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So what's up with indie animators absolutely shitting on professional hentai in terms of animation quality? I've never seen anything from a hentai studio animated this well.
They don't have to make a profit, so they can spend as much of their time as they want.
Also the runtime of their output is way less. Indie animators take a year to make a vid half as long as a single hentai ep
op btfo with facts and logic
>I've never seen anything from a hentai studio animated this well.

Anon... what slop hentai are you watching
>They don't have to make a profit, so they can spend as much of their time as they want.
>Also the runtime of their output is way less. Indie animators take a year to make a vid half as long as a single hentai ep

There's also the fact that they have the freedom to operate entirely on their own schedule that's most comfortable for them, so they have all the time they need to correct any errors and refine/perfect the animations they work on for optimal quality. Studios on the other hand have set release schedules that have to be met to maintain their business. So
it's harder to get better quality consistently unless you have great animators who know what they're doing and can work well within those time frames.
basically anything made after mid 2000s
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These animators are definitely working full time given their output frequency, so they do have to make a profit(and are certainly doing so). They also publish their animations every 1-3 months on average if you look at their feeds.Yea they're shorter than full length episodes, but if we proportionally compared what one indie animator outputs compared to a fully staffed studio, it makes the studios look pretty bad.

Kuroinu, and the H-scenes from Mezzo Forte/A Kite, are the only real highlights I can think of, everything else kind of blends into a sea of mediocrity
Because indie animators are not animating entire episodes. They're not limited by the time budget allotted to them, nor are they limited by the money budget allotted to the project. It's an entirely different scale of project, and it's safe to say that if they tried to animate even a single episode of something on a similar level then you'd get an episode a year at absolute best. The most ambitious link you posted was still just a few cuts of looping animation, nowhere near the full extent of what's required for a complete episode of anime.

And btw there are professionally made h-anime that do exceed these. Bible Black is around the level of these at points, maybe slightly worse but over the course of several OVA series, and Front Innocent was so immaculate that it was a one-and-done because it killed the studio. There's more too but I've done enough spoonfeeding for today.

They're not really making a profit in the same way though. An H-anime's success is determined by the amount copies it sells, while these guys are getting paid so long as they continue to put out attractive animations. In the case of h-anime, it's far more important to just get the work done and out the door as an increase in effort and quality does not necessarily equate to a proportional increase in sales. This is true of patreon subscriptions too, the amount of effort and quality of the work does not necessarily lead to a proportional increase of income, but the individual artist has the time and flexibility of schedule to spend months animating just a couple of cuts of animation. while a studio needs to worry about getting the series done and out the door so they can move on to the next work. Deadlines matter.
>Because indie animators are not animating entire episodes.

You say this like professional studios don't consist of multiple key animators, in-betweeners, background artists, color artists, all assigned to different scenes.
>The most ambitious link you posted was still just a few cuts of looping animation

It's a preview, the full version is more than double in length and was also released with 2 other versions with different fetishes.
They are, but deadlines exist. Those people get the cut, do their bit and send it back. If they're late, like say if they spent weeks immaculately animating a cut immaculately, then they're replaced and become known as someone who can't be relied upon to get work in on schedule. An animation production is far more complicated a process than just one guy animating a few cuts with no deadline and full control over the project.

Even still, we're comparing apple to oranges here.
I cant wait for AI to take down all these studios
>provides no sources for his claims
I'm not just gonna believe what you say without evidence, fagboat. Provide sources, artists, and animations, or admit you're just spreading total bullshit. No in-betweens. Your image has absolutely not context behind it.
as if it wouldn't just make them pump out even sloppier slop than they do now
AI will make it so that everyone can publish slop, which in turn will make those studios go under

I cant wait for it
>Animator working on parody content
>most recent output is a fucking zelda animation
oh gee anon I wonder why this wouldn't be a valid comparison to a legitimate studio
>AI will make it so that everyone can publish slop
they already can, with Koikatsu and MMD and shit, but most are too lazy to even lift a single finger and AI will make that worse
Everyone can publish whatever they want right now. AI didn't make that possible, the fucking internet did.
Satoshi Urushihara anyone?
First posts, best posts
>Kuroinu, and the H-scenes from Mezzo Forte/A Kite, are the only real highlights I can think of
And even those are not as smooth as OPs example.
Now reword all of that as if you were some bimbo slut as befitting the /h/ board
sauce on OP
Indie animators do shit as they please, as long as they have enough income to get by. They can painstakingly work on all of that shit.

