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In short thread for scenarios where decency and shame are throw out of the window, lust rules and public nudity, masturbation and sex are seen as completely normal.
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Great thread idea. Casual nudity, confident nude females, and public sex are underrated kinks.
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Question for the thread. For such scenarios do you prefer it to be like a normal place that get corrupted into hedonistic heaven or rather said hedonistic heaven to be its own place separated and away from the normal world and to which one has to travel?
Personal I'm liking more the latter because it's like a nice vacation. Especial since I usually picture such setting in some tropical scenery and overall I dig the vacation feeling of lack of responsibilities and pressures.
I prefer if this is the new normal. Public nudity and sex are now allowed and tolerated or welcomed by most people. Or these things have always been normal because the story takes place in a parallel dimension where there have been no taboos against nudity and sex.
I'm too loyal and respectful for total debauchery and can't degrade those I love in any way honestly. Because i just like loving I guess.

But I like the idea of stripping away shame. I like the idea of lots sex with close friends but in reality I really only want one.

It's probably rooted in making the inappropriate situations that have occurred into it being acceptable.

Lots of sex in lots of places since I was young young. And it made me a literal slut in secret while it simultaneously made avoiding sex easier.

People have had a bad history of forcing themselves on me repeating that and then realizing it was "wrong".

Sex without consequences sounds nice but real love is best.
Wonder what happened to the animator behind this one, his stuff was amazing.
Recently on /t/ this pack has been posted: https://gofile.io/d/UuqucY

It cointains the entire Mizuryu Key collection, with the exception of Luvslave.
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I remember a manga a few years back about a guy fucking all his classmates, getting them pregnant, and then when they come back to school after delivering their babies fucking them again till they're pregnant again. "Sex with girls is like eating chocolates" he said. Mentioned in one of the volumes that one of the girls was wealthy and enjoyed the debauchery so had her father just pay for all the deliveries so he could keep impregnating all the girls as much as he wanted.

Wish I could remember the title but it fit the thread theme so maybe someone else can suggest it. In the meantime Marui Maru
What's this from/artist?

I want to see the world where women went into heat. Sex would be less a taboo and more a social obligation.

not that one, but made me think of this
this thread is perfect, i know its not a request thread but fuck it

Been looking for a hentai that I read a few years back, same premise as the OP but its about a brother & sister who go to the same thing, disneyland but sex

if anyone knows the name of the hentai im talking about post that shit
Absolute kino.
I wish allergies worked like this irl
Anyone got more like this where it's normal/uncorrupted chick reacting to casual sluttiness going around her?
Too bad it happens on the last couple pages of the manga but what you can do.
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Sauce is Waisetsu to ru Gainen ga Shoushitsu shita Sekai by Mikezoutei. Basically, the protagonist gets hit by a baseball, which isekai's him to this alternate world where everyone wears little-to-no clothing and fucks out in the open. Unfortunately, he's a moralfag that refuses to take part in the debauchery around him until the very end.
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Like here. She clearly wants it and his dick is just inches away from her cunt, but he stops himself because she's too OOC from her original self, who was a prudish tsundere that would kick him in the stomach if he acted even slightly pervy in her presence.
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I prefer a normal place that gets corrupted. Imagine if it's a world where everyone is naked all the time and you're pressed against a girl in one of those crowded subway trains in Japan, your hard cock pressed against her pussy. One way or another, it's gonna end up sliding inside her cunt.
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I personally wanna see an animated hentai depicting a place or setting where everyone is completely naked all the time and casually fuck out in the open. Mizuryu Kei Land didn't quite scratch that itch since they were only half naked, with the girls wearing nipple pasties and other clothing items that, while revealing, still covered up their naughty bits most of the time.

Nudist Beach was also a letdown because only one of the boys got to bang his classmates while the rest had to settle for hags after the anti-boner pills wore off. I would have preferred that the teacher took the boys and the rest of the girls in the class that weren't preoccupied with servicing the one guy in the tent over to the swinger sex beach so they could fuck out in the open alongside the adults, or better yet, the boys weren't secretly drugged by the student council members and all of them got boners the moment they got there and saw the girls naked, prompting them to have an orgy at the swinger sex beach to get them flaccid again.
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In Kiliu's universe
1. women always submit to sexual acts from anyone
2. women never report or bring attention to any sexual acts done to them
3. the BF/husbands of women are completely oblivious to any sexual acts being done to their women
4. women never get diseases or use any contraception
5. women never get pregnant by anyone but their BF/husband

Prime example is the Arai-san series
sounds really hot. hope you can remember the name
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This is a wonderful theme. I'm glad to see it recognized. I get diamonds just thinking about this very idea, and I've always wanted to write a story about shame and fucking rules thrown out the window. At home, in public, just sex and spilled cum everywhere.
Still one of my favs.
IMO the anime adaptation is really good, the art and animation quality lives up to the manga.
If only it was uncensored.
I like the premise of a heroine that has to deal with a very perverted underworld that kinda "bleeds" into the normal world to some extent but overall she's fairly used to the perversion. Like as a punishment for losing against a villain she gets trapped with some horny henchmen or some fans that are currently mildly hypnotized to let loose more easily than normal. But to her being gang raped for a week the biggest issue to her is the humiliation of losing to her villain.

So like 30% Angel Blade, 30% La Blue Girl, 25% Sailor Moon and 15% Taimanin.
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Oh, there's a thread of this kind of fetish? I recommend Niku Miko no Utage series. basically supernatural shrine maidens whose jobs are to fuck the impurity out of spirits.

The first chapter is about a perverted girl ascending into one, and the next is the pov of her friend searching into the first girl's disappearance, eventually involving herself into the mess.
If the villains want to turn the town into a place of public nudity and free use sex, I'm rooting for them.
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Hey, I never said the heroine has a good win/loss record.
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>Nudist Beach was also a letdown
I find Nudist Mud Bath by Clover to be a better nudism manga even if it's much shorter.
Other pages already posted in the thread: >>8382508
Sadpanda had nudism and public exposure tags added a few months ago, the problem now is to sort them out from the previous blanket use of the exhibitionism tag
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Damn, this is good, mostly because I assume I'd do the same as the MC.
Too bad it's a rare story beat and probably impossible to find tagged.
sauce? I'm getting nothing
Zenra Densha de GO! by Gyaotaro
I prefer if the world got the normality change due to either birthrate policy or hypnosis usage. Casual degeneracy feels like normal orgy which I don't really like. Too much town bike material.
Can you even be town bike if everyone are town bikes?
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I love it when hedonism is the new normal in society, and sex with friends and acquaintances becomes a no big deal, everyday thing.
It's not mutually exclusive.
Lewd virus that makes people so horny they fuck on streets. What do you think about such scenario? Yea or nah? Pic unrelated.
been done
Who does open brain surgeries and grows food if everyone just fuck all day long?
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If it's a futuristic setting, it could all be done by robots. If not, then I'd assume they are capable of multitasking.
All the ugly people of course.
Jairou is good for this
It's called Kansen series
If only that idiot wouldn't always build in one scat scene in his works...

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