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Mine is absolutely shit and I need something good with filters and everything. Also with a lot of old stuff.
This board can't possibly be that dead
Animated as in webms and gifs? Rule34.xxx usually works good. Gelbooru works too.
Some pretty old stuff on r34.xxx, but rule34.paheal has some truly ancient works of forgotten masters. But last I'd heard of it, it had been infested with viruses and shit. Such a shame if its deep trenches are truly lost to time now.
i use sankaku complex. they have an app as well. currently the site is fucked due to server maintenance though so youll have to wait a bit.
Kill yourself
Does it have year filters? Also any alternative sites you use?
I would use Gelbooru but it’s full of ads I can’t block now
34.xxx is full of AI slop and also just garbage art
It’s like this was the plan all along
Gelbooru, but honestly the best site is probably Rule34. Rule34Videos is also pretty good.
Rule 34 is fucking crap.
gelbooru is what i've been using. as far as i'm aware you can do unlimited tags, and mostly everything from danbooru is on there. Gelbooru could use a few more qol options but it's pretty good otherwise.
>unlimited tags
I know from experience you can at least do 500+
Only real problem with gelbooru is that they don't allow pay content, so you only get the cucked versions of everything
Why? I never had a problem with it..
>have to pay to use more than 2 tags
>paying to see stolen art
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Now that pururin is dead, where is the best place to read manga / doujin? (Not exhentai, that's obv the best)
r34.xxx has the most organized tags I've ever seen, and you can do something like "-AI" while searching to filter most of the AI garbage out.
That's one problem I've had with E-Hentai, not knowing/being able to remove the flood of hideous AI trash it's infested with. It's the only place to go for full comics usually, and I wish it would ban AI.
Didn't read, seethe.
>remove ai
>still like 50% low quality deviantart tier garbage
Nice meme
Uhhh...so anyone else?
e-hentai gallery
or gelbooru but only with addons and vpn... since normal experience sucks cocks.
You fuckers act like like there aren't others
If it's got a good story, my dick enjoys the work even if the art isn't 100%
EH and panda have AI under their own tag and Misc category, seems easy to blacklist
Gelbooru is the best one that I've ever found. Second best is hentaifoundry, especially if you aren't autistic about "Western trash." Rule34 would be a decent choice but ultimately Gelbooru is still the best.

>gelbooru but only with addons and VPN
Which addons do you use? Only thing I use is an adblocker.
Also just to be clear about Rule34 (or any "booru" really, but this one especially):
Learn how to blacklist. It hosts a LOT of garbage artwork/artists, and yes, you will wade in lots and lots of shit to get to the good stuff, but such is life. Get used to adding a lot of unwanted tags to your blacklist.
Also also, if you're going to save content, make sure you're not saving samples like a retard.

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