A studio animating hentai is a business, and one with far beneath mainstream levels of budget, because it's not for mainstream consumption. If you think the animation sucks, that's because they're literally cutting corners because the end product is what they can afford to pull off for their pay and their available time.
This is some hilarious fucking delusion if you think the industry will die to tech like that. Even real, long-time pros who know how the animation industry works from the inside are completely unthreatened by it. They have a more realistic and stable perspective, which is that AI will be of great use, but as tools.

But more importantly, where we are now, and where we'll be for the forseeable future? AI slop is not comparable to real artists' work. It's not even close. This is because AI development does not have any contextual understanding or learning. It's just reading data and outputting data that inscrutably follows patterns. Even the people behind the machines doing the coding don't fully comprehend some of the things the machine ends up doing; they just know that the output loosely resembles the goal that they're trying to achieve. Even just looking at these slop models, there are certain things that it's something like impossible to get them to not do, because you can't explain what the problem is and the machines don't have a mind that can start to consider that problems or desired outcomes even exist.

And to go further beyond that, AI has to be "trained" on data. That data comes from humans making work. The training data can only change effectively if humans make more art that can be fed in. "We'll just feed the machine more stuff that it made," is an argument that gets thrown around, and is an absolute fool's errand. AI slop already has strong biases (as noted previously), and training it on more of its own output will only make those biases stronger, and cause the new output to get stranger. We're literally already seeing it in language models, where AI-written articles are being posted, then sucked back up into the machine as new data, which just reinforces the weird shit that it does.

I look forward to the day that the development of art gets easier and more accessible with smart digital tools, but the sloppers are wrong.
Seriously I am so sick of hearing retards shit themselves and hype up other faggots for making simple shorts that probably took them ages. It's always the same shit.
They don't have to work on deadline. They don't have to work on budget. They're producing smaller scale projects outside the industry.
Hentai is being made for cheaper and cheaper budgets because porn as a commercial product with a single price point has been on the decline for decades, ever since online video streaming became convenient. This isn't exclusive to hentai; live-action porn has been taking hits along the same timeframe for the same reasons. Indie animators with a patreon can avoid this because they don't market their work as a product, they market themselves as a personality and convince people to pay for that.
>and it's safe to say that if they tried to animate even a single episode of something on a similar level then you'd get an episode a year at absolute best.
Derpixon is a good example of this. Took 2 years for the 2nd Fandel Tales to come out.
There is only one animation made by an amateur that destroyed the industry and it was not and hentai.
The videos you provided are just high quality loops, they are not even complete episodes. Something like that brings me back to the 90thies when I watched DBZ.
I even noticed some mistakes, like Ichigo nipples in the first frame.
Dunno why you guys are being so defensive. The hentai industry is pretty obviously garbage and has been for a while.
If they can no longer make stuff like Bible Black and Front Innocent what's even the point? Yeah i get to see a sliding jpg tracing of a manga panel cool
Probably boring garbage like Bible Black
Gotta love AIfags pretending the most popular prompter isn't as slop as the most normie hentai artist.
If you don't commit to your grand design, don't even bother using AI. Head to your slop machine at your nearest corner.
Kek, what a hack.
At this rate, he's on the same pace as the guy behind FFSX
??? studios already take nearly that time to animate hentai, you think they go do it in one month? in anime they sometimes need to delay the second half like 4 months to keep up even when the studios are fully staffed lol is absolute cope pretendign 1 person doing better quality animation is not mogging the japoanese industry, theres a reason japan starting to fall off to china, they are starting to do their animations themselves and the quality is on pair with the best jp studios
China will destroy hentai
AI is shit, AIfags are retarded
Dude has been putting out some god tier Bleach content, even gave us Futa and pregnant options.

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