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Previously, on MOMCEST >>8388118
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Are there any other good mommy son crossdressing manga?
>>8427582 (OP)
What happened to this artist? It's been a long time since I've seen anything new from him
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Wow, I love this artstyle
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Uoooh fat mom ass erotic
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>>8427582 (OP)
>the grandma (aka, the father's mom) knew that her grandson was fucking the mom aka her daughter in-law
>and yet she didn't say anything to her husband aka her own son, and in fact encouraged the wife to continue cheating on her husband aka her own son.

wtf. what the fuck is wrong with the grandma? I'd fucking explode on my mom for betraying me like that.
the grandma deserves far worse than being called a country bumpkin.
I always wonder with momcest stories like these.
Like if the son cucked the father and impregnated his mom, what prevents his own son (i.e. his mutant brother/son) from cucking him and fucking stealing his own mom?
Or what happens when the mother dies? The mom's like in her 40's and the son will most likely outlive her by 30 years or more.
>Or what happens when the mother dies? The mom's like in her 40's and the son will most likely outlive her by 30 years or more
frankenstein's Momster
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>son cucks father, son's son cucks son, son's son's son cucks son's son, and the cycle repeats
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One of my favorite tropes when it comes to momcest is the son finding out his mother is a porn actress and then the mom finding out he uses her videos as fap material. Sadly you rarely see this in momcest doujins, I can only think of AV Joyuu no Kaa-san to Hikikomori no Boku ga Sex Suru You ni Natta Wake and the main story in Kaa-san to Sex ni Oborerubut that's it. Does anyone know of any other example of what I'm looking for?
thats just cuckshit
mom netorase is so good. I wish there was more of it.
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Fat mom ass erotic
Is the new doujin by hatakeyama tohya out yet?
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Yeah I like dad's cucking their wives out for their sons.
> >>8429489
>Like if the son cucked the father and impregnated his mom, what prevents his own son (i.e. his mutant brother/son) from cucking him and fucking stealing his own mom?
>Or what happens when the mother dies? The mom's like in her 40's and the son will most likely outlive her by 30 years or more.

oh silly anon. have you noticed all pregnancy in momcest story the baby is always a girl? or how in majority of momcest story the son always the only child and he doesn't have any other male siblings?

It's called plot convenience to avoid possible cucking in the future
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Lore accurate Greek mythus
>i like my future wife being cucked by my future son
fuck off with your cuck fetish
netorase is awful, the whole point is the taboo but netorase throws the taboo out the window
I'm glad for this sequel, have they mentioned when it's out? I've just seen WIPs.
There's something in Agatas art that doesn't really take me. Read everything but for some reason I never jack to any of it.
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For me, her early art was too cartoony "cutesy", his moms were kinda too young looking and his males were too "funny". Now her art feels lazy.
can u please name it?
cant access exh
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[Amatou Biske] Moto GraDol Haha o Okazu ni Shita no ga Baremashita | My Mother, a Former Adult Actress, Caught Me Using Her as Fap Material
Not all pregnancies are girls though. There's been more than a few games/manga where that's not the case. I agree that it's definitely something that probably an insecure writer would add to avoid any future problems as you mentioned.
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I think she got fatter
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Need more moments of moms using their upper mouth instead of only their lower mouth
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I need more stuf with hickeys and bitemarks
best hentai momcest ever, I busted so many to this one.
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Is the story still ongoing? I thought it was over.
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No release date, anyone know if its going to be NTR. Most recent preview mentions a stranger?
The dad is getting ntrd thats about it.
I need some new material
Has any new stuff been released?

