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unoriginal edition

previous: >>8365100
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There will be no pictures from BBF this month. There are two spanking pictures: one with two Pokemons and another with a character from their spanking comic featuring the boy from "Jackie Chan" and a busty woman in a blue jumpsuit.
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the entire set
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Is there an archive of their pics?
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uzumaki kushina in nude
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We ran out of forks at home today, so Mahiro tried the traditional punishment method... apparently it didn't work.
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Since Mahiro's punishment was ineffective, Mahiro's mother, Yoriko, took over the punishment, and the punishment seemed to be very effective.
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>The sight of a woman in pain is just exaggerated.
"That's just how women are."
"Who said it was okay to touch without permission?"
"I'm... I'm so sorry...!"
"We're starting over from scratch."
Hitting the butt 100 times is a number that men think lightly of.
For women, it's a number they wouldn't even want to imagine.
But always, it's a routine number of times that their husbands spank them.
Even if a man is only spanked three times, he would avoid the whip because it hurts.
Men who have never been spanked think that women are just pretending to be in pain.
Shizuka's husband is the same.
She was spanked 96 times, but in the end, it was too painful, and Shizuka touched her own butt.
Maybe because of her age, recently her husband's whip feels even more painful.
Her husband intends to start hitting that bleeding butt again without mercy.
Moreover, he will likely punish her for not being obedient during the spanking.
This is why women maintain their posture no matter how painful 100 hits may be.
Wait, what?
Bad translation.

"Ahh...!! Thank you...!!!
Phew...!!! Thank you...!!!!"
A daily life where my husband spanks me for no reason.
As if to say, "If you don't like it, get out of the house!"
He spanks me until my bottom is bruised, but
33-year-old Ran is being spanked today as well,
maintaining her posture without any collapse until he forgives her.
Ran has completely depended on her husband for both her body and mind, and the result is her current state.

For her husband,
the sight of a woman resting at home is unimaginable.
"I... I can't take it anymore...!"
One weekend afternoon at 1 PM.
After finishing the meal, her husband, who is used to analog things, is reading the newspaper, while the wife is being punished in front of her husband once again.
This is the typical scene of this couple.
When Shizuka, who has finished her housework, rests beside her silent husband, a long silence flows, and eventually, she ends up in this position.
Above all, it must be unacceptable for a wife to rest in front of her husband.
Shizuka will continue to be punished like this until she prepares dinner.
Today, she is being punished in a more severe posture than usual, but as she gets older, her attitude towards corporal punishment is likely to worsen.
The common sense that has existed since ancient times to manage one's wife more strictly as she ages must surely be in her husband's mind.
Time for self-reflection while looking at herself.
28-year-old Chizuru.
She reflects for 10 hours facing her own eyes while naked.
Chizuru must always undergo this punishment after being spanked by her husband.
The shame of seeing her own bright red bottom...
But that only lasts for a moment.
If her hands leave her thighs or she looks away from her own eyes, or if she spills the water from the cup above her head, she will be spanked again and put in a reflective posture for another 10 hours.
It's just standing still, but even 10 minutes is quite tough.
After four hours, her whole body is trembling and truly suffering.
"I can't take it anymore... It's impossible..!!"
The remaining six hours are truly a severe punishment.
Above all, not knowing how much time has passed while being punished must be the most mentally distressing part.

The purpose of relieving her husband's stress
28-year-old Suoy
Every night, Suoy is bound by this device and is whipped on the buttocks with a thick whip until her husband forgives her.
This device was specially made to fit Suoy's body when they got married.
No matter how much she cries or how much she screams for forgiveness the pain in her buttocks is so intense that she even loses control of her bladder, her buttocks will be thoroughly whipped until her husband's stress is relieved.
The sight of Suoy shaking her hair to endure the pain is merely one element that helps relieve her husband's stress.
This is the position and role of Suoy as a slave wife.
Today as well, she is being whipped on her buttocks until it bleeds while screaming for help.
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Doesn't look familiar. I recommend linking photos in this thread, or you may get jannie'd.
the only results that image gives are tumblr ones:
looks like sarah gregory to me.
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The problem with having a big butt is not only is spanking the first idea everyone has when you misbehave, but people insist that it needs to be colored red in its entirety so you get the paddle every time too.
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As if anyone needed more evidence these people don't belong on /h/
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>he's still seething
get a life
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He's right. That anon posted an image depicting real people, which is blatantly against the rules.
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I have 3D smut saved on my hard drive like anyone else, but I would never make the retard move of actually posting it on the hentai board. That kinda screams "I'm new here."
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wrongfully accused scenarios are great
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These implements are weird.
What's weird about feather duster and a whip?
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We need more Reimu spanking art.
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If you know your 2hus, Yukari kind of deserves it more. But I'm a stickler for conventional scenes with a taller spanker and a smaller spankee and Yukari is VERY TALL, so who's available to spank her? Yuugi? Eirin? A 30m tall Suika?

