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Men Hard. Women Soft.
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This is AI slop, no?
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doesn't the fact that you cannot tell for sure indicate that it's not slop?
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I can hardly believe anyone would draw an image on purpose to look like AI, so apparently it has been polished more than usual
but a polished turd is still smelly
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not quite hyper perhaps, but it feels right
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good stuff

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Thanks for highlighting the good ones
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seethe harder
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I look like this
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Background makes no sense, lines on stockings are wrong, she only has one groin tendon, elements of elf's design are being copied onto the orc, character lighting makes no sense, girl's teeth become cum, fingers are hidden, feet are absurdly small, orc hand becomes nonsensical the second it hits the hair, pose is entirely generic, image isn't worth the space it'd take to save much less worth being shared, etc etc

A retard might not be able to tell the difference between real and fake leather, that doesn't make them the same.
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>Hyper-Masculine Men & Hyper-Feminine Women
this is just blacked without the black guy.
very based
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Hirune's art fits this topic perfectly.
I recently discovered this artist and am trying to find any of their explicit art, but it's pretty paywalled. They do really nice soft girls and sometimes pair them with rock hard men. Chasing a white whale here.

7/10 decent bait, have my reply.
>pinching the nipple with her toes
holy fuck. wish that was a tag. this one is definitely one of his best images.
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Love her expression on the creampie
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sauce please
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This is the truth
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