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=465GqT_EuUA [Embed]
Full Doujinshi when?
Sauce Please
takasugi kou used to be so good... same with gonza
gonza's art is fine they've just been stuck on the same retarded series for like 3 years
sauce bro?
pretty sure that's from the sequel in the works. Hitomi has what looks like a WIP leak?
Agata has improved his drawings, but the amount of details triggers the uncanny valley
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I'm trying to detoxify my mind from all the NTR I've watched. Is there any really wholesome momcest hentai?
Also, I have a question. Isn't momcest in a way, an NTR. Since the son would be NTR-ing the dad and probably brothers?
I need the uncensored version!
how about you do this, literally for your own sake: take my mom my love by hahasky, which is a popular momcest in these threads and post it in the many other actual dedicated NTR threads. i want you to justify to the people in those threads about why that series deserved to be discussed in there since you truly believe that. then you'll get your answer. because honestly i'm getting too old and tired to repeatedly spoonfeed stupid shit like this.
yes, it is however only if you treat netori and netorare as the same thing which you shouldn't because that's stupid but for some reason people do that
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finally I feel represented in games media
are you going to shill xter's asshole as well?
>>8427582 (OP)
I wish there was more Mom+Girlfriend where a chick finds out her boyfriend is cheating on her with his own mom and joins in
>Isn't momcest in a way, an NTR.
Yes, a large portion of it involves cheating on the dad
Wholesome stuff is basically anything where the mom is single for whatever reason, read oyako ai by nanao yukiji or the ones by kuruto
It is literally the same fucking thing from a different perspective retard, cope harder
>the same fucking thing from a different perspective
aka not the same fucking thing

you know that game age of empires? the one where you command troops and conquer kingdoms? well it's pretty much the same as chivalry just from a different perspective
Someone is still being cucked
Its still NTR
It doesnt stop being NTR just because its from a different perspective
NTR is not just "someone gets cucked", retard
It's specifically "YOU get cucked, and it sucks, but you love how much it sucks"
>I'm trying to detoxify my mind from all the NTR I've watched.
This isn't momcest, but read netorase club.

>Isn't momcest in a way, an NTR. Since the son would be NTR-ing the dad and probably brothers?
If the protagonist is stealing the girl then it's netori not netorare.
NTR is literally about cheating or stealing someone away, not about who its happening to
I like the stories where a mom gives her son rewards for studying but it spirals out of control.
no it's not

netorare forces the reader to sympathize with the protagonist who's getting cheated on.

netori forces the reader to sympathize with the protagonist who's stealing someone's partner away.

netorase forces the reader to sympathize with the protagonist who lets his partner sleep with other people.

There is a clear difference in each genre.
Netori and netorase are subgenres of netorare
It still involves someone cheating/stealing/cuckolding
Maybe you should look up the actual japanese definition of netorare, which is more about infidelity and has nothing to do with protagonists or perspective
They are explicitly difference pieces of works. That's like saying momcest and bestiality are the same thing because they involve sexual penetration.
I like it when moms have guilt about fucking their son but don't show it and keep it to themselves while they enjoy a good time with their kid.
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Please help, bros. Can't find source.
Nevermind, I found it. It was Itou Eight - Youkosou e Youkoso.
Accidentally found Motoyan Onna to Shatei Otoko by same artist.
>Isn't momcest in a way, an NTR. Since the son would be NTR-ing the dad and probably brothers?
Yeah... no but yes.
>They are explicitly difference pieces of works.
They are not
>Abbreviations and slang for "Netorare" and "Netori" genres that focuses on the themes of infidelity.
>Netorase is a popular theme in porn media in the same vein as Netorare.
There is also plenty of NTR told from the perspective of the one doing the cheating while the guy getting cheated on is almost non-existant
I hope he goes full
>get pregnant
chanting monkey
>There is also plenty of NTR told from the perspective of the one doing the cheating while the guy getting cheated on is almost non-existant
No, there isn't. That's netori. Or hell, not even netori if the guy isn't existant. You're making very stupid arguments. NTR is a relatively recent fetish whereas 'banging the neighbor's wife' or some version of that is something that's been around for decades. The only reason you see things the way you do is because japanese magazines and websites want an easy way to categorize shit so it all falls into the same bullshit three letter 'NTR'. Just like they also the bullshit three letters 'ADV' that don't mean anything. Now shut up because you know exactly how dumb your stance is.
Thats not netori retard, its NTR
A woman being blackmailed into cheating and fucking another man is not netori
>Now shut up because you know exactly how dumb your stance is.
Now shut up because you dont know exactly how exactly dumb your stance is.
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Who's that? Looks like a very young mom.
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Dad is old and tired.
Totally not ntr btw
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>That art style
>in fucking doujins for some reason
I was searching manga but here i find it after like 5s of adding doujins
[Haitoku Sensei] 46-sai Hinnyuu Haha to no Kinshin SEX | Incestuous Sex with My 46-Year-Old Small Breasted Mother [English][Salad]
you could've just not been a massive retard and use saucenao first
What? What the fuck are you talking about?
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Mother sucking on her son's testicles
is there any kino with an evil son?
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lots of cum and cock/ball worship makes it extra depraved
>evil son
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need a woman like this
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can't wait for this masterpiece to drop!! gagarin is gonna save 2025!!
Spending time with her grandkids
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Is this another no sex for 2 weeks because of poor grades plot?
The momcest thread on /r9k/ is down so I gotta ask here: my mom joked I should buy her a St. Valentine's gift since "we're basically a couple". What should I buy her to tease her? I thought about buying her some sexy lingerie and passing it off as a """joke""". Other ideas? I already bought her a cute ring this christmas and she joked it was our engagement ring lol.
>The momcest thread on /r9k/ is down so I gotta ask here:
No you dont
This is not a place for your shitty larp blogpost
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>>8427582 (OP)
Is otochichi still alive?
Kumiko was conceived with the purpose of breeding with her son, and being a huge fucking slut.
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this is NTR
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Go back to your NTR thread
it's time for you to stop being a little bitch and cope
Why are NTRcucks like you always the biggest retards?
This is acually not really NTR (netorare) its more Netori.

