

>MC is a horny, but innocent, Big Dick trap shota
>plays like a traditional RPG, but with specialization options, and class choices
>scenes can be partially animated, or sprite work
>many girls in your party varrying from lolis to oneesans to mature women, at least one girl being your twin sister, also two other boys, who can be gay for you
>can have sex with NPCs and party members, and sometimes humanoid enemies and bosses after beating them
>can also have sex with other shotas as a yaoi option that can be toggled
>a robust and detailed impregnation/pregnancy/birth system, including x-ray, fertilization, pregnant sex, and labor/labor-inducing sex
>can raise and play with your children (this includes them having interactions with the mother, and spending time with them as babies)
>some of your children can become party members (with dialogue and interactions) after they get old enough (ain't gotta worry about age stuff, magic ain't gotta explain shit) you can also fuck your kids and impregnate your daughters, your son can also be caught fucking party members, including his siblings
>the rest of your kids get sent to your home or to a camp or something
>clothing/costume options, including crossdressing, and naked (ultimate invisible clothes too), with individual pieces
>decently long game with many locations, and optional things
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i would love some idle animations like "Succubus Connect",
a pregnancy system as nice as "Harumi and the Pregnation"
and a slow corruption of the heroine like "Karryn's Prison"

also; i dislike footjobs/feetplay.
>big dick trap shota MC
Honestly? What keeps me from playing H-games is the lack of good dialogue or voice acting, and how limited the medium can be. Like, I eventually gave up playing Skyrim with DD installed, because it was all just too jank to be hot. Hentai VNs have the problem of the exaggerated voice acting and reactions. If the characters actually behaved like real people instead of cartoon characters, I might find it hotter. I just want to fuck a human, and not a cartoon, you know?

Ultimately, though, that's more just a question of overall quality, and not specific features. I guess I'd like it if there were restraint items that you could get locked up in, and those could dramatically hinder you? That's the one thing I liked when playing Skrim.
I don't care how much of a fat ugly bastard you are, and need to insert.

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Seriously, why are 90% of male hentai protags these stuttering limp-wrist pansies? Why's it so hard to come across a story featuring a sexually dominant protaganist that isn't
>some faceless ntr protag
>an ugly bastard
>a blackmailing child
>a rapist
Is this what Japs like? To self insert as cowards? Shit gets so tiring hearing the same dialogue of some guy stumbling their way into sex then protesting while some 10/10 is raring to suck him off. Is it that offputting to write someone with a little bit more confidence and initiative?
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Darx from Bunny Black is great. Also it's one of niche games where protagonist breaks women just for himself instead of corrupting them into mindless cockstarving sluts for public use.
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wdym he saved a little girl from drowning in exchange for his life, he is wholesome
Giving us Suzume for only 2 games was a bold move
Male sexuality is problematic and demonized. Men should be subservient to women, anything else doesn't fit the narrative being pushed by them.
>we have unemployement insurance, functional heathcare, retirement funding
I know it is a month old but I just have to reply to this joke. All the above you mentioned is on the brink of collapse without children. In fact every "first world" country replaces their native population because they don't have children and brings in people who do. The so called first world will disappear because it had failed to produce offsprings. You can try to explain but the result won't change: not having children means no future. It is the sign of of an egoistical, negligent, lazy group of people who love to blame everyone else but they are living in the now like a coke addict.
>I don't care I can not afford to own anything because I have enough money (now)
>I don't care if the country slowly collapses and I will become a minority
>I don't care about children because I refuse to have responsibilities
>I don't care about meaningful relationships because I can (still) get sluts on tinder
The rise of BLACKED and NTR is the direct result of (now) multiple male generations growing up in "first world" countries who are told from a young age they need to repent for the sins of their fathers. They are also told stripping their rights and properties is the future. Women using them and throwing them away is also something they should strive for. That is what made NTR popular not because the average dude in a first world country is some high IQ ubermensch. The fact you are not proudly boasting about your personal achievements but something you had NOTHING to do with (where you were born and how that society evolved regardless of you) already tells a tale.

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Rules of the Thread, Please READ Them
1. Post art sample when "taking x requests".
2. Requests must satisfy general /h/ rules.
3. Be nice. If you want to critique art go to /ic/.
4. Only make requests for OCs you own.
5. Don't request characters that will result in a DMCA takedown.
6. Feel free to drop your blog/site/commission/etc info after delivering.
7. Don't hold back, if you like a request someone else already did, feel free to do your own take.
8. Ignore the shit posters.

Previous Thread: >>7566588
NTR Drawt/h/read: >>7770501
General Drawt/h/read: >>8099062
Edit Thread: >>8069041
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Requesting Edda the Witch with enormous breasts, mind controlled into having sex.
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Drew this drone conversion for an oc of mine a while back.

