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Akina or Chizuru? From that onsen doujin
And explain why
Preivous thread that got nuked https://archived.moe/h/thread/8055391
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Not my fault previous thread got nuked
where do you even see that nowadays
You can't anymore fuck hiroyuki
I guess we talked about everything now we wait until the next teaser of his new work, let the thread die
Nobody is talking about his last Two works. Every thread topic is about the two moms in the hot springs.
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It's just one anon who is obsessed with the onsen one. The thing is his last two works are kind of shit, the last one was average and the one before was just weird because it was with a JK main girl and no cheating or anything, felt out of place. I guess i can post my favourite page for each of them.
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and for the JK one
The reason why the thread is dying. Even if Mosquitoman releases a "great"(the last two has been mid at best) one next (fingers crossed) you can't talk about one comic for a whole year straight, it's gonna get old quick. He only releases one comic a year.
Well i like his works so much that i'm always up for a talk about any of his works, anything really. It's just that except for the very first MM thread most anons coming here are just spamming bump or talk like fucking bots so it's not really helping. I mean i don't even remember a single good conversation about his last work to be honest, even if it's was mid i would still like to talk about it. I was the first OP of these threads but i stopped after the first one and i don't want to spam my old popularity survey or something to create fake talk.
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They were fine for the genre, artistically it's pretty clear to me he's gotten better (more details, better coloring).
His real problem is that he's been caring more about his stories and setups, despite the fact that he does his best work once the degeneracy is in full swing. Both of his most recent works stopped when things were actually getting interesting. It's the same problem with his office wife blackmail work, he just needed to keep building. Hopefully his next work is a continuation of a previous work or much longer than last time.
>Hopefully his next work is a continuation of a previous work or much longer than last time.
I emailed him some time ago and he said that he is not going to do that. It's not like he is against sequel but his answer was that he have so many ideas and so many things he want to draw that he don't have time to expand an older work. It's a shame i know but thanks to that we have a new god-tier MILF design every time.
God dammit that's such a shame. Yeah he's capable of making S-tier MILF designs but if he spends a 1/3 of a work building up the plot then we only have a handful of pages with actual smut.
I feel like only the JK one have this flaw because it was only around 30 pages while his last one or the one with office wife for example are around 60 pages. By the way the JK one got many bad reviews from the japanese on fanza because they all felt that it was way too short so you are not alone thinking like that. I do think that building up is really important for the smut to have an impact on me though. My problem isn't with his pacing but with his drawing which feel way too "digital" drawing tablet and also some setting are just not good. The last one was just bad it's aunt x nephew incest and felt so weird for a MM work. I prefer when the NTR guy is outside of the family, a stranger, or a neighbor, a son's friend.
Yeah the JK one was the worst about feeling unfinished. It ended with a love hotel dress-up scene? C'mon.
>his drawing which feel way too "digital" drawing tablet and also some setting are just not good
Honestly I don't get this feeling myself since I thought some of his coloring and linework in his old works were a little out of place and sloppy.
I personally don't have an issue with it being in the family really, but I do feel his best NTR was done with a character not related to the MILF.
It's kind of annoying that he feels that he has so many ideas yet takes so much time in between releases, but he's one of a kind so I can only wish him the best. It'd be nice if he had a fanbox or something, but he probably doesn't want to feel pressured by fans.
Yeah i know what you mean for the coloring and linework, it's easier to do them on tablet than plain drawing so no wonder they look less sloppy than his first works but i still prefer his old style it's the one who hooked me on his artwork to begin with. I think he take so much time between release because he is not full time ero mangaka, he have a real job and drawing is just his hobby but maybe i'm wrong. He said he don't know how to setup a fanbox when we talked by mail iirc he seems like an old man who don't want to bother with all that desu
>He said he don't know how to setup a fanbox when we talked by mail iirc he seems like an old man who don't want to bother with all that desu
Based. While I think that on average Jap artists have gotten much better in the past few decades, I still love the artstyle done by oldfags the best (when it's done well). They usually are more unique and have better writing chops if they make comics.
How about no?
Do more of every mosquitoman milf character
We need better cooked lora
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I wish the anon who made fanmade 3D version of Sayuri and Wakako was still lurking because i wanted to ask him what game/software he used. If you are still on /h/ please answer anon
Not that anon but that's definitely Koikatsu. I can tell because that's one of the default poses.
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Really? I never tried Koikatsu before so i'm curious. Is it easy to make your own texture for clothes and all? Because he managed to make something really close to the OG chara-design with the face, the clothes and all. Or maybe it's already in the game? See Wakako.
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To compare with the OG
Yeah it's pretty simple to make you're own textures for clothes, you just need to find an outfit that looks similar and make edits to it. The hard part is making an accurate face and creating the hair. The good thing is there's guides for everything. There's also a chance that the anon who made these used an old character card (character cards are basically the model for koikatsu) and heavily edited to his liking/made it look more accurate.
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I see. I'm very bad when it comes to create your own stuff and i've never played Koikatsu so i don't know how difficult it is to make a character so close to the real one like this. I wish he did all the MM milfs though, or someone else could take over. Since it's Koikatsu i guess you can use the model in a lot of sex scenes right? On Pixiv i see a lot of Koikatsu stuff they are making their own stories and situations it's great.
Again to compare
You're in luck anon. I just checked to see if anyone made any mosquitoman cards and ended up finding him.
And to your previous question, yes you can use character cards (models) and load them into a scene of your liking.
Holy fuck that was quick, thanks anon. It seems he gave up making new cards since last year though. What a shame he made only Wakako and Sayuri for MM but on his pixiv there is also Kamio Natsuko from my fav eroge ever and Manami Katsura the best mom of School Days. He is very talented desu. I wonder if it's hard to use a character card and to load it into a scene, i need to dig more info on Koikatsu.
Yeah do some research. What I can tell you is to download "BetterRepack" from screwthisnoise which comes with all the important mods. Check the koikatsu thread on /h/ to learn more.
Good idea. It has almost all mods you need
Do i really have to dl Koikatsu normal version for the studio or i can do it in Koikatsu Sunshine too? Because Sunshine seems like the best version no doubt
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What's the doujin this is referencing? I checked the other doujins and all the women have different names
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It's very misleading because it's referencing the first "mom & playboy" volume which was with Sayuri but it's not a sequel at all, different characters but same "timeline". Sayuri was hit on by Fujio Hiruma and it's him who also picked up Misako (off-screen) before introducing her to his colleagues. See those pages it will become more clear.
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Has this ever been animated before? I feel like I've seen animation with this art style before.
Nope, only doujin for now
Really? wow. I could've sworn I've seen this artwork before.. If I can find an example I'll post it.
>Has this ever been animated before?
Nope. Not even JAV
I hope he goes back to this gyarus at one point
this one was my favorite and I think she's one of the oldest ones, dunno why she stopped her story
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Wdym oldest one? She is the youngest MILF he ever draw
that's yoshie... if you are going to repost my old collage please at least write the good name in the filename
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Anyone else get the feeling as oldfags retire or die off were going to get increasingly homogenous art styles? I'm not even talking about AI, it just seems like most newer artists have much less variation in their work.
On unrelated note . If anybody gonna make Mosquito man lora for AI. Please stick to just one - two doujin. Mosquito's old and new doujins look different
Did you really post the same image as the OP again? damn this thread really need to die and stay dead because posters have nothing to say
we need more new art from this artist
Making a new thread every time won't make him release new art anon, it's time to wait i think
There's usually news come October so leave this thread up til then
waiting til October
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