I read the full story on the website. The game is about a fat son who basc tricks his real mom into making a porno clip with him wich leads to more sex.

I guess the dad gets cucked but who cares. This happens in over half of all momcest.
Shame the MC is fat. But since the MC is fat I think this anon >>8445147 will relate better. Good for you son
Him being fat is a plot point. It makes sense if you read all the info on the website.
Tech speaking the son is also kind of a shota.
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Mom and son for the new game.
and NTR
If care about the your dads feelings sure. But its freaking porn man. Its not even about his feelings. He is busy working.
so what's with this ORCMAN being able to do mom-son incest game despite LAWS but others can't, huh? it's almost like it's all bullshit and if you want it enough, you can get it done. As we had discussed many months ago, if you still remember
Other people still make it? Most of them just arent that good. And a lot of people fear making them today in Japan. Even if its legal.
You're projecting your insecurities too much, go back to your NTR containment thread, cuck.
it has to do with American payment processors. The US government wanted to crack down on ISIS and passed a bill where US financial institutions were beholden to the crimes of their clients. Things like pornography are in this gray area where depictions of incest and other taboo things aren't explicitly illegal, however no one wants to challenge it and banks and payment processors are happy to prevent these transactions since pronography has a high rate of chargebacks thus a high transactional cost.
are you having a stroke?
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Been downloading various Mom/Son H games. This one is quite good.
Just a grammer mistake.
This one is a classic. Good preggo ending to.
Comic ExE 53 is supposed to have a story about father and son competing for mother.
Does anyone know when it comes out?
>name isn't on the filename
c'mon man
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New chapter when
Sounds to me like you've got a bitch made weak mind if you can't control who you do and don't root for.
I hope he does another work with his original mom and son pairing
Massive copium
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She's so lucky to have such a devoted son
Wish jirou did more or did another series
The hentai tells him how to feel haha
Yeah, this is a good one, wasn't too fond of the MC but she's cute.
Copium from being right? Copium on your end perhaps