Feel free to draw her or your ocs on the suit or well, make a new suit using this as a base!
I'd like a female oriented request of a maid having sex with her Fox Boy master. The Fox Boy master and the maid are having sex in the Lotus sex position while on a fancy luxurious couch and most of the maid's dress is stripped off except maybe her skirt, or just unbuttoned but the bottom part of her maid's uniform is removed. Both the maid and the Fox Boy are looking at each other lovingly.

If it's okay, I'd also like a bit of dialogue which the Fox Boy says:
>"Get pregnant, give me an heir and bear my children and more of my kin."

And the maid can say:
>"Yes master, yes. I'd be happy and love to."

The maid image is based off an OC or is a random one shot character drawn by Twitter artist "hero_of_groznyi".
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I apologize if I didn't time this correctly. I intended to post just as we hit page 9 or 10, but I'm not that great with time management.

I'm still working on that Twine game and I would like to request a picture of my OC, the dark sorceress Clara Ravenwood, getting fucked by a bugbear tavernkeeper (Lets use the Baldur's Gate 3 version as a reference: https://bg3.wiki/wiki/Bugbear). I will leave the pose up to you, but, if possible, I would like for you to show that he has a bad leg (he got injured on an adventure and that's what caused him to settle down and open a tavern).

I'd be more than happy to fill in more details/lore upon request, but I've begun to suspect that artists don't like reading massive walls of text for some reason.

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KF5 hype
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There's already a Waffle thread.

For what? This looks cookie-cutter same as everything else out there.
Looks like shit
Wdym? It's actually good stuff I tell ya
What happened to Q-Gaku? He's the main artist of the series from the beginning but he's not in this.


MTL - https://sugoivisualnovel.up.railway.app/vns/22448

No translation beside MTL yet
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Cherry Kiss announced an Orcsoft license and it's not this one again. But the head of Jast said:
>I've not pursued any Orcsoft titles so far, but never say never
May be worth pushing this over on discord. Particularly since they'll get it uncensored if they do license it.
the sunagawa tara one?
Orcsoft seems very open to granting permission to companies willing to work with their IP's as long as they pay the licensing fee. They mentioned animation, but I'm sure they'd be as willing if it was for localization of their games as well.
Can someone throw this to another site that isn't exhentai?
Dude, all the pictures in the set are there, you can do it yourself.

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Drop ur favs full nelson, anal, DP... All of them
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And how did writing the word without contributing at all turn out for you?

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>coworker crush is assigned to an international post
>realize your chance to get with her is dwindling by every minute
>devise a plan to capture her at the perfect moment
>once she's locked up in your house, you spend months raping her, attempting to break her mind
>balance making money to pay off bribes to escape the police and the means to keep her from escaping
>several different bad ends depending on which part you fuck up

somehow on Steam whereas tamer itty bitty titty games are barred
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I enjoyed Marunomi a lot. It's a vore game with a sort of tactical minimap overworld game where you have to hunt down the various girls and then engage them in JRPG style turn based combat. If you win, you get entertainment and then dinner. It's nice in that it solves the 'vore games always require you to lose to get a scene' problem by making the player the monster instead of the girl, so you're actually rewarded for winning and can also sample a variety of girls in sequence.

The group released a similar game more recently but its mechanics are somewhat arcane and very hard to play with since it hasn't been translated. It has more of an actual stealth/stalking focus to take girls that I think are being left as sacrifices to you.
whats your pic from? :o
looks made by AI so nope, i don't mind AI made CG as long they are good which isn't the case of this game.
You're an idiot.
sadly this image was the giveaway >>8067918
as i said i don't mind AI but this looks so poorly made.

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NTRMan Arrival of the Goddess releases July 22
who's excited?
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Hyped as hell, but bracing for disappointment.
*cricket noises*
He's a mentally ill pajeet
Why does this nigger refuse to create anything MomNTR anymore? It's a niche that he built his brand on, but it's been 2 years since he's fed us anything.
The game was horrible as expected. NTRMAN made a name for himself thanks to NETORARE content and now the guy is releasing games with 50% of the content where the MC fuck girls or even with fucking NETORI pov. How can he be so dumb to miss the point every fucking time now...

Guys fucking women older than them. Teacher, senpai, friend's mom, co-worker... Preferably no incest though. Manga and manwa both fine. Bonus points for doujins with artist name.

I'll start with the manwa "Don't tell mom" by Noah
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That armpit part is fucking gross
Saigado is Kino but will he continue making parodies of kof or Evangelion?
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damn the incest ruined it

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