Call it Yaoi Determinism or whatever. I don't care.
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>he's not even posting spanking now
kill yourself
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cute picture
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Take your whiney drama back to /d/.
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Post spanking pics or fuck off
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The anticipatory wiggle is really cute. Just screams "We both know you're not gonna let me off the hook, so start already".
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Anticipation can add a lot. I like this pic where the girl knows she's going to get it once she's out of the bathtub.
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I don't really get Santa's insistence on dropping a naughty girl under my Christmas tree every year.
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Are we regretting the move to /h/ yet?
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We just need more posters. What's happened to fellow butt bruising enthusiasts...

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Here you go, anon
I think there are many spank enthusiasts here. The problem is that many pics in this thread are /e/ material, and that's a turn off.
If you are implying that pictures without girthy veiny dicks don't turn you on, I'm sorry to hear that...
Nice projection but I mean explicit sexual pictures.
why do you keep posting in this thread if you hate spanking so much
I don't know what are you talking about. What I know is that you didn't read or understand what I wrote.
there's a particularly autistic anon who keeps spamming the thread with sex pics and telling us to go to /e/, i thought you were him.
Dude, nobody here mentioned /e/ before me. What are you talking about?
I prefer the original.
When I was 14 years oId me and my friend bullied a 12 year old girl who was chinese and lived on our street for a few days and she told her mom. Her mom and the girl came over to the house and the mom demanded I apologise for calling her kid a chinky and shoving her onto the ground. The girI said she wanted to spank me after I apoIogised and my mom made me take my jeans and underwear off and the girl spanked me.
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One of these is mine :3
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I think this red haired maido called Margaret is someone's prefered OC
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Spoonfeeding time:
- https://www.pixiv.net/en/tags/%E3%82%B9%E3%83%91%E3%83%B3%E3%82%AD%E3%83%B3%E3%82%B0%20or%20%E3%81%8A%E5%B0%BB%E5%8F%A9%E3%81%8D%20or%20%E3%81%8A%E5%B0%BB%E3%83%9A%E3%83%B3%E3%83%9A%E3%83%B3%20or%20spanking%20or%20spank%20or%20%E6%89%93%E5%B1%81%E8%82%A1
- https://www.pixiv.net/tags/canning/artworks
- https://skeb.jp/search?q=spanking
- https://skeb.jp/search?q=%E5%B0%BB%E5%8F%A9%E3%81%8D
- https://skeb.jp/search?q=%E3%82%B9%E3%83%91%E3%83%B3%E3%82%AD%E3%83%B3%E3%82%B0
- https://skeb.jp/search?q=%E3%81%8A%E5%B0%BB%E3%83%9A%E3%83%B3%E3%83%9A%E3%83%B3
- https://skeb.jp/search?q=%E3%81%8A%E4%BB%95%E7%BD%AE%E3%81%8D
- https://www.fanbox.cc/tags/spanking
- https://www.fanbox.cc/tags/%E3%81%8A%E5%B0%BB%E5%8F%A9%E3%81%8D
- https://www.fanbox.cc/tags/%E5%B0%BB%E5%8F%A9%E3%81%8D
- https://www.fanbox.cc/tags/%E3%82%B9%E3%83%91%E3%83%B3%E3%82%AD%E3%83%B3%E3%82%B0
- https://www.fanbox.cc/tags/%E3%81%8A%E5%B0%BB%E3%83%9A%E3%83%B3%E3%83%9A%E3%83%B3
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Epic Hookup

5.49 GB (11 000) images
BBF Spanking: https://mega.nz/folder/QnIVnSyQ#rQ7RZ9EO4iq_eBzUpDv8YA
Thanks, is there a collection of previous pics from him?
ooops, uploaded western one. Error: You cannot delete a post this old.
>western one
It's fine.
Makima spanked
No, it's not.
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I really love whatever this shit is called.
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It's so great when they're crying.
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hell yeah
杖刑 is incredibly hot.
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>this artist is gone after April
its always the good ones
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Wait, is that the Slime Witch?
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the inflamed red anus and the ugly scribble of pubes are so nasty looking that I got nauseous
That guy just wants to shit up this thread. He only pops up to post nasty shit.
where's the spanking?
keep seething faggot
sorry, I'll try harder to learn how to masturbate to illustrations of infected buttholes so I can be cool like you
Not a lot of spanking art focuses on the initial undressing so I really appreciate this one. Exposing the butt is just as humiliating as striking it.
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It's like peeling exotic fruit before eating it, the anticipation makes it more tasty.

Also a really good time to demand an apology.
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