Put simply, if there was enough financial incentive to make momcest, it would get made. Simple as. There isn't, so there's only potential risk
Uber Copium.
Nigger, you're in a thread about momcest, faggots post new shit being made on here all the fucking time, are you retarded?
>new shit
you mean one-man comic books sold at a convention
that's what gets posted here, basically nothing else
retard = you
That other anon was right, you're COPING hard man.
coping about what? actually discussing momcest?
>other anon
oh please, we all know you're a samefagger
So you think self published Doujins are the only mother son incest content we've gotten for how long exactly? How long has the drought been?Do you think we'll ever get anything else?
I mean it's not really a drought it just doesn't get made a lot period. The discussion from way back was whether that was because of incest laws or because it just doesn't sell very well
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This book came out last week. It's all about a son fucking his mom
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The discussion last time, was about anime. You're making it about everything now, on which you're just fucking wrong. New incest shit comes out all the time, and even if it's self published convention bullshit, if it didn't sell artist wouldn't even fucking bother. Even then ,new books are coming out every so often, published by actual publishers, I doubt nagaikusa fucking owns Shingeki comics for that shit to be considered self publication at this point. Shit even in magazines it's rare to see an issue without an incest chapter of some sort.
And even on the anime shit you're wrong since they're adapting ikusei which is basically a hard blood related mother x son incest story, though to the credit of the other people that discussed it last time, they seem to be going with the girl route for the sado-masochism aspect of it I guess. Plus there hasn't been sex in it yet.
Good but think about it. What kind of sales does a book like that need to have to be profitable vs other mediums. Or can you even say that it's profitable or just really passionate momcest doujin artists.
>you're making it about anime
and you're making it about incest
I'm talking about mom-son specifically. I know siscon shit is very popular
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You're saying shit is so unprofitable that it just doesn't get made anymore, you're wrong >>8447367 If nagaikusa didn't manage to push out enough copies of his previous mother x son incest volume, you think Shingeki of all companies doesn't have other artists to replace him? idk why sit here and pretend to know about the industry when it's clear as day that you don't? why? cause you want what everyone else sitting in this thread does? more mother x son incest content? You think sitting here and talking about sales is gonna what? make people wanna buy more shit so more shit gets made? Do you know where we are?
I didn't say that nothing gets made, you're just crazy

I bet you're the same guy who's always replying "no! you can't have NTR! no you can't have r9k! no! no! no!"
if so, have you thought about taking meds?
The greatest moment in momcest history. The only thing that could top it is if jirou did the exact same thing
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rapurando new mother for the real mother and shota son incest story he is currently making.

There will be pregnancy the first time he is doing this.

Side note the actual story will be in black and white sadly.
>I bet you're the same guy who's always replying "no! you can't have NTR! no you can't have r9k! no! no! no!"
You're the one doing this shit and have the nerve to talk about schizos and meds? lmao
Great art wasted on shit content and if that image is anything to go by it won't be any different.
again, doing what you moron? discussing momcest? yea sorry about that

you're definitely the same guy
We get it you have dad issues and like to cuck dads now go back to your ntr thread where theres plenty of husbands getting their wife cucked
There it is
Hyji's Part 10 preview.
>The main story is 49 pages long, so I think it will take the whole of next month to finish.
If all goes well, it will likely be released in early March.
Hyji also added this one cause he wanted to try a new style but it takes longer to do.>>8442399
There's also anal in it.
Link to preview? is it a tweet or something?
Who here is a decent momcest translator for Japanese to English?
Dude it will be a great momcest story the fuck are you on about?

Are you gay?
He is mega gay

me, but why? it takes time and work
Well It has botherd me for a long time how there are still a few god tier momcest stories not in English.

I wanted to see if anybody was open to work on some?
I've only done visual novels so maybe someone else here is more suitable if it's doujin work
You do VN's? Are you open to new work?
Maybe. Like I said it's a lot of work. Since I make nothing from it I do it at snail pace on my free time
As long as it gets finished then who cares. So you up for suggestions?
Sure, which ones do you like?
You have discord or other online handle?
sure, add bloo5427 on cord
>retard who copes about incest hentai not being made is actually because his schizo headcanon theory says its due to demand and not laws is the same retard who loves ntr and hates people who dislike it
mental illness
>incest hentai
goalpost moving
it's about mom-son, not incest you little bitch
and we proved already how wrong you were specificially because of that difference
just like how netori and netorase are subgenres of ntr, mom-son incest is a subgenre of... thats right, incest
and maybe... just maybe the reason why incest hentai doesnt get made is the same reason why mom-son incest doesnt get made
but you're too retarded to have any critical thinking skills, you just repeat the same boring insults that brown people say
next you'll throw another tantrum over ntr again
keep coping, i guess
She's every son's wet dream. I wish my real mom was like that, but it's probably reaaally good that she isn't, for my own sake.
you're straight up retarded. the arguments that you think are helping you win are the arguments that prove how dumb you are. It's very funny
Case in point,
NTR (Ne - to- ra- re) - a very popular genre. It has exploded in recent years
Ne - to - ri (read that again with your glasses on to be sure) - kinda popular but definitely not to the same degree

Even though these are two discussions that you're now mixing together because you're an idiot,it also kind of applies to the momcest. Siscon and Momcon are two different things. One is kinda popular and you see a lot of it out there, and the other not so much. It's that simple to understand if you weren't a peanut brain inbred child the way you are
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Honestly it sucks so many people are acual netorare cucks these days.

Momcest is dropping in popularity. And all the new rules that come out all the time against blood related incest comics and games doesnt help.
>i have no proper counterargument so im going to continue to hurl insults like a brown person
netori is a subgenre of netorare
they are also both conjugations of the same word (netoru)
likewise, all incest are part of the same genre
keep coping though, you look stupider and stupider with every post
>why you hurling insults it's not like i also hurl insults
little bitch

You don't get to put it all in the same basket to pretend they're all the same popularity. And then turn around and act like momcest is split into "good momcest" and "bad momcest with husband uuuuu x("
bitch, netori will be posted here and you can't do shit! cry
Still want something...?

I'm done. That's it, right?
Oh my...! What's that sad look in your eyes...
Do you still want me to do something?

Wait, you're kidding me, right?
You don't want me to clean this with my mouth, do you?

Please, Mom.
>noo you cant counter my insults with your own insults!
>they're not the same thing because the popularity is different!
your posts continue to get stupider and stupider with every post
is this what happens when your addicted to ntr?
keep coping about dads showing up
Whats the issue with netori?

Who cares about the mc's dad? Momcest is momcest.
At this point I'm certain he's mentally Ill or something. I was sure he couldn't read last time, but he can't read and he's mentally ill.
I think he was cucked in real life, and so it's a trigger for him. Be respectful
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Do you want your future wife getting fucked by another man?
That would be netorare not netori.
Its the same thing
Its the same thing. One means getting cucked the other means doing the cucking.
So no its not the same thing.
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Any japanese to English translators here?
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Notice how they both involve adultery and infidelity
so? it's porn, not a telenovella
the genre is defined by what kind of consumer it's targetting, stupid ass
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imagine the smell
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You don't have to.
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Bro get out with your degusting shit.

Your moms pussy smells like a rotten fish.
What is wrong with the anime? Finally they released a momcest anime and there wasn't even any sex.
haha too much info...
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Don't know, but wish they went the mom route. Despite all the sadist shit the marriage proposal and the incest sex at the end was really good, worth the build up i say. Wish they kept the anime strictly about the mom route but i guess they're planning a sort of mixed route of both heroines? Though I wouldn't know, It is a bummer there's nothing on the first episode though. Going by the novel there probably won't be sex on the next one either lol, tehre's a lot of sado masochist shit in this novel, so it'll take some time to get to the sex.
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Anyone interested in this game? How was the previous one?
Are there any game recommendations?
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>the genre is defined by what kind of consumer it's targetting
Which is people who are into cheating, adultery, infidelity, affairs
yeah! just like if a website has "brown hair" as a tag, suddenly that becomes a genre
stupid ass
You must be really dumb. There are people who are into certain hair colors.
so? that doesn't mean there's a "brown hair" genre. it's just a thing that some porn has. also known as a tag or trait

likewise, "cheating" is just a thing that's in porn but doesn't inform what kind of porn it is. it could be gay porn, hell it could be bestiality
>>8427582 (OP)
>cheating doesn't inform what kind of porn it is
Its cheating porn...
no. the video of me and your mom is vanilla, actually
It's actually carrot porn if she puts a carrot in her ass. I'm into that
stupid ass
Funny how the guy calling others stupid with every post is the one making stupid posts
What was stupid about that? Are you saying carrot porn is not a thing?
Hey guys
Im looking for a sauce that was posted here a long long time ago. Tried searching for it on hitomi but no luck.
A son has sex with his mom while shes sleeping, but the authors art is very unique, there are also pages/panels where he has night vision goggles since the lights are off? That or the author just does the scenes in the dark with a gren tint (which they did for other works). The author has a lot of incest material, with a good chunk being younger male older female, and the art style was distinct (with almost all his works being in color?) in that he focused a lot of detail on the lighting kinda. If any of you are familiar, any help is appreciated.
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wish miyabi made a manga again someday.
Not only is the dad getting cucked she's also getting sexually harassed by the men around her at work
Mom casually soliciting the sex instead of the son
Doesn't that only happen in the boy's imagination?
Can somebody here work with rpgmaker ace and is willing to work on momcest mod for a game.
Should the son call her "Mom" during sex, or is it better for him to call her by her real name as proof of conquering her as his own woman?
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Visiting from the Mom NTR thread, don't shoot the messenger. Orcsoft a developer which usually makes ntr is announced a new bait-and-switch momcest VN.

>son hates his rich dad for neglecting him to focus on his job
>mom is an airhead who wanted to buy dad an expensive watch but fell for a scam, finances are separate so can't pay off debt with husband's money
>son is somehow secretly a millionaire from daytrading
>LARPs as an anonymous benefactor who gets off to momcest who'll repay the mom's debt in exchange for her filming sex with the son (himself)

Will you fags even like this? I don't know who the target audience is supposed to be.
Orcsoft doesn't always make NTR, although they usually always make weird shit. I don't feel like that's bait and switch, you can play the demo they put out, and they also put out a story summary
From a wholesome momcest point of view that kind of story isn't even necessarily bad if mom ends up liking it, and the son reveals what he did, and mom realizes that he saved her. It can still become pretty wholesome. But that's a big if. Orcsoft won't live up to it
>is it better for him to call her by her real name as proof of conquering her as his own woman?
big fan of this
It's not bait and switch, it's a story about a real mom and her shota son.

Also, the son doesn't hate his dad persee. His dad just thinks his son is a loser for being fat and being bullied, and ignores him because of this. But in reality, the son isn't bullied and actually earns his own money by trading. Did you even read the story?

He just wants to bang his hot mom.

It's clear you don't like any momcest with any kind of tension or dad being involved. We get it, dude.

I think this will be the best momcest of the year after talking yo the dev on Twitter.

He makes all kinds of games, not just netorare.
Considering Orcsoft made arguably the best mother x son incest novel with orutoro , and looking at the tweets, yeah I'll probably like this, shit this doesn't even have a best friend to share the bitch with or doesnt seem like it. So going by just that, people will probably like it.
Because Mommy loves her baby boy and would never cheat on him :)
>Mom NTR
Stopped reading there, decapitate yourself pathetic cuckold
why does he look fat in the sex image but not in the family photograph?
Old pic? guy got fat? depending on what he ate he could have gained the weight pretty fast too.
I don't know if you're someone else replying in that person's stead, but the person I quoted called the son a shota confidently, even though he looks nothing like a shota. He does look like a shota in the family photo though
Yeah I'm not him, though you're right. That is probably an old family photo and that is not clearly a shota standing behind her.
He cant. Its the same as going black. Once your into being a cuck you cant stop. Eventualy you start yo hate yourself. And wonder why cant I be a chad who gets the girl.
He looks fat to me in all images showing him. Most mc guys have like a six pack in hentai games. XD
He is a shota dude he is half the size of his mom. In some sex pics you wont see this so clear. But it is clear when they stand next to eachother.
There is no old family pic. Its him. Ask the dev if you dont believe it. XD
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This was already posted but here you go. Its a shota end of discuz. :D
Nobody is saying it's not him, we're saying he GOT FAT you XD retard.
He did not get fat you imbecile. He is always been fat.

He is just wearing clothes where you dont see it.

No where its mentiond he was tin at any point.
I'd be surprised too if he was tin at any point too.
Speaking of Momcest, I'm trying to find a h manga from years ago where a mom and son start fucking and eventually the daughter finds out. Initially she's disgusted but the mother/son just kind of ignore her and do it in front of her and eventually she joins in. As far as I can recall it's just the mother, son and one daughter.
You seem to know a lot about going black
I guess the art is just inconsistent. Anyway this kid is just kimo so I doubt there will be any wholesome qualities to this product. Which is to be expected, momcest fans always get shafted, we never get nice things
Even in that family pic he is half the size of his dad.

The porn art I seen of the game kinda make his size unclear.
Your mom told me about it.
>Fatfuck shota with a fat dick breeds his mom
I will now play your game.
thats why i told him to end his pathetic cuck life
so much anger... it's not good for you
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by the gods, kino has dropped
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I thought this was the same cuck dad from this. Either way more cool dads in momcest ftw.
you're in the wrong thread
the ntr thread is two blocks down
What being bored does to a motherfucker...

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