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Resurrecting the nuked thread in the vain hope of this being translated in some form.

Nuked Thread - https://archived.moe/h/thread/8052146/
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https://vndb.org/v14366 vndb page of this eroge
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I will take the opportunity to plug Autobahn's other visual novels, most of them are about mature women acting like absolute sluts and harlots. Cheating and cuckoldry is part of the package, I feel like.
If I recall in this one, one woman is dragging her friend into degeneracy. Good one.
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Tsuma Kanraku is also excellent and must play for Netorase fans. Autobahn was truly top tier.
married women who give in to their inner whore nature are the hottest women on the planet.
I want to play this, but its in japanese only.
no one's even MTL'd it.
I should figure out if I can somehow easily harness my graphics card to translate the text. I have made do with google translate results on Textractor until now.
anon, I had no idea this thing existed, now I've already set it up.
Good shit, enjoy. People usually disregard my recommendation. It has enabled me to play all these nukige that will never get a translation.
Lovemilf series good too
The lovemilf VN's are one's I've never tried. What's the story for them?
https://vndb.org/v5259 vndb has nice desc for it
This fucking VN is hot as hell, the married women MC completely falls into slutdom due to her older female friend showing off how good young studs can fuck.

Wife is forever a cock slut, orgasming at just the taste of a musky, unwashed cock, and hubby knows and beats off to it.
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Youko or Leona? You must choose only one
Leona, always. Strict MILF's that are actually masochists are the best.
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I feel like Leona is winning not only character wise but also body wise, i mean she have the biggest boobs of the duo and her body is just way too erotic for a mature mom like her
Plus she's the one that agrees to showing her tits
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Hm we can't be so sure about that. I mean there is little jump in time between scene 2 and 3 and we don't know what they were talking about during that time. In scene 2 (pic related) the boys are begging Leona and Youko to help them writing their university report which is about "japanese families and things like that" which is a lie of course but it's supposed to be some kind of social studies homework and they are just saying "we need your help" to the two ladies. At the end of scene 2 they say that they will stop the video for now and for the report they need to move to another place which is not far and more quiet (the spot in scene 3 >>8173800 pic related). Leona ask Youko "what do we do?" and Leona answer "i don't know what do you think Youko-san?" and then Youko say "why not" and accept to follow the boys, knowing of course that they are heading somewhere to do naughty things with them and that the report is an excuse it's bullshit. Same case for the boobs showing, Leona say "do i really have to do it (for the report)?" and then after the boys say yes she go "oh well i did say i would do it" and then show her bare boobs first. That's when the boys pressure Youko to do the same and not leave poor Leona alone. I do agree that Leona seem more like the leader of the duo following the boys little game while Leona is more of a sheep/follower role
I've only been able to parse what happens from using various translation tools so my knowledge isn't totally accurate.

The understanding I had was that something had been agreed of screen between the scenes with the titty flashing.
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The dialogue are not that deep so i'm pretty sure your translation tools are good enough to understand 90% of what they are saying. And yes you are right the agreement for the titty flashing is off screen it happened between scene 2 and scene 3 so we can't know whose idea it was or who said yes first. But it could be Leona because like i said she seem like the leader of the duo while Youko is more of a side kick.
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Some Anon dropped full script there https://files.catbox.moe/sv97e3.7z . Maybe could be useful
Trojan dont dl
Virustotal doesnt dedect it. You can test it again
2 red flags on virustotal anon, i'm not going to fall for the same trojan again that link was posted by a troll
I try throw txt to rentry then
Here rentry (put you know what in between) dy9m47fv
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>2 red flags on virustotal anon
No idea how. But whatever
Way better, thanks anon. I'm not sure if there is any use for this since we know the engine is hard to hack but i might play around with the tl just for fun
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Textractor does job well too. But we need someone to properly rip full txt / script of it.
I'm using textractor for years now and it work on any engine so yeah it's very reliable. It seems the rentry link is the full script anon the only difficult part is to insert the english text into the game and to not break the textbox
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I don't even know why I am doing this, but I was bored, so I manually translated the first scene of Yarimoku. I'm sure you can tell I'm an ESL right away though, but it was fun. I know sex scenes tend to be more difficult to translate, so I don't know if I can do a good job on them.
You've done a pretty good job with that first scene so being an ESL hasn't detracted from the translation really.
You think so? It means a lot to me if English is your native language. I don't have any problems reading and understanding English at almost a fluent level, but writing is way harder. I always feel like the fact that I'm an ESL is blatant. I will start working on scene 2 tonight. Scene 3 is where the fun start though.
Any minor issues don't detract from the translation. Everything is clear and correct as far as I'm concerned. Scene 3 is definately where the fun begins. It's one of the standout scenes in my opinion.
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Thank you, your kind words motivated me to finish the scene 2 tonight. But holy fuck it took me way longer than I thought. I'm not even into the sex scenes yet and the way the young men are speaking is giving me a headache already. Scene 3 is my favourite so I will try to do it tomorrow maybe, I don't know.
Take your time. You're doing something no one has done before for this VN. You don't owe anyone anything so only do it if its fun for you.

