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The Kao no Nai Tsuki/Moonlight Lady VN appears to be getting a remake. Hopes, fears, expectations?
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NTA, but I’m pretty sure the yuri scenes were all anime exclusive. There’s a lot of stuff from the game the anime doesn’t have though.
>considering how much money Urushihara must've lost on that studio going under
That's the sad part. That said, the long shot comes, at least from my point of view, from the fact that the industry has -regressed- since then rather than the lack of cash.
Cool cover. What's the in-game art like?
We can’t really say for sure yet, as there isn’t much art aside from some background setpieces. This might give an approximate idea of what the characters will be like ingame. In other news, the game managed to reach its 20 million yen target.
They should yuri scenes in the new VA as well.

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Before or after
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Is that my boy Prigozhin?
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Could be the case - it takes a especially traumatised person to make art that dwells in deriving a sort of sick satisfaction from pain and loss - especially if it's sexual. Somethin must've gone wrong in their lives if they are so drawn to that sort of thing - both in terms of creation and consumption of it.
Low blow

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big if true
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They do.
wow she really needed that sweet refreshment

Post and Discuss all things Yoko Taro characters. Pictures involving sex prioritized, sexy and/or artistic pictures to a much lesser degree.
A wise man once said: “Due to the 2B butt controversy, many outrageous drawings are being made. Collecting them to share individually is a pain. It would be great if we can group them together to make it easier to distribute them every week.” -Yoko Taro
Lets make that compilation brothers and sisters.
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Need a cock pounding her fat butt
Need more Zero, and Drakengard 3 in general.
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Need to cum inside cummander

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Posting the Sex parts of the Evangelion Re-take Doujin here
Read the Backstory here
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Shinji x Asuka love!

There is sex happening but you can only see the penis-in-vagina part through a thin layer of cloth, or you can see the penis but not the vagina.
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Not semi-covered

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Final Battle Edition

Old Green: >>7860932

Related Stories:

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Kicking it off with Iria from the Zeiram duology and her eponymous prequel OVA
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This pain is ours, and no one else's.
Burn Up W & Excess has little in r-18 material
Seiko from Dandadan. Hopefully that changes when the anime airs.

It says who right there anon.
Only 4 pics of Burning Rangers
I want to see more of her

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Discussion concerning Higurashi, Umineko, Ciconia, (Rose Guns Days, Higanbana, TRianThology, Haworthia and all other 07th Expansion works) be it your fantasies, fics, drawings, lucid dreams and stuff like that, preferably lewd but not required!

07th Expansion archive:
Password: 07

No NTR and colored penises shit

Previous thread: >>7814145
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spill some seed for satoko's birthday, won't you?
Only if she lets me suck her tits
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why live?

Because psychically active, sport playing teenagers are well-known for being very horny.
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Best girl of OPM.
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No Rape
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why there is no blowjob threads?

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Not to be confused with shotas.

Basically, any instance where a comedic/pervert/unsuspected/annoying twerp character is a stud fucking the shit out of girls because even if they are annoyed, they can ultimately never resist the pure pervert energy (notice how Mineta was never reported or cancelled for harassing the girls).
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It's a shame Sorcerer/Bakuretsu Hunters didn't get popular. Carrot Glace was such a cool dude.
Rance, Sanji and Jiraya can hardly be considered losers.
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Fucking gross

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>[Nanashiki Fuka] "Ato 3-kai wa Ikeru yo ne?" Otto no Kitaku Mae, Zetsurin Gitei ni Nando mo Hametaosareru Tsuma 1 I A Wife Who Is Made to Cum Many Times by Her Peerless Brother-in-Law Before Her Husband Comes Home 1
>author is probably female

In this one the wife doesn't fall for the dick but actually falls in love with her rapist NTR man instead. I can't tell if that's worse or better than if she just falls for dick like usual.
>I can't tell if that's worse or better than if she just falls for dick like usual.
It's better. At least for an emotional masochist like me. When I found out my ex gf was moving on from me and was crushing on one of her co workers I had the biggest erection ever.
>rape fantasy
>bad boy with issues
>two men fighting over one woman

Checks out. That said, female-written NTR is kinda different and somehow can be more disturbing/stupid than the male ones.
how many fucking cuckshit threads do you NTRannies need?
NTR is now the heart and soul of Japs' everyday lives today. Get on with the times.

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Whether perversely or in mock offense, post sluts getting kinky with the stinky
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Wild and hot

post some mangas/photos in which boruto fucks adult sakura. bonus if he gets her pregnant, good quality hentai/manga. mankaga/creator must be included. also i need dome recommendations of good hentai/manga sites. feel free to share.
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and of course it's all western crap

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