The scene 2 translation is really great. You should be proud of yourself.
Please do more
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I'm not satisfied by the translation of scene 3. Thank god it was a short one because I had a hard time on some lines. I don't know, i guess it feels too ESL. I'm struggling way more at sounding "English" than translating from Japanese because the script isn't that difficult. Also, scene 4 is the first "sex" scene of the game so it's when all the onomatopoeia and the moans start, and I really don't know how to translate them in English. It's my first time doing something like that. It seems there are two methods: either erase them and replace them with English words like *suck*" or "*lick*" as if it's a SFX, or write them as they would sound in English, like "sssluuurp" things like that, but it looks so weird to me. To have an *sfx* among the normal words "Hmm kiss me more *kiss* it feels so good! *kiss*" or to have some "Oh it feels so good! sssslllurrrp kiss me more! ssslurrp" it's all so bad and the script is full of that.
https://files.catbox.moe/qb3xws.mp4 that scene if anyone needs it
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i upload proper one later maybe
Just don't post it on catbox moe
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I fucking loved this one.
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Onsen sequel that paused / canceled / no idea statue of it
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You forgot this one, i was the one who leaked the fanbox
>Onsen sequel that paused / canceled / no idea statue of it
It's canceled. The dev is a fucking faggot whose favorite hobby is to complain on twitter. He is nostalgic of the old times and he don't have money so all he do is shitposting all day and fantasizing about sucking a shemale cock i'm not even kidding
Was there any more?
Someone needs to revive his passion for milfs
How? The only way it could happen is someone rich funding his work
Fan arts of it maybe
I don't see how fan arts could revive his passion because motivation isn't lacking, money is. Also fan arts of a dead eroge that nobody talk about is pretty funny. Even here on /h/ it's hard to keep the thread alive
We got the ultimate fan art with Mosquito Man's onsen doujin. That's basically the cancelled VN.
Mosquito Man has great art for eroges. Sadly noone invited him for it so.
I've always thought the same. It might be that he's turning down offers. He is starting to do covers for audio works so maybe we will get a VN with his art work eventually.
Orcsoft has nice obession with milfs. So they might invite him
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Milfs are a niche, there are a few creators who make great Milf eroge. I recommend it if you like this shit. The circle is Studio Pork.
I know. Studio pork has nice milf eroges
The onsen doujin by MM is 100% same scenario as the Yarimoku sequel. But it's not like the whole "wife cheating on her husband during an onsen trip" is a rare trope or anything, it's even common in JAV.

His style doesn't fit eroge way of doing things i guess? Because he is not a quick artist he like to take his time to release something and most eroge ask a lot for a big workload, more than an eromanga because you have to draw CG and sprites.

I wish he would work for something else than audio works though. Also the last one he did the drawing was fucking ugly.

I know it probably mean nothing because the japanese hentai business is a small one but the CEO of Orcsoft follow both Autobahn dev and Mosquito Man on twitter, they interacted in the past too. They all share a lot of fetishes so it's not very surprising.
How are you getting on with scene 4? Scene 3 translation looks great to me so don't be too hard on yourself. In terms of your two options I'd go with whichever is the less time-consuming one.
I love the art for Studio Pork VN's but I personally enjoy the more degen MILF VN's. Studio Pork ones tend to be more romantic leaning.
Let's hope we see more from them
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I panic bumped thread
if you like slutty milfs I just played RJ01233684, art is pretty meh but the milfs were top tier and drain every shota completely dry.
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Any news on translation progress?
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I gave up, sorry. Might continue later but not for now.
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Chachamaru is great. He always draws wonderful MILFs.
desu this was his best work, most of his works are boring vanillas with shotas with a lower quality, this one has his best art, scenes, slutty milf, hope someday autobahn release a second part as someone said it was planned
well I don't assume they wrote l the other novels either. they are a great artist though.
I think eroge are always better than most doujins made by an artist because eroge imply "professional work" so they have to draw something high quality. Also the pay must be better too. That's why this eroge was Chachamaru peak, i wish Autobahn hired him for more titles but they already worked with so many good artists like Tatsunami Youtoku, Mario, A-10 or Vogue which are all underrated
does Autobahn still exists? like do they still release new shit?
It's a one man studio so yes the dev is still alive and tweet all the time but he became a lazy man and always complain that the eroge industry in Japan is dead, always nostalgic and bitter. The last title he released was about shemale because that's his biggest fetish (with MILF/mom NTR) and it was not good unless you are into that fetish i guess but don't expect any new release like Yarimoku from him. Never ever.
>That's what i mean. i've not heard of anything new from them in forever. their MILF blowjob focused one drawn by Matou was great too, the sound of that shit was awesome. there was some incest too, just wish they had actually fucked in it.
whoa sorry for the greentext Idk what